55 research outputs found

    Integrative GIS-based investigation of the medieval fortress architecture of Pfalz, incorporating photogrammetry, geoinformatics and landscape analysis

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    This study explores the integration of photogrammetry, laser-scanning, GIS (Geographical Information Systems), and textual analysis to create a more holistic understanding of the effect of the landscape on medieval fortress design, position, and strategy in the area of Kaiserslautern, Germany, during the Middle Ages. The case study is composed of six defensive structures that served as key components to a larger network of fortresses built throughout the region of the Pfalz from 1050-1300 AD during the period of the High Middle Ages. All six structures will be modelled and linked into the digital landscape in GIS, with contextual information derived from historical documents creating a more complete depiction of the medieval territory once controlled by these prominent structures. The interdisciplinary nature of the project spanning art history, archaeology, anthropology, and computer science makes it both innovative and experimental. Access to high resolution models of the structures without having to be physically present at the sites is a significant advantage both for researching the architecture of the structures and for digital preservation efforts. The integrative technological approach will help determine the historical environment and efficacy of the buildings, potentially shedding light on the original designs that have been lost throughout the centuries

    Timberframe-rakenteiden vakiointi

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda Timberkodin vakiorakennekirjasto Finnlamelli Oy:n käyttöön. Työ jaettiin kahteen osaan, teoriaosuuteen sekä liitteenä olevaan rakennekirjastoon. Työssä käytiin läpi yleisesti pilari-palkkirakentamista sekä rakenteiden kosteusteknistä toimintaa. Vertailuun otettiin kaksi eri omakotitalomääräykset täyttävää Timberkodin ulkoseinävaihtoehtoa ja laskettiin niille u-arvot sekä suoritettiin kastepistetarkastelu. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä käsiteltiin rakennuksen ilmatiiviyttä ja sen vaikutuksia. Työssä käytiin läpi myös Timberkodin esittelytaloon tehty ilmatiiviysraportti. Rakennus sijoittui ilmatiiviyslukunsa perusteella B-luokkaan, jota voidaan pitää erinomaisena tuloksena.The purpose of the thesis was to create a standard design library to Finnlamelli Oy. The thesis was divided into two separate parts, the theory and the design library. The thesis deals with the construction of timber frame in general and the behaviour of moisture in structure. Two separate post and beam structures, which meet the standards for detached houses, were compared and u-values and condensation point were counted. The thesis also deals with air leakage of a building and its effects. At the end, the air leakage report of the Timberkoti show house is presented. Based on its air leakage value the building finished in category B; which can be considered as an excellent result

    Linguistica \ue8 storia. Sprachwissenschaft ist Geschichte. Scritti in onore di Carlo De Simone. Festschrift fuer Carlo De Simone.

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    Gli interventi raccolti in questo omaggio a Carlo De Simone appartengono a colleghi linguisti, ar-cheologi e storici, di varia formazione e prove-nienza, che intendono cos\uec testimoniare l\u2019importanza del contributo offerto dallo studioso in ambito linguisti-co, epigrafico ed onomastico, so-prattutto per quanto riguarda il mondo messapico e quello etrusco. Il titolo del volume \ue8 spia indicati-va per descrivere l\u2019atteggiamento ermeneutico proprio di De Simone e di chi si dedichi allo studio delle lingue antiche, soprattutto di quel-le \uabrelitto\ubb: una fortunata con-giunzione di metodi (strutturali-smo, funzionalismo, sociolingui-stica) inquadrata in uno storici-smo ed in una attenzione al dato archeologico concreto influenzati anche dalla scuola di Massimo Pallottino ed aggiornati dalle pi\uf9 recenti tendenze della linguistica moderna. A questa impostazione, che ha fatto scuola, si devono i meriti di Carlo De Simone e le fortunate proposte d\u2019interpretazione testuale che caratterizzano tutta la sua produzione scientifica

    The making of the world /

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    On cover: Library of science for the workers.Mode of access: Internet