217 research outputs found

    The changes of matrix metalloproteinase 2, 9 activity and metallothionein level in rat’s brain under cadmium influence

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    The main functions assigned to metallothioneins (MT) are the metal detoxification (heavy metals in particular) like Mercury and Cadmium, metal homeostasis including Cupper and Zinc, anti-oxidation against reactive oxygen species, protection against DNA damage, oxidative stress, cell survival, angiogenesis, apoptosis, as well as increase proliferation, in the body. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are members of the proteases which share the conserved zinc-binding motif in their catalytic active site. The main goal of work was the investigation of the MMP2 and MMP9 activity and metallothionein level in the brain under cadmium influence at different doses

    Effects of Cadmium on the Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Metallothionein Level in the Rat Brain

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    We studied the effects of long-lasting treating with cadmium in two different doses (0.1 and 1.0 μg/kg) on the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP2 and MMP9) and metallothionein level in the rat brain. Cadmium in a higher dose (1 μg/kg) caused a decrease in MMP2 activity but increased that of proMMP9 in the brain. The level of MT in the hippocampus and cerebellum dropped with both Cd doses. Thus, even small Cd doses exert specific effects on the MMP activity and MT level in the brain


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    The results of the analysis of the incidence of professional dermatosis in the Irkutsk region for the period, from 2006 to 2010. The features of the clinical course of disease of the skin and the most important etiological factors in various occupational groups. Prevalence of allergic occupational structure in the skin lesions. Analysis of the frequency distribution, of the surveyed, persons by industry allowed, to ascertain the highest prevalence of allergic diseases among health, care workers — 46, 2%. In the chemical industry, the formation of pathological skin against toxic lesions of the respiratory system., in mechanical engineering and. metallurgy — the tendency to torpid, course of skin process

    Neurotic states at students with a hypodynamia

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    Mental health of the person depends on his physical state. Need of sports exists throughout human life. Restriction of motor activity of a body, lack of physical exercises negatively influences both physical health, and the mental healthПсихическое здоровье человека зависит от его физического состояния. Необходимость занятия спортом существует на протяжении жизни человека. Ограничение моторной деятельности тела, недостаток физических упражнений отрицательно влияет как на физическое здоровье, так и на психическо

    The main problems of studying electronic information and educational environment of the high school: experience of analysis of scientific literature

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    This article describes the problematic issues related to the study of electronic information and educational environment. Considered the degree of knowledge of this topic. The analysis of the literature is consideredВ данной статье рассмотрены проблемные вопросы, связанные с изучением электронной информационно-образовательной среды. Рассматривается степень изученности данной темы. Приводится анализ литератур

    Digitalization in the area of education

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    This article discusses the concept of «digitalization». The digitalization process has led to the massive use of online courses for lifelong learning opportunities. The development of digital educational technologies and the improvement of the regulatory framework for the study of online courses place new demands on the participants in the educational processВ данной статье рассмотрено понятие «цифровизация». Процесс цифровизации обусловил массовое применение онлайн-курсов для возможности непрерывного обучения на протяжении всей жизни. Развитие цифровых образовательных технологий и совершенствование нормативно-правовой базы в области изучения онлайн-курсов предъявляют новые требования к участникам образовательного процесс

    Cardio-and Neuroprotective Effects of Corvitin and 2-Oxoglutarate in Rats with Pituitrin-Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Damage

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    Heart diseases, especially acute coronary syndrome (ACS), are among the most severe illnesses that often lead to death. Despitesignificant advances in the prevention and treatment of ACS, the incidence of the disease and its complications are very serious. +eimbalance between pro- and antioxidant systems, the formation of active carbonyl compounds, and the end products of glycation inthe blood and tissues are the key moments in the development of heart and neurological disorders leading to a change of behavioralresponses. So, the search for antioxidants with cardio- and neuroprotective effects is an urgent task. +is study was aimed atevaluating the effects of Corvitin and 2-oxoglutarate on physiological parameters, heart histology, and markers of carbonyl/oxidativestress of rats with pituitrin-isoproterenol-induced myocardial damage (PIMD). Increased sweating, tachycardia, significantly decreasedlocomotor and exploratory activity, changes of ECG, heart histology, and biochemical changes were observed in the PIMDgroup.+e administration of Corvitin or 2-OG led to the recovery of locomotor and cognitive activities of the rats, improvement inheart histology, a decrease in the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, advanced glycated end products, and variouschanges in the activity of the antioxidant enzymes, 6 days after PIMD. So, Corvitin and exogenous 2-OG show cardio- andneuroprotective effects through the decrease of carbonyl/oxidative stress and regulation of the activity of the antioxidant system

    Зміна ступеня болю під впливом металотіонеїну-II

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    It was studied the effect of metallotionein-II to rats under postoperative somatogenic pain conditions. The main mechanism of pain is excitement of the glutamate receptors. The data obtained allow to suggest that decrease of postoperative hyperalgesia under metallotionein-ЇІ effect is connected with binding of the zink ions that stimulate NMDA-receptors.Визначено вплив металотіонеїну-ІІ на щурів в умовах післяопераційного соматогенного болю. Збудження глутаматних рецепторів є одним із головних механізмів відчуття болю. Отримані дані дають можливість припустити, що зниження післяопераційної гіпералгезії під впливом металотіонеїну-ІІ пов’язане зі зв’язуванням іонів цинку, які потрібні для активації НМДА-рецепторів.Визначено вплив металотіонеїну-ІІ на щурів в умовах післяопераційного соматогенного болю. Збудження глутаматних рецепторів є одним із головних механізмів відчуття болю. Отримані дані дають можливість припустити, що зниження післяопераційної гіпералгезії під впливом металотіонеїну-ІІ пов’язане зі зв’язуванням іонів цинку, які потрібні для активації НМДА-рецепторів

    About Grid Generation in Constructions Bounded by the Surfaces of Revolution

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    For constructions bounded by the surfaces of revolution, structured grid generation technique is presented. Its technology has been elaborated within the variational approach for constructing optimal grids satisfying optimality criteria: Closeness of grids to uniform ones, closeness of grids to orthogonal ones and adaptation to a given function. Grid generation has been designed for numerical solution of the differential equations modeling the vortex processes of multi-component hydrodynamics. In the technology, the three-dimensional construction in which it is required to construct a grid is represented in the form of the curvilinear hexahedron defining its configuration. The specific feature of the required configurations is that some faces of a curvilinear hexahedron lie in one plane and along edges of adjoining faces grid cells degenerate into prisms. Grid generation in the considered constructions has started to be developed by the elaboration of algorithms for the volume of revolution which has become the basic construction. The basic construction is obtained by the rotation through 180° around the axis of a generatrix consisting of straight line segments, arcs of circles and ellipses. Then the deformed volumes of revolutions are considered along with the generalizations of the volume of revolution which represent constructions obtained by the surfaces of revolution with parallel axis of rotation. The aim of the further development of the technology is to consider more and more complicated constructions and elaborate the technology for them. In the presentation, the current state of the development of the technology is given. Examples of generated grids are supplied. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved