29 research outputs found

    Das generische Maskulinum im Deutschen. Ein historischer Spaziergang durch die deutsche Grammatikschreibung von der Renaissance bis zur Postmoderne

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    The concern of the present article is the evolution of the "generic masculine" in German as it is reflected in the grammars of the German language from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Grammarians recognized the ability of all masculine personal nouns to refer to both sexes only by the beginning of the 20th century and an adequate description is found as late as the 1960s. Formerly, women and men used to be segregated by grammatical description. The history of this process is being explored in detail and illustrated by citations from original works

    Deutschsprachige Artikel zur slawistischen Sprachwissenschaft als Mittel der fachlichen und sprachlichen Sozialisation – eine problematische Annäherung an die Disziplin

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    Research articles are studied by several branches of Applied Linguistics, such as text linguistics, stylistics, foreign language teaching or contrastive rhetoric. However, articles written in German have been scarcely investigated so far. In this contribution we study German articles in Slavic linguistics with regard to their use for the socialization of students into academia. We investigate the presence of the following contents as well as their position of occurrence in the texts: research question, methods and theoretical background. Thus we evaluate, if such articles are an adequate means to introduce students to the way the results of research are brought about. Our study shows that research questions are usually explicitly stated, while methods and theoretical background may remain implicit. It seems that the degree of implicitness relates to the degree of “traditionality” of the research involved, i. e., if the article is, e. g., a philological or a sociolinguistic one


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    Various new structures are emerging in Croatian as the result of the influence of English. This paper focuses on one such innovation – e.g. Konzum nagradna igra – and the possibility of its grammatical description. In this structure the proper name Konzum is placed in the position of an attributive adjective. The problem here is how to analyse this structure because the traditional descriptive grammar does not offer any adequate models. Two different approaches are suggested as possible solutions in literature. These include expanding the definition of apposition and changing the word category noun → adjective. In this paper we analyse the frequency with which structures of this type appear on the basis of analysis of magazines and websites, we test their acceptability with the help of a questionnaire and test the applicability of the two proposed approaches to the analysis of such structures. Our research has revealed that these structures are present in language and are acceptable and that the analysis based on the change of word category covers more cases that the expansion of the definition of apposition.U hrvatskome se jeziku javljaju različite nove strukture pod utjecajem engleskoga jezika. U članku se raspravlja o jednoj takvoj inovaciji kao što je Konzum nagradna igra i mogućnosti njezina gramatičkog opisa. U takvoj konstrukciji vlastito ime Konzum zauzima sintaktičku poziciju pridjevnog atributa. Pitanje je kako se može analizirati takvu konstrukciju, jer tradicionalna deskriptivna gramatika ne nudi adekvatne modele. U literaturi se kao moguća rješenja nude dva različita pristupa, a to su proširenje pojma apozicije i promjena vrste riječi imenica → pridjev. U ovome se članku provjerava učestalost pojavljivanja takvih konstrukcija na osnovi istraživanja časopisa i internetskih stranica, anketom se ispituje njihova prihvatljivost te se provjerava primjenjivost obaju navedenih pristupa u analizi tih konstrukcija. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su spomenute konstrukcije prisutne i prihvatljive te da analiza u smislu promjene vrste riječi pokriva više slučajeva nego proširenje pojma apozicije

    Суржик: лексичний аспект (на матеріалі телепередачі "Ключовий момент", лексикографічних джерел ХІХ–ХХІ ст. і результатів анкетування

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    This article offers an analysis of the lexical material of a video clip taken from  the program “Klyuchevyi moment” of the Ukrainian TV channel “Inter” (aired  16.07.2008). It examines the speech of the heroine Natalia, a middle-aged women  from the village Kuryn’ in Bakhmach district, Chernihiv region. The article is focused  on the analysis of lexical units that we think of as Russian words or dialect/colloquial  elements. On the basis of 8 lexicographical sources coming from the period  between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, we have come to  the conclusion that one can distinguish 5 types of the so-called Surzhyk elements. In  addition, for the better understanding of the phenomenon of Surzhyk and the determination  of the characteristics of the video clip, a linguistic inquiry of residents of  Kherson, Kharkiv and Chernivtsi was conducted. У даній статті пропонується аналіз лексичного матеріалу відеофрагмента телепередачі «Ключовий момент» українського телеканалу «Інтер» (ефір 16.07.2008). Досліджується мовлення героїні телепередачі пані Наталі, жінки середнього віку з села Курінь Бахмацького району Чернігівської області. Увагу зосереджено на аналізі лексичних одиниць, які нам здаються русизмами або діалектизмами/розмовними елементами. На основі 8 лексикографічних джерел кінця ХІХ – початку ХХІ ст. встановлено, що можна виокремити 5 типів так званих суржикових одиниць. Окрім того, задля кращого розуміння явища суржику та визначення характеристики відеофрагменту було проведено опитування мешканців Херсона, Харкова та Чернівців

    Editorial: Curriculare Aspekte von Schreib- und Forschungskompetenz

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    09.05.2016 | Otto Kruse (Zürich), Stefanie Haacke (Bielefeld), Ursula Doleschal (Klagenfurt) & Charlotte Zwiauer (Wien


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    Various new structures are emerging in Croatian as the result of the influence of English. This paper focuses on one such innovation – e.g. Konzum nagradna igra – and the possibility of its grammatical description. In this structure the proper name Konzum is placed in the position of an attributive adjective. The problem here is how to analyse this structure because the traditional descriptive grammar does not offer any adequate models. Two different approaches are suggested as possible solutions in literature. These include expanding the definition of apposition and changing the word category noun → adjective. In this paper we analyse the frequency with which structures of this type appear on the basis of analysis of magazines and websites, we test their acceptability with the help of a questionnaire and test the applicability of the two proposed approaches to the analysis of such structures. Our research has revealed that these structures are present in language and are acceptable and that the analysis based on the change of word category covers more cases that the expansion of the definition of apposition

    Infrastruktura in razvoj slovenščine in slovenistike na Koroškem

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    Članek želi na primeru infrastrukture slovenščine in slovenistike na (avstrijskem) Koroškem razjasniti pojma »jezikovna« in »jezikoslovna infrastruktura«, kot ju razumejo predstavniki koroških Slovencev. Na podlagi štirih intervjujev lahko zaključimo, da v enostranski kolektivni dvojezičnosti sodijo k infrastrukturi vse institucije, kjer se poučuje ali uporablja slovenščino, in sicer z družinami vred. Za to infrastrukturo se je hkrati izkazalo, da je nujno potrebna za ohranitev manjšinskega jezika.The article aims at clarifying and illustrating the term »language infrastructure« on the basis of interviews with representatives of Carinthian Slovenes. In such a unilateral diglossic situation as in (Austrian) Carinthia, not only institutions that promote or use Slovene but also families themselves become part of the language infra- structure, which is also seen as vital for the maintenance of the minority language

    Slovenščina v šolskih spisih dvojezične šole na avstrijskem Koroškem

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    Dvojezična Mohorjeva ljudska šola v Celovcu z Inštitutom za slavistiko Univerze v Celovcu redno sodeluje v raziskovalnih projektih. Aktualni projekt je longitudinalna študija, v kateri avtorici s kvantitativnimi kazalniki analizirava zmožnost jezikovnega izražanja učencev, in sicer z analizo njihovih šolskih spisov in nalog. Z analizo glagola biti v vlogi vezi (kopule) proučujeva vpliv prvega jezika na rabo glagolov v besedilu. Obenem se kaže, da je uporaba glagolov odvisna tudi od načina razvijanja teme, kar je pri vrednotenju glagolskega besedja treba upoštevati.The bilingual Mohorjeva/Hermagoras Primary School in Klagenfurt regularly participates in research projects carried out by the University of Klagenfurt’s Department of Slavic Studies. The most recent project involves a longitudinal study that investigates pupils’ articulateness on the basis of written essays using quantitative indicators. By analyzing the use of copular verbs, this article shows the influence of the students’ first language on the use of verbs in texts. Moreover, their use of verbs is also determined by the types of discourse, which must be considered when assessing students’ verbal lexicon

    WRILAB2: On-line reading and writing laboratory for Czech, German, Italian and Slovenian L2. Insights from theory and application

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    The article provides a comprehensive account of the current state of the art of writing research as it is reflected in WRILAB2 and explains how principles of modern writing didactics are incorporated into the different parts of the courses