12 research outputs found

    Near-infrared adaptive optics imaging of high redshift quasars

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    The properties of high redshift quasar host galaxies are studied, in order to investigate the connection between galaxy evolution, nuclear activity, and the formation of supermassive black holes. We combine new near-infrared observations of three high redshift quasars (2 < z < 3), obtained at the ESO Very Large Telescope equipped with adaptive optics, with selected data from the literature. For the three new objects we were able to detect and characterize the properties of the host galaxy, found to be consistent with those of massive elliptical galaxies of M(R) ~ -24.7 for the one radio loud quasar, and M(R) ~ -23.8 for the two radio quiet quasars. When combined with existing data at lower redshift, these new observations depict a scenario where the host galaxies of radio loud quasars are seen to follow the expected trend of luminous (~5L*) elliptical galaxies undergoing passive evolution. This trend is remarkably similar to that followed by radio galaxies at z > 1.5. Radio quiet quasars hosts also follow a similar trend but at a lower average luminosity (~0.5 mag dimmer). The data indicate that quasar host galaxies are already fully formed at epochs as early as ~2 Gyr after the Big Bang and then passively fade in luminosity to the present epoch.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 24 pages, 10 figure

    First light of BEaTriX, the new testing facility for the modular X-ray optics of the ATHENA mission

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    Aims: The Beam Expander Testing X-ray facility (BEaTriX) is a unique X-ray apparatus now operated at the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (OAB), in Merate, Italy. It has been specifically designed to measure the point spread function (PSF) and the effective area (EA) of the X-ray mirror modules (MMs) of the Advanced Telescope for High-ENergy Astrophysics (ATHENA), based on silicon pore optics (SPO) technology, for verification before integration into the mirror assembly. To this end, BEaTriX generates a broad, uniform, monochromatic, and collimated X-ray beam at 4.51 keV. The beam collimation is better than a few arcseconds, ensuring reliable tests of the ATHENA MMs, in their focus at a 12 m distance. Methods: In BEaTriX, a micro-focus X-ray source with a titanium anode is placed in the focus of a paraboloidal mirror, which generates a parallel beam. A crystal monochromator selects the 4.51 keV line, which is expanded to the final size by a crystal asymmetrically cut with respect to the crystalline planes. An in-house-built Hartmann plate was used to characterize the X-ray beam divergence, observing the deviation of X-ray beams from the nominal positions, on a 12-m-distant CCD camera. After characterization, the BEaTriX beam has the nominal dimensions of 170 mm Ă— 60 mm, with a vertical divergence of 1.65 arcsec and a horizontal divergence varying between 2.7 and 3.45 arcsec, depending on the monochromator setting: either high collimation or high intensity. The flux per area unit varies from 10 to 50 photons/s/cm2 from one configuration to the other. Results: The BEaTriX beam performance was tested using an SPO MM, whose entrance pupil was fully illuminated by the expanded beam, and its focus was directly imaged onto the camera. The first light test returned a PSF and an EA in full agreement with expectations. As of today, the 4.51 keV beamline of BEaTriX is operational and can characterize modular X-ray optics, measuring their PSF and EA with a typical exposure of 30 min. Another beamline at 1.49 keV is under development and will be integrated into the current equipment. We expect BEaTriX to be a crucial facility for the functional test of modular X-ray optics, such as the SPO MMs for ATHENA

    BEaTriX: the Beam Expander Testing X-Ray facility for testing ATHENA's SPO modules: progress in the realization

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    The ATHENA X-ray telescope comprises an optical system with several hundreds of Silicon Pore Optics (SPO) Mirror Modules (MM) to be assembled. All the MMs have to be tested for acceptance before integration. INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico Brera is building in its premises of Merate (Italy) a unique pathfinder facility, BEaTriX, which is characterized by a broad (170 ×60 mm2), uniform and parallel X-ray beam (divergence ≤ 1.5 arcsec HEW) at the energies of 1.49 and 4.51 keV. BEaTriX prime goal is to prove that it is possible to perform the acceptance tests (PSF and Aeff) of the ATHENA SPO MM’s at the production rate of 3 MM/day. The system is very compact (9 × 18 m2) and it is designed with modular compartments where the vacuum can be broken independently to replace the optics under test. It works at a vacuum level of 10-3 mbar, easily evacuated in a short time. The expanded and parallel beam is obtained with an X-ray microfocus source placed in the focus of a paraboloidal mirror, a monochromation stage with 4 symmetrically cut crystals, and an expansion stage where the beam is diffracted and expanded by an asymmetrically-cut crystal. The key axes of all the optical components are motorized in vacuum for a proper beam alignment. The expanded beam fully illuminates the aperture of the MMs, imaging the focused beam at 12 m distance on a CCD camera, with the sensor in vacuum and motorized in air for XYZ movements. A thermal box is also present to radiatively heat the MM and check its optical performances under different temperatures. The design of the facility started in 2012 and has been finalised under an ESA contract. After completing the design, the facility is now in the realization phase. This paper provides an overview of the current status of the facility realization

    Spectroscopic observation of planetary and moon exospheres in the ultraviolet

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    The PLanetary extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer (PLUS) is a project funded by the Italian Space Agency focused on the development of an extreme (EUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) high-performance spectrograph, which adopts a dual channel optical scheme. Thanks to an optimized layout based on the use of Variable Line Space (VLS) gratings in an off-Rowland configuration, high spectral and spatial resolution are achieved. The efficiency improvement is obtained by the optimization of the coatings on the optical components. Improved detection limit, shorter observations integration time and unprecedented performance in terms of dynamic range will be achieved by the use of high resolution/dynamic range solar blind photon counting detectors. The photon counting detectors will be based on a Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) coupled with an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) read out system

    Alignment procedure for the Gregorian telescope of the Metis coronagraph for the Solar Orbiter ESA mission

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    Metis is a solar coronagraph mounted on-board the Solar Orbiter ESA spacecraft. Solar Orbiter is scheduled for launch in February 2020 and it is dedicated to study the solar and heliospheric physics from a privileged close and inclined orbit around the Sun. Perihelion passages with a minimum distance of 0.28 AU are foreseen. Metis features two channels to image the solar corona in two different spectral bands: in the HI Lyman \uf061 at 121.6 nm, and in the polarized visible light band (580 \u2013 640 nm). Metis is a solar coronagraph adopting an \u201cinverted occulted\u201d configuration. The inverted external occulter (IEO) is a circular aperture followed by a spherical mirror which back rejects the disk light. The reflected disk light exits the instrument through the IEO aperture itself, while the passing coronal light is collected by the Metis telescope. Common to both channels, the Gregorian on-axis telescope is centrally occulted and both the primary and the secondary mirror have annular shape. Classic alignment methods adopted for on-axis telescope cannot be used, since the on-axis field is not available. A novel and ad hoc alignment set-up has been developed for the telescope alignment. An auxiliary visible optical ground support equipment source has been conceived for the telescope alignment. It is made up by four collimated beams inclined and dimensioned to illuminate different sections of the annular primary mirror without being vignetted by other optical or mechanical elements of the instrument

    Challenges during Metis-Solar Orbiter commissioning phase

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    Metis is the visible light and UV light imaging coronagraph on board the ESA-NASA mission Solar Orbiter that has been launched February 10th, 2020, from Cape Canaveral. Scope of the mission is to study the Sun up close, taking high-resolution images of the Sun’s poles for the first time, and understanding the Sun-Earth connection. Metis coronagraph will image the solar corona in the linearly polarized broadband visible radiation and in the UV HI Ly-α line from 1.6 to 3 solar radii when at Solar Orbiter perihelion, providing a diagnostics, with unprecedented temporal coverage and spatial resolution, of the structures and dynamics of the full corona. Solar Orbiter commissioning phase big challenge was Covid-19 social distancing phase that affected the way commissioning of a spacecraft and its payload is typically done. Metis coronagraph on-board Solar Orbiter had its additional challenges: to wake up and check the performance of the optical, electrical and thermal subsystems, most of them unchecked since Metis delivery to spacecraft prime, Airbus, in May 2017. The roadmap to the fully commissioned coronagraph is here described throughout the steps from the software functional test, the switch on of the detectors of the two channels, UV and visible, to the optimization of the occulting system and the characterization of the instrumental stray light, one of the most challenging features in a coronagraph

    Energy Budget in the Solar Corona

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    This paper addresses the first direct investigation of the energy budget in the solar corona. Exploiting joint observations of the same coronal plasma by Parker Solar Probe and the Metis coronagraph aboard Solar Orbiter and the conserved equations for mass, magnetic flux, and wave action, we estimate the values of all terms comprising the total energy flux of the proton component of the slow solar wind from 6.3 to 13.3 R-circle dot. For distance from the Sun to less than 7 R-circle dot, we find that the primary source of solar wind energy is magnetic fluctuations including Alfven waves. As the plasma flows away from the low corona, magnetic energy is gradually converted into kinetic energy, which dominates the total energy flux at heights above 7 R-circle dot. It is found too that the electric potential energy flux plays an important role in accelerating the solar wind only at altitudes below 6 R-circle dot, while enthalpy and heat fluxes only become important at even lower heights. The results finally show that energy equipartition does not exist in the solar corona

    Coronal Heating Rate in the Slow Solar Wind

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    This Letter reports the first observational estimate of the heating rate in the slowly expanding solar corona. The analysis exploits the simultaneous remote and local observations of the same coronal plasma volume, with the Solar Orbiter/Metis and the Parker Solar Probe instruments, respectively, and relies on the basic solar wind magnetohydrodynamic equations. As expected, energy losses are a minor fraction of the solar wind energy flux, since most of the energy dissipation that feeds the heating and acceleration of the coronal flow occurs much closer to the Sun than the heights probed in the present study, which range from 6.3 to 13.3 R _⊙ . The energy deposited to the supersonic wind is then used to explain the observed slight residual wind acceleration and to maintain the plasma in a nonadiabatic state. As derived in the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin limit, the present energy transfer rate estimates provide a lower limit, which can be very useful in refining the turbulence-based modeling of coronal heating and subsequent solar wind acceleration

    Exploring the Solar Wind from Its Source on the Corona into the Inner Heliosphere during the First Solar Orbiter\u2013Parker Solar Probe Quadrature

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    This Letter addresses the first Solar Orbiter (SO)-Parker Solar Probe (PSP) quadrature, occurring on 2021 January 18 to investigate the evolution of solar wind from the extended corona to the inner heliosphere. Assuming ballistic propagation, the same plasma volume observed remotely in the corona at altitudes between 3.5 and 6.3 solar radii above the solar limb with the Metis coronagraph on SO can be tracked to PSP, orbiting at 0.1 au, thus allowing the local properties of the solar wind to be linked to the coronal source region from where it originated. Thanks to the close approach of PSP to the Sun and the simultaneous Metis observation of the solar corona, the flow-aligned magnetic field and the bulk kinetic energy flux density can be empirically inferred along the coronal current sheet with an unprecedented accuracy, allowing in particular estimation of the Alfven radius at 8.7 solar radii during the time of this event. This is thus the very first study of the same solar wind plasma as it expands from the sub-Alfvenic solar corona to just above the Alfven surface