150 research outputs found


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    The paper begins with some issues related to aesthetics, aesthetic education, art and axiological education. The empirical research has the general assumption that secondary school students and youth have difficulties in selecting values. The objective of the research was three fold: to design, to organize and to carry learning activities from which students shall acquire educational values through the study of art objects. The exploratory research was conducted on a sample of 50 students (25 in experimental group and 25 in control group). The content sample included fairy-tales and short stories (Beauty and the Beast; The money earned by Alexandru Mitru) and artistic topics on several well-known art objects (The Endless Column, Table of Silence, The Gate of Kiss, Peleş castle, Voroneţ monastery, and St. Michael’s Cathedral from Cluj-Napoca). The tested hypothesis stated that if secondary school students are involved in learning contexts where they perceive, analyze and explain artistic objects then they develop aesthetic and ethic values. The learning context students were exposed to represents the independent variable and the outputs – the educational values themselves – represent the dependent variable. In order to test for the hypothesis we planned a formative didactic experiment. In order to test the hypothesis the pre-test/post-test design was used

    Description of positive and negative parity dipole bands within the extended coherent state model

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    AbstractThe extended coherent state model is further extended as to describe two dipole bands of different parities. The formalism provides a consistent description of eight rotational bands. A unified description for spherical, transitional and deformed nuclei is possible. Projecting out the angular momentum and parity from a sole state, the Kπ=1+ band acquires a magnetic character, while the electric properties prevail for the other band. New signatures for a static octupole deformation are pointed out. Interesting features concerning the decay properties of the two bands are found. For illustration the formalism was applied to 172Yb and results are compared with the available data

    TIN-X:target importance and novelty explorer

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    Abstract Motivation The increasing amount of peer-reviewed manuscripts requires the development of specific mining tools to facilitate the visual exploration of evidence linking diseases and proteins. Results We developed TIN-X, the Target Importance and Novelty eXplorer, to visualize the association between proteins and diseases, based on text mining data processed from scientific literature. In the current implementation, TIN-X supports exploration of data for G-protein coupled receptors, kinases, ion channels, and nuclear receptors. TIN-X supports browsing and navigating across proteins and diseases based on ontology classes, and displays a scatter plot with two proposed new bibliometric statistics: Importance and Novelty. Availability and Implementation http://www.newdrugtargets.org </jats:sec

    Tumoral mycosis fungoides Vidal-Brocq – a case report

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    Generalităţi. Micozisul fungoid este cel mai important limfom cutanat, care se întâlneşte mai frecvent la bărbaţi, în proporţie 2:1 vs femeile. Raportul T-limfoame, B-limfoame este de 65% la 20% din totalul limfoamelor maligne. Conform particularităţilor morfopatologice, 15% rămase nu pot fi clasifi cate nici la T, nici la B limfoame. O formă clinică mai rar întâlnită, cu apariţia unor formaţiuni tumorale pe pielea intactă, aparent sănătoasă, este micozisul fungoid tumoral (MFT). Uneori, după instalarea tumorilor, apar manifestări clinice clasice de micozis fungoides (micozis inversat). Prezentare de caz. Pacientul se prezintă la consultaţie în Spitalul Dermatologie şi Maladii Comunicabile cu leziuni multiple, localizate predominant pe abdomen şi partea laterală stângă a trunchiului, reprezentate de tumori solitare cu diametrul cuprins între 0,5 şi 2,0-3,0 cm, bine delimitate, cu bază largă de implantare, cu suprafaţă netedă, neregulată, roşie-violacee, dure la palpare şi, apărute mai recent, placarde eritematoase. Leziunile au debutat în urmă cu 15 ani, prin 2 tumori solitare în regiunea toracică, a căror excizie, a dus la diseminarea erupţiilor cutanate, din afi rmaţiile pacientului. Diagnosticul a fost stabilit în baza rezultatului histopatologic, după excizia tumorii din regiunea abdomenului. Tratament: excizie chirurgicală, dermacorticoizi topici și sistemici, chimioterapie cu citostatice (metotrexat, vincristină), PUVA terapie, tratament simptomatic (antihistaminic). Concluzie. Micozisul fungoid tumoral este o variantă clinică rară de limfom T cutanat, cu o posibilă diseminare cutanată după excizie sau radioterapie.Background. Mycosis fungoides, the most common cutaneous lymphoma, is more common in men in a ratio of approximately 2:1. From all the malignant lymphomas, T-lymphoma represents 65% and B-lymphoma 20%, while the remaining 15% can not be morphologically clasifi ed. Tumoral mycosis fungoides (TMF) is a rare clinical form which presents with tumoral lesions on normal skin. Sometimes, the clasical clinical manifestation with patches and plaques appears aft er the tumors (inversed mycosis). Case presentation. We present the case of a patient examined in the Republican Dermato-Venerologic Dispensary, Chișinău, for multiple lesions, localized mainly on the abdomen and lateral side of the trunk. Th ere were multiple isolated tumors, 0.5-2 cm or 3 cm in diameter, well delimited, with wide implantation base, red-violaceus, smooth and irregular surface, hard at palpation and more recent, erythematous plaques. Th e lesions started 15 years ago at the thorax with 2 solitary tumors. Surgical excision of these tumors was followed by the dissemination of the lesions, as the patient mentioned. Th e diagnosis was established aft er pathological examination of the excised abdominal tumor. Treatment: surgical excision, topical and systemic corticoids, chemotherapy (methotrexate, vincristin), PUVA therapy, symptomatic treatment (antihistamins etc). Conclusion. Tumoral mycosis fungoides is a rare presentation variant of T cell lymphoma, with possible hematogenic or lymphatic metastasis aft er excision or inadequate radiotherapy

    Economic efficiency of financial independence of higher education institutions

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    The article analyzes the financial situation of higher education institutions (on the example of Urgench State University) after the transition to a self-financing system and its impact on the quality of education