33 research outputs found

    Assisted dying requests from people in detention: Psychiatric, ethical, and legal considerations–A literature review

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    The principle of equivalence of care states that prisoners must have access to the same standard of health care as the general population. If, as recent court decisions suggest, assisted dying is not limited to people with a terminal physical illness or irremediable suffering, it might also be requested by people with severe mental illness in detention. Some of the countries with legal regulations on assisted dying also have recommendations on how to handle requests from prisoners. However, detention itself can lead to psychological distress and suicidality, so we must consider whether and how people in such settings can make autonomous decisions. Ethical conflicts arise with regard to an individual's free will, right to life, and physical and personal integrity and to the right of a state to inflict punishment. Furthermore, people in prison often receive insufficient mental health care. In this review, we compare different practices for dealing with requests for assisted dying from people in prison and forensic psychiatric facilities and discuss the current ethical and psychiatric issues concerning assisted dying in such settings

    Domestic homicide and other violent crimes: The same or different phenomena?

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    This study investigated correlates of domestic homicide (DH) and other violent crimes. Data were collected retrospectively from criminal justice files on 617 persons in Switzerland (DH = 47). Multinomial logistic regressions revealed that, overall, DH perpetrators were more likely to be older, female, married, to have a psychiatric hospitalization history, and to be under the influence of delusions when they committed the crime. In addition, they were less likely to have prior convictions. Furthermore, the characteristics associated to DH perpetrators were more similar to domestic violence perpetrators than those of persons who committed nondomestic offenses. Based on the current sample, data, and methods, DH appears to be better explained by specialist theories than generalist views of crime, suggesting that DH and the homicide of non-family members are different phenomena. Therefore, domestic offenders may require specific assessment and intervention methods. However, replications of this study are necessary to generalize the current findings

    B-lymphocytes from Malignant Hyperthermia-susceptible Patients Have an Increased Sensitivity to Skeletal Muscle Ryanodine Receptor Activators

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    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease triggered by volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine in genetically predisposed individuals. The underlying feature of MH is a hypersensitivity of the calcium release machinery of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and in many cases this is a result of point mutations in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor calcium release channel (RYR1). RYR1 is mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, but a recent report demonstrated the existence of this isoform in human B-lymphocytes. As B-cells can produce a number of cytokines, including endogenous pyrogens, we investigated whether some of the symptoms seen during MH could be related to the involvement of the immune system. Our results show that (i) Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized B-cells from MH-susceptible individuals carrying the V2168M RYR1 gene mutation were more sensitive to the RYR activator 4-chloro-m-cresol and (ii) their peripheral blood leukocytes produce more interleukin (IL)-1beta after treatment with the RYR activators caffeine and 4-chloro-m-cresol, compared with cells from healthy controls. Our result demonstrate that RYR1-mediated calcium signaling is involved in release of IL-1beta from B-lymphocytes and suggest that some of the symptoms seen during an MH episode may be due to IL-1beta production

    Enhanced excitation-coupled Ca2+ entry induces nuclear translocation of NFAT and contributes to IL-6 release from myotubes from patients with central core disease

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    Prolonged depolarization of skeletal muscle cells induces entry of extracellular calcium into muscle cells, an event referred to as excitation-coupled calcium entry. Skeletal muscle excitation-coupled calcium entry relies on the interaction between the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor on the sarcolemma and the ryanodine receptor on the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. In this study, we directly measured excitation-coupled calcium entry by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in human skeletal muscle myotubes harbouring mutations in the RYR1 gene linked to malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD). We found that excitation-coupled calcium entry is strongly enhanced in cells from patients with CCD compared with individuals with MH and controls. Furthermore, excitation-coupled calcium entry induces generation of reactive nitrogen species and enhances nuclear localization of NFATc1, which in turn may be responsible for the increased IL-6 released by myotubes from patients with CC

    Schulddogmatik in der bundesgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung: Zugleich Besprechung des Urteils des Bundesgerichts 6B_1363/2019 vom 19. November 2020

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    Mit seinem Urteil 6B_1363/2019 hat sich das Bundesgericht zu einer FĂŒlle von dogmatischen Streitfragen im Schuldkontext geĂ€ussert. Es bekannte sich grundsĂ€tzlich zu einem sozialen Schuldbegriff. Die Autoren legen dar, dass ein funktionaler Schuldbegriff in seinem theoretischen Fundament ĂŒberzeugender ist. Auf Basis dieser Erkenntnis wird aufgezeigt, dass sich die Auffassung des Bundesgerichts, bei schweren Straftaten hohe Anforderungen an eine vollstĂ€ndige Aufhebung der SchuldfĂ€higkeit zu stellen, in ihrer Generalisierung selbst bei einem funktionalen SchuldverstĂ€ndnis nicht halten lĂ€sst. Schliesslich wird auch der bundesgerichtlichen Auffassung widersprochen, wonach sich die forensisch-psychiatrisch sachverstĂ€ndige Person zur Frage der SchuldfĂ€higkeit Ă€ussern dĂŒrfe. -- Dans son arrĂȘt 6B_1363/2019, le Tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral s'est prononcĂ© sur plusieurs controverses dogmatiques relatives Ă  la notion de culpabilitĂ©. Sur le principe, la Cour s’est dĂ©clarĂ©e en faveur d'un concept social de culpabilitĂ©. Cependant, les auteurs soutiennent que le concept fonctionnel de culpabilitĂ© (funktionaler Schuldbegriff) est davantage convaincant dans son fondement thĂ©orique. Sur cette base, il est dĂ©montrĂ© en quoi l'opinion du Tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral ­– selon laquelle, en cas d'infractions graves, des exigences Ă©levĂ©es Ă  la suppression totale de la culpabilitĂ© doivent ĂȘtre posĂ©es – ne peut ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralement maintenue mĂȘme avec une comprĂ©hension fonctionnelle de la culpabilitĂ©. Enfin, l’avis du Tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral selon lequel l'expert en psychiatrie lĂ©gale est habilitĂ© Ă  se prononcer sur la question de la culpabilitĂ© sera Ă©galement contestĂ©

    Auslegung eines MĂ€klervertrages : Analyse von und dogmatischen Überlegungen zu BGer 4A_479/2011

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    Der dem hier kommentierten Entscheid zugrunde liegende Sachverhalt widerspiegelt im Hauptpunkt ein sich oft stellendes Problem: Der vormals (vermeintlich) klar vormulierte Vertragstext weicht bei nĂ€herer Betrachtung von der Interpretation (zumindest) einer Partei ab und alsbald streiten sich die Parteien um den Bedeutungsgehalt ihrer WillenserklĂ€rungen oder - mit anderen Worten - um den Vertragsinhalt. So auch in diesem Fall, der die Auslegung eines MĂ€klervertrags, genauer, des Provisionsanspruchs zum Inhalt hatte. Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt zwar nicht einen Leitentscheid im klassischen Sinn, da das Urteil keine bestehenden Dogmen umstösst oder prĂ€zisiert. Dieser Anwendungsfall einer richterlichen Vertragsauslegung dient aber dazu, die geltenden dogmatischen AuslegungsgrundsĂ€tze darzulegen, diese mit dem Vorgehen im Urteil zu vergleichen und schliesslich das Ganze bezĂŒglich praktischem und dogmatischem Optimierungspotenzial

    Schulddogmatik in der bundesgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung

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    Mit seinem Urteil 6B_1363/2019 hat sich das Bundesgericht zu einer FĂŒlle von dogmatischen Streitfragen im Schuldkontext geĂ€ussert. Es bekannte sich grundsĂ€tzlich zu einem sozialen Schuldbegriff. Die Autoren legen dar, dass ein funktionaler Schuldbegriff in seinem theoretischen Fundament ĂŒberzeugender ist. Auf Basis dieser Erkenntnis wird aufgezeigt, dass sich die Auffassung des Bundesgerichts, bei schweren Straftaten hohe Anforderungen an eine vollstĂ€ndige Aufhebung der SchuldfĂ€higkeit zu stellen, in ihrer Generalisierung selbst bei einem funktionalen SchuldverstĂ€ndnis nicht halten lĂ€sst. Schliesslich wird auch der bundesgerichtlichen Auffassung widersprochen, wonach sich die forensisch-psychiatrisch sachverstĂ€ndige Person zur Frage der SchuldfĂ€higkeit Ă€ussern dĂŒrfe. -- Dans son arrĂȘt 6B_1363/2019, le Tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral s'est prononcĂ© sur plusieurs controverses dogmatiques relatives Ă  la notion de culpabilitĂ©. Sur le principe, la Cour s’est dĂ©clarĂ©e en faveur d'un concept social de culpabilitĂ©. Cependant, les auteurs soutiennent que le concept fonctionnel de culpabilitĂ© (funktionaler Schuldbegriff) est davantage convaincant dans son fondement thĂ©orique. Sur cette base, il est dĂ©montrĂ© en quoi l'opinion du Tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral ­– selon laquelle, en cas d'infractions graves, des exigences Ă©levĂ©es Ă  la suppression totale de la culpabilitĂ© doivent ĂȘtre posĂ©es – ne peut ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralement maintenue mĂȘme avec une comprĂ©hension fonctionnelle de la culpabilitĂ©. Enfin, l’avis du Tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral selon lequel l'expert en psychiatrie lĂ©gale est habilitĂ© Ă  se prononcer sur la question de la culpabilitĂ© sera Ă©galement contestĂ©

    Kommentar zu Art. 42 OR

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    Rare, potentially fatal, poorly understood propofol infusion syndrome

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    We present the case of a 7-year old boy with traumatic brain injury who received propofol during 38 h. Thirty-six hours after cessation of propofol infusion asystole occurred. After immediate mechanical and medical resuscitation, unreactive dilated pupils were observed. The following computed tomography scan revealed a generalized brain edema with transtentorial herniation. Prolonged bradyarrhythmia, rhabdomyolysis, and peracute renal failure were observed. Despite immediate craniectomy, barbiturate treatment, hemofiltration, and recovery of appropriate cardiac function, the patient died four days after discontinuation of propofol. In this case, metabolic acidosis, cardiac failure, rhabdomyolysis, and renal failure are in accordance with the symptoms of propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS), while seizure, brain edema, and transtentorial herniation could be caused by traumatic brain injury. However, it may be assumed that the entire clinical picture was caused by PRIS. This view could be explained by a common loss of function of ryanodine receptors in patients presenting with PRIS