430 research outputs found

    Effects of parity, farm, and dietary energy levels on circulating adiponectin concentrations and on oxidative status in high yielding dairy cows in late pregnancy and early lactation

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    During late pregnancy and early lactation the energy demands of high yielding dairy cows exceed their nutrient intake. The resulting negative energy balance leads to hormonal changes, substantial mobilization of body reserves, and an increased risk for production diseases like ketosis, fatty liver, mastitis and metritis. Glucose and insulin sensitivity play a pivotal role in this period, as the reduced insulin sensitivity in tissues like liver, muscle and adipose tissue in the transition period is supposed to be one reason for the development of the production diseases and glucose is the main energy supply for the conceptus and the precursor for lactose. On the one hand, insulin sensitivity can be increased by adiponectin, an insulin sensitizing hormone produced by adipose tissue and circulating in relatively high concentrations. On the other hand, insulin sensitivity can be decreased by oxidative stress, the imbalance between pro- and antioxidants. In this thesis influencing factors on adiponectin and the oxidative status are examined, leading to the discussion, if they could possibly serve as indicators for metabolically successful cows in the transition period. In our studies (chapter III and IV) we examined the effects of parity, farm, and feeding different energy levels on adiponectin and the oxidative status in a large number of dairy cows. Primiparous cows had lower adiponectin prepartum and greater adiponectin postpartum compared with pluriparous cows. Our results suggest that adiponectin is likely involved in the mechanisms of energy partitioning between the the offspring on the one hand and the own body, which is still growing in primiparous cows, on the other hand. This energy partitioning may change from pregnancy to lactation. Unexpectedly, not a greater energy supply, but a greater amount of straw in the roughage portion lead to greater adiponectin concentrations in early lactation. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind the roughage effect and its metabolic consequences. To examine the oxidative status we measured the concentrations of the derivatives of reactive oxygen metabolites (dROM) and the ferric reducing ability (FRAP) in serum and calculated the oxidative status index (OSi) as dROM / FRAP * 100. Cows in their first and second lactation had greater dROM, FRAP, and OSi than cows in their third and higher lactation. Hence, not only cows in their first lactation, but also cows in their second lactation should be regarded with special care, like antioxidant supplements. Furthermore, these results emphasize the value of assessing the oxidative status with regard to both, the pro- and antioxidative side. Feeding different amounts of concentrates did not affect dROM, FRAP, and OSi, but cows from one farm were sticking out by greater dROM and lower FRAP, resulting in a greater OSi as compared with cows in the other farm. A lower milk yield on day 100 and greater BHB concentrations in this farm with higher Osi support the association of oxidative status and metabolic status. Further investigations are needed to determine the applicability of OSi as a prognostic tool during early lactation and to sort out which factors, e.g. in management, are influencing the oxidative status the most. To sum it all up, circulating adiponectin was affected by parity, farm, and feeding and the oxidative status was affected by farm and parity. The time dependent differences of the effects emphasize the importance of taking multiple factors at the same time into account. By now there are no reliable thresholds for adiponectin concentrations or the oxidative parameters investigated in our studies. The various effects, the individual and sampling time dependent variation, and the fact that the concentrations change in a relatively small range complicate the definition of thresholds. Therefore, these parameters are not perfectly suitable as indicators for a successfully passed transition period. Nevertheless, we could expand the knowledge on influencing factors on adiponectin and the oxidative status of transition dairy cows. Furthermore, there is evidence that also in dairy cows insulin sensitivity, and therefore adiponectin, and oxidative status interact, as it was already reported for humans. Further studies should focus on the possibilities to include adiponectin in a surrogate marker for insulin sensitivity or to establish new indices for metabolic health in the transition period.In der Transitphase, also den letzten Wochen der Trächtigkeit und den ersten Wochen der Laktation, übersteigt der Energiebedarf von hochleistenden Milchkühen die Energieaufnahme mit dem Futter. Daraus folgt eine negative Energiebilanz, die zu Änderungen im Hormonhaushalt, Mobilisation von Körperreserven und einem erhöhten Risiko für Produktionskrankheiten wie Ketose, Fettleber, Mastitis und Metritis führt. In dieser Phase spielen Glukose und Insulinsensitivität eine wichtige Rolle. Die Insulinsensitivität in Geweben wie Leber, Muskel und Fett wird reduziert, was als ein Grund für die Entwicklung der Produktionskrankheiten angesehen wird. Adiponectin als insulinsensitivierendes Hormon, welches im Fettgewebe produziert wird und in relativ hohen Konzentrationen im Blut vorkommt, kann die Insulinsensitivität steigern. Oxidativer Stress, also das Ungleichgewicht zwischen Pro- und Antioxidantien, können die Insulinsensitivität hingegen reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit werden die Einflussfaktoren auf Adiponectin und den oxidativen Status untersucht. Weiterhin wird diskutiert ob sie als Indikatoren dienen können, um Kühe mit einem stabilen Stoffwechsel zu erkennen. In unseren Studien (Kapitel III und IV) haben wir die Effekte der Lakatationsnummer, verschiedener Betriebe und der Fütterung verschiedener Energielevels auf Adiponectin und den oxidativen Status untersucht. Primipare Kühe hatten geringere Adiponectinkonzentrationen vor der Kalbung und größere Adiponectinkonzentrationen nach der Kalbung als pluripare Kühe. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass Adiponectin wahrscheinlich in die Vorgänge der Energieverteilung zwischen dem Nachwuchs auf der einen und dem eigenen, bei primiparen Kühen noch im Wachstum befindlichen, Körper auf der anderen Seite involviert ist. Des Weiteren scheint sich diese Energieverteilung Verlauf von Hochträchtigkeit zur Laktation zu verändern. Anders als erwartet, hat nicht eine erhöhte Energiezufuhr, sondern ein erhöhter Strohgehalt im Grundfutter zu erhöhten Adiponectinkonzentrationen geführt. Um die Gründe für diesen Grundfuttereffekt und die Folgen daraus zu erörtern, sind weitere Studien notwendig. Zur Erfassung des oxidativen Status haben wir in den Serumproben die Derivate der Sauerstoffmetaboliten (dROM), und die eisenreduzierende Kapazität (FRAP) gemessen und daraus den oxidativen Status Index (OSi) (dROM/FRAP*100) gemessen. Kühe in ihrer ersten und zweiten Laktation zeigten höhere dROM, FRAP und OSi Werte als Kühe in der dritten oder höheren Laktation. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass nicht nur Kühe in ihrer ersten Laktation besondere Behandlung, wie z.B. die Zugabe von Antioxidantien erfahren sollten, sondern auch Kühe in der zweiten Laktation. Außerdem zeigen sie, dass beide Seiten des oxidativen Status, also sowohl die pro- als auch die antioxidativen Parameter, erfasst werden sollten. Die Fütterung verschiedener Kraftfuttermengen hatte keinen Einfluss auf den oxidativen Status. Allerdings hatten Kühe in einem Betrieb deutlich höhere dROM und niedrigere FRAP-Werte als in dem anderen betrachteten Betrieb, was sich ebenfalls in einem höheren OSi zeigte. Eine niedrigere Milchleistung an Tag 100 der Laktation und höhere BHB-Konzentrationen in diesem Betrieb unterstützen die Idee, dass der oxidative Status mit der Stoffwechselsituation in Verbindung steht. Die Verwendbarkeit des OSi als Prognosewert in der frühen Laktation und weitere Einflussfaktoren auf den oxidativen Status müssen in weiteren Studien geklärt werden. Bis jetzt gibt es noch keine zuverlässigen Grenzwerte für Adiponectin oder die oxidativen Parameter aus unserer Studie. Die verschiedenen Effekte und die individuellen und Zeitpunkt abhängigen Streuungen sowie die Tatsache, das sich die Konzentrationsänderungen nur in einem relativ kleinen Bereich bewegen, erschweren die Festlegung solcher Grenzwerte. Dadurch sind diese Parameter bisher nicht gut als Indikatoren für eine erfolgreiche Transitphase zu gebrauchen. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigt diese Dissertation neue Erkenntnisse über die Einflussfaktoren auf Adiponectin und den oxidativen Status bei Milchkühen. Außerdem geben die Ergebnisse Hinweise darauf, dass auch bei Milchkühen die Insulinsensitivität und somit auch Adiponectin mit dem oxidativen Status interagieren, wie es bereits für den Menschen berichtet wurde. In zukünftigen Studien sollte der Fokus darauf liegen Adiponectin zum Beispiel in Schätzgleichungen für die Insulinsensitivität zu integrieren oder Indices für Stoffwechselgesundheit in der Transitphase zu entwickeln

    Effects of parity, farm, and dietary energy levels on circulating adiponectin concentrations and on oxidative status in high yielding dairy cows in late pregnancy and early lactation

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    During late pregnancy and early lactation the energy demands of high yielding dairy cows exceed their nutrient intake. The resulting negative energy balance leads to hormonal changes, substantial mobilization of body reserves, and an increased risk for production diseases like ketosis, fatty liver, mastitis and metritis. Glucose and insulin sensitivity play a pivotal role in this period, as the reduced insulin sensitivity in tissues like liver, muscle and adipose tissue in the transition period is supposed to be one reason for the development of the production diseases and glucose is the main energy supply for the conceptus and the precursor for lactose. On the one hand, insulin sensitivity can be increased by adiponectin, an insulin sensitizing hormone produced by adipose tissue and circulating in relatively high concentrations. On the other hand, insulin sensitivity can be decreased by oxidative stress, the imbalance between pro- and antioxidants. In this thesis influencing factors on adiponectin and the oxidative status are examined, leading to the discussion, if they could possibly serve as indicators for metabolically successful cows in the transition period. In our studies (chapter III and IV) we examined the effects of parity, farm, and feeding different energy levels on adiponectin and the oxidative status in a large number of dairy cows. Primiparous cows had lower adiponectin prepartum and greater adiponectin postpartum compared with pluriparous cows. Our results suggest that adiponectin is likely involved in the mechanisms of energy partitioning between the the offspring on the one hand and the own body, which is still growing in primiparous cows, on the other hand. This energy partitioning may change from pregnancy to lactation. Unexpectedly, not a greater energy supply, but a greater amount of straw in the roughage portion lead to greater adiponectin concentrations in early lactation. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind the roughage effect and its metabolic consequences. To examine the oxidative status we measured the concentrations of the derivatives of reactive oxygen metabolites (dROM) and the ferric reducing ability (FRAP) in serum and calculated the oxidative status index (OSi) as dROM / FRAP * 100. Cows in their first and second lactation had greater dROM, FRAP, and OSi than cows in their third and higher lactation. Hence, not only cows in their first lactation, but also cows in their second lactation should be regarded with special care, like antioxidant supplements. Furthermore, these results emphasize the value of assessing the oxidative status with regard to both, the pro- and antioxidative side. Feeding different amounts of concentrates did not affect dROM, FRAP, and OSi, but cows from one farm were sticking out by greater dROM and lower FRAP, resulting in a greater OSi as compared with cows in the other farm. A lower milk yield on day 100 and greater BHB concentrations in this farm with higher Osi support the association of oxidative status and metabolic status. Further investigations are needed to determine the applicability of OSi as a prognostic tool during early lactation and to sort out which factors, e.g. in management, are influencing the oxidative status the most. To sum it all up, circulating adiponectin was affected by parity, farm, and feeding and the oxidative status was affected by farm and parity. The time dependent differences of the effects emphasize the importance of taking multiple factors at the same time into account. By now there are no reliable thresholds for adiponectin concentrations or the oxidative parameters investigated in our studies. The various effects, the individual and sampling time dependent variation, and the fact that the concentrations change in a relatively small range complicate the definition of thresholds. Therefore, these parameters are not perfectly suitable as indicators for a successfully passed transition period. Nevertheless, we could expand the knowledge on influencing factors on adiponectin and the oxidative status of transition dairy cows. Furthermore, there is evidence that also in dairy cows insulin sensitivity, and therefore adiponectin, and oxidative status interact, as it was already reported for humans. Further studies should focus on the possibilities to include adiponectin in a surrogate marker for insulin sensitivity or to establish new indices for metabolic health in the transition period.In der Transitphase, also den letzten Wochen der Trächtigkeit und den ersten Wochen der Laktation, übersteigt der Energiebedarf von hochleistenden Milchkühen die Energieaufnahme mit dem Futter. Daraus folgt eine negative Energiebilanz, die zu Änderungen im Hormonhaushalt, Mobilisation von Körperreserven und einem erhöhten Risiko für Produktionskrankheiten wie Ketose, Fettleber, Mastitis und Metritis führt. In dieser Phase spielen Glukose und Insulinsensitivität eine wichtige Rolle. Die Insulinsensitivität in Geweben wie Leber, Muskel und Fett wird reduziert, was als ein Grund für die Entwicklung der Produktionskrankheiten angesehen wird. Adiponectin als insulinsensitivierendes Hormon, welches im Fettgewebe produziert wird und in relativ hohen Konzentrationen im Blut vorkommt, kann die Insulinsensitivität steigern. Oxidativer Stress, also das Ungleichgewicht zwischen Pro- und Antioxidantien, können die Insulinsensitivität hingegen reduzieren. In dieser Arbeit werden die Einflussfaktoren auf Adiponectin und den oxidativen Status untersucht. Weiterhin wird diskutiert ob sie als Indikatoren dienen können, um Kühe mit einem stabilen Stoffwechsel zu erkennen. In unseren Studien (Kapitel III und IV) haben wir die Effekte der Lakatationsnummer, verschiedener Betriebe und der Fütterung verschiedener Energielevels auf Adiponectin und den oxidativen Status untersucht. Primipare Kühe hatten geringere Adiponectinkonzentrationen vor der Kalbung und größere Adiponectinkonzentrationen nach der Kalbung als pluripare Kühe. Unsere Ergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass Adiponectin wahrscheinlich in die Vorgänge der Energieverteilung zwischen dem Nachwuchs auf der einen und dem eigenen, bei primiparen Kühen noch im Wachstum befindlichen, Körper auf der anderen Seite involviert ist. Des Weiteren scheint sich diese Energieverteilung Verlauf von Hochträchtigkeit zur Laktation zu verändern. Anders als erwartet, hat nicht eine erhöhte Energiezufuhr, sondern ein erhöhter Strohgehalt im Grundfutter zu erhöhten Adiponectinkonzentrationen geführt. Um die Gründe für diesen Grundfuttereffekt und die Folgen daraus zu erörtern, sind weitere Studien notwendig. Zur Erfassung des oxidativen Status haben wir in den Serumproben die Derivate der Sauerstoffmetaboliten (dROM), und die eisenreduzierende Kapazität (FRAP) gemessen und daraus den oxidativen Status Index (OSi) (dROM/FRAP*100) gemessen. Kühe in ihrer ersten und zweiten Laktation zeigten höhere dROM, FRAP und OSi Werte als Kühe in der dritten oder höheren Laktation. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass nicht nur Kühe in ihrer ersten Laktation besondere Behandlung, wie z.B. die Zugabe von Antioxidantien erfahren sollten, sondern auch Kühe in der zweiten Laktation. Außerdem zeigen sie, dass beide Seiten des oxidativen Status, also sowohl die pro- als auch die antioxidativen Parameter, erfasst werden sollten. Die Fütterung verschiedener Kraftfuttermengen hatte keinen Einfluss auf den oxidativen Status. Allerdings hatten Kühe in einem Betrieb deutlich höhere dROM und niedrigere FRAP-Werte als in dem anderen betrachteten Betrieb, was sich ebenfalls in einem höheren OSi zeigte. Eine niedrigere Milchleistung an Tag 100 der Laktation und höhere BHB-Konzentrationen in diesem Betrieb unterstützen die Idee, dass der oxidative Status mit der Stoffwechselsituation in Verbindung steht. Die Verwendbarkeit des OSi als Prognosewert in der frühen Laktation und weitere Einflussfaktoren auf den oxidativen Status müssen in weiteren Studien geklärt werden. Bis jetzt gibt es noch keine zuverlässigen Grenzwerte für Adiponectin oder die oxidativen Parameter aus unserer Studie. Die verschiedenen Effekte und die individuellen und Zeitpunkt abhängigen Streuungen sowie die Tatsache, das sich die Konzentrationsänderungen nur in einem relativ kleinen Bereich bewegen, erschweren die Festlegung solcher Grenzwerte. Dadurch sind diese Parameter bisher nicht gut als Indikatoren für eine erfolgreiche Transitphase zu gebrauchen. Nichtsdestotrotz zeigt diese Dissertation neue Erkenntnisse über die Einflussfaktoren auf Adiponectin und den oxidativen Status bei Milchkühen. Außerdem geben die Ergebnisse Hinweise darauf, dass auch bei Milchkühen die Insulinsensitivität und somit auch Adiponectin mit dem oxidativen Status interagieren, wie es bereits für den Menschen berichtet wurde. In zukünftigen Studien sollte der Fokus darauf liegen Adiponectin zum Beispiel in Schätzgleichungen für die Insulinsensitivität zu integrieren oder Indices für Stoffwechselgesundheit in der Transitphase zu entwickeln

    An Examination Of Marine Fouling Organisms\u27 Presence On Varying Substrates In A New England Marina

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    Marine fouling communities are comprised of various marine organisms that begin life as planktonic larvae before attaching to submerged surfaces. The purpose of this study was to develop an understanding of the substrate preferences of marine organisms that commonly foul New England marinas. Two sets of four 14x14cm fouling plates were constructed out of one of four materials: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), fiberglass, concrete or slate. These plates were suspended off a floating dock at 1 and 2 meters below the surface of the water. The 16 plates were placed at the Boston Harbor Shipyard and Marina in East Boston, MA, on 17 July 2016 and photographed every two weeks until 4 December 2016 for a total of 20 weeks. Individual organisms were counted and the percent cover calculated for colonial species to examine what settled and general abundance. It was found that the most common fouling organisms were Ciona intestinalis, Molgula sp., and Botrylloides violaceus. Ascidiella aspersa and Botryllus schlosseri were also present. The two most common solitary species present on all plate materials were C. intestinalis and Molgula sp. with B. violaceus being the most common colonial species. C. intestinalis showed a preference for the concrete plates over the other available surfaces. B. violaceus was most common on the slate plates. All colonial ascidians were observed growing on other organisms showing their involvement in secondary settlement. Understanding the substrate preference of these species develops a baseline for further research and the potential to control the spread of invasive species naturally

    Knowledge‐Based Assignment Model for Allocation of Employees in Engineering‐to‐Order Production

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    In today’s rapidly changing business environment, it is necessary to react promptly in response to the product changes that happen constantly in an Engineering‐to‐Order production environment. Very often, there is not sufficient time to educate employees regarding new and necessary knowledge. If we insist on the standardization of a process execution, the process always requires appropriate knowledge from among available employees. In this chapter, an option for adjusting processes to available knowledge is studied. Following calculations, it was concluded that a partial corruption of a perfect process leads to a better knowledge alignment of employees. At first, with the corruption of a perfect process, its efficiency is decreased, but with better knowledge alignment, process efficiency is consequently increased to a level better than the original one. The optimization model presented in this chapter is based on a modified classic assignment problem and it includes a numerical example based on the data of ETO company. We proved our findings from the aspects of balance, employee capacity load and process efficiency

    Interes za učenje valutnega trgovanja

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    Background and purpose: This paper analyzes the interest of potential users for learning in the field of currency trading or foreign exchange (forex, FX). The purpose of our article is a) to present currency trading, b) to present different options, methods and learning approaches to educating in forex, c) to present the research results discovering the interest of potential users for learning in the field of currency trading. Methodology: For gathering data, an online questionnaire was used. It was distributed so that the survey sample covers socio-demographic variables (gender, age, working status, relationship status, financial status of credit and educational level). Interest in learning in the field of currency trading was assessed. Descriptive statistics, t-test, paired samples test, homogeny test of variances, and ANOVA were used. Results: It was determined that people are interested in learning about currency trading, especially younger ones (< 30 years), who prefer e-learning as their learning approach. Obtaining and possessing the right information is the strongest motivation factor and fearing not having enough necessary prior knowledge is the strongest discouraging factor for learning about currency trading. Conclusion: Education of users in the field of currency trading is becoming increasingly popular with the development of e-learning.Ozadje in namen: V znanstvenem prispevku analiziramo interes potencialnih uporabnikov za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja (forex, FX). Namen članka je a) predstaviti valutno trgovanje, b) predstaviti različne možnosti, metode in pristope k učenju za izobraževanje valutnega trgovanja, c) predstaviti rezultate raziskave, ki izraža interes potencialnih uporabnikov za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja. Metodologija: Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili spletni vprašalnik. Vzorec, ki smo ga zajeli v raziskavi vsebuje socialno-demografske spremenljivke (spol, starost, delovni status, odnos status, finančno stanje kreditnih in stopnjo izobrazbe). S pomočjo opisne statistike, t-testov, testa homogenosti varianc in testa ANOVA smo ocenili interes ljudi za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obstaja interes za učenje iz valutnega trgovanja, predvsem pri mlajših ljudeh ( < 30 let), katerih najljubši učni pristop je e-izobraževanje. Pridobivanje in posedovanje pravih informacij je najmočnejši motivacijski dejavnik za učenje med uporabniki valutnega trgovanja, medtem ko je najmočnejši odvračajoči dejavnik, slabo predznanje o samem trgovanju. Zaključek: z razvojem e-izobraževanja, izobraževanje uporabnikov na področju valutnega trgovanja postaja vse bolj razširjeno in priljubljeno

    Kriteriji za oceno organizacije/institucije kot učeče se organizacije

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    The article presents the criteria used for evaluating a company as a learning organisation. These criteria cover management and administration, professional progress, cooperation with community and the system of human resources management. We focus our attention on the system of human resources development. A company has a significant influence on training / education of employees and their career development by activities of the system. The system of human resources development is efficient only if it is supported by the system of human resources management. The system of human resources management involves the employment process, training / education of employers, culture and atmosphere in the company, learning habits and values of employers, style when acting as teachers and the pay system. These activities must be supported by flexible administration, which keeps abreast of advances in its field and takes an active part in activities of its community. By criteria we collect data how the system of human resources management works, how the management supports it and about way, direction and dynamic of the modifications in the company at the specific time. The difference between the actual state and the concept of the learning organisation ranks business process to (dis)satisfaction, there by identifying areas that need to be improved. On the basis of results of our analysis, we can formulate our proposal for restructuring of the human resources management system and its supporting elements at the company.Prispevek predstavlja kriterije za oceno organizacije / institucije kot učeče se organizacije. Vsebinsko se kriteriji nanašajo na štiri področja in sicer na vodenje in upravljanje, spremljanje razvoja stroke, stike organizacije / institucije z zunanjim okoljem ter sistem upravljanja človeških virov. Pozornost usmerjamo v dejavnosti sistema razvoja človeških virov s katerimi organizacija / institucija ustvarja pogoje za izobraževanje oz. učenje in karierni razvoj zaposlenih. Sistem razvoja človeških virov je učinkovit le, če ga dopolnjujejo preostale dejavnosti sistema upravljanja človeških virov. Dejavnost sistema upravljanja človeških virov združuje pridobivanje, selekcijo, uvajanje, razvoj, vrednotenje, vzdrževanje in zadrževanje zaposlenih. Te pa podpira fleksibilno vodenje in upravljanje, spremljanje razvoja stroke ter sodelovanje v dejavnostih zunanjega okolja. S pomočjo kriterijev pridobimo podatke o delovanju sistema upravljanja človeških virov in podpornih elementov ter načinu, smeri in dinamiki organizacijskih sprememb v določenem obdobju. Razkorak med dejanskim stanjem in konceptom učeče se organizacije razvršča obravnavane poslovne procese po hierarhiji (ne)ustreznosti, kar posredno vodi v prepoznavo področij, potrebnih prenove in pripravo ustreznega načrta prenove poslovnih procesov

    Quantitative determination of free amino acids in bioprocessed broth with automatic derivatization by high pressure liquid chromatography system

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    Analitska metoda, ki bi omogočala določanje prostih aminokislin med bioprocesom v bioprocesni brozgi, bi pripomogla k hitrejši optimizaciji in prilagajanju njene sestave. S tem bi znatno vplivali na izboljšanje bioprocesa in kakovosti končnega produkta. V ta namen smo v okviru magistrske naloge testirali metodo, kjer se aminokisline najprej derivatizirajo z reagentoma orto‐ftaldialdehidom (OPA) in 9-fluorenilmetil kloroformatom (FMOC). Sledi ločba derivatov z reverzno fazno kromatografijo na ultra visokotlačnem tekočinskem kromatografskem (UHPLC) sistemu. Metodo smo optimizirali s ciljem doseči čim višjo stopnjo avtomatizacije, zato vsi koraki (redčenje, derivatizacija, ločba in detekcija) potekajo direktno na UHPLC sistemu. Ustreznost metode smo preverili z validacijskimi parametri. Z rezultati smo pokazali, da smo uspešno optimizirali in dosegli zastavljeno avtomatizacijo metode, prav tako smo potrdili doseženost validacijskih parametrov z uporabo standardnih raztopin. Pri analizah bioprocesnih vzorcev smo potrdili primernost metode za določanje primarnih aminokislin in oteženo kvantifikacijo sekundarnih aminokislin. Vzrok so nespecifični kromatografski vrhovi in variabilnost kromatograma aminokislin, derivatiziranih s FMOC reagentom. Za najbolj problematične nespecifične vrhove smo ugotovili in potrdili, da so posledica samega OPA reagenta in reakcij OPA reagenta z neznanimi komponentami v bioprocesni brozgi. Kljub temu ostaja težava pri kromatogramu sekundarnih aminokislin, saj kromatografski vrhovi niso optimalno ločeni, njihova detekcija pa je variabilna. Metoda potrebuje nadaljnjo optimizacijo, da bo dosegla vse kriterije sprejemljivosti določanja celotnega željenega spektra aminokislin (primarne in sekundarne aminokisline) z željeno avtomatizacijo.An analytical method that allows determination of free amino acids in bioprocessed broth during the bioprocess would help to optimize and adjust its composition on-line. This could lead a significant impact on improvement of the bioprocess parameters and the quality of the final product. For this purpose, we tested the method, where amino acids are derivatized with reagents ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and (9-Fluorenylmethyl) chloroformate (FMOC), followed by separation of the derivatives by reverse phase chromatography on an ultra high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system. The method was optimized in the way to achieve the highest possible level of automation, therefore all steps (dilution, derivatization, separation and detection) are performed directly in the autosampler compartment of the UHPLC system. The suitability of the method was evaluated according to the pre-defined validation parameters. Our results are showing that we successfully optimized and achieved targeted level of automation of the method, and we fulfilled the validation parameters via standard solutions. Analysis of bioprocess samples confirmed the suitability of OPA and FMOC method for the determination of primary amino acids. However quantification of secondary amino acids is more challenging due to non-specific chromatographic peaks and chromatogram variability of amino acids derivatized with FMOC reagent. The cause of the most problematic nonspecific peaks was identified and confirmed to be due to the OPA reagent itself and the reactions of the OPA reagent with unknown components in the bioprocess media. Nevertheless, the main issue remains determination of secondary amino acids, whereas the chromatographic peaks are not optimally separated and their detection is variable. The method needs further optimization to achieve all the acceptance criteria for determining the full spectrum of amino acids (primary and secondary amino acids) with the desired level of automation

    Creating real estate value-zones, based on real estate market records

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    The thesis presents the main characteristics of the real estate market in the savinja statistical region, the characteristics of price areas, and value-zones as set by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. It calculates – on the basis of the data and the prices of real estate purchased in the savinja statistical region in the year 2008 – a basic statistical analysis, an analysis of the arithmetic means of cadastral municipalities, of local communities, of price areas, and a distribution of mean prices of the real estate purchased in groups by the method of K-means cluster analysis of the cadastral municipalities and local communities. The results are then compared with price areas and value-zones. The conclusions are that the price areas, as determined by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, are too wide, whereas value-zones determined for the purpose of real-estate taxation, sufficiently take into account the differences of real estate values regarding their location

    Testing of the accuracy of Leica ATR automatic target recognition system

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    Automatic target recognition is in the field of surveying among other fields becoming increasingly invoked and applied concept of automation of electronic total stations. Its accuracy is approaching the accuracy of classical method of measurement, in terms of practicality it already outperforms it. This thesis presents the results of comparison of measurements and their accuracy when using automatic and classical method of angle measurements in the case of two local geodetic networks of various sizes. The results also show the variation of the measurement accuracy by adding the number of sets of angles