60 research outputs found

    The effects of exchange rate risk on agricultural imports of developing countries

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    Nominal and real exchange rate variability has been theoretically associated with increased risk that reduces the volume of internationally traded goods. This study examined the effects of nominal and real exchange rate variability on the volume of grains imported by developing countries. A variant of Hooper and Kohlhagen\u27s model was used to investigate nominal exchange risk. The model was modified to incorporate and test the effects of a budget constraint on import decisions in developing countries. It was assumed that unpredictable fluctuations of nominal exchange rates were the only source of uncertainty. It was shown that an increase in the nominal exchange rate uncertainty reduced the volume of imported grains, while a relaxation of the nominal budget constraint increased the quantity of imported grains. The effects of real exchange rate uncertainty were examined by incorporating a budget constraint into the model developed by Cushman. The model assumed that both prices and exchange rates were random and, thus, the uncertain variable of the model was the real exchange rate. An increase in either the expected value of the real exchange rate or in the uncertainty associated with this variable led to a decline in the level of imported grains. However, a relaxation of the real budget constraint increased the quantity of imported grains. The import demand models under nominal and real exchange rate uncertainty were estimated for quarterly quantities of wheat and corn imported by Brazil, and Trinidad and Tobago. In most cases, empirical results indicated that agricultural commodities were sensitive to either nominal or real exchange rate risk. The inclusion of a financial constraint proved to be important in the case of Trinidad and Tobago. In the case of Brazil, the results were far from conclusive, because the selected foreign exchange approximation did not accurately capture the expected positive effects of an increase in the level of foreign exchange on the imported quantity. Despite this problem, the results indicate that nominal foreign exchange had a small but significant role in explaining Brazilian wheat imports. To study the potential sources of real exchange rate variability, the model developed by Edwards was used. This model assumed that both monetary and real disturbances affected real exchange variability in the short-run, while only real shocks were relevant in the long-run. Quarterly models of the potential sources of a short-run and a longer-run measure of the real effective exchange rate variability relevant for corn and wheat importers were developed for Brazil, and Trinidad and Tobago. For both countries, the empirical equations using the short-run measure of real exchange variability performed better than the equations using the long-wave measure. For Trinidad and Tobago, the results showed the influence of both monetary and real factors. In the case of Brazil, the results showed that monetary factors were the more influential factors determining volatility of the real exchange rate

    Desarrollo de una aplicación informática lúdica para niños de primer grado, unidad I de español y matemáticas, escuela especial “La Amistad”, Matagalpa, año 2011

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    La presente investigación, está basada en el desarrollo de una aplicación informática lúdica para niños de primer grado, primera unidad de español y matemática escuela especial “La Amistad” Matagalpa, la importancia de esta aplicación es que ayudara a la formación académica de los niños ya que contar con tecnología adecuada favorece el aprendizaje de los niños con y sin necesidades educativas y los faculta a activar su potencial para convertirse en miembros más productivos y por tanto mejorar su calidad de vida. Para lograr el diseño de la aplicación con estrategias lúdicas fue de vital importancia conocer la forma de cómo se trabaja en la escuela, además estudiar el comportamiento de todos los niños de primer grado mediante métodos como la observación y entrevista, al realizar este estudio se pudo determinar que existen algunas dificultades dentro del aula de clase, que se tratarán de reducir al hacer uso de la aplicación. Al finalizar la investigación se propone la implementación de la aplicación informática lúdica para niños de primer grado de la escuela especial “La Amistad” la cual vendrá a apoyar la labor de la maestra, a enriquecer el menú de los medios educativos y a beneficiar a los estudiantes en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje, la metodología que utiliza esta aplicación está basada en la que brinda el ministerio de educación por lo tanto tendrá un uso manejable para los niños. Para el diseño de la aplicación se hizo uso de programas tales como Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop y Adobe Auditio

    Clustering the technical capability in the brazilian aeronautical maintenance industry

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    In the sectors where equipment requiring services of maintenance are technologically complex and advanced, such as in the air transportation, knowing and managing the technical capability of the enterprises of the sector can be a good way maximizing the efforts of training. This paper attempts to present a process of technical capability clustering for the aeronautical maintenance industry, in order to provide a usable overview of the sector competences. The findings present a unique insight into the understanding of competences clustering that may be used across different industries

    Cluster of aeronautical maintenance companies in Brazil

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    [ENG] Brazilian domestic market for air transportation is the largest in Latin American and it has grown at a rate of 10% between 2003 and 2008 reaching over 50 million trips per year . According to the McKinsey study, it is likely that this sector continues to grow at very relevant rates, given the expectation of income growth and therefore the demand for air transportation for poorer regions and classes in Brazil. This air transportation growth requires an aircraft maintenance industry capable to support such an expansive process, without any prejudice to flight safety and continued airworthiness. Therefore, it is expected that Brazilian maintenance sector receives strong investments for years to come, generating important returns for the economy of Brazil. Under this scenario, it can be expected that the expansion of maintenance sector will contribute to Brazil's economic development through: increasing the participation of small and medium companies, due to the existence of small capital and technological barriers; the expansion of technical and technological job opportunities; the geographical spread of capabilities in maintenance services, with the entry of these activities into regions with lower levels of air traffic; encouragement to develop a local industry of aircraft spare parts.Thus, in order to support the decision making of investors and the development of public policies, it is necessary to build an overview of current conditions of the Brazilian aviation maintenance industry.This work was supported by CAPES

    Impacto de la pandemia por Coronavirus en la gestión empresarial de una IPS de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    La pandemia por Covid-19 alteró los entornos externos e internos que influyen en la toma de decisiones de un gran número de empresas alrededor del mundo, aun así, aquellas asociadas al sector salud, evidenciaron un impacto inmediato, con una magnitud más elevada que muchas otras entidades de otros sectores económicos. En función de lo anterior, el presente documento plantea un análisis de la situación organizacional de una IPS de alta complejidad, ubicada en la ciudad de Barranquilla; empleando una metodología de tipo descriptivo cualitativo para identificar y estudiar la toma de decisiones de sus directivos, frente a las medidas necesarias que tuvieron que adoptarse para ajustarse rápidamente a las nuevas condiciones impuestas por la presencia del Coronavirus en la sociedad actual. De esta manera, dentro de las principales conclusiones se resalta el aprovechamiento oportuno y efectivo de las medidas organizacionales implementadas para la reacción eficaz ante las circunstancias expuestas y en su propio beneficio. Por consiguiente, se anexan algunas recomendaciones para contribuir a la sostenibilidad futura de las acciones implementadas en la entidad estudiada.The Covid-19 pandemic altered the external and internal environments that influence the decision making of a large number of companies around the world, even so, those associated with the health sector, showed an immediate impact, with a higher magnitude than many other entities in other economic sectors. Based on the above, this paper proposes an analysis of the organizational situation of a highly complex IPS, located in the city of Barranquilla, using a qualitative descriptive methodology to identify and study the decision making of its managers, in view of the necessary measures that had to be adopted to adjust quickly to the new conditions imposed by the presence of the Coronavirus in today's society. In this way, among the main conclusions, the timely and effective use of the organizational measures implemented for the effective reaction to the exposed circumstances and for their own benefit is highlighted. Consequently, some recommendations are annexed to contribute to the future sustainability of the actions implemented in the studied entity.2022-02-10 01:01:01: Script de automatizacion de embargos. info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2022-02-092021-12-09 23:35:01: Script de automatizacion de embargos. Correo enviado el 9 dic de 2021: Hemos realizado la publicación de su documento: Impacto de la pandemia por Coronavirus en la gestión empresarial de una IPS de alta complejidad en la ciudad de Barranquilla, el cual puede consultar en el siguiente enlace: https://repository.urosario.edu.co/handle/10336/33295 Identificamos que ha marcado como restringido en el formulario, pero no realizo la notificación al correo [email protected], justificando la medida restrictiva al acceso del texto completo de su obra, frente a lo cual, el documento ha quedado embargado solo por dos meses hasta el 9 de febrero de 2022 en concordancia con las Políticas de Acceso Abierto de la Universidad. Si usted desea dejarlo con acceso abierto antes de finalizar dicho periodo o si por el contrario desea extender el embargo al finalizar este tiempo, puede enviar un correo a esta misma dirección realizando la solicitud. Tenga en cuenta que los documentos en acceso abierto propician una mayor visibilidad de su producción académica. De otra parte, si desea publicar su obra en una revista de prestigio, queremos invitarlo a tomar una asesoría con nuestros asesores de información del CRAI, quienes podrán brindarle orientación en la identificación de una revista adecuada para su obra y acompañamiento en la edición para publicación. La solicitud de asesoría puede agendarla en el siguiente link: https://n9.cl/agendamiento_servicios_cra

    La venta profesional y la personalidad del vendedor

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    Unidad 1 del módulo ocupacional “ventas de mostrador” en la que se describe el concepto y la importancia de la venta, las funciones del vendedor de mostrador y las características de su personalidadUnit 1 of the instructional module "counter sales" which describes the concept and importance of the sale, the functions of the counter salesman and the characteristics of his personalityVenta profesional y la personalidad del vendedor -- Importancia de la venta -- La personalidad del vendedor -- Funciones del vendedor de mostradorn

    Exhibición comercial

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    Se presentan instrumentos para captar la atención y el interés del comprador mediante la exhibición y organización comercial de forma creativa y atractiva.Instruments are presented to capture the attention and interest of the buyer through the exhibition and commercial organization in a creative and attractive way.n

    Processes proposal for the technology search, reception and analysis for the Intellectual Property management in a Technology Licensing Office from a brazilian Scientific and Technological Institution

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    In a Technology Licensing Office (TLO), which deals with issues considered to be complex, decision-making is a relevant factor and should be aligned with the Scientific and Technological Institution (STI) institutional and innovation strategy. To meet this need, the objective of this work is to present a process model for the admission of technologies based on Intellectual Property (IP) to a TLO, as a way to subsidize the elaboration of strategies and the decision making regarding the processes of protection and commercialization Of technologies, and thus leverage the transfer of the technologies invented or developed by an STI to a receiving organization, and, finally, to promote innovation. The process is called Admit Technology and is comprised of sub-processes Search Technology, Receive Technology, and Analyze Technology. This developed organizational process is composed of activities and tools with capabilities to make TLO more proactive and dynamic, both to seek new technologies developed in the STI Research and Development (R&D) units that can be appropriated through IP as well as to receive such technologies And to proceed with an in-depth analysis of its technical and commercial aspects and to indicate its main applications and markets where this technology should be protected and the marketing effort should be applied


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    In the sectors where equipment requiring services of maintenance are technologically complex and advanced, such as in the air transportation, knowing and managing the technical capability of the enterprises of the sector can be a good way maximizing the efforts of training. This paper attempts to present a process of technical capability clustering for the aeronautical maintenance industry, in order to provide a usable overview of the sector competences. The findings present a unique insight into the understanding of competences clustering that may be used across different industries