13 research outputs found

    Analyzing visual metaphor and metonymy to understand creativity in fashion

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    The role of figurative language such as metaphor and metonymy in creativity has been studied in cognitive linguistics. These methods can also be applied to analyze non-linguistic data such as pictures and gestures. In this paper, we analyze fashion design by focusing on visual metaphor and metonymy. The nature of creativity in fashion design has not been fully studied from a cognitive perspective compared to other related fields such as art. We especially focus on fashion design as a communication tool between the designer and audience in conveying a designer’s image of human beings. Photos from two fashion shows were analyzed. We carried out an experiment to compare how human images in two shows are interpreted by those who are familiar with fashion and those who are not. We obtained three results: (1) As far as figurative (metaphorical and metonymic) interpretations of human images are concerned, two groups with different levels of familiarity with fashion had significantly different patterns of responses to two shows. (2) For the non-figurative interpretations (such as physical or personal attributes), no significant difference in the pattern of response to the show was observed between the two groups. However, the participants as a whole responded to the two shows differently. (3) In addition, for the non-figurative interpretations, the fashion experts found significantly more attributes in human images than the other group. The results show that the analysis of figurative interpretations is effective in understanding how familiarity with fashion affects the mode of seeing fashion shows


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    2007.11.30-12.1, 統計数理研究

    Exploring the Positional Effects in Sound Symbolism: The Case of Hardness Judgments by English and Japanese Speakers

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    Sound symbolism refers to the systematic and iconic relationships between sounds and meanings. While the research on this topic is growing rapidly, one issue that is understudied in the literature is whether segments in psycholinguistically salient positions (e.g., word-initial position) exhibit stronger sound–symbolic effects. We report two experiments that, together, show Japanese speakers are more sensitive to the sound–symbolic values of segments in initial syllables, whereas English speakers, rather surprisingly, are more sensitive to the sound–symbolic values of segments in final syllables. This cross-linguistic difference is intriguing, and we believe it opens up opportunities for future experimentation

    Exploring the Positional Effects in Sound Symbolism: The Case of Hardness Judgments by English and Japanese Speakers

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    Sound symbolism refers to the systematic and iconic relationships between sounds and meanings. While the research on this topic is growing rapidly, one issue that is understudied in the literature is whether segments in psycholinguistically salient positions (e.g., word-initial position) exhibit stronger sound–symbolic effects. We report two experiments that, together, show Japanese speakers are more sensitive to the sound–symbolic values of segments in initial syllables, whereas English speakers, rather surprisingly, are more sensitive to the sound–symbolic values of segments in final syllables. This cross-linguistic difference is intriguing, and we believe it opens up opportunities for future experimentation


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    Emergence of proto-sentences in artificial communicating systems

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    This paper investigates the relationship between embodied interaction and symbolic communication. We report about an experiment in which simulated autonomous robotic agents, whose control systems were evolved through an artificial evolutionary process, use abstract communication signals to coordinate their behavior in a context independent way. This use of signals includes some fundamental aspects of sentences in natural languages which are discussed by using the concept of joint attention in relation to the grammatical structure of sentences

    Effects of Wellness Conscious Buildings on the Well-being and Comfort of Workers

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    In recent years, Mental and physical health of office workers is regarded as a problem and the office buildings which improve workers’ wellness. The WELL Building Standard was announced with the aim of improving the health condition of building users in 2014. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the improvement of the health condition of the office workers who work at the office applying WELL Building Standard. To achieve this purpose, low-score office and high-score office for WELL Building Standard scores were created by changing the indoor environment and furniture in the office, and subject experiments in which we perform the work were conducted in each condition. From the experimental results, we propose environmental control and introduction furniture to verify changes in health condition of office workers, to improve the wellness of building users, and to bring synergy effects to health. It was confirmed that working at plural spaces which workers chose themselves