2,254 research outputs found

    Local competition and metapopulation processes drive long-term seagrass-epiphyte population dynamics

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    It is well known that ecological processes such as population regulation and natural enemy interactions potentially occur over a range of spatial scales, and there is a substantial body of literature developing theoretical understanding of the interplay between these processes. However, there are comparatively few studies quantifying the long-term effects of spatial scaling in natural ecosystems. A key challenge is that trophic complexity in real-world biological communities quickly obscures the signal from a focal process. Seagrass meadows provide an excellent opportunity in this respect: in many instances, seagrasses effectively form extensive natural monocultures, in which hypotheses about endogenous dynamics can be formulated and tested. We present amongst the longest unbroken, spatially explict time series of seagrass abundance published to date. Data include annual measures of shoot density, total above-ground abundance, and associated epiphyte cover from five Zostera marina meadows distributed around the Isles of Scilly, UK, from 1996 to 2011. We explore empirical patterns at the local and metapopulation scale using standard time series analysis and develop a simple population dynamic model, testing the hypothesis that both local and metapopulation scale feedback processes are important. We find little evidence of an interaction between scales in seagrass dynamics but that both scales contribute approximately equally to observed local epiphyte abundance. By quantifying the long-term dynamics of seagrass-epiphyte interactions we show how measures of density and extent are both important in establishing baseline information relevant to predicting responses to environmental change and developing management plans. We hope that this study complements existing mechanistic studies of physiology, genetics and productivity in seagrass, whilst highlighting the potential of seagrass as a model ecosystem. More generally, this study provides a rare opportunity to test some of the predictions of ecological theory in a natural ecosystem of global conservation and economic val

    A framework for the resilience of seagrass ecosystems

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    Seagrass ecosystems represent a global marine resource that is declining across its range. To halt degradation and promote recovery over large scales, management requires a radical change in emphasis and application that seeks to enhance seagrass ecosystem resilience. In this review we examine how the resilience of seagrass ecosystems is becoming compromised by a range of local to global stressors, resulting in ecological regime shifts that undermine the long-term viability of these productive ecosystems. To examine regime shifts and the management actions that can influence this phenomenon we present a conceptual model of resilience in seagrass ecosystems. The model is founded on a series of features and modifiers that act as interacting influences upon seagrass ecosystem resilience. Improved understanding and appreciation of the factors and modifiers that govern resilience in seagrass ecosystems can be utilised to support much needed evidence based management of a vital natural resource

    Magnetotelluric imaging of anisotropic crust near Fort McMurray, Alberta: implications for engineered geothermal system development

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    Viability for the development of an engineered geothermal system (EGS) in the oilsands region near Fort McMurray, Alberta, is investigated by studying the structure of the Precambrian basement rocks with magnetotellurics (MT). MT data were collected at 94 broad-band stations on two east–west profiles. Apparent resistivity and phase data showed little variation along each profile. The short period MT data detected a 1-D resistivity structure that could be identified as the shallow sedimentary basin underlain by crystalline basement rocks to a depth of 4–5 km. At lower frequencies a strong directional dependence, large phase splits, and regions of out-of-quadrant (OOQ) phase were detected. 2-D isotropic inversions of these data failed to produce a realistic resistivity model. A detailed dimensionality analysis found links between large phase tensor skews (∼15°), azimuths, OOQ phases and tensor decomposition strike angles at periods greater than 1 s. Low magnitude induction vectors, as well as uniformity of phase splits and phase tensor character between the northern and southern profiles imply that a 3-D analysis is not necessary or appropriate. Therefore, 2-D anisotropic forward modelling was used to generate a resistivity model to interpret the MT data. The preferred model was based on geological observations of outcropping anisotropic mylonitic basement rocks of the Charles Lake shear zone, 150 km to the north, linked to the study area by aeromagnetic and core sample data. This model fits all four impedance tensor elements with an rms misfit of 2.82 on the southern profile, and 3.3 on the northern. The conductive phase causing the anisotropy is interpreted to be interconnected graphite films within the metamorphic basement rocks. Characterizing the anisotropy is important for understanding how artificial fractures, necessary for EGS development, would form. Features of MT data commonly interpreted to be 3-D (e.g. out of OOQ phase and large phase tensor skew) are shown to be interpretable with this 2-D anisotropic model

    Chemistry and the environment

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    A report on three symposia in the ‘Energy, Water and Environmental Science’ programme at the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) 46th World Chemistry Congress (in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 9-14 July, 2017). The symposia presented the latest advances concerning the environmental impact of emerging technologies and the fate of pollutants in the environment

    Comparison of dimethyl sulfoxide treated highly conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) electrodes for use in indium tin oxide-free organic electronic photovoltaic devices

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    Indium tin oxide (ITO)-free organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices were fabricated using highly conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as the transparent conductive electrode (TCE). The intrinsic conductivity of the PEDOT:PSS films was improved by two different dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) treatments – (i) DMSO was added directly to the PEDOT:PSS solution (PEDOT:PSSADD) and (ii) a pre-formed PEDOT:PSS film was immersed in DMSO (PEDOT:PSSIMM). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and conductive atomic force microscopy (CAFM) studies showed a large amount of PSS was removed from the PEDOT:PSSIMM electrode surface. OPV devices based on a poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) bulk hetrojunction showed that the PEDOT:PSSIMM electrode out-performed the PEDOT:PSSADD electrode, primarily due to an increase in short circuit current density from 6.62 mA cm−2 to 7.15 mA cm−2. The results highlight the importance of optimising the treatment of PEDOT:PSS electrodes and demonstrate their potential as an alternative TCE for rapid processing and low-cost OPV and other organic electronic devices

    Predicting bilingual preschoolers' patterns of language development: Degree of non-native input matters

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    While numerous studies have recently shown that variation in input quantity predicts children’s rate of acquisition across a range of language skills, comparatively little is known about the impact of variation in input quality on (bilingual) children’s language development. This study investigated the relation between specific quality-oriented properties of bilingual children’s input and measures of children’s language development across a number of skills while at the same time taking family constellation into account. Participants were bilingual preschoolers (n = 50) acquiring Dutch alongside another language. Preschoolers’ receptive and productive vocabulary and morphosyntax in Dutch were assessed. Parental questionnaires were used to derive estimates of input quality. Family constellation was first operationalized as presence of a native-speaker parent and subsequently in terms of patterns of parental language use. Results showed that proportion of native input and having a native-speaker parent were never significant predictors of children’s language skills, whereas the degree of non-nativeness in the input, family constellation in terms of parental language use, and language richness were. This study shows that what matters is not how much exposure bilingual children have to native rather than non-native speakers, but how proficient any non-native speakers are
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