20 research outputs found

    Attitudes toward mental disorder among medical students

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    Background: People with mental disorders are among the most stigmatized and vulnerable members of society. Our research study intended to determine the medical students’ attitude toward mental disorders, the presence of stigma, and whether either changed throughout their six-year medical education. Methods: The sample included 200 medical students of the University of Maribor. Empirical data were collected using the CAMI scale (Community Attitudes Towards the Mentally Ill), the Comparison of Attitudes of Patients and Students in Slovenia questionnaire, and additional questions regarding specific mental disorders. The results were processed using the SPSS 25 program. Descriptive statistics methods were applied, including the ANOVA test. Statistically, significant correlations and differences were checked at a 5% risk level. Results: The students strongly agreed with the positive statements and disagreed with the negative statements on the CAMI scale (MV=3.93; SD=0.34; p=0.046). No significant discrepancies between individual undergraduate years were observed; the sixth-year students expressed the most positive attitude among all students. The mean value of all statements was 3.9 (Y1-Y6 SD=0.5), indicating a low presence of stigma. Conclusion: The students expressed a positive attitude toward mental disorders. In sixth-year students, the least stigma, and better knowledge and attitude towards mental disorders were observed. Education, clerkship, and hearing personal confessions about experiencing a mental disorder are needed as they improve attitudes toward them

    Pesem ptic trnovk - več kot trivialna literatura

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    The diploma paper focuses on the Australian author Colleen McCullough and her and most famous novel The Thorn Birds. First, the term popular literature is explained, its history and development through the years. Colleen McCullough’s life and its features reflected in her works are presented. She is introduced as the writer of many genres and even her biggest critics do not oppose it. The diploma paper focuses on her most famous novel, The Thorn Birds. It has been sold in many copies, translated into many world languages and is today still one of the most frequently borrowed library books. The author earned the world fame with it. It is considered as the popular literature. However, in this diploma paper the main thesis is that it is more than that and many examples from the novel itself are provided as proofs. The author takes us to many parts of the world and she describes them in much detail, especially the Australian Outback. She shows great knowledge of the Catholic Church, its system and the Church requirements of its priests. Symbols and metaphors are used sparingly, but effectively. Based on the novel, the miniseries was shot. The differences and the similarities with the novel are also presented in this diploma paper.V diplomskem delu z naslovom Pesem ptic trnovk – več kot popularna literatura je razložen pojem »popularna/trivialna literatura«, njeni začetki in njen razvoj skozi zgodovino do danes. Predstavljena je avtorica romana, Colleen McCullough, njeno osebno življenje in vpliv le-tega na njena dela. Diplomsko delo je osredotočeno na pisateljičin roman Pesem ptic trnovk. Družinski roman ima mnogo značilnosti popularne oz. trivialne literature. Te so npr. prepovedana ljubezen med mladim dekletom in čednim duhovnikom, dogovorjen zakon, otroci z različnimi partnerji, materina neenaka ljubezen do sinov in hčera... A vendar je roman več kot le-to. Pisateljičino poznavanje avstralske divjine in tamkajšnjega težkega življenja, podrobni opisi pokrajine in neizprosne narave, razkriva tudi avtoričino poznavanje rimokatoliške cerkvezgradba romana in simboli, metafore ter poosebljanja - vse to dokazuje, da je roman več kot samo trivialna literatura. V diplomski nalogi so podani primeri iz romana ter primerjava vsebine z istoimensko televizijsko nadaljevanko


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    V diplomski nalogi smo zbrali in opisali dobre prakse vpeljave samopostrežnih blagajn Tik-Tak v Sloveniji od faze podpisa pogodbe o izvedbi pilotskega projekta, do faze izvedbe serijske inštalacije. Proučili smo komponente strojne opreme in funkcije teh komponent v sistemu Tik-Tak. Opisali smo koncept samopostrežnih blagajn in navedli pomembnejše komponente ter prikazali osnovno delovanje sistema v obliki avtomata stanj. Opisali smo tudi vloge akterjev sistema. Izvedli smo anketo med uporabniki samopostrežnih blagajn in ugotovili, da se rezultati večinoma ujemajo z ugotovitvami podobne raziskave v ZDA.In masters thesis we collected and described best practices of introducing the Tik-Tak self service checkouts in Slovenia from the phase of signing of contract about performing the pilot project to the phase of roll-up. We researched components of hardware and functions of these components in the system of Tik-Tak. We described a concept of self checkouts and counted important components, and also we displayed the basic execution of the system in form of a state machine. We described roles of actors, also. We executed a survey between users of self checkouts and found out that results mostly equals with results of a similar survey, executed in the USA


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    Gradnja premostitvenih objektov z metodo postopnega narivanja je vedno bolj razširjena, še posebej na terenih s težko dostopnostjo, neugodno geološko sestavo in za gradnjo objektov z večjimi razponi med stebri. V diplomski nalogi v uvodu spoznavam širše vidike mostogradnje s poudarkom na razvoju metode gradnje z monolitnimi strukturami, ki so skozi leta prešla v postopno narivanje prednapetih armiranobetonskih mostov. Bistvo te metode je lokalizirana gradnja celotne prekladne konstrukcije v delavnici, ki ji periodično sledi postopno narivanje na zgrajene stebre in opornike. Na prvi pogled razmeroma enostaven način tovrstne gradnje pa zahteva vpeljavo dodatnih kablov v prekladno konstrukcijo, ki prevzamejo napetosti v konstrukciji, ki se pojavijo med in po končanem narivanju. Kot spoznavam v eksperimentalnem delu pri gradnji viadukta 6-2 Ponikve, je elegantna logistika podkrepljena še z natančnimi meritvami in posebej prilagojeno opremo, ki so značilni za takšno gradnjo.The construction of bridges using the method of incremental launching is expanding especially when dealing with difficult terrains with weaker geological properties and by building structures with larger spans between the piers. In the diploma I introduce wider aspects of bridge building with the accent on the development of methods that comprise big monolithic structures which evolved through the years in the incremental launching of prestressed concrete superstructure. The core of the method is localized construction of the entire structure in the workshop with periodical incremental launching of the growing structure on pillars and piers. Seemingly simple construction technique includes in reality the introduction of additional suspension cables in the construction that play the crucial role of opposing the additional stresses in the superstructure during launching and provide the necessary support in the final position of the composition. As I discover in the experimental part at the construction of the viaduct 6-2 Ponikve the elegant logistics is supported also with accurate measurements and specially developed launching equipment that is typical for this kind of bridge building technique

    Možnosti razvoja turizma v Celju

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    Promocija zdravja pri delu

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    Odnos študentov medicine do duševnih bolezni

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