348 research outputs found

    EGFR inhibitor as second-line therapy in a patient with mutant RAS metastatic colorectal cancer: circulating tumor DNA to personalize treatment

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    A 47-year-old male patient presented in March 2016 to our unit with a palpable painless left supraclavicular mass. A whole-body contrastenhanced computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a left supraclavicular lymphadenopathy, transverse colon thickening (3 cm), multiple chest and abdominal lymphadenopathies, and peritoneal carcinomatosis. Colonoscopy revealed a bleeding area at 15 cm from the anal verge; biopsy was performed, and the result was negative for a primary cancer

    A facility and community-based assessment of scabies in rural Malawi.

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    Background Scabies is a neglected tropical disease of the skin, causing severe itching, stigmatizing skin lesions and systemic complications. Since 2015, the DerMalawi project provide an integrated skin diseases clinics and Tele-dermatology care in Malawi. Clinic based data suggested a progressive increase in scabies cases observed. To better identify and treat individuals with scabies in the region, we shifted from a clinic-based model to a community based outreach programme. Methodology/Principal findings From May 2015, DerMalawi project provide integrated skin diseases and Tele-dermatological care in the Nkhotakota and Salima health districts in Malawi. Demographic and clinical data of all patients personally attended are recorded. Due to a progressive increase in the number of cases of scabies the project shifted to a community-based outreach programme. For the community outreach activities, we conducted three visits between 2018 to 2019 and undertook screening in schools and villages of Alinafe Hospital catchment area. Treatment was offered for all the cases and school or household contacts. Scabies increased from 2.9% to 39.2% of all cases seen by the DerMalawi project at clinics between 2015 to 2018. During the community-based activities approximately 50% of the population was assessed in each of three visits. The prevalence of scabies was similar in the first two rounds, 15.4% (2392) at the first visit and 17.2% at the second visit. The prevalence of scabies appeared to be lower (2.4%) at the third visit. The prevalence of impetigo appeared unchanged and was 6.7% at the first visit and 5.2% at the final visit. Conclusions/Significance Prevalence of scabies in our setting was very high suggesting that scabies is a major public health problem in parts of Malawi. Further work is required to more accurately assess the burden of disease and develop appropriate public health strategies for its control.post-print876 K

    Aporte de los exámenes de estado, saber pro, al desarrollo curricular y la calidad en dos programas de psicología de Bogotá, D. C.

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    Trabajo de investigaciónCon el propósito de comprender los aportes que ofrecen los exámenes de estado Saber Pro a los programas de Psicología que participan en este estudio, se realizó esta investigación por medio de estudio de casos en un enfoque interpretativo.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. ANTECEDENTES TEÓRICOS Y EMPÍRICOS 2. METODOLOGÍA 3. RESULTADOS 4. DISCUSIÓN REFERENCIAS ANEXOSMaestríaMagister en Psicologí

    Diseño centrado en el usuario y evaluación de usabilidad de una interfaz de apoyo al diagnóstico de cáncer de mama a partir de imagen médica

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    Este proyecto final de carrera (PFC) presenta el diseño y evaluación de una interfaz para una aplicación informática que da soporte a la creación de informes radiológicos, los cuales presentan resultados sobre exploraciones basadas en imagen médica, con el objetivo de organizar la información para ayudar al diagnóstico y el estudio del cáncer de mama. La aplicación recibe el nombre de "Generación de informes estructurados para el cáncer de mama".Maestre Urbano, CV. (2014). Diseño centrado en el usuario y evaluación de usabilidad de una interfaz de apoyo al diagnóstico de cáncer de mama a partir de imagen médica. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/58465Archivo delegad

    Ionized gas, molecules and dust in Sh2-132

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    We analyse the various interstellar components of the H II region Sh2-132. The main stellar source is the double binary system that includes the Wolf–Rayet star WR 153ab. We use radio continuum images at 408 and 1420 MHz, and H I 21-cm line data taken from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey, molecular observations of the 12CO(1–0) line at 115 GHz from the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory, and available mid- and far-infrared observations obtained with the MSX and IRAS satellites, respectively. Sh2-132 is composed of two shells showing radio continuum counterparts at both frequencies. The emission is thermal in nature. The estimated rms electron density and ionized mass of the nebula are ne≃ 20 cm−3 and MH II ≃ 1500 M⊙. The distribution of the CO emission shows molecular gas bordering the ionized nebula and interacting with it. The velocities of the molecular gas is in the range −38 to −53 km s−1, similar to the velocity of the ionized gas. The emission at 8.3 μm reveals a ring-like feature of about 15 arcmin that encircles the bright optical regions. This emission is due to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and marks the location of photodissociation regions. The gas distribution in the environs of Sh2-132 can be explained in a scenario where the massive stars in the region photodissociated, ionized and swept up the dense molecular material from the parental cloud through their strong stellar winds and intense ultraviolet (UV) photon flux.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Molecular gas toward G18.8+1.8

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    Aims. This work aims at investigating the characteristics of the molecular gas associated with the nebula G18.8+1.8, which is linked to the Wolf-Rayet star HD 168206 (WR 113), and its relation to other components of its local interstellar medium. Methods. We carried out molecular observations of the 12CO(J = 1-0) and (J = 2-1) lines with an angular resolution of 44′′ and 22′′ using the SEST telescope. Complementary NANTEN data of the 12CO(1-0) line were also used. The dust emission was analyzed using Spitzer-IRAC images at 8.0 μm, and WISE data at 3.4 μm, 4.6 μm, and 12.0 μm. Results. The SEST data allowed us to identify a molecular component (Cloud 3) that has velocities in the interval from ~+30 to +36 km s -1 and is most probably linked to the nebula. Morphological and kinematical properties suggest that Cloud 3 consists of a wind-blown molecular half-shell, which expands around WR 113. The ratio R2-1/1-0 and excitation temperatures indicate that the molecular gas is being irradiated by strong UV radiation. The location of the inner optical ring in the outer edge of Cloud 3 suggests that the stars SerOB2-1,-2,-3,-63, and-64 are responsables for the ionization of Cloud 3 and the inner ring nebula. A comparison between the spatial distribution of the molecular gas and the PAH emission at 8 μm indicates the existence of a photodissociation region between the ionized and the molecular gas. A search for candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) in the region around G18.8+1.8 based on available 2MASS, MSX, IRAS, and Spitzer-IRAC catalogs resulted in the detection of about sixty sources, some of them projected onto Cloud 3. Two small spots of clustered candidate YSOs are projected near the outer border of Cloud 3, although a triggered stellar formation scenario is doubtful.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de Radioastronomí

    Molecular gas toward G18.8+1.8

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    Aims. This work aims at investigating the characteristics of the molecular gas associated with the nebula G18.8+1.8, which is linked to the Wolf-Rayet star HD 168206 (WR 113), and its relation to other components of its local interstellar medium. Methods. We carried out molecular observations of the 12CO(J = 1-0) and (J = 2-1) lines with an angular resolution of 44′′ and 22′′ using the SEST telescope. Complementary NANTEN data of the 12CO(1-0) line were also used. The dust emission was analyzed using Spitzer-IRAC images at 8.0 μm, and WISE data at 3.4 μm, 4.6 μm, and 12.0 μm. Results. The SEST data allowed us to identify a molecular component (Cloud 3) that has velocities in the interval from ~+30 to +36 km s -1 and is most probably linked to the nebula. Morphological and kinematical properties suggest that Cloud 3 consists of a wind-blown molecular half-shell, which expands around WR 113. The ratio R2-1/1-0 and excitation temperatures indicate that the molecular gas is being irradiated by strong UV radiation. The location of the inner optical ring in the outer edge of Cloud 3 suggests that the stars SerOB2-1,-2,-3,-63, and-64 are responsables for the ionization of Cloud 3 and the inner ring nebula. A comparison between the spatial distribution of the molecular gas and the PAH emission at 8 μm indicates the existence of a photodissociation region between the ionized and the molecular gas. A search for candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) in the region around G18.8+1.8 based on available 2MASS, MSX, IRAS, and Spitzer-IRAC catalogs resulted in the detection of about sixty sources, some of them projected onto Cloud 3. Two small spots of clustered candidate YSOs are projected near the outer border of Cloud 3, although a triggered stellar formation scenario is doubtful.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de Radioastronomí

    Ionized gas, molecules and dust in Sh2-132

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    We analyse the various interstellar components of the H II region Sh2-132. The main stellar source is the double binary system that includes the Wolf–Rayet star WR 153ab. We use radio continuum images at 408 and 1420 MHz, and H I 21-cm line data taken from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey, molecular observations of the 12CO(1–0) line at 115 GHz from the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory, and available mid- and far-infrared observations obtained with the MSX and IRAS satellites, respectively. Sh2-132 is composed of two shells showing radio continuum counterparts at both frequencies. The emission is thermal in nature. The estimated rms electron density and ionized mass of the nebula are ne≃ 20 cm−3 and MH II ≃ 1500 M⊙. The distribution of the CO emission shows molecular gas bordering the ionized nebula and interacting with it. The velocities of the molecular gas is in the range −38 to −53 km s−1, similar to the velocity of the ionized gas. The emission at 8.3 μm reveals a ring-like feature of about 15 arcmin that encircles the bright optical regions. This emission is due to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and marks the location of photodissociation regions. The gas distribution in the environs of Sh2-132 can be explained in a scenario where the massive stars in the region photodissociated, ionized and swept up the dense molecular material from the parental cloud through their strong stellar winds and intense ultraviolet (UV) photon flux.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Identificação de tensores ambientais nos ecossistemas aquáticos da área de proteção ambiental (APA) da Baixada Maranhense.

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    Os tensores ambientais são definidos como qualquer fator que retire energia dos organismos e restrinja qualquer etapa de seu desenvolvimento causando um desequilíbrio no ambiente. Estes tensores, se bem definidos, podem ser utilizados no monitoramento de mudanças ecológicas e alterações hídricas constituindo-se um importante elemento na gestão dos recursos hídricos de uma região. A Baixada Maranhense, um complexo ecossistema alterado semestralmente pelo ciclo de chuvas, tem sido bastante alterado em função de elementos externos inseridos ao longo do tempo. Deste modo, o presente trabalho buscou por meio da etnoecologia identificar e descrever os principais tensores que atuam na região lacustre de Penalva. Os principais resultados obtidos demonstram que maior parte dos impactos são de origem antrópica, entretanto atuam no ambiente tanto negativamente quanto positivamente

    Star forming regions linked to RCW 78 and the discovery of a new IR bubble

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    Aims. With the aim of investigating the presence of molecular and dust clumps linked to two star forming regions identified in the expanding molecular envelope of the stellar wind bubble RCW 78, we analyzed the distribution of the molecular gas and cold dust. Methods. To accomplish this study we performed dust continuum observations at 870 μm and 13CO(2-1) line observations with the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope, using the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) and SHeFI-1 instruments, respectively, and analyzed Herschel images at 70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm. Results. These observations allowed us to identify cold dust clumps linked to region B (that we have named the southern clump) and region C (clumps 1 and 2), and an elongated filament. Molecular gas was clearly detected linked to the southern clump and the filament. The velocity of the molecular gas is compatible with the location of the dense gas in the expanding envelope of RCW 78. We estimate dust temperatures and total masses for the dust condensations from the emissions at different wavelengths in the far-IR and from the molecular line using local thermodynamic equilibrium and the virial theorem. Masses obtained through different methods agree within a factor of 2-6. Color-color diagrams and spectral energy distribution analysis of young stellar objects (YSOs) confirmed the presence of intermediate and low-mass YSOs in the dust regions, indicating that moderate star formation is present. In particular, a cluster of IR sources was identified inside the southern clump. The IRAC image at 8 μm revealed the existence of an infrared dust bubble of 16′′ in radius probably linked to the O-type star HD 117797 located at 4 kpc. The distribution of the near-and mid-IR emission indicate that warm dust is associated with the bubble.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de RadioastronomíaInstituto de Astrofísica de La Plat