31 research outputs found

    Digitalisierungsstrategien bundesdeutscher Länder

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    Acceptance of Enhanced Robotic Assistance Systems in People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis–Associated Motor Impairment: Observational Online Study

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    Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by a progressive paresis of the extremities and the loss of manual functioning. Due to the severe functional impairment that the disease entails, ALS requires the provision of comprehensive nursing care and a complex set of assistive technology devices. To relieve caregivers and promote autonomy of people with ALS, robotic assistance systems are being developed. This trial aims to evaluate the acceptance of technology, in general, and of robotic arm assistance among people with ALS in order to lay the groundwork for the development of a semiautomatic robotic arm that can be controlled by humans via a multimodal user interface and that will allow users to handle objects and attend to their own bodies. Objective: The aim of this study was to perform a systematic analysis of technology commitment and acceptance of robotic assistance systems from the perspective of physically limited people living with ALS. Methods: The investigation was conducted as a study of a prospective cohort. Participants were only included if they had received a medical diagnosis of ALS. Data collection took place via an online questionnaire on the Ambulanzpartner Soziotechnologie internet platform. Technological commitment was measured using the Neyer short scale. Furthermore, a multidimensional questionnaire was specially developed to analyze participant acceptance of robotic arm assistance: the Acceptance Measure of Robotic Arm Assistance (AMRAA). This questionnaire was accompanied by a video introducing the robot arm. ALS severity was ascertained using the ALS Functional Rating Scale–Extended (ALSFRS-EX). Results: A total of 268 people with ALS participated in the survey. Two-thirds of the participants were male. The overall mean ALS severity score was 42.9 (SD 11.7) points out of 60 on the ALSFRS-EX, with the most relevant restrictions on arms and legs (<60% of normal functioning). Technological commitment ranked high, with the top third scoring 47.2 points out of 60. Younger participants and males showed significantly higher values. The AMRAA score was, again, significantly higher among younger participants. However, the gender difference within the overall cohort was not significant. The more limited the arm functioning of participants according to the ALSFRS-EX subscale, the higher the acceptance rate of robotic assistance. This relationship proved significant. Conclusions: People with ALS display high technological commitment and feel positive about using technological assistance systems. In our study, younger participants were more open to technology use, in general, and robotic assistance, in particular. Self-appraisal of technology acceptance, competence, and control conviction were generally higher among men. However, any presumed gender difference vanished when users were asked to rate the anticipated usefulness of the technology, in particular the robotic arm. The acceptance was also reflected in users’ increased willingness to use a robotic arm as the functionality of their own arms decreased. From the perspective of people with ALS, robotic assistance systems are critical to promoting individual autonomy. Another key consideration in the development of future assistive technologies should be the reduction of caregiver burden. Trial Registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00012803; https://tinyurl.com/w9yzduh

    Influenza A virus replicates productively in primary human kidney cells and induces factors and mechanisms related to regulated cell death and renal pathology observed in virus-infected patients

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    IntroductionInfluenza A virus (IAV) infection can cause the often-lethal acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) of the lung. Concomitantly, acute kidney injury (AKI) is frequently noticed during IAV infection, correlating with an increased mortality. The aim of this study was to elucidate the interaction of IAV with human kidney cells and, thereby, to assess the mechanisms underlying IAV-mediated AKI.MethodsTo investigate IAV effects on nephron cells we performed infectivity assays with human IAV, as well as with human isolates of either low or highly pathogenic avian IAV. Also, transcriptome and proteome analysis of IAV-infected primary human distal tubular kidney cells (DTC) was performed. Furthermore, the DTC transcriptome was compared to existing transcriptomic data from IAV-infected lung and trachea cells.ResultsWe demonstrate productive replication of all tested IAV strains on primary and immortalized nephron cells. Comparison of our transcriptome and proteome analysis of H1N1-type IAV-infected human primary distal tubular cells (DTC) with existing data from H1N1-type IAV-infected lung and primary trachea cells revealed enrichment of specific factors responsible for regulated cell death in primary DTC, which could be targeted by specific inhibitors.DiscussionIAV not only infects, but also productively replicates on different human nephron cells. Importantly, multi-omics analysis revealed regulated cell death as potential contributing factor for the clinically observed kidney pathology in influenza

    Bildungsföderalismus im Hochschulbereich

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    Die Auseinandersetzungen über die Verteilung der bildungspolitischen Kompetenzen im Zuge der Verhandlungen zur Föderalismusreform stellen sich vor allem als Streit zwischen Bund und Ländern über den Erhalt bzw. die Zurückgewinnung von verbliebenen Restkompetenzen dar. Mit Blick auf ihr Gesamtziel einer stärkeren Trennung der Zuständigkeiten von Bund und Ländern konzentrierten sich die Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Länder darauf, dem Bund Kompetenzen abzuringen. Hierbei ließen sie sich von der Überlegung leiten, dass dem Bedeutungsverlust der Länder und vor allem der Landesparlamente nur über eine Ausweitung ihrer Gestaltungsbefugnisse beizukommen sei. Und dafür eignet sich der Bildungsbereich besonders. (HoF/Text übernommen

    Autonomy and evolution of german educational federalism.

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    Immer wortreicher, immer besser? Zum Ressortzuschnitt in den Ländern

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    Eine Übersicht über die 16 deutschen Landesregierungen zeigt eine Häufung sog. „Sammelministerien“, also von Ressorts mit Zuständigkeiten jenseits klassischer Ressortaufgaben sowie der bisher üblichen Daseinsvorsorge. Der Beitrag untersucht, welchen Handlungsspielraum die Länder mit Blick auf die föderale Aufgabenverteilung haben. Thematisiert wird auch, welchen Zusammenhang es zwischen der Nutzung der Organisationsgewalt zur öffentlichkeitswirksamen Namensgebung und der parteipolitischen Zusammensetzung einer Landesregierung gibt

    Digitale Transformation: Mehr als eine Herausforderung – eine Gestaltungsaufgabe

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    DIGITALE TRANSFORMATION: MEHR ALS EINE HERAUSFORDERUNG – EINE GESTALTUNGSAUFGABE Digitale Transformation: Mehr als eine Herausforderung – eine Gestaltungsaufgabe / Münch, Ursula (Rights reserved) ( -

    Mischindicator für die chelatometrische Bestimmung von Magnesium

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    Soll der bayerische Ministerpräsident direkt gewählt werden?

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    Pro und Contra in der Bayerischen Staatszeitung vom 9.11.201