67 research outputs found
Selected Manifestations of Social Deviance in Organizational Culture
The objective of this paper is to contribute to the discourse about the issues of trust in management, authority and meaningfulness of human labour, which are inseparably connected with effectiveness, productivity, competitiveness of companies, organizations and the whole society as well. The authors want to provide a conceptual theoretical framework for further studies of social deviance in organizational culture and that is why it has a form of a theoretical study providing a platform for future empirical researches. This study is opened with defining the concept of social deviance as a deviation from the normality and by reminding of difficulties related to determination of normality. The organizational culture is defined as a coherent set of values, norms and patterns of behaviour that determine the manners and forms of behaviour of employees, their relationships inside (but also outside) the social system of the organization. Further the paper is focused on selected social deviances, which undermine the effectiveness of organizational structures to fulfil their objectives and missions. Based on the empirical analyses the attention is paid particularly to nepotism, clientelism and cronyism as tools for reaching latent goals of individuals and groups in the organization. The issue is set in the contemporary society and solved from the view of social psychological mechanisms of human behaviour in the group. The authors also remind the issue of responsibility, conscience and the negative effects of conformity, group thinking, obedience and the authoritarian leadership which is even more obvious when the employees are under the pressure (e.g. economic sanctions). In conclusion are outlined the tools of control of clientelism and similar phenomena and possibilities of applications of Weber’s socio-analytical model of bureaucracy in organizations
St Zdislava of Lemberk ( The life and the lot of Christian women in the middle ages)
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějinHusitská teologická fakultaHussite Theological Facult
Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction for the Analysis of Chosen Substances in Zingiber officinale
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra analytické chemie Kandidát: Mgr. Martina Urbanová Konzultant: PharmDr. Lucie Chocholoušová Havlíková, Ph.D. Název rigorózní práce: Využití disperzní extrakce na tuhou fázi pro analýzu vybraných obsahových látek zázvorovníku lékařského Rigorózní práce byla zaměřena na vývoj extrakční metody pro analýzu vybraných obsahových látek zázvorovníku lékařského. Bylo vybráno několik vzorků obsahujících výtažky zázvorovníku lékařského. Při vývoji metody se vycházelo z diplomové práce Martiny Urbanové z roku 2015 [1]. Pro vyšší zakoncentrování byla vyzkoušena metoda disperzní extrakce na tuhou fázi (dSPE). Jako další metoda pro úpravu vzorku byla testována podporovaná kapalinová extrakce (SLE). Námi stanovované látky (6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, 6-shogaol a 10-gingerol) byly nalezeny téměř ve všech vzorcích. Ze sirupů bylo největší množství látek obsaženo v sirupu Kitl (příprava se studenou vodou). Z čajů bylo nejvíce látek obsaženo v Ovocno-bylinném čaji aromatizovaném, se zázvorem a citrónem. 6-shogaol nebyl obsažen u vzorků oddenků zázvoru pravého, ale v čajích a sirupech ano. Během optimalizace metody bylo vyzkoušeno několik sorbentů. Vhodným sorbentem se jevil sorbent Oasis HLB. Analýza probíhala za chromatografických podmínek, které...Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistry Candidate: Mgr. Martina Urbanová Consultant: PharmDr. Lucie Chocholoušová Havlíková, Ph.D. Thesis Title: Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction for the Analysis of Chosen Substances in Zingiber officinale The thesis was focused on the development of optimal extraction method for the analysis of chosen substances contained in Zingiber officinale. Some representative samples containing extracts of Zingiber officinale were chosen. This method was based on the diploma thesis of Martina Urbanová [1]. To get a higher preconcentration factor, dispersive solid-phase extraction (dSPE) was tested for the sample pretreatment. Then, a method of supported liquid extraction (SLE) was examined as another methodology for the sample preparation. Chosen substances, 6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, 6-shogaol and 10-gingerol, were found in almost all samples. Among syrups, the largest amount of substances was contained in the Kitl syrup (preparation with cold water). Among teas, the highest number of substances was contained in Fruit-herbal tea flavored with ginger and lemon. 6-Shogaol was not found in rhizome samples, however, it has been found in the samples of teas and syrups. During the optimization of this method, various...Katedra analytické chemieDepartment of Analytical ChemistryFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov
Problem-Solving or Narrative Approach to Mediation?
Mediation is a one of the well-known forms of alternative dispute resolution and is commonly used for solving conflicts in social work. Following introduction, where the mediation is put in social context, authors introduce readers to different approaches to mediation specifically to narrative mediation in comparison with mediation focused on solving problems. These approaches have different theoretical bases, mediation processes and aims and, therefore, their utilization is appropriate in distinct situations and areas of social work. In the conclusion these different approaches are compared to each other. While the narrative mediation is concerned with relationships and belongs to therapeutic style, the problem-solving approach to mediation falls into negotiating style and is concerned with reaching an agreement between parties of the conflict. If there is a need to solve the actual problem, the mediation focused on solving problems seems more fitting. If there is a need to understand and solve relationships between parties of the conflict, then the narrative mediation may be recommended.Mediation is a one of the well-known forms of alternative dispute resolution and is commonly used for solving conflicts in social work. Following introduction, where the mediation is put in social context, authors introduce readers to different approaches to mediation specifically to narrative mediation in comparison with mediation focused on solving problems. These approaches have different theoretical bases, mediation processes and aims and, therefore, their utilization is appropriate in distinct situations and areas of social work. In the conclusion these different approaches are compared to each other. While the narrative mediation is concerned with relationships and belongs to therapeutic style, the problem-solving approach to mediation falls into negotiating style and is concerned with reaching an agreement between parties of the conflict. If there is a need to solve the actual problem, the mediation focused on solving problems seems more fitting. If there is a need to understand and solve relationships between parties of the conflict, then the narrative mediation may be recommended
Corporate social responsibility and its influence on quality of life – case study on arcelormittal Ostrava
This paper deals with the concept of CSR and shows how this tool is problematic (e.g. because it exceed the legal concept). Is CSR really a responsible policy or just a mere tool of marketing? CSR in practice often fails because the consumer or the investor is not able to distinguish between socially responsible and socially irresponsible companies. This issue is demonstrated on a recent concrete example of the Czech case of ArcelorMittal - Ostrava Radvanice. This practical example is demonstrating how the legal instruments were applied in this specific case; recent recodification shift in terms of CR is outlined. In conclusion the authors discuss the possibilities of improvements of the legal regulation of CSR, they recommend to assess the companies with regard to the factual concordance of declared and actually performed CSR (e.g. lessening of negative impacts on the environment).This paper deals with the concept of CSR and shows how this tool is problematic (e.g. because it exceed the legal concept). Is CSR really a responsible policy or just a mere tool of marketing? CSR in practice often fails because the consumer or the investor is not able to distinguish between socially responsible and socially irresponsible companies. This issue is demonstrated on a recent concrete example of the Czech case of ArcelorMittal - Ostrava Radvanice. This practical example is demonstrating how the legal instruments were applied in this specific case; recent recodification shift in terms of CR is outlined. In conclusion the authors discuss the possibilities of improvements of the legal regulation of CSR, they recommend to assess the companies with regard to the factual concordance of declared and actually performed CSR (e.g. lessening of negative impacts on the environment)
Mapping of traditional and regional varieties of apple trees and pear trees in Kroměříž area
In the present work, the current state and representation of traditional and regional fruit varieties of apple trees and pear trees in the form of high-trunk were surveyed in the territory of southeastern Kroměříž district in the region of the Litenčice Hills. The research was carried out during the years 2009 - 2013. The variety, the age of the tree, the growth characteristics (tree height, trunk thickness, crown diameter and dryness) and health status were evaluated. The record of 972 old fruit trees of apple and pear trees were registered in selected municipalities. Pomological determination was made on 840 trees, of which 700 were apple trees and 140 were pear trees. In total, 104 varieties of apples and 44 varieties of pears were found. The most common apple varieties were 'Baumannova reneta and 'Panenské české and the most common pear varieties were 'Boscova and 'Hardy. Out of the total number of fruit trees recorded, 274 were nominated for conservation in respective genepools, of which 57 were pear trees and 217 were apple trees. The main criteria for this selection were the overall condition of the tree and its perspective, the quality of the fruit, the variety and its importance. The results of this work will be used to restore and settle the existing orchards and alley in the region. The identified species and variety composition will be used for newly established thickets in the extensive farming system and involvement in the territorial system of ecological stability of the studied area.O
Mediace a rodinné skupinové konference - řešení konfliktů komunikací
P ř ísp ě vek popisuje význam komunikace p ř i ř ešení konflikt ů . Pot ř ebám sou č asné postmo- derní spole č nosti odpovídá hledání nových postup ů , optimálním výsledkem se stává dohoda. V této souvislosti dostává prostor mediace, která je využívána zejména p ř i ř ešení konflikt ů , v nichž figuruje mládež. Jako novinka se využívají také rodinné skupinové konference.The article describes the importance of communi cation in the conflict resolution. Needs of the postmodern society are reflected by searching for new approaches. As an optimal outcome we could see an agreement, therefore a scope is given to mediation which is frequently used in youth affairs. As a new model also family group conferences are practised
The assessment of the semicircular canals and cochlea of the human bony labyrinth using imaging techniques
The human bony labyrinth is an inner ear structure located inside the pyramid of the temporal bone that encloses the organs of sound perception and balance. As one of the most resistant skeletal elements in human body, the pyramid is frequently uncovered in a good state of preservation. Until recently, research of the human bony labyrinth had been restricted exclusively to irreversibly invasive techniques. Due to this invasiveness, literature on morphological variation has been scarce and many questions regarding population, age or sex-related differences are yet to be answered. The studied sample of pyramids originated from Dětkovice - Za zahradama Site (Czech Republic) dated to 1000’s and 1100’s A.D. All elements were examined using an X-ray Carestream Xtreme device and a cone-beam CT unit. In digital X-ray images, linear distance of the semicircular canals and cochlear diameter were measured in ImageJ program. CT images were first processed to generate 3D digital models, which were subsequently studied using a newly established PC-aided approach employing measuring functionalities available in GOM Inspect program. Altogether 39 variables were proposed in order to describe shape and size variation in the semicircular canals. Acquired measurements were confronted and tested against individual's demographic data determined based on corresponding skeletal elements and burial attributes. The results showed small to none sex-related and body side-specific differences. Still, statistically significant differences were shown between sub-adults and adults. They were particularly evident in size variables of the lumens of the lateral and posterior semicircular canal, where larger values for adults were provided. This indicates a widening of the canals during growth by the resorption in the vicinity of the canals. The acquired results contribute to our comprehension of the development of inner ear structures and demonstrate the potential of the employment of non-invasive approaches when examining human skeletal remains
Interkulturní mediace v sociologickém a právním kontextu
Sociální proměny světa posledních několika desetiletí vyústily ve stav setkávání rozličných forem sociálního života. Soužití v takto pluralitním prostředí však přináší řadu konfliktních situací. Publikace je věnována interkulturní mediaci, která představuje jednu z cest řešení konfliktů mezi příslušníky navzájem rozdílných kultur, a klade si za cíl přispět k rozšíření povědomí o tomto postupu. První část publikace je orientována obecněji na problematiku mediace, konfliktu a interkulturní komunikace, druhá část je následně věnována stavu a podmínkám etablování mediace v oblasti řešení sporů s interkulturním přesahem. K pochopení interkulturní mediace je nutný pohled práva, samostatná kapitola je proto věnována problematice interkulturní mediace v právním kontextu. Téma interkulturní mediace je doplněno vlastní kvalitativní empirickou studií provedenou formou hloubkových rozhovorů s odborníky z praxe, kdy cílem průzkumu bylo především zachycení praktických zkušeností a kritické zhodnocení aplikovatelnosti interkulturní mediace v praxi. Závěrečná část publikace je zaměřena na uplatnění interkulturní mediace v individuálních sporech, jako jsou např. rozvodové řízení, spory o péči o děti aj., ale také v oblasti komunitní problematiky, stabilizování situace ve vyloučených lokalitách aj.Social changes in the world of few last decades have resulted in encounter of various social-life forms. Nevertheless, coexistence in this pluralistic background brings a plenty of conflict situations. The publication is devoted to intercultural mediation representing one of the ways of conflict resolution between the members of different cultures. Aim of the publication is to broaden the awareness about this procedure. First part of the publication is oriented more generally on topics like mediation, conflict, intercultural communication, second part deals with situation and conditions necessary to establish mediation as a tool for resolving conflict in the area of intercultural disputes. To understand intercultural mediation it is also necessary to consider the legal context which is examined in a separate chapter. Subsequently the intercultural mediation topic continues with original empirical study realized by means of deep dialogues with experts. A scope of the research could be characterized mainly as capturing practical experience and critical evaluation of applicational possibilities. Final part of the book focuses on using intercultural mediation in individual disputes as divorce proceedings, children care disputes etc., but also in the field of community conflicts, stabilization of excluded localities etc
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