12 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: Phaseolus coccineus L. plants require insects or hummingbirds to pollinate their flowers and set pods. The number of pods that can be produced by a plant is set by the number of flowers while the number of seeds is set by the number of ovules within the flowers (Stephenson, 1981). The arrest of the development of the seed after its partial differentiation, - seed abortion-, also determines the number of seeds per plant. The objective of this work is to determine the percentage of seed abortion per plant of two Mexican native varieties of Phaseolus coccineus L. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two varieties (accessions no. 8446 and 8448) were selected from the Mexican bean collection of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP). Seeds harvested in November 2014, were sown in pots on April 5, 2015 and seedlings were transplanted outdoors on April 20, distant 2 meter apart. The plants were of indeterminate growth, climbing type. There were a natural occurrence of bees, bumblebees, and hummingbirds pollinators during the flowering period. The experiment was a complete randomized design, with two treatments (varieties), five replications (one plant per replication) and five sampling dates (Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Nov. 25, Dec. 9, and Dec. 16). At each sampling date, the mature pods per plant were harvested and opened. The following data were registered: a) the number of normal seeds per pod; b) the number of aborted seeds per pod including early abortions detected with the stereoscopic microscope. The sum of (a) and (b) = c, which represented the potential number of seeds per POD in each sampling date. It was evident at this point that practically all the pods in a variety had the same potential number of seeds. Therefore, the potential number of seeds per PLANT in each sampling date represented by Y = c*n, where n represents the number of pods per plant in each sampling date. Following when applicable, the similar procedure for seed abortion: Z = total number of aborted seeds per plant in each sampling date. The percentage of seed abortion (Z/Y)*100 (total number of aborted seeds per plant in each sampling date/potential number of seeds per plant in each sampling date)


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    INTRODUCTION: Phaseolus coccineus L. plants require insects or hummingbirds to pollinate their flowers and set pods. The number of pods that can be produced by a plant is set by the number of flowers while the number of seeds is set by the number of ovules within the flowers (Stephenson, 1981). The arrest of the development of the seed after its partial differentiation, - seed abortion-, also determines the number of seeds per plant. The objective of this work is to determine the percentage of seed abortion per plant of two Mexican native varieties of Phaseolus coccineus L. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two varieties (accessions no. 8446 and 8448) were selected from the Mexican bean collection of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP). Seeds harvested in November 2014, were sown in pots on April 5, 2015 and seedlings were transplanted outdoors on April 20, distant 2 meter apart. The plants were of indeterminate growth, climbing type. There were a natural occurrence of bees, bumblebees, and hummingbirds pollinators during the flowering period. The experiment was a complete randomized design, with two treatments (varieties), five replications (one plant per replication) and five sampling dates (Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Nov. 25, Dec. 9, and Dec. 16). At each sampling date, the mature pods per plant were harvested and opened. The following data were registered: a) the number of normal seeds per pod; b) the number of aborted seeds per pod including early abortions detected with the stereoscopic microscope. The sum of (a) and (b) = c, which represented the potential number of seeds per POD in each sampling date. It was evident at this point that practically all the pods in a variety had the same potential number of seeds. Therefore, the potential number of seeds per PLANT in each sampling date represented by Y = c*n, where n represents the number of pods per plant in each sampling date. Following when applicable, the similar procedure for seed abortion: Z = total number of aborted seeds per plant in each sampling date. The percentage of seed abortion (Z/Y)*100 (total number of aborted seeds per plant in each sampling date/potential number of seeds per plant in each sampling date)

    Recuperación e identificación de macrorrestos arqueobotánicos en el Museo Nacional de las Culturas, Ciudad de México

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    Archeological excavations were carried out in the building that houses the National Museum of Cultures (Museo Nacional de las Culturas, MNC), which is located in the historical center of Mexico City. The present research derives from these archeological works, whose objective was the recovery of archaeobotanical remains contained in the sediment deposits of such excavations with the purpose of establishing the paleoecological conditions of the region and the possible use of plants. Fifty sediment samples, which corresponded chronologically to the end of the prehispanic period and the beginning of the colonial era in Mexico (from the XVI to the XIX century), were analyzed. The vegetable remains recovered were seeds and wood fragments, which represented 36 genres and one family, and from which the use of some plants was inferred: food, medicine, ceremonial and building purposes. Other samples provided information about the vegetation in the region.En el edificio que ocupa el Museo Nacional de las Culturas (MNC), del centro histórico de la ciudad de México, se llevaron a cabo excavaciones arqueológicas de las que se derivó esta investigación que tuvo como objetivo recuperar los restos arquebotánicos contenidos en los depósitos sedimentológicos de dichas excavaciones, con la finalidad de establecer las condiciones paleoecológicas de la región y el posible aprovechamiento de plantas. Se analizaron 50 muestras de sedimento que cronológicamente corresponden a finales de la época prehispánica y a la época colonial (siglos XVI a XIX). Los restos vegetales recuperados fueron: semillas y fragmentos de madera, que representaron a 36 géneros y una familia, de los cuales se pudo inferir el aprovechamiento de algunas plantas principalmente con fines alimenticio, medicinal, ceremonial y constructivo, así como algunas otras que aportan información de la vegetación de la región

    Recuperación e identificación de macrorrestos arqueobotánicos en el Museo Nacional de las Culturas, Ciudad de México Recuperación e identificación de macrorrestos arqueobotánicos en el Museo Nacional de las Culturas, Ciudad de México

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    En el edificio que ocupa el Museo Nacional de las Culturas (MNC), del centro histórico de la ciudad de México, se llevaron a cabo excavaciones arqueológicas de las que se derivó esta investigación que tuvo como objetivo recuperar los restos arquebotánicos contenidos en los depósitos sedimentológicos de dichas excavaciones, con la finalidad de establecer las condiciones paleoecológicas de la región y el posible aprovechamiento de plantas. Se analizaron 50 muestras de sedimento que cronológicamente corresponden a finales de la época prehispánica y a la época colonial (siglos XVI a XIX). Los restos vegetales recuperados fueron: semillas y fragmentos de madera, que representaron a 36 géneros y una familia, de los cuales se pudo inferir el aprovechamiento de algunas plantas principalmente con fines alimenticio, medicinal, ceremonial y constructivo, así como algunas otras que aportan información de la vegetación de la región

    Caracteres agronómicos de dos poblaciones de Jaltomata procumbens (Cav.) J. L. Gentry

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    Introduction. Jaltomata procumbens (Cav.) J. L. Gentry, used as food, is considered a semi-domesticated species (populations that have had a process of artificial selection but still have the ability to survive and reproduce without human intervention) and meets the criteria for future use. Objective. To evaluate agronomic traits of two J. procumbens populations, in greenhouse and hydroponics. Materials and methods. The research was carried out at the Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Texcoco, State of Mexico, from July to December 2019. The following treatments were applied in an open hydroponic system: two populations (erect and decumbent), three electrical conductivity levels (CE): 1, 2, and 3 dS m-1 and two pruning levels (with and without pruning). The variables evaluated were: plant height (AP), stem diameter (DT), number of leaves (NH) and clusters (NR), flowers by clusters (FLR), fruits by clusters (FR), fruit weight (PF), yield (REND), and SPAD readings. Results. For both populations, their cultivation under greenhouse and hydroponic conditions promoted development in plant height, steam diameter, and fruit weight. Variability within and between populations was observed for pruning and electrical conductivity; the crop at 3 dS m-1 recorded the lowest plant height and the highest steam diameter, while at 1 dS m-1 the highest yield was obtained; for the pruning treatment, the highest values in flowers by cluster, fruit by cluster, and fruit weight were presented. Conclusion. Both populations showed the potential to be considered for studies in controlled environments.Introducción. Jaltomata procumbens (Cav.) J. L. Gentry, de uso alimenticio, se considera una especie semi-domesticada (poblaciones que han tenido un proceso de selección artificial pero aún tienen la capacidad de sobrevivir y reproducirse sin la intervención del ser humano) y que cumple con los criterios para su futuro uso. Objetivo. Evaluar caracteres agronómicos de dos poblaciones de J. procumbens, en invernadero e hidroponía. Materiales y métodos. La investigación se realizó en el Colegio de postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Texcoco, Estado de México, de julio a diciembre de 2019. Se aplicaron los siguientes tratamientos en un sistema hidropónico abierto: dos poblaciones (erguida y decumbente), tres niveles de conductividad eléctrica (CE): 1, 2 y 3 dS m-1 y dos niveles de poda (con y sin poda). Las variables evaluadas fueron: altura de planta (AP), diámetro de tallo (DT), número de hojas (NH) y de racimos (NR), flores por racimo (FLR), frutos por racimo (FR), peso de fruto (PF), rendimiento (REND) y lecturas SPAD. Resultados. Para ambas poblaciones, su cultivo en condiciones de invernadero e hidroponía promovieron el desarrollo en altura de planta, diámetro de tallo y peso de fruto. Se observó una variabilidad dentro y entre poblaciones para poda y conductividad eléctrica; el cultivo a 3 dS m-1 registró la menor altura de planta y el mayor diámetro de tallo, mientras que con 1 dS m-1 se obtuvo el mayor rendimiento; para el tratamiento con poda, los valores más altos se presentaron en flores por racimo, frutos por racimo y peso de fruto. Conclusiones. Ambas poblaciones presentaron el potencial para ser consideradas en estudios en ambientes controlados

    Hydrochemical composition and irrigation water quality of Lerma-Chapala river system, México

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    The Lerma River originates in the Almoloya lagoon, in Mexico State. It is 750 km. long and belongs to the Lerma Santiago-Pacífico basin, one of the most important in Mexico due to its intense agricultural and industrial activity. To carry out this research, during the summer and autumn of 2013, water samples were collected and analyzed from 39 sampling stations the Lerma-Chapala river system. The objective was to know the hydrochemical composition and agronomic quality of the water in the Lerma river and lake Chapala through the determination of variables: Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Na+ , K+ , CO3 2- , HCO3 - , Cl- , SO4 2- , total dissolved solids (TDS), hydrogen potential (pH), electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). The results indicated that the type of water is sodic-bicarbonated and mixed bicarbonated, which was attributed to the discharges of wastewater and the water supply from tributary rivers in the Lerma-Chapala Basin. The concentration of TDS was low (< 674 mg L-1 ). The EC displayed values between 0.307 and 1.129 dS m-1 , which is why, in 66.6% of the sampling stations, water has no use restriction for agricultural irrigation. SAR average was 2.2 meq L-1 ; the joint EC-SAR values suggested the classification of water as C2-S1 (74.4%) and C3-S1 (25.6%), indicating its suitability for agricultural irrigation.El río Lerma se origina en la laguna de Almoloya, en el estado de México. Se encuentra a 750 km. De largo y pertenece a la cuenca Lerma Santiago-Pacífico, una de las más importantes de México por su intensa actividad agrícola e industrial. Para realizar esta investigación, durante el verano y otoño de 2013, se recogieron y analizaron muestras de agua de 39 estaciones de muestreo del río Lerma-Chapala. El objetivo fue conocer la composición hidroquímica y la calidad agronómica del agua en el río Lerma y el lago de Chapala mediante la determinación de las variables Ca2 +, Mg2 +, Na +, K +, CO3 2-, HCO3-, Cl-, SO4 2-, total Sólidos disueltos (TDS), potencial de hidrógeno (pH), conductividad eléctrica (EC) y relación de adsorción de sodio (SAR). Los resultados indicaron que el tipo de agua es bicarbonatada sódica y mezclada bicarbonatada, lo que se atribuye a las descargas de aguas residuales y al suministro de agua de los ríos tributarios de la Cuenca Lerma-Chapala. La concentración de TDS fue baja (<674 mg L-1). La CE presentó valores entre 0,307 y 1,129 dS m-1, razón por la cual, en 66,6% de las estaciones de muestreo, el agua no tiene restricciones de uso para el riego agrícola. El promedio SAR fue 2,2 meq L-1; Los valores conjuntos CE-SAR sugieren la clasificación del agua como C2-S1 (74,4%) y C3-S1 (25,6%), indicando su idoneidad para el riego agrícola

    La Correspondencia de España : diario universal de noticias: Año XLIII Número 12637 - 1892 noviembre 11

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    Common waterhemp (Amarathus rudis Sauer) is a frequent weed in glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops in the midwestern USA due, in part, to the delayed emergence of its seedlings. Variable waterhemp emergence was simulated by transplanting seedlings into both corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and bare plot areas at differing crop growth stages during two growing seasons in western Minnesota. Growth and fecundity were measured. As expected, late planted weeds produced little dry matter and few seeds, and competition from corn or soybean reduced waterhemp dry weight and fecundity by 90% compared with isolated plants. Interestingly, common waterhemp was affected differently by crop and transplanting date. Common waterhemp grown with corn was always shaded by the crop canopy but produced seeds even when transplanted as late as the V10 growth stage. In soybean, weeds transplanted before the V4 growth stage were taller than soybean and produced more seeds than those transplanted into corn at a comparable growth stage; however, those transplanted after V5 produced no seeds. Consequently, control of late-emerging common waterhemp plants in soybean may not be needed, whereas control of late-emerging plants in corn may be justified because of relatively high levels of seed production