35 research outputs found

    Grande vitesse française et espagnole

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    Notre communication compare l’implantation territoriale des réseaux ferroviaires à grande vitesse en France et en Espagne, en prenant en compte les lignes actuelles et les lignes prévues, leur compatibilité, leur géométrie, les gares et leur qualité. Cette comparaison est effectuée avant tout au plan territorial, national ou régional.À l’heure actuelle, les réseaux ferroviaires à grande vitesse français et espagnol sont assez semblables en dépit de quelques différences.Le futur réseau français s’oriente vers un réseau européen avec des projets limités compensés par de solides connexions avec les longues distances internationales.Le futur réseau espagnol s’oriente vers un réseau maillé, en grille, ouvert à différents trafics, à écartement européen, mais au prix de gros problèmes de transition pour les marchandises, et avec une décision déjà prise, mais sans que l’on sache quels seront les moyens de sa réalisation.Enfin, même si les deux réseaux voient leur structure spatiale modifiée et sont étendus à un nombre plus important de localités, ils profiteront toujours davantage aux deux capitales nationales (Paris et Madrid) qu’aux autres grandes villes.This paper compares the territorial installations of high-speed railway networks in France and Spain, taking into account both current and anticipated lines, their compatibility, geometry, railway stations, and quality. The comparison has been made principally on the territorial, (national, or regional) level.Despite some differences, the French and Spanish high-speed railway networks are very similar at present. The French network of the future is moving toward a European network with restricted projects compensated by solid connections with long international distances.The Spanish network of the future will move toward a gridiron system open to a variety of traffic of European gauge, but at the expense of significant transitional problems for merchandise; a decision has already been made, but without knowledge of how it will be implemented. Finally, although the spatial structure of the two networks may be modified and extended to a larger number of localities, they will still benefit more in the two capital cities (Paris and Madrid) than in other large cities

    Patrones de movilidad en áreas distantes de regiones metropolitanas multicéntricas: radialidad vs. tangencialidad. El caso de Castilla-La Mancha respecto a la Región Metropolitana Madrileña

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    Households’ functional relationships in distant areas of multicentric metropolitan regions: radial versus tangential mobility patterns. This paper aims in analyzing work-related (commuting and business) mobility patterns evolution of distant areas of Multicentric Metropolitan Regions. By focusing on the Madrid and Castilla La Mancha regions, household’ functional relationships changes (1981-2012) are analysed: radial with the metropolis and tangential within the Castilla La Mancha region, paying spatial attention to those ones toward its regional capital. The empirical results show that despite de relevance of intraprovincial and radial flows, tangential linkages start acquiring importance in the mobility patterns

    Urban morphological curricula in Spanish schools of archiquecture

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    Urban morphological curricula in recently redesigned programmes in all 33 schools of architecture in Spain are examined. In an international context a comparative study is made of different courses using data available on university websites. Urban morphology is present in most compulsory urban studies modules, but these modules are rarely seen as relevant to architectural programmes and only a very few are fully dedicated to the study of urban form. The weak state of urban morphological curricula in Spanish architectural programmes is revealed. Change is urgently needed to provide future professionals with better knowledge and tools for research and practice

    Road accessibility and articulation of metropolitan spatial structures: the case of Madrid (Spain)

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    In the last few decades, rapid growth in mobility has facilitated the progressive inclusion of distant places in metropolitan processes, modifying traditional metropolitan areas into polycentric urban structures. The paper proposes that the articulation of metropolitan urban regions presenting a methodology based on three accessibility indicators for road networks, combined and developed into two time scenarios. It is applied in the Madrid Urban Region (Spain) revealing that with a general increase in accessibility over period, the metropolitan core has been reinforced and its influence has expanded adding more cities that have started to compete in terms of accessibility with other spaces adjacent to Madrid. The paper shows how a metropolitan area evolves from central patterns towards more diffused ones, introducing polycentric patterns by the hand of increasing road mobility

    Análisis de las consecuencias territoriales del AVE en ciudades pequeñas: Ciudad Real y Puertollano

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    RESUMEN. La llegada de una gran infraestructura como el AVE en 1992 a Ciudad Real y Puertollano, ciudades pequeñas tradicionalmente alejadas de los principales corredores de transporte españoles, ha provocado una serie de transformaciones territoriales en ambos núcleos. El artículo trata de descubrir los cambios demográficos, económicos e inmobiliarios a través de datos estadísticos existentes y la comparación, por un lado, con otras ciudades similares españolas que no se han beneficiado aún de esta infraestructura y, por otro lado, con núcleos representativos de la provincia de Ciudad Real. Además, se ha intentado establecer unas pautas de análisis para explorar o predecir los efectos del AVE en otras ciudades pequeñas y medianas parecidas.ABSTRACT. The arrival in 1992 of a large infrastructure, namely the High Speed Train (HST), to Ciudad Real and Puertollano, small cities hitherto distant from the main Spanish transport corridors, has provoked a series of territorial transformations in both towns. This article sets out to reveal the demographic, economic and building changes by the use of the existing statistical data and by comparing these two cities firstly with similar Spanish cities that have not benefited from this infrastructure, and secondly with other towns representative of the province of Ciudad Real. Moreover it has attempted to establish some guidelines of analysis to explore or predict the effects on other small or medium-sized cities

    Proyecto de nueva escuela de ingenieros de caminos, canales y puertos en Ciudad Real

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    RESUMEN. El artículo presenta los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto realizado por el autor para un nuevo centro de Ingeniería Civil en la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. Se describen los diversos estudios que se implantarán, su organización académica y su enfoque didáctico. Se analiza también la problemática profesional, la oferta de enseñanzas de los centros de ingeniería civil existentes en la actualidad y las peculiaridades de la ciudad y de la región. En base a dichos aspectos se plantean los campos de especialización que deben ser prioritarios en el nuevo centro. Se indican también algunas estrategias para potenciar la investigación en las áreas de especialización definidas como proritarias. Por último, se explica en detalle el plan de estudios propuesto para los estudios de Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y las peculiaridades del mismo.ABSTRACT. The article presents the main aspects of the author´s project for a new School of Civil Engineering to be established at the University of Castilla La Mancha. It includes a description of the studies to be established, their academic organization and its learning approach. The situation of the profession is analyzed, as well as the characteristics of the existing schools of civil engineering and the peculiarities of the city and region in which the school is being established. The main lines of specialization to be emphasized at the school are established by taking into account the three above mentioned aspects. Several strategies are indicated of how to better develop research in these priority areas. Finally, the curriculum to be followed by the students for the degree of Civil Engineer and its peculiarities are explained in detail

    De la renovación urbana al re-equipamiento

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    Se habla de la conveniencia de los procesos de urbanismo en las ciudades y de sus dificultades, de cómo se han ido desarrollando en las diferentes ciudades a lo largo del tiempo y las distintas tipologías que se pueden dar. Para terminar se analiza la operación de Renfe en Córdoba, cuando el ferrocarril se instala en dicha ciudad en la segunda mitad del siglo XI