738 research outputs found

    Diversification, Integration and Emerging Market Closed-End Funds

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    Using an extensive new data set on U.S. and U.K.-traded closed- end funds, we examine the diversification benefits from emerging equity markets and the extent of their integration with global capital markets. To measure diversification benefits, we exploit the duality between Hansen-Jagannathan bounds [1991] and mean-standard deviation frontiers. We find significant diversification benefits for the U.K. country funds, but not for the U.S. funds. The difference appears to relate to differences in portfolio holdings. To investigate global market integration, we compute the reduction in expected returns an investor would be willing to accept to avoid investment barriers in six countries. We find evidence of investment restrictions for Indonesia, Taiwan and Thailand, but not for Korea, the Philippines or Turkey.

    Denoising stimulated Raman histology using weak supervision to improve label-free optical microscopy of human brain tumors

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    Medical Schoolhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170656/1/EstebanUrias_1.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170656/2/EstebanUrias_2.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170656/3/EstebanUrias_3.ppt

    Addressing the problem of student engagement in the classroom

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    The problem of student engagement is one that is faced by teachers everywhere. While multiple strategies exist for combating this issue, project-based learning and inquiry-based learning are two that stand out in the multitude of research. Additionally, these strategies are ideal in the science classroom as they align very well with the Next Generation Science Standards that are used in Michigan, including rural Southwest Michigan school, Eau Claire High School. This project explores these instructional strategies and their various benefits which include improved critical thinking, improved social skills, and improved questioning skills

    Hypothalamic concentration of kisspeptin and GnRH during breeding season (BS) and non breeding season (NBS) in sheep

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    2016 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The kisspeptin system has emerged as an important regulator of mammalian reproduction. In ewes, kisspeptin neurons are located in specific hypothalamic regions such as the preoptic area (POA) and medio-basal hypothalamus (MBH) which include the arcuate nucleus (ARC). A specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) for the quantification of hypothalamic kisspeptin was developed to test the hypothesis that estradiol decreases the production of kisspeptin during the NBS in the MBH in addition to other forebrain areas that harbor kisspeptin neurons and/or axons such as the POA, the anterior hypothalamic area (AHA), and the median eminence (ME). The kisspeptin RIA results indicated that the concentrations of kisspeptin per milligram of tissue were decreased during NBS in the MBH and the POA with a tendency for lower kisspeptin concentrations observed in the AHA. Likewise, the total content of kisspeptin was decreased in the MBH and POA during the NBS, with a similar tendency for lower content of kisspeptin observed in the AHA during the NBS. Supporting the notion that kisspeptin modulates secretion of GnRH at the level of the ME, a positive correlation between these neuropeptides was observed during the BS in this region. It may be, that kisspeptin neurons are relevant for the seasonal regulation of GnRH and LH secretion exerted by estradiol, since the GnRH neurons do not express estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) which is the relevant ER subtype for the regulation of the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis (GnRH/LH pulsatility). We investigated if the negative feedback exerted by estradiol during the NBS, promoting a decrease in the concentrations of kisspeptin in the ARC, can be blocked by the intracerebral ventricular (ICV) administration of an estradiol antagonist (ICI) to promote an increase in LH pulsatility. As expected, in ewes that received the ICI treatment an increase in the average number of LH pulses was observed. The increased frequency in LH pulsatility was probably a consequence of eliminating estradiol inhibitory actions over ARC kisspeptin neurons which send axonal projections to the ME and promote the release of GnRH, and thus LH. Interestingly, the ME is a circumventricular organ (CVO) located outside of the blood brain barrier (BBB). Ovariectomized ewes were immunized against kisspeptin and antiserum to kisspeptin generated. The antibodies to kisspeptin were intended to eliminate kisspeptin release from the ME and consequently block kisspeptin input to GnRH axon terminals. The blockade of kisspeptin input to GnRH axon terminals was intended to inhibit the release of GnRH and hence LH. When compared to controls, ewes immunized against kisspeptin tended to have lower average and basal secretion of LH. The lack of significant decrease observed in immunized ewes suggests that higher titers to kisspeptin could be needed to fully suppress GnRH and hence LH pulsatility. Still, the tendency for lower levels of LH observed in immunized ewes suggest that kisspeptin release from the ME is relevant for the modulation of the pulsatile secretion of GnRH and thus LH. Likewise, delayed onset of the preovulatory like surge of LH in immunized ewes suggests a partial inhibition of the massive release of kisspeptin/GnRH was obtained during the start of the surge. However the possibility that the preovulatory surge of kisspeptin/GnRH is also regulated inside the BBB or that kisspeptin independent or indirect mechanisms play an important role in the generation of the GnRH/LH surge in ewes cannot be ruled out

    Reasoning about space for human-robot interaction

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    L'interaction Homme-Robot est un domaine de recherche qui se développe de manière exponentielle durant ces dernières années, ceci nous procure de nouveaux défis au raisonnement géométrique du robot et au partage d'espace. Le robot pour accomplir une tâche, doit non seulement raisonner sur ses propres capacités, mais également prendre en considération la perception humaine, c'est à dire "Le robot doit se placer du point de vue de l'humain". Chez l'homme, la capacité de prise de perspective visuelle commence à se manifester à partir du 24ème mois. Cette capacité est utilisée pour déterminer si une autre personne peut voir un objet ou pas. La mise en place de ce genre de capacités sociales améliorera les capacités cognitives du robot et aidera le robot pour une meilleure interaction avec les hommes. Dans ce travail, nous présentons un mécanisme de raisonnement spatial de point de vue géométrique qui utilise des concepts psychologiques de la "prise de perspective" et "de la rotation mentale" dans deux cadres généraux: - La planification de mouvement pour l'interaction homme-robot: le robot utilise "la prise de perspective égocentrique" pour évaluer plusieurs configurations où le robot peut effectuer différentes tâches d'interaction. - Une interaction face à face entre l'homme et le robot : le robot emploie la prise de point de vue de l'humain comme un outil géométrique pour comprendre l'attention et l'intention humaine afin d'effectuer des tâches coopératives.Human Robot Interaction is a research area that is growing exponentially in last years. This fact brings new challenges to the robot's geometric reasoning and space sharing abilities. The robot should not only reason on its own capacities but also consider the actual situation by looking from human's eyes, thus "putting itself into human's perspective". In humans, the "visual perspective taking" ability begins to appear by 24 months of age and is used to determine if another person can see an object or not. The implementation of this kind of social abilities will improve the robot's cognitive capabilities and will help the robot to perform a better interaction with human beings. In this work, we present a geometric spatial reasoning mechanism that employs psychological concepts of "perspective taking" and "mental rotation" in two general frameworks: - Motion planning for human-robot interaction: where the robot uses "egocentric perspective taking" to evaluate several configurations where the robot is able to perform different tasks of interaction. - A face-to-face human-robot interaction: where the robot uses perspective taking of the human as a geometric tool to understand the human attention and intention in order to perform cooperative tasks

    Effect of Self-Determination, Motivation, and Dispositional Optimism with Physical Therapy in Geriatric Patients

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    Older people are frequently faced with physical conditions that require treatment. A better understanding of the components of engagement relating to the outcomes of treatment was the focus of the study. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine whether there was an association between the independent variables of optimism, pessimism, motivation, and self-determination and their impact on the dependent variable of achieving physical activity goals in 86 geriatric patients, ages 65 to 80 receiving physical therapy services. The theoretical framework of self-determination, motivation, optimism, and pessimism was assessed by using two self-report questionnaires, The Self-Determination Scale and The Revised Life Orientation Test, along with reviewing physical therapy evaluations, progress notes, and discharge summaries. It was found through the use of a multiple regression analysis that no significant difference in modified independence existed between those with low versus high optimism, pessimism, self-determination, and motivation; there was also no significant difference in the number of physical therapy goals achieved upon discharge. The findings of this study warrant further research on the connection between cognitive and physical abilities and the decline of health due to the aging process. The implication of social change is the need for continued research for clarification of what has been provided through previous research that high levels of optimism, self-determination, and motivation explain a positive outcome in the treatment, rehabilitation process, and achievement of goals versus the contradictory results demonstrated in this research study

    Foundations of College Teaching - A Course for Doctoral Students: Reflections on a case study in College Teaching

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    Excerpt: What should doctoral level education prepare students to do? The ability to successfully carry out an independent research project has long been thought of as the primary, and perhaps the sole criterion for obtaining a Ph.D. In recent years, increasingly, candidates for academic employment are being asked about their teaching experience and about their views on education. A report titled Reshaping the Graduate Education of Scientists and Engineers (1995) by the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, recommends changes in doctoral education in the sciences and engineering so as to provide preparation in teaching. More recently, university administrators have been recommending that whether they pursue careers in industry or academia, graduate students with doctoral degrees should know how to teach
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