52 research outputs found

    The co-existence of NAFLD and CHB is associated with suboptimal viral and biochemical response to CHB antiviral therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background and aimsChronic hepatitis B (CHB) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are leading causes of liver-related morbidity and mortality. The interaction between these two disease processes is poorly defined and the impact of NAFLD on HBV-related cirrhosis and HCC remains unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of NAFLD on response to antiviral CHB therapy to inform the debate on changing CHB treatment thresholds for these comorbid patients.MethodsStudies with a minimum of 50 adult CHB patients on nucleoside analogue therapy with or without concurrent NAFLD were identified from PubMed/Medline and EMBASE to February 21, 2023. Data extraction from each study included HBeAg and treatment status, diagnostic method of NAFLD, frequency of monitoring intervals, patient age, gender, grade of hepatic steatosis, BMI and metabolic comorbidities. The outcomes of interest, complete virological response (CVR), biochemical response (BR) and HBeAg loss/seroconversion, were recorded at each available monitoring interval. Comparing CHB-NAFLD and CHB-only groups, pooled odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using random- or fixed-effects models depending on heterogeneity.ResultsFrom a search of 470 citations, we identified 32 potentially relevant papers. Overall, 11 studies, comprising 2580 unique patients, met the inclusion criteria of the meta-analysis. CHB-NAFLD patients exhibited significantly lower rates of CVR compared to CHB-only patients. This was demonstrated by an OR of 0.59 (0.38-0.93, p=0.001, I2 = 72%) at 12 months, which tapered off to an OR of 0.67 (0.48-0.95, p=0.02) at 60 months. CHB-NAFLD patients also exhibited significantly lower rates of BR compared to CHB-only patients, as demonstrated by ORs of 0.39 (0.24-0.62, p<0.0001, I2 = 53%) at 12 months and 0.33 (0.17-0.63, p=0.0008) at 24 months.ConclusionPatients with concurrent CHB and NAFLD experience delayed CVR to antiviral therapy and more persistent biochemical abnormalities in comparison to patients with CHB only. This supports the argument for earlier antiviral therapy in order to avert CHB complications in these multi-morbid patients, as the global disease burden of NAFLD continues to increase

    Distinct Metabolic Requirements of Exhausted and Functional Virus-Specific CD8 T Cells in the Same Host.

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    T cells undergo profound metabolic changes to meet the increased energy demands of maintaining an antiviral response. We postulated that differences in metabolic reprogramming would shape the efficacy of CD8 T cells mounted against persistent viral infections. We found that the poorly functional PD-1(hi) T cell response against hepatitis B virus (HBV) had upregulated the glucose transporter, Glut1, an effect recapitulated by oxygen deprivation to mimic the intrahepatic environment. Glut1(hi) HBV-specific T cells were dependent on glucose supplies, unlike the more functional cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific T cells that could utilize oxidative phosphorylation in the absence of glucose. The inability of HBV-specific T cells to switch to oxidative phosphorylation was accompanied by increased mitochondrial size and lower mitochondrial potential, indicative of mitochondrial dysfunction. Interleukin (IL)-12, which recovers HBV-specific T cell effector function, increased their mitochondrial potential and reduced their dependence on glycolysis. Our findings suggest that mitochondrial defects limit the metabolic plasticity of exhausted HBV-specific T cells.A.S., J.W., and M.K.M. are funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award (to M.K.M.); L.J.P. and M.K.M. are funded by MRC Project grant no. MR/M020126/; I.O. is funded by an EASL post-doctoral fellowship; U.S.G. is funded by the Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellowship; and N.H. and P.T.K. are funded by a grant from Barts and The London Charity. A.S. was also funded by a UCLH CIDC/NIHR Fast Track Grant, and D.J. was funded by the Wolfson Foundation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.06.07

    Whole exome HBV DNA integration is independent of the intrahepatic HBV reservoir in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B

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    The involvement of HBV DNA integration in promoting hepatocarcinogenesis and the extent to which the intrahepatic HBV reservoir modulates liver disease progression remains poorly understood. We examined the intrahepatic HBV reservoir, the occurrence of HBV DNA integration and its impact on the hepatocyte transcriptome in hepatitis B 'e' antigen (HBeAg)-negative chronic hepatitis B (CHB)

    Up-regulation of a death receptor renders antiviral T cells susceptible to NK cell-mediated deletion

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    This article is distributed under the terms of an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites license for the first six months after the publication date (see http://www.rupress.org/terms). After six months it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, as described at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).This work was funded by the Medical Research Council (Clinical Research Training Fellowship to DP and grant G0801213 to M.K. Maini)

    Hepatitis B virus-specific T cells associate with viral control upon nucleos(t)ide-analogue therapy discontinuation.

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    BACKGROUND: The clinical management of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients is based exclusively on virological parameters that cannot independently determine in which patients nucleos(t)ide-analogue (NUC) therapy can be safely discontinued. NUCs efficiently suppress viral replication, but do not eliminate HBV. Thus, therapy discontinuation can be associated with virological and biochemical relapse and, consequently, therapy in the majority is life-long. METHODS: Since antiviral immunity is pivotal for HBV control, we investigated potential biomarkers for the safe discontinuation of NUCs within immune profiles of chronic HBV patients by utilizing traditional immunological assays (ELISPOT, flow cytometry) in conjunction with analyses of global non-antigen-specific immune populations (NanoString and CyTOF). Two distinct cohorts of 19 and 27 chronic HBV patients, respectively, were analyzed longitudinally prior to and after discontinuation of 2 different NUC therapy strategies. RESULTS: Absence of hepatic flares following discontinuation of NUC treatment correlated with the presence, during NUC viral suppression, of HBV core and polymerase-specific T cells that were contained within the ex vivo PD-1+ population. CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies the presence of functional HBV-specific T cells as a candidate immunological biomarker for safe therapy discontinuation in chronic HBV patients. Furthermore, the persistent and functional antiviral activity of PD-1+ HBV-specific T cells highlights the potential beneficial role of the expression of T cell exhaustion markers during human chronic viral infection. FUNDING: This work was funded by a Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (NMRC/STaR/013/2012), the Eradication of HBV TCR Program (NMRC/TCR/014-NUHS/2015), the Singapore Immunology Network, the Wellcome Trust (107389/Z/15/Z), and a Barts and The London Charity (723/1795) grant.This work was funded by a Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (NMRC/STaR/013/2012), the Eradication of HBV TCR Program (NMRC/TCR/014-NUHS/2015), the Singapore Immunology Network, the Wellcome Trust (107389/Z/15/Z), and a Barts and The London Charity (723/1795) grant

    HBV DNA Integration and Clonal Hepatocyte Expansion in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients Considered Immune Tolerant

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is characterized clinically by progression through disease phases. The first, labeled immune tolerant (IT), is perceived to lack disease activity. Here, we examined HBV-DNA integration, clonal hepatocyte expansion, HBV antigen expression and HBV-specific immunity in patients considered IT to assess whether this designation is appropriate, or if pathological changes may be present. METHODS: HBV-DNA integration, clonal hepatocyte expansion, HBsAg and HBcAg expression were studied in liver tissue from CHB patients, (age 14–39 years; median=24.5). These included 9 HBeAg(+) IT patients. Ten HBeAg(+) and 7 HBeAg(−) age-matched patients with active disease served as controls. HBV-specific T cells were quantified in paired peripheral blood lymphocytes. RESULTS: HBV antigen expression differed between the patient groups. However, unexpectedly high numbers of HBV-DNA integrations, randomly distributed across most chromosomes, were detectable in all patient groups. Patients considered IT also displayed significant clonal hepatocyte expansion, potentially in response to active HBV-specific T cell immunity. HBV-specific T cell responses were also confirmed in the periphery of these patients. CONCLUSIONS: A high level of HBV DNA integration and clonal hepatocyte expansion in patients considered IT suggests that events in hepatocarcinogenesis are underway even in the early stages of CHB. The concept that the IT phase is devoid of markers of disease progression and is immunologically inert is unsupported; instead, we propose that high replicative low inflammatory (HRLI) CHB more accurately reflects this early disease phase. The timing of therapeutic intervention to minimize further genetic damage to the hepatocyte population should be reconsidered

    IL-2(high) tissue-resident T cells in the human liver: Sentinels for hepatotropic infection

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    The liver provides a tolerogenic immune niche exploited by several highly prevalent pathogens as well as by primary and metastatic tumors. We have sampled healthy and hepatitis B virus (HBV)-infected human livers to probe for a subset of T cells specialized to overcome local constraints and mediate immunity. We characterize a population of T-bet(lo)Eomes(lo)Blimp-1(hi)Hobit(lo) T cells found within the intrahepatic but not the circulating memory CD8 T cell pool expressing liver-homing/retention markers (CD69(+)CD103(+) CXCR6(+)CXCR3(+)). These tissue-resident memory T cells (TRM) are preferentially expanded in patients with partial immune control of HBV infection and can remain in the liver after the resolution of infection, including compartmentalized responses against epitopes within all major HBV proteins. Sequential IL-15 or antigen exposure followed by TGFβ induces liver-adapted TRM, including their signature high expression of exhaustion markers PD-1 and CD39. We suggest that these inhibitory molecules, together with paradoxically robust, rapid, cell-autonomous IL-2 and IFNγ production, equip liver CD8 TRM to survive while exerting local noncytolytic hepatic immunosurveillance

    Toll-Like Receptor 8 Agonist and Bacteria Trigger Potent Activation of Innate Immune Cells in Human Liver

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.The study was supported by a Grant core funding from the Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR, Singapore) and a Singapore Translational Research Investigator Award (NRMC/StaR/013/2012) to AB as well as NIHR Biomedical Centre, Oxford, WT 091663MA, NIAID1U19AI082630-01, Oxford Martin School funding and an NIHR Senior Investigator award to PK

    The third signal cytokine IL-12 rescues the anti-viral function of exhausted HBV-specific CD8 T cells.

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    Optimal immune activation of naïve CD8 T cells requires signal 1 mediated by the T cell receptor, signal 2 mediated by co-stimulation and signal 3 provided by pro-inflammatory cytokines. However, the potential for signal 3 cytokines to rescue anti-viral responses in functionally exhausted T cells has not been defined. We investigated the effect of using third signal cytokines IL-12 or IFN-α to rescue the exhausted CD8 T cell response characteristic of patients persistently infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). We found that IL-12, but not IFN-α, potently augmented the capacity of HBV-specific CD8 T cells to produce effector cytokines upon stimulation by cognate antigen. Functional recovery mediated by IL-12 was accompanied by down-modulation of the hallmark inhibitory receptor PD-1 and an increase in the transcription factor T-bet. PD-1 down-regulation was observed in HBV but not CMV-specific T cells, in line with our finding that the highly functional CMV response was not further enhanced by IL-12. IL-12 enhanced a number of characteristics of HBV-specific T cells important for viral control: cytotoxicity, polyfunctionality and multispecificity. Furthermore, IL-12 significantly decreased the pro-apoptotic molecule Bim, which is capable of mediating premature attrition of HBV-specific CD8 T cells. Combining IL-12 with blockade of the PD-1 pathway further increased CD8 functionality in the majority of patients. These data provide new insights into the distinct signalling requirements of exhausted T cells and the potential to recover responses optimised to control persistent viral infections