21 research outputs found

    Sal en la dieta: pareceres, guías y pruebas

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    Carta al director de la revista en relación a un artículo publicado en un número anterior referido a la alimentación y, particularmente, al consumo de sal

    Reducción de la cobertura social para los fármacos antiartrósicos sintomáticos de acción lenta: una iniciativa de desinversión en Argentina, 2015-2017

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    In April 2016, the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners discontinued its policy of 100% coverage for 159 drugs (the “social subsidy”), including symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis (SYSADOAs), due to insufficient evidence of significant clinical benefit. We evaluated the effect of this measure on the use of SYSADOAs as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which were unaffected by this policy change. We compared outpatient dispensations of SYSADOAs and NSAIDs from 2015 to 2017, measuring dispensed units, retail price, and out-of-pocket expenses for beneficiaries each month. After the change in coverage, there was a 61.6% total decrease in SYSADOA units dispensed, and a 63.4% decrease in the final sales price to the public, measured in constant values. Dispensation was not reoriented towards NSAIDs, which fell by 6.1%. The incidence of new treatments decreased (from 6.4 to 3.3 treatments per 1,000 beneficiaries per month), as did their continuity. Beneficiaries’ out-of-pocket spending on SYSADOAs increased by 75.8% (at constant values). Disinvestment in interventions with questionable therapeutic value is an important tool in working toward the sustainability of health systems.En abril de 2016, el Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados excluyó del subsidio social la cobertura al 100% de 159 fármacos, entre ellos, los antiartrósicos sintomáticos de acción lenta o symptomatic slow-acting drugs for osteoarthritis (SySADOA), por insuficiente evidencia de beneficio clínico significativo. Evaluamos el efecto de esta medida sobre la utilización de SySADOA y de los antiinflamatorios no esteroides (AINE), no afectados por la medida. Se compararon las dispensas ambulatorias de los SySADOA y los AINE de 2015 a 2017, midiendo unidades dispensadas, precio de venta al público y gasto de bolsillo del beneficiario para cada mes. Luego de la medida, descendieron un 61,6% los envases de SySADOA dispensados y un 63,4% el monto total del precio de venta al público, medido en valores constantes. La dispensa no se reorientó hacia los AINE, que descendieron un 6,1%. Disminuyó tanto la incidencia de nuevos tratamientos (de 6,4 a 3,3 tratamientos por 1.000 beneficiarios por mes) como su continuidad. El gasto de bolsillo de los beneficiarios en SySADOA aumentó un 75,8% (a valores constantes). La desinversión en intervenciones de valor terapéutico cuestionable es una herramienta valiosa para la sustentabilidad de los sistemas de salud

    Transparencia de datos para construir un sistema de salud más sólido: estudio de caso de bases de datos administrativas argentinas sobre utilización de medicamentos

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    In order to compile an inventory of national data sources for drug utilization research (DUR) in Argentina and to verify publicly available data sources, we performed a cross-sectional study that sought to identify national and provincial databases of drug use. In July 2020, we searched the websites of government institutions, carried out a systematic query of bibliographic databases for “drug utilization research” conducted in Argentina, and conducted a survey with local experts. Data collected included: the institution responsible for the database, population covered, accessibility, source of the data, healthcare setting, geographic information, and whether data were individual or aggregated. Descriptive analyses were then performed. We identified 31 data sources for DUR; only one was publicly and conveniently accessible. Five published aggregated data and provide more detailed access by formal request. Only seven sources (23%) reported national data, and most (n=29) included only data from the public healthcare sector. Although data sources for DUR have been found in Argentina, limited access by researchers and policymakers is still an significant obstacle. Increasing health data transparency by making data sources publicly available for the purpose of analyzing public health information is crucial for building a stronger health system.Para realizar un inventario de fuentes de datos nacionales sobre utilización de medicamentos en Argentina y verificar las fuentes de datos disponibles públicamente, llevamos a cabo un estudio transversal que investiga la existencia de bases de datos nacionales y provinciales sobre utilización de medicamentos. En julio de 2020, realizamos una búsqueda en sitios web de instituciones gubernamentales, una búsqueda sistemática en bases de datos bibliográficas sobre “drug utilization research” en Argentina y una encuesta de expertos. Se identificaron 31 fuentes de datos de utilización de medicamentos, solo una era de acceso público y conveniente, cinco publicaban datos agregados y proporcionaban un acceso más detallado mediante solicitud formal, solo siete fuentes (23%) informaban datos nacionales, y la mayoría de ellas (n=29) incluían solo datos del sector público de salud. Aunque se han encontrado fuentes de datos de utilización de medicamentos en Argentina, el acceso a investigadores y legisladores sigue siendo una barrera importante. Aumentar la transparencia de los datos de salud a través de fuentes disponibles públicamente para analizar la información de salud pública es crucial para construir un sistema de salud más sólido

    Comment on ‘‘Coxibs Refocus Attention on the Cardiovascular Risks of Non-Aspirin NSAIDs’’

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    In a recent issue of the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs, Thomas et al. analyzed the cardiovascular safety of cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors (coxibs). In the Recommendations section of the paper, the authors stated that, based on the results of the PRECISION (Prospective Randomized Evaluation of Celecoxib Integrated Safety versus Ibuprofen Or Naproxen) trial, celecoxib at moderate doses is not inferior to ibuprofen or naproxen in terms of cardiovascular safety. The PRECISION investigators seem to imply that celecoxib is a ‘cardiovascular safe’ drug, and we would like to challenge this statement with a more detailed analysis of the PRECISION trial.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Equity, barriers and cancer disparities: study of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology on the access to oncologic drugs in the Spanish Regions

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    The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) has conducted a study on the access to oncologic drugs across the 17 Spanish Regions with the aim of identifying potential heterogeneities and making proposals for eliminating the barriers identified at the different levels. An Expert Panel made up of medical oncologists designed a survey on certain indications approved for 11 drugs in the approach of breast cancer, melanoma, lung cancer, prostate cancer and support treatment. This survey was sent to 144 National Health System (NHS) hospitals. 77 hospitals answered the survey. The information modules analysed were: scope of the Commission that establishes binding decisions related to drug access; conditions, stages and periods of drug application, approval and administration processes; barriers to accessing drugs. The study shows variability in drug access. The SEOM makes proposals addressed to reducing the differences identified and homogenizing drug access conditions

    Consumo de benzodiazepinas y fármacos Z en una organización de la seguridad social nacional argentina: ¿uso racional o excesivo?

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    Benzodiazepines and “Z-drugs” (BZD/Z) are overprescribed in many countries. This study evaluates their consumption in a social security sector health insurance provider with national coverage in Argentina. With a descriptive and observational approach, outpatient dispensations of BZD/Zs were analyzed for people over 18 years old from April 2020 to March 2021, disaggregated by sex, age, active ingredient, and half-life. An annual prevalence of use of 11.6% was found among the 431,445 adult affiliates, with higher rates in women and in those over age 60. Overall consumption of BZD/Zs was 77.6 defined daily doses (DDD) per 1000 enrollee-days. The average user received 5.1 annual dispensations and the equivalent of 1.4 DDD for each day of the year. BZD/Zs with long half-life were the most used. We found high levels of BZD/Z consumption and for longer periods than recommended. It is necessary to improve the quality of consumption and reduce the negative impact of inappropriate use of these drugs among treated individuals.Las benzodiazepinas y los “fármacos Z” (BZD-Z) se prescriben en exceso en muchos países. Este estudio evaluó su consumo en una organización de la seguridad social (obra social) de Argentina de alcance nacional. A partir de un diseño observacional descriptivo se analizó la dispensa ambulatoria de BZD-Z, entre abril 2020 y marzo 2021, a mayores de 18 años; desagregada por sexo, edad, principio activo y vida media. Se encontró una prevalencia anual de uso del 11,6% entre los 431.445 afiliados adultos, con valores más elevados en las mujeres y mayores de 60 años. El consumo global de BZD-Z fue de 77,6 dosis diarias definidas (DDD) cada 1.000 afiliados-día. El usuario promedio recibió 5,1 dispensas anuales y el equivalente a 1,4 DDD por cada día del año. Las BZD-Z más usadas fueron las de vida media larga. El consumo de BZD-Z resultó elevado y más prolongado que lo recomendado. Es necesario mejorar la calidad en el consumo y reducir el impacto negativo del uso inapropiado de estos fármacos entre los individuos tratados