96 research outputs found

    The gift of language : An anthropological approach to child language brokering in Barcelona

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThe phenomenon of child language brokering (CLB), that is, translation and interpreting tasks children take on to facilitate communication for their parents and other adults, is often invisible or neglected. The present article seeks to study CLB in the province of Barcelona (Spain) through the theoretical lens of Marcel Mauss's anthropological concept of the 'gift'. The authors employ interviews with child language brokers, young mediators and parents to show that children's language competences circulate as a gendered gift that produces and reproduces social ties of different kinds-family, extended family, community, the public-and with different levels of reciprocity

    Goytisolo en TV-3

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    Publicat a El PeriĂłdico

    Metabolic fingerprint after acute and under sustained consumption of a functional beverage based on grape skin extract in healthy human subjects

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    Grape-derived polyphenols are considered to be one of the most promising ingredients for functional foods due to their health-promoting activities. We applied a HPLC-MS-based untargeted metabolomic approach in order to evaluate the impact of a functional food based on grape skin polyphenols on the urinary metabolome of healthy subjects. Thirty-one volunteers participated in two dietary crossover randomized intervention studies: with a single-dose intake (187 mL) and with a 15-day sustained consumption (twice per day, 187 mL per day in total) of a functional beverage (FB). Postprandial (4-hour) and 24-hour urine samples collected after acute consumption and on the last day of sustained FB consumption, respectively, were analysed using an untargeted HPLC-qTOF-MS approach. Multivariate modelling with subsequent application of an S-plot revealed differential mass features related to acute and prolonged consumption of FB. More than half of the mass features were shared between the two types of samples, among which several phase II metabolites of grape-derived polyphenols were identified at confidence level II. Prolonged consumption of FB was specifically reflected in urine metabolome by the presence of first-stage microbial metabolites of flavanols: hydroxyvaleric acid and hydroxyvalerolactone derivatives. Overall, several epicatechin and phenolic acid metabolites both of tissular and microbiota origin were the most representative markers of FB consumption. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies where an untargeted LC-MS metabolomic approach has been applied in nutrition research on a grape-derived FB

    Experimental and computational evidence of the biradical structure and reactivity of titanium(IV) enolates

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    Quantum chemical calculations have unveiled the unexpected biradical character of titanium(IV) enolates from N-acyl oxazolidinones and thiazolidinethiones. The electronic structure of these species therefore involves a valence tautomerism consisting of an equilibrium between a closed shell (formally Ti(IV) enolates) and an open shell, biradical, singlet (formally Ti(III) enolates) electronic states, whose origin is to be basically found in changes of the Ti−O distance. Spectroscopic studies of the intermediate species lend support to such a model, which also turns out to be crucial for a better understanding of the overall reactivity of titanium(IV) enolates. In this context, a thorough computational analysis of the radical addition of titanium(IV) enolates from N-acyl oxazolidinones to TEMPO has permitted us to suggest an entire mechanism, which accounts for the experimental details and the diastereoselectivity of the process. All together, this evidence highlights the relevance of biradical intermediates from titanium(IV) enolates and may be a useful contribution to the foundations of a more insightful comprehension of the structure and reactivity of titanium(IV) enolates

    Introducció de tècniques d’aprenentatge col•laboratiu i semi-presencial en l’àmbit de bases de dades

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    Podem classificar les àrees d’actuació del projecte en tres grups diferents: 1) S'han reestructurat els temaris de les assignatures de tota la branca de “bases de dades” de la FIB. 2) S’han introduït activitats participatives a les assignatures amb menys estudiants. 3) S'ha desenvolupat un sistema que permet la definició de qüestionaris per a la pràctica i avaluació del llenguatge d'accés a bases de dades SQL. Aquest sistema permet als professors la creació d'exercicis i l'establiment des del seu ordinador personal d'un mecanisme de correcció. Aquests exercicis o qüestions queden emmagatzemats a una base de dades comuna per a tots els professors. Després mitjançant un mòdul d'activitat que es pot instal·lar a Moodle v1.8 (Atenea), es poden definir qüestionaris que continguin aquests exercicis i posar-los a disposició dels estudiants. Aquests, podran veure els enunciats, introduir-hi les seves respostes i en qüestió de segons rebre la correcció del que han fet

    La atenciĂłn sanitaria a pacientes con multimorbilidad. La percepciĂłn de los profesionales

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    Objetivo Explorar las percepciones de los profesionales sanitarios sobre las caracterĂ­sticas de la atenciĂłn sanitaria a pacientes con multimorbilidad. DiseĂąo Estudio cualitativo de trayectoria fenomenolĂłgica realizado entre enero y septiembre de 2015 mediante 3 entrevistas grupales (grupos de discusiĂłn) y 15 individuales. Emplazamiento Servicio AragonĂŠs de Salud. Participantes Profesionales mĂŠdicos y de enfermerĂ­a del Servicio AragonĂŠs de Salud pertenecientes a distintos servicios: Medicina Interna, AtenciĂłn Primaria, Urgencias y GestiĂłn. TambiĂŠn se incluyĂł un farmacĂŠutico. MĂŠtodos Se realizĂł un muestreo intencional no probabilĂ­stico que permitiese configurar las unidades muestrales buscando criterios de representatividad del discurso, permitiendo conocer e interpretar el fenĂłmeno estudiado en profundidad, en sus diferentes visiones. Se entrevistĂł a profesionales sanitarios con perfiles diferentes que conociesen en profundidad la atenciĂłn a pacientes con multimorbilidad. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas literalmente e interpretadas, mediante el anĂĄlisis social del discurso. Resultados Se identifica una cultura profesional orientada a la atenciĂłn de enfermedades individuales, falta de coordinaciĂłn entre especialidades, pacientes sometidos a numerosas prescripciones, GuĂ­as de PrĂĄctica ClĂ­nica y formaciĂłn especialmente centradas en enfermedades individuales. Conclusiones Tanto la cultura profesional como la organizaciĂłn del sistema sanitario se encuentran orientadas a la atenciĂłn de enfermedades individuales, lo que redunda en dificultades para ofrecer una atenciĂłn mĂĄs integral a los pacientes con multimorbilidad. Objective: To explore the perceptions of health professionals about the characteristics of health care for patients with multimorbidity. Design: Qualitative study of phenomenological trajectory made between January and September 2015 through 3 group interviews and 15 individual interviews. Location: Aragonese Health Service. Participants: Medical and nursing professionals of the Aragon Health Service belonging to various services: Internal Medicine, Primary Care, Emergency and Management. A pharmacist was also included. Methods: A non-probabilistic intentional sampling was carried out that allowed for the selection of professionals in terms of discourse representation criteria, allowing to know and interpret the phenomenon studied in depth, in its different visions. We interviewed health professionals with different profiles who knew in depth the characteristics of care provided to patients with multimorbidity. The interviews were recorded, transcribed literally and interpreted, through the social analysis of the discourse. Results: Professional culture oriented to individual pathologies, lack of coordination among professionals, high prevalence of multi-prescriptions, Clinical Practice Guidelines oriented to individual pathologies and specialist training focused on individual diseases. Conclusions: Both the professional culture and the organization of the healthcare system have been oriented towards the attention to individual pathologies, which results in the difficulty to offer a more integrated care to patients with multimorbidity

    E-assessment of relational database skills by means of LearnSQL

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    LearnSQL is a software system that allows the automatic and efficient e-learning and e-assessment of relational database skills. It has been used at the Barcelona School of Informatics for 18 semesters with an average of 200 students per semester. This paper shows the functionalities of LearnSQL subsystems by means of specific and understandable examples.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Discovery of intake biomarkers of lentils, chickpeas and white beans by untargeted LC-MS metabolomics in serum and urine.

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    Scope: To identify reliable biomarkers of food intake (BFIs) of pulses. Methods and results: A randomized crossover postprandial intervention study is conducted on 11 volunteers who consumed lentils, chickpeas, and white beans. Urine and serum samples are collected at distinct postprandial time points up to 48 h, and analyzed by LC-HR-MS untargeted metabolomics. Hypaphorine, trigonelline, several small peptides, and polyphenol-derived metabolites prove to be the most discriminating urinary metabolites. Two arginine-related compounds, dopamine sulfate and epicatechin metabolites, with their microbial derivatives, are identified only after intake of lentils, whereas protocatechuic acid is identified only after consumption of chickpeas. Urinary hydroxyjasmonic and hydroxydihydrojasmonic acids, as well as serum pipecolic acid and methylcysteine, are found after white bean consumption. Most of the metabolites identified in the postprandial study are replicated as discriminants in 24 h urine samples, demonstrating that in this case the use of a single, noninvasive sample is suitable for revealing the consumption of pulses. Conclusions: The results of the present untargeted metabolomics work reveals a broad list of metabolites that are candidates for use as biomarkers of pulse intake. Further studies are needed to validate these BFIs and to find the best combinations of them to boost their specificity


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    The title compound, [Li2(SO4)(C3H7NO2)(H2O)]n, is a coordination polymer in which the β-alanine residues remain in the zwitterionic form. The crystal structure consists of corrugated sheets of [LiO4] and [SO4] tetra­hedra parallel to (010) with the β-alanine mol­ecules located between the sheets. The two independent Li+ cations are four-coordinated by O atoms in a distorted tetra­hedral geometry. The crystal structure is formed by stacking of alternate organic and inorganic layers along the a axis. The crystal structure is further stabilized by N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Integració i avaluació de la competència genèrica transversal actitud adequada davant el treball en assignatures de bases de dades

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    El canvi al nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior va portar a la Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya a incorporar competències genèriques tranversals en els seus plans d’estudi. En aquest article es presenta com s’ha integrat la competència actitud adequada davant el treball en les assignatures de bases de dades del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica en la especialitat d’Enginyeria del Software, el mètode d’avaluació utilitzat i es comenten els resultats obtinguts en els darrers tres anys.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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