544 research outputs found

    Streptococcal Infections in Marine Mammals

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    Marine mammals are sentinels for the marine ecosystem and threatened by numerous factors including infectious diseases. One of the most frequently isolated bacteria are beta-hemolytic streptococci. However, knowledge on ecology and epidemiology of streptococcal species in marine mammals is very limited. This review summarizes published reports on streptococcal species, which have been detected in marine mammals. Furthermore, we discuss streptococcal transmission between and adaptation to their marine mammalian hosts. We conclude that streptococci colonize and/or infect marine mammals very frequently, but in many cases, streptococci isolated from marine mammals have not been further identified. How these bacteria disseminate and adapt to their specific niches can only be speculated due to the lack of respective research. Considering the relevance of pathogenic streptococci for marine mammals as part of the marine ecosystem, it seems that they have been neglected and should receive scientific interest in the future

    Effects of persistent organic pollutants on the thyroid function of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the Aegean Sea, is it an endocrine disruption?

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    peer reviewedaudience: researcher, professional, student, popularizationWe evaluated the alterations of organochlorinated compounds such as polychlorobiphenyls (PCB), dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) on the thyroid in wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) at environmental concentrations. These compounds influence the endocrine system of many fish species and are qualified as endocrine disruptors. The thyroid seems to be a target organ. Two alteration endpoints: the thyroid histology and the muscular thyroid hormone concentrations, were used simultaneously. High concentrations in PCBs and DDT were detected in muscles, supporting the idea that the Mediterranean fauna could be more polluted than the Atlantic fauna. The high abundance of DDE indicates a progressive degradation of remnant DDT load and the absence of new inputs in this area. Aquaculture sea bass shows a significant higher amount of pollutants on fresh weight basis (especially PCBs) in their muscles compared to the wild sea bass. Those differences may be related mainly to the contaminations of diet. Thyroid parameters vary between wild and aquaculture sea bass, wild sea bass were characterized by higher follicle diameters, epithelial cell heights and muscular T4 concentrations. A significant relationship between persistent organic pollutants (muscular PCBs and DDT concentration) and the different thyroid parameters (diameters of follicles, epithelial cell heights and muscular T4 levels) could be observed, which support the hypothesis that these compounds have an adverse impact on thyroid morphometry and function

    Analysis of blood gases, serum fat and serum protein: a new approach to estimate survival chances of stranded Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups from the German North Sea

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    BACKGROUND: Facing numerous challenges, such as illness, storms or human disturbance, some harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pups lose contact to their dams and are found abandoned along the North Sea coast. In Schleswig-Holstein, pups with the prospect of surviving rehabilitation are admitted to the Seal Center Friedrichskoog. Despite elaborate clinical health assessments on admission, including differential hematology, in 2010, 17% of 108 admitted pups did not survive the first 20 days. The death rate during the years 2006 and 2009 varied between 9 and 19%. To broaden the spectrum of variables which could be predictive for survival, blood gas and serum analyses were performed for 99 pups using venous blood. Variables included total CO(2), pH, partial CO(2), HCO(3)(–), base excess and anion gap as well as glucose, urea nitrogen, sodium, potassium and chloride. Moreover, total serum protein and fat (triglyceride) concentrations were measured for all pups on admission. RESULTS: Repeated measurements of 12 randomly selected individuals revealed a significant (p = 0.002) positive influence of time in rehabilitation on triglyceride concentrations. This trend probably shows the improvement of the pups’ nutritional status as a consequence of the shift from milk replacer formula to fish. No such positive influence was detected for total protein concentrations though. Hematologic values, including blood gases, were not predictive for survival. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time blood gas values are reported in this study for a large sample size (N = 99) of seal pups (regardless of their health status). The ranges and medians calculated from the data can serve as a stepping stone towards the establishment of reference values for neonate harbor seals. However, future investigations on the development of blood gases in harbor seals with different health conditions and ages over time are necessary to allow for a better understanding of acid–base regulation in harbor seals

    The use of an air bubble curtain to reduce the received sound levels for harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)

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    In December 2005 construction work was started to replace a harbor wall in Kerteminde harbor, Denmark. A total of 175 wooden piles were piled into the ground at the waters edge over a period of 3 months. During the same period three harbor porpoises were housed in a marine mammal facility on the opposite side of the harbor. All animals showed strong avoidance reactions after the start of the piling activities. As a measure to reduce the sound exposure for the animals an air bubble curtain was constructed and operated in a direct path between the piling site and the opening of the animals' semi-natural pool. The sound attenuation effect achieved with this system was determined by quantitative comparison of pile driving impulses simultaneously measured in front of and behind the active air bubble curtain. Mean levels of sound attenuation over a sequence of 95 consecutive pile strikes were 14 dB (standard deviation (s.d.) 3.4 dB) for peak to peak values and 13 dB (s.d. 2.5 dB) for SEL values. As soon as the air bubble curtain was installed and operated, no further avoidance reactions of the animals to the piling activities were apparent

    Anisakid nematode species identification in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from the North Sea, Baltic Sea and North Atlantic using RFLP analysis.

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    Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) are the only native cetacean species in the German North and Baltic Seas and the final host of Anisakis (A.) simplex, which infects their first and second gastric compartments and may cause chronic ulcerative gastritis. Anisakis simplex belongs to the family Anisakidae (Ascaridoidea, Rhabditida) as well as the phocine gastric nematode species Pseudoterranova (P.) decipiens and Contracaecum (C.) osculatum. These nematode species are the main causative agents for the zoonosis anisakidosis. The taxonomy of these genus with life cycles including crustaceans and commercially important fish is complex because of the formation of sibling species. Little is known about anisakid species infecting porpoises in the study area. Mature nematodes and larval stages are often identifiable only by molecular methods due to high morphological and genetic similarity. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method is an alternative to sequencing and was applied to identify anisakid nematodes found in harbour porpoises from the North Sea, Baltic Sea and North Atlantic to species level for the first time. In the study areas, five gastric nematodes from different harbour porpoise hosts were selected to be investigated with restriction enzymes HinfI, RsaI and HaeIII, which were able to differentiate several anisakid nematode species by characteristic banding patterns. Anisakis simplex s. s. was the dominant species found in the North Sea and Baltic porpoises, identified by all three restriction enzymes. Additionally, a hybrid of A. simplex s. s. and A. pegreffii was determined by HinfI in the North Sea samples. Within the North Atlantic specimens, A. simplex s. s., P. decipiens s. s. and Hysterothylacium (H.) aduncum were identified by all enzymes. This demonstrates the value of the RFLP method and the chosen restriction enzymes for the species identification of a broad variety of anisakid nematodes affecting the health of marine mammals.publishedVersio

    Testing the acoustic tolerance of harbour porpoise hearing for impulsive sounds

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    The planned construction of offshore wind turbines in the North and Baltic Seas involves the emission of high numbers of intense impulsive sounds when turbine foundations are driven into the ground by pile driving. Based on knowledge about other odontocete cetaceans (Finneran et al. 2002), it can be assumed that the source levels, which will on average exceed 225 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m, bear a risk at least for temporary threshold shift (TTS) in the auditory system of harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena that inhabit these waters. In order to base the definition of noise-exposure criteria on information on the acoustic tolerance of this species to single impulses, an auditory study was conducted

    Harbour porpoise thyroids: Histological investigations and potential interactions with environmental factors

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    The thyroid plays an important role in development and is of primary importance in metabolism and heat loss for cetaceans, including the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Several studies have demonstrated that environmental contaminants can alter various aspects of thyroid function in mammals and may contribute to various histologic changes. The present study completes the data set of a 2006 study by Das et al., by performing histological and immunohistologic investigations on thyroids of 36 harbor porpoises from Belgian and United Kingdom waters. The number and mean diameter of follicles (µm) and the relative proportion of follicular, connective, and vascular tissue (%) were quantified in the thyroid gland of each individual. Interfollicular fibrosis has been observed in these thyroid glands, and the collective findings support the hypothesis of an endocrine disruption of thyroid function through organochlorinated compounds. Our study aimed also to reveal potential relationships between thyroid morphometric data and metal levels (Cd, Fe, Zn, Cu, Se, and Hg) using multivariate statistical analysis. The multiple regressions revealed statistically significant relationships between trace elements (cadmium, selenium, and copper) and thyroid fibrosis. The largely negative relationships are interesting findings but do not support the hypothesis that these elements have an adverse effect on thyroid morphometry. Further research is needed to understand the nature of any relationship between organochlorine and trace element exposure and thyroid gland morphology and function in harbor porpoises.Peer reviewe

    Stress Response of Stone Martens and Red Foxes in Two Different Live Traps

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    Trapping of terrestrial animals is an important tool for harvest, pest control and research worldwide. To catch animals alive, animal welfare has to be ensured, which is reflected in different agreements on trading and trapping of animals between sovereign nations (Council Regulation [EEC] No 3254/91). The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and stone marten (Martes foina) represent important predatory animals. Their influence on protected species as well as their increasing appearance in urban areas demand responsible handling. In our study, we evaluated 2 trap systems used for trapping red foxes and stone martens in accordance with criteria stipulated in the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS) and International Organisation for Standardisation 10990 Part 5 – Methods for Testing Restraining Traps (ISO 10990). In total, we captured 20 red foxes in a concrete pipe vault trap and 13 stone martens in a Strack’s wooden box trap in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and observed their behavior inside each trap. After anesthesia, a clinical examination of each animal was conducted, and blood and hair samples were taken. After euthanasia, radiological examinations of the full body were taken, and necropsies and histopathological investigations were performed. No trap-associated lesions were found. Hormone analysis showed no remarkable signs of stress for the animals, according to state-of-the-art methods. Apart from serum cortisol, the quotient of dehydroepiandrosterone in serum and hair seems to be the most predictive value on stress response of the 2 different species. Video observation of the trapped animals emerged as a valuable tool to estimate animal welfare by behavior. This study complements AIHTS and ISO 10990 criteria with results on behavior and hormone analysis, being an additional benefit when evaluating animal welfare of each trapping system
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