60 research outputs found

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    JAROSŁAW ŁAWSKI – prof. zw. dr hab., pracownik Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku; badacz wyobraźni poetyckiej, twórca i kierownik Katedry Badań Filologicznych „Wschód – Zachód” w Instytucie Filologii Polskiej UwB; dziekan Wydziału Filologicznego. Zainteresowania badawcze: faustyzm i bizantynizm w literaturze polskiej, interpretacje Romantyzmu, Młoda Polska, polsko-wschodniosłowiańskie związki kulturowo oraz Czesław Miłosz. Redaktor naczelny Naukowych Serii Wydawniczych „Czarny Romantyzm”, „Przełomy/Pogranicza” oraz „Colloquia Orientalia Bialostocensia”. Autor książek, w tym: Wyobraźnia lucyferyczna. Szkice o poemacie Tadeusza Micińskiego „Niedokonany. Kuszenie Chrystusa Pana na pustyni” (Białystok 1995) oraz Mickiewicz – Mit – Historia. Studia (Białystok 2010). Ostatnio wydał: Miłosz: „Kroniki” istnienia. Sylwy interpretacyjne (Białystok 2014). Członek Komitetu Nauk o Literaturze PAN; członek korespondent Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności.MARCIN BAJKO – dr, adiunkt w Katedrze Badań Filologicznych „Wschód – Zachód” na Wydziale Filologicznym Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Zainteresowania badawcze: pisarstwo Tadeusza Micińskiego w kontekście literatury romantycznej i młodopolskiej; twórczość Juliusza Słowackiego, Seweryna Goszczyńskiego, „czarny romantyzm”; Wschód i Zachód w literaturze modernizmu, mitologie, religie. Napisał doktorat o twórczości Tadeusza Micińskiego. Edytor jego polemicznego pisma Walka o Chrystusa (1911), wydanego po stu latach (Białystok 2011). Autor monografii: Heroiczna Apokalipsa. W kręgu idei i wyobraźni Tadeusza Micińskiego (Białystok 2012). Ostatnio wydał książkę: Słowacki i spadkobiercy. Studia i szkice (Białystok 2017).URSZULA M. PILCH – dr, adiunkt w Katedrze Historii Literatury Pozytywizmu i Młodej Polski na Wydziale Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Autorka książek: Język czterech żywiołów. Kreacje obrazów w liryce Juliusza Słowackiego (Kraków 2006) oraz Kto jestem? O podmiocie w poetyckim dwugłosie. Juliusz Słowacki i Tadeusz Miciński (Kraków 2010). Współredaktorka tomu: (wraz z A. Czabanowską-Wróbel) Młodopolski witalizm. Modernistyczne witalizmy (Kraków 2016). Wybrane nagrody i wyróżnienia: Indywidualna Nagroda Rektora Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego III stopnia, Nagroda im. Marty i Konrada Górskich (2011), dwukrotna Laureatka stypendium Ministra Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu, jak również laureatka stypendium z Funduszu im. Stanisława Estreichera.192

    Analysis of up-to-date studies investigating effects of physical rehabilitation on traditional and novel biochemical parameters in PAD patients with intermittent claudication: a review

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    Peripheral arterial disease severity ranges from asymptomatic (Fontaine stage I) through intermittent claudication (Fontaine stage II) to critical ischaemia (stage III and IV). Supervised exercise training is the main therapy used for PAD in the intermittent claudication stage. The aim of this article is to review the current literature in order to highlight known factors of PAD pathophysiology that change significantly after long-term exercise training and to determine future predictors for the effectiveness of PAD claudicants rehabilitation treatment. PubMed were searched for articles published during the last 23 years. The focus was on prospective randomized studies with control group, with long-term exercise training models that have met the EBM criteria. Except for the combination of traditional, nonspecific atherosclerosis factors only: 1) nitric oxide metabolite plasma concentrations as a marker of endothelial cell function, 2) plasma fibrinolysis activity and 3) obtained from gastrocnemius muscle biopsy markers of angiogenesis and myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein change significantly before and after physical rehabilitation in PAD patients with intermittent claudication. There is limited data on the associations between atherosclerosis markers as predictors of exercise training effectiveness in peripheral atherosclerosis. The current review contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms that lead to the improvement of the clinical status of patients with intermittent claudication in the course of long-term physical training. Clearly, there is a need for further studies to understand the biochemical mechanisms involved in vascular changes due to physical rehabilitation

    Analysis of Clinical Symptoms and Laboratory Profiles in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis in Malopolska Region (Poland) in the Years 2007-2010

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    Background: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a heterogenic group of chronic inflammatory connective tissue diseases of unknown aetiology in children up to 16 years of age.Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse the incidence, clinical presentation and laboratory findings in children with JIA in Malopolska region.Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis included all children with JIA (N=251) hospitalized in the two reference rheumatology centres covering Malopolska region (Poland), between July 2007 and December 2010.Results: The annual incidence of JIA in Malopolska region was estimated at 9.5 per 100 000 children. Oligoarthritis (54.9%) was the most common category in all age groups with a tendency to decrease with age; from 71.4 % in children aged 1-6 years; 55.7% in aged 7-12 years to 39.3 % in aged 13-16 years. The frequency of polyarthritis and enthesitis-related arthritis was greater in adolescents (29.2 % and 22.5 %, respectively). HLA-B27 antigen and uveitis were most frequently found in children with enthesitis-related arthritis (58% and 18.5 %, respectively).Conclusions: The study suggests the improvement of diagnostic capacity of JIA during the last decade in Poland. In accordance with the existing data diverse clinical presentation of JIA categories and laboratory characteristics were proven

    Galician dilemmas : Cracow or Vienna : on the poetry of Ludwik Szczepański

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    Without light nor voice : the lack i Wacław Rolicz-Lieder's poetry

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    The lights of a big city in the poetry of the Young Poland movement

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    This article concerns itself with the motif of light - not only depictions of street lights but also evocations of the urban radiance (or its lack) - in the work of Tadeusz Miciński, Ludwik Szczepański, Jan Wroczyński, Zenon Przesmycki, Stanisław Miłaszewski, Władysław Orkan, Edward Leszczyński, Stanisław Brzozowski, Aleksander Szczęsny and Leopold Staff. It appears that all of them used the imagery of light to construct and position their poetic personas. It is the glaring light that is best suited to underline surfeit, decadence, ennui, the horror of death and the fascinating, restless urban dynamic frozen to sudden stillness. It is that type of light that exposes both the artificiality and unreality of the urban space and deprives the poetic persona of his ability of stand away from it. He is caught up in the false reflections and the penetrating beam of the urban light

    Searching for power : Tadeusz Nalepiński’s writings

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    "I am alone" : the category of lack in the poetry of Jan Kasprowicz

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