148 research outputs found

    A linear acoustic model for multi-cylinder IC engine intake manifolds including the effects of the intake throttle

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    This paper presents a linear acoustic model of a multi-cylinder intake manifold that can be used as part of a hybrid time/frequency domain method to calculate the intake wave dynamics of practical naturally aspirated engines. The method allows the user to construct a model of almost any manifold of complex geometry. The model is constructed as an assemblage of sub-models: (i) A model for a straight pipe with both ends open and through-flow. (ii) A model for an expansion chamber consisting of three lengths of pipe laid end-to-end: a narrow bore pipe expanding into a wide bore pipe contracting into a narrower bore pipe once more. (iii) A model of a side-branch, which includes a model for a straight pipe with one end closed and a model for the three way junction that joins the side-branch to a length of flow pipe. (iv) A model for an expansion with two (or more) side-branches, which combines the sub-models (i, ii, iii) into a multi-way (n-way) junction model. (v) A model for an intake throttle. Good agreement with measurement has been found for each sub-model when bench-tested in isolation and encouraging agreement has been found when many sub-models are used together to model a complex intake manifold on a running engine

    Capturing the sporting heroes of our past by extracting 3D movements from legacy video content

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    Sports are a key part of cultural identity, and it is necessary to preserve them as important intangible Cultural Heritage, especially the human motion techniques specific to individual sports. In this paper we present a method for extracting 3D athlete motion from video broadcast sources, providing an important tool for preserving the heritage represented by these movements. Broadcast videos include camera motion, multiple player interaction, occlusions and noise, presenting significant challenges to solve the reconstruction. The approach requires initial definition of some key-frames and setting of 2D key-points in those frames manually. Thereafter an automatic process estimates the poses and positions of the players in the key-frames, and in the frames between key-frames, taking into account collisions with the environment and human kinematic constraints. Initial results are extremely promising and this data could be used to analyze the sport's evolution over time, or even to generate animations for interactive applications

    Re-configurando los vínculos familiares a través de las fronteras

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    La migración desencadena generalmente toda una serie de transformaciones y de reconfiguraciones en el seno familiar. Hecho que, por obvio que parezca, no ha recibido especial atención en la literatura sobre los movimientos migratorios. La tradicional consideración de la familia y de las relaciones en ella inscritas como una esfera separada del ámbito laboral y productivo tiene mucho que ver en esta falta de atención. La familia se ha venido asociando exclusivamente al ámbito de la reproducción, al mundo femenino y al espacio privado. Sin embargo, tanto la perspectiva transnacional como la perspectiva de género están mostrando cómo esta mirada es insuficiente para analizar los movimientos migratorios contemporáneos. En esta línea, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar, basándonos en la aplicación de una metodología cualitativa, centrada en entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas, los cambios y las permanencias de las identidades, prácticas y dinámicas domésticas tras la migración, relatados por miembros de familias colombianas residentes en el País Vasco (España). Así, tras presentar el marco teórico de referencia, centrado en las familias transnacionales, este artículo abordará el ámbito de las relaciones de pareja para, posteriormente, centrarse en las relaciones de los hijos e hijas con sus progenitores, tanto a través de la distancia como una vez reagrupado

    Prescripción inducida en atención primaria de la Comarca Bilbao

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    ObjetivosPrincipales: conocer la proporción de prescripción inducida (PI) en Comarca Bilbao y su procedencia, la proporción de gasto correspondiente a la PI, la proporción de PI en los principales grupos terapéuticos, la actitud del médico de atención primaria ante la prescripción solicitada y su influencia en el gasto, la proporción de desacuerdo con dicha prescripción y los motivos de desacuerdo, y la proporción con informe del especialista. Secundarios: conocer la proporción de PI en los demás grupos terapéuticos, en fármacos VINE, EFG y en los de nula o baja mejora terapéutica.Diseño.Estudio transversal, descriptivoEmplazamientoAtención primariaParticipantesFármacos financiables prescritos por y/o solicitados a los médicos de familia de EAP.Resultados principalesSe estudiaron 7.922 fármacos. Tipo de prescripción: PI, 48,3% (IC del 95%, 47,2–49,4); del médico de atención primaria (PRO), 50,6% (IC del 95%, 49,5–51,7); desconocida, 1,1% (IC del 95%, 0,9–1,3). Procedencia principal: especialista público (72,2%), especialista privado (16,6%). Un 62,5% del gasto correspondió a la PI. En el grupo terapéutico más prescrito, sistema nervioso central (24,2%), PI, 39,8%; PRO, 58,9%; en aparato cardiovascular (19,1%), PI, 56,2%, PRO, 43,1%. Se prescribió el fármaco solicitado en un 98,4% de los casos, se cambio en el 1,2% y se suprimió en un 0,4%. Proporción de desacuerdo, 11%; motivos de desacuerdo, no hay necesidad de tratar (23,9%), grupo terapéutico (34,4%), principio activo (13,2%), marca comercial (28,5%). Hubo informe de especialista en un 62,4% de los casos.ConclusionesSe detecta una proporción considerable de prescripción no atribuible a atención primaria y una proporción importante de fármacos que el médico de primaria prescribe sin estar de acuerdo. Sería necesario un sistema que permitiera separar el gasto por niveles, así como mejorar la comunicación entre éstos.ObjectivesMain objetives: to know the proportion of induced prescription (IP) in Area Bilbao and its source, the proportion of cost IP accounts for, the proportion of IP in the main therapeutic groups, the attitude of GP when requested for prescription and its influence on cost, the proportion of disagreement with requested prescription, the reasons for disagreement, and the proportion with letter from specialist. Secondary objectives: to know the proportion of IP in the remaining therapeutic groups, in drugs of low clinical value, in generic drugs and in new drugs with low or no therapeutic improvement.DesignA descriptive cross-sectional study.SettingPrimary health care.ParticipantsDrugs prescribable under National Health Service prescribed by and/or requested to GPs.Main results7.922 drugs were analysed. Type of prescription: IP, 48.3% (95% CI, 47.2–49.4); GP prescription (GPP), 50.6% (95% CI, 49.5–51.7); unknown source, 1,1% (95% CI, 0.9–1.3). Main source, public specialist (72.2%), private specialist (16.6%). IP accounted for 62.5% of cost. In the most prescribed therapeutic group, central nervous system (24.2%), IP, 39.8%; GPP, 58.9%; in cardiovascular system (19.1%), IP, 56.2%; GPP, 43.1%. 98.4% of requested prescription was actually prescribed, 1.2% was changed and 0.4%, suppressed. Proportion of disagreement, 11%; reasons for disagreement, no need for medical treatment (23.9%), therapeutic group (34.4%), active ingredient (13.2%), brand name (28.5%). There was a 62.4% with letter from specialist.ConclusionsPrimary care is not accountable for a substantial proportion of prescription. GP prescribes a considerable proportion of drugs without agreement. It would be necessary a system that allows to separate the cost by care levels and also improve their communication

    Upper Limb Posture Estimation in Robotic and Virtual Reality-based Rehabilitation.

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    New motor rehabilitation therapies include virtual reality (VR) and robotic technologies. In limb rehabilitation, limb posture is required to (1) provide a limb realistic representation in VR games and (2) assess the patient improvement. When exoskeleton devices are used in the therapy, the measurements of their joint angles cannot be directly used to represent the posture of the patient limb, since the human and exoskeleton kinematic models differ. In response to this shortcoming, we propose a method to estimate the posture of the human limb attached to the exoskeleton. We use the exoskeleton joint angles measurements and the constraints of the exoskeleton on the limb to estimate the human limb joints angles. This paper presents (a) the mathematical formulation and solution to the problem, (b) the implementation of the proposed solution on a commercial exoskeleton system for the upper limb rehabilitation, (c) its integration into a rehabilitation VR game platform, and (d) the quantitative assessment of the method during elbow and wrist analytic training. Results show that this method properly estimates the limb posture to (i) animate avatars that represent the patient in VR games and (ii) obtain kinematic data for the patient assessment during elbow and wrist analytic rehabilitation