763 research outputs found

    Circulating adhesion molecules and arterial stiffness

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    Aim: VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 are two important members of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily of adhesion molecules, and their potential role as biomarkers of diagnosis, severity and prognosis of cardiovascular disease has been investigated in a number of clinical studies. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between circulating ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 levels and aortic stiffness in patients referred for echocardiographic examination. Methods: Aortic distensibility was determined by echocardiography using systolic and diastolic aortic diameters in 63 consecutive patients referred for echocardiography. Venous samples were collected in the morning after a 12-hour overnight fast, and serum concentrations of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 were measured using commercial enzyme immunoassay kits. Results: Data of a total of 63 participants (mean age 55.6 ± 10.5 years, 31 male) were included in the study. Circulating levels of adhesion molecules were VCAM-1: 12.604 ± 3.904 ng/ml and ICAM-1: 45.417 ± 31.429 ng/ml. We were unable to demonstrate any correlation between indices of aortic stiffness and VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 levels. Conclusion: The role of soluble adhesion molecules in cardiovascular disease has not been fully established and clinical studies show inconsistent results. Our results indicate that levels of circulating adhesion molecules cannot be used as markers of aortic stiffness in patients

    Chemoradiotherapy for elderly patients with rectal cancer: A single‑institution study

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    Introduction: The incidence of cancer, particularly rectal cancer (RC), in older adults is gradually increasing. The aim of the present study was to evaluate radiotherapy (RT) and chemoradiotherapy (CRT) results, clinicopathological features, and survival factors in older patients with RC. Methods: We evaluated patients aged ≥65 years with RC treated at a radiation oncology clinic. The demographic, clinical, and histopathological data of the patients were obtained by reviewing their medical records. The toxicity criteria of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group were applied. Results: Among 401 patients with RC, 183 (45.6%) were older adults (65–92 years). Furthermore, 122 (66.7%) patients had clinically stage 3 and above RC, and 183 and 91 patients received RT and neoadjuvant CRT, respectively. Surgical treatment was performed for 116 (63.4%) patients, 41 (34.4%) and 76 (65.6%) of whom underwent postoperative CRT and preoperative RT, respectively. Grade 3 or higher toxicity was observed in 22 (18.9%) patients during CRT. RT was performed in 64 patients(35%) at a 1–15‑day interval. The mean follow‑up duration was 34.7 (range, 1.4–149.0) months. The 2‑ and 5‑year overall survival (OS) rates were 71.4 and 37.4%, respectively, and the 2‑ and 5‑year disease‑free survival (DFS) rates were 65.7 and 35.3%, respectively. OS was 49.4 and 34.9 months for patients aged 65–74 and ≥75 years, respectively. Survival was shorter in patients with the advanced geriatric disease (p = 0.013). In the multivariate analysis, factors affecting overall and DFS were age, distance from the tumor to the anal canal, and metastasis (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that the selection of treatment modalities for older patients with RC should be based on performance status and not age. RT and CRT were safe treatment modalities for older patients with RC, particularly for those who could not undergo surger

    Reactive Extraction of Propionic Acid Using Aliquat-336 in 2-Octanol: Linear Solvation Energy Relationship (LSER) Modeling and Kinetics Study

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    Reactive extraction is an important recovery method for extraction of propionic acid from dilute streams, providing numerous advantages like high selectivity and recovery. Equilibrium and kinetic study of reactive extraction is essential to choose a proper extractant-diluent for acid recovery and ascertain the kinetic parameters essential for design of the process. In this paper, the linear solvation energy relationship (LSER) modeling of reactive extraction of propionic acid using Aliquat 336 in 2-octanol as diluent was presented to obtain the model parameters. Also, the kinetics of extraction in stirred cell was presented to explain the progress of reactive extraction of propionic acid using Aliquat 336 in the diluent. The reaction was found to be fast pseudo first order. To design the reactor to carry out reactive extraction, the kinetic parameters evaluated are essential. Modeling using LSER model predict a close resemblance of experimental data

    Frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric and AC electrical conductivity in (Ni/Au)/AlGaN/AIN/GaN heterostructures

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The dielectric properties and AC electrical conductivity (sigma(ac))of the (Ni/Au)/Al(0.22)Ga(0.78)N/AlN/GaN heterostructures, with and without the SiN(x) passivation, have been investigated by capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage measurements in the wide frequency (5kHz-5 MHz) and temperature (80-400 K) range. The experimental values of the dielectric constant (epsilon'), dielectric loss (epsilon ''), loss tangent (tan delta), sigma(ac) and the real and imaginary part of the electric modulus (M' and M '') were found to be a strong function of frequency and temperature. A decrease in the values of epsilon' and epsilon '' was observed, in which they both showed an increase in frequency and temperature. The values of M' and M '' increase with increasing frequency and temperature. The sigma(ac) increases with increasing frequency, while it decreases with increasing temperature. It can be concluded, therefore, that the interfacial polarization can occur more easily at low frequencies and temperatures with the number of interface states density located at the metal/semiconductor interface. It contributes to the epsilon' and sigma(ac). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis may be diagnosed by exhaled-breath profiles:a multicenter pilot study

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    Background: The diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis often rely on expensive and invasive diagnostic approaches, which are not always discriminative since patients with chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma may present with similar symptoms. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in expired breath, could be used as a non-invasive diagnostic biological marker for detection of pancreatic pathology. Detection and discrimination of pancreatic pathology with an electronic nose has not yet been reported. Purpose: The objective of this pilot study was to determine the diagnostic potential of an electronic nose to identify pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis by analyzing volatile organic compoundg (VOC) profiles in exhaled air. Patients and methods: In a multicenter study, the exhaled air of 56 chronic pancreatitis patients, 29 pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients, and 74 disease controls were analyzed using an electronic nose based on 3 metal oxide sensors (MOS). The measurements were evaluated utilizing an artificial neural network. Results: VOC profiles of chronic pancreatitis patients could be discriminated from disease controls with an accuracy of 0.87 (AUC 0.95, sensitivity 80%, specificity 92%). Also, VOC profiles of patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma differed from disease controls with an accuracy of 0.83 (AUC 0.87, sensitivity 83%, specificity 82%). Discrimination between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma showed an accuracy of 0.75 (AUC 0.83, sensitivity 83%, specificity 71%). Conclusion: An electronic nose may be a valuable diagnostic tool in diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and chronic pancreatitis. The current study shows the potential of an electronic nose for discriminating between chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and healthy controls. The results from this proof-of-concept study warrant external validation in larger cohorts

    Frequency dependent electrical characteristics of (Ni/Au)/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures

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    The main electrical parameters such as ideality factor (n), zero bias barrier height (Bo), series resistances (R s), depletion layer width (W D) and interface state densities (N SS) of (Ni/Au)/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures have been extracted from the current-voltage (I-V) at room temperature, and frequency dependent capacitance voltage (C-V) and conductance-voltage (G/w-V) measurements. The high value of n and R s were attributed to the existence of an interfacial layer (IL) and particular distribution of N ss. The density distrubition profile of N ss was obtained from both forward bias I-V data and low-high frequency (C LF-C HF) measurement methods. In addition, the voltage dependent R s profile obtained both I-V and admittance measurements are in good agreement. As a result, the existence of an IL, R s and N ss lead to deviation from the ideal case of these heterostructures

    L-MYC gene polymorphism and risk of thyroid cancer

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    L-myc gene polymorphism is a representative genetic trait responsible for an individual’s susceptibility to several cancers. However, there have been no reports concerning the association between thyroid cancer and L-myc gene polymorphism. Aim: To analyze the distribution of L-myc gene polymorphism in Turkish patients with thyroid disorders and thyroid cancers. Methods: We used a molecular genotyping method, polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). We studied 138 patients of whom 47 had multinodular goiter, 13 had follicular cancer and 69 had papillar cancer, in comparison with control group of 109 healthy individuals. Results: No significant difference in the distribution of genotypes was observed between thyroid patients and controls. Carrying SS or LS genotype revealed a 1.96-fold (95% CI 0.573–6.706) risk for the occurrence of follicular cancer when compared with controls, and 3.11-fold (95% CI 0.952–10.216), when compared with multinodular goiter patients (p = 0.04). Conclusion: We suggest that L-myc genotype profiling together with other susceptibility factors, may be useful in the screening for thyroid nodular malignancy.Для ряда опухолей человека показана корреляция между риском развития опухоли и определенным вариантом гена L-MYC. Данные о наличии такой связи при раке щитовидной железы к настоящему времени отсутствуют. Цель: проанализировать распределение полиморфных типов гена L-MYC в популяции больных с доброкачественными и злокачественными поражениями щитовидной железы, включая рак щитовидной железы, в Турции. Методы: для анализа полиморфизма гена L-MYC использован метод молекулярного генотипирования, в частности, метод определения полиморфизма длины рестрикционных фрагментов, основанный на полимеразной цепной реакции (PCR-RFLP). Определение проводили в лейкоцитах 138 больных, в том числе 48 больных с узловым зобом, 13 больных фолликулярным раком щитовидной железы и 69 больных папиллярным раком. Контрольную группу составляли 109 здоровых лиц. Результаты: статистически достоверных различий в распределении исследуемых генотипов у больных с патологией щитовидной железы и здоровых лиц не выявили. Показано, что относительный риск фолликулярного рака щитовидной железы у больных-носителей генотипа SS или LS составляет 1,96 по сравнению со здоровыми лицами (при 95% доверительном интервале от 0,573 до 6,706) и 3,11 по сравнению с больными с узловым зобом (при 95% доверительном интервале от 0,952 до 10,216) (р = 0,04). Выводы: по нашему предположению, определение профиля полиморфизма гена L-MYC с учетом других факторов, определяющих предрасположенность к развитию опухолей, может быть полезным при скрининге озлокачествления узелковых образований щитовидной железы

    Frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric and AC electrical conductivity in (Ni/Au)/AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures

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    The dielectric properties and AC electrical conductivity (σ ac)of the (Ni/Au)/Al 0.22Ga 0.78N/AlN/GaN heterostructures, with and without the SiNx passivation, have been investigated by capacitance-voltage and conductance-voltage measurements in the wide frequency (5kHz-5 MHz) and temperature (80-400 K) range. The experimental values of the dielectric constant (ε'), dielectric loss (ε' '), loss tangent (tand), σ ac and the real and imaginary part of the electric modulus (M' and M' ') were found to be a strong function of frequency and temperature. A decrease in the values of ε' and ε' ' was observed, in which they both showed an increase in frequency and temperature. The values of M' and M' ' increase with increasing frequency and temperature. The σ ac increases with increasing frequency, while it decreases with increasing temperature. It can be concluded, therefore, that the interfacial polarization can occur more easily at low frequencies and temperatures with the number of interface states density located at the metal/semiconductor interface. It contributes to the e' and σ ac. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Electrical characterization of MS and MIS structures on AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructures

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    The forward and reverse bias I-V, C-V, and G/ω-V characteristics of (Ni/Au) Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) on the Al 0.22Ga 0.78N/AlN/GaN high-electron-mobility-transistor (HEMTs) without and with SiN x insulator layer were measured at room temperature in order to investigate the effects of the insulator layer (SiN x) on the main electrical parameters such as the ideality factor (n), zero-bias barrier height ( B0), series resistance (R s), interface-state density (N ss). The energy density distribution profiles of the N ss were obtained from the forward bias I-V characteristics by taking into account the voltage dependence of the effective barrier height ( e) and ideality factor (n V) of devices. In addition, the N ss as a function of E c-E ss was determined from the low-high frequency capacitance methods. It was found that the values of N ss and R s in SBD HEMTs decreases with increasing insulator layer thickness. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Stoichiometric and Spectroscopic Study of Reactive Extraction of Phenylacetic Acid with Tri-n-Butyl Phosphate

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    Phenylacetic acid is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for production of antibiotics. The recovery of phenylacetic acid from dilute aqueous waste with tri-n-butyl phosphate in methyl isobutyl ketone and petroleum ether has been attempted, and the results are presented in terms of distribution coefficient, extraction efficiency, apparent equilibrium constant, and loading ratio. The mechanism of reactive extraction was analyzed and the stoichiometric ratio of phenylacetic acid to tri-n-butyl phosphate in methyl isobutyl ketone and petroleum ether was found to be 1:0.5 and 1:1.2. Mass action law was used to represent the reactive extraction equilibrium for phenylacetic acid−tri-n-butyl phosphate−diluents which satisfied much in the present study. FTIR spectroscopy was studied for confirmation of the formation of a complex between acid and extractant. Further relative basicity approach has been extended to represent the experimental results. The model is best suited to experimental results