35 research outputs found

    SarNet-1 -A Novel Architecture for Diagnosing Covid-19 Pneumonia and Pneumonia through Chest X-Ray Images

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    Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a contagious disease which begins with flu-like symptoms. COVID-19 arose in China and it rapidly spread throughout the globe, leading to a pandemic. For many, it was noticed that the infection started with fever, cough and finally leading to pneumonia. It is very necessary to differentiate between covid pneumonia and general pneumonia for appropriate treatment. Chest X-ray readings are useful for radiologists to identify the severity of infection. While computerising this mechanism, deep learning techniques are found to be very useful in extracting relevant features from medical images. This can help in differentiating pneumonia, COVID19 pneumonia and x-rays of a healthy person. Computer aided methods for identifying the presence of pneumonia can help health providers to a great extent for quick diagnosis. The X-ray’s gathered from freely available datasets are used in this work to propose an architecture for categorising X-ray’s into pneumonia and covid pneumonia

    Mechanism of mesenchymal stem cells as a multitarget disease-modifying therapy for parkinson's disease.

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative disorders, affecting the basal nuclei, causing impairment of motor and cognitive functions. Loss of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons or their degeneration and the aggregation of Lewy bodies is the hallmark of this disease. The medications used to treat PD relieve the symptoms and maintain quality of life, but currently, there is no cure. There is a need for the development of therapies that can cease or perhaps reverse neurodegeneration effectively. With the rapid advancements in cell replacement therapy techniques, medical professionals are trying to find a cure by which restoration of dopamine neurotransmitters can occur. Researchers have started focusing on cell-based therapies using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) due to their abundance in the body, the ability of proliferation, and immunomodulation. Here we review the MSC-based treatment in Parkinson's disease and the various mechanisms it repairs DAergic neurons in parkinsonian patients

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Auditor dalam Pemberian Opini Audit Atas Laporan Keuangan (Studi pada Auditor di Bpk Perwakilan Provinsi Riau)

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    This study was purpose to aimed the effect of interim investigation, indepedence, skills audit and scope audit on giving audit opinion on finances report. Collecting data of this study using a questionnaire submitted to 55 auditors who work at Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Riau Province Representation. From questionnaires distributed 48 questionnaires (87.27%) ware completed and can be processed. Data analysis methode for this research was multiple regressionwith SPSS version 17. Result of this study give evidence that interim investigation, indepedence and skils audit effect to ward giving audit opinion on finances report. Mean while scope audit didn\u27t effect to ward giving audit opinion on finances report. The results showed that interim investigation have an effect on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0.022by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05). Indepedence have an effect on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0,042 by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05). Audit skills have an affect the on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0.011 by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05) . Audit scope do not affect on the giving audit opinion with coefficient of regression equal to 0.369 by significance value equal to 0.000 (alpha 0.05). R2 square value equal to 0.547 or 54,7% which means that the independent variable in this study could affect the dependent variable, while the rest45,3% is explained by other variables not included in this study

    Langendorff’s isolated perfused rat heart technique: a review

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    The Langendorff’s isolated perfused small mammalian heart represents the optimal compromise in the conflict between the quantity and quality of data that can be acquired from an experimental model versus its clinical relevance, especially in relation to ischemia-reperfusion injury. We analyzed the important recent, as well as standard older articles to highlight the importance of Langendorff’s isolated heart technique using the rat as an experimental animal model. The retrograde perfusion of isolated rat heart preparation is the most commonly used technique in cardiovascular research experiments with many advantages. The longevity of this preparation is one of the main advantages. From the moment an ex vivo preparation is established, it starts to deteriorate and the rate will depend on number of factors such as the skill of the operator, the species of animal, age, initial heart rate, choice and composition of the perfusion fluid, flow rate, presence or absence of various drugs, preload pressure, and the temperature at which the studies are carried out. Recently, various techniques and variables measured have undergone modifications. This review article has attempted to address many of the issues, developments, and applications which will assist investigators to make the best possible use of this experimental model using the rat

    Screening chimeric GAA variants in preclinicalstudy results in hematopoietic stem cell genetherapy candidate vectors for Pompe disease

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    Pompe disease is a rare genetic neuromuscular disorder caused by acid α-glucosidase (GAA) deficiency resulting in lysosomal glycogen accumulation and progressive myopathy. Enzyme replacement therapy, the current standard of care, penetrates poorly into the skeletal muscles and the peripheral and central nervous system (CNS), risks recombinant enzyme immunogenicity, and requires high doses and frequent infusions. Lentiviral vector-mediated hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) gene therapy was investigated in a Pompe mouse model using a clinically relevant promoter driving nine engineered GAA coding sequences incorporating distinct peptide tags and codon optimizations. Vectors solely including glycosylation-independent lysosomal targeting tags enhanced secretion and improved reduction of glycogen, myofiber, and CNS vacuolation in key tissues, although GAA enzyme activity and protein was consistently lower compared with native GAA. Genetically modified microglial cells in brains were detected at low levels but provided robust phenotypic correction. Furthermore, an amino acid substitution introduced in the tag reduced insulin receptor-mediated signaling with no evidence of an effect on blood glucose levels in Pompe mice. This study demonstrated the therapeutic potential of lentiviral HSPC gene therapy exploiting optimized GAA tagged coding sequences to reverse Pompe disease pathology in a preclinical mouse model, providing promising vector candidates for further investigation

    Carotenoids: Role in Neurodegenerative Diseases Remediation

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    Numerous factors can contribute to the development of neurodegenerative disorders (NDs), such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Huntington’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Oxidative stress (OS), a fairly common ND symptom, can be caused by more reactive oxygen species being made. In addition, the pathological state of NDs, which includes a high number of protein aggregates, could make chronic inflammation worse by activating microglia. Carotenoids, often known as “CTs”, are pigments that exist naturally and play a vital role in the prevention of several brain illnesses. CTs are organic pigments with major significance in ND prevention. More than 600 CTs have been discovered in nature, and they may be found in a wide variety of creatures. Different forms of CTs are responsible for the red, yellow, and orange pigments seen in many animals and plants. Because of their unique structure, CTs exhibit a wide range of bioactive effects, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The preventive effects of CTs have led researchers to find a strong correlation between CT levels in the body and the avoidance and treatment of several ailments, including NDs. To further understand the connection between OS, neuroinflammation, and NDs, a literature review has been compiled. In addition, we have focused on the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CTs for the treatment and management of NDs

    Effect of feeding Moringa oleifera hay on performance, lactation, and nitrogen balance in lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes in semi-arid areas of South Asia

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    The present study was conducted in semi-arid areas to examine the effect of feeding Moringaoleiferahay (MOH) on intake, digestibility, milk yield and its composition in lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes. Eight buffaloes of Nili Ravi breed were selected from the dairy herd on the basis of nearly similar lactation stage and body weight in the experiment. In this trial, buffaloes were blocked by parity and randomly assigned within block to one of two tre atments for the duration of 17 weeks. An isonitrogenous and isocaloric concentrate was formulated and f ed as a part of ration to all buffaloes with same quantity. While in the remaining part of the ration, one group was offered ad libitum Medicago sativa hay (MSH) and other group was provided MOH, respectively. Animals were fed at the rate of3% of their body weight per day.Dry matter (DM) intake was higher in buffaloes fed MOH diet than in those fed MSH die t. Digestibility of DM, organic matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and ether extrac t were significantl y higher in buffaloes fed MOH diet as compared to MSH diet. Milk yield and 4% fat corrected milk, solid corrected milk, milk protein, and solid not fat were higher in buffaloes fed MOH diet than in those fed MSH diet; however, milk fat percent, milk fat yield (kg/day), lactose, total solids, specific gravity and milk pH were not affected by the treatments. The findings of the present study indicate that feeding MOH as a part of the ration not only has inc reased nutrients intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance but also improved milk production in lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes in semi-arid areas

    Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Deficiency in an Exon 3 Deletion Mouse Model Promotes Hematopoietic Stem Cell Proliferation and Impacts Endosteal Niche Cells

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor belonging to the Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) family of proteins. The AHR is involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) functions including self-renewal, proliferation, quiescence, and differentiation. We hypothesize that AHR impacts HSC functions by influencing genes that have roles in HSC maintenance and function and that this may occur through regulation of bone marrow (BM) niche cells. We examined BM and niche cells harvested from 8-week-old AHR null-allele (KO) mice in which exon 3 was deleted in the Ahr gene and compared these data to cells from B6 control mice; young and old (10 months) animals were also compared. We report changes in HSCs and peripheral blood cells in mice lacking AHR. Serial transplantation assays revealed a significant increase in long term HSCs. There was a significant increase in mesenchymal stem cells constituting the endosteal BM niche. Gene expression analyses of HSCs revealed an increase in expression of genes involved in proliferation and maintenance of quiescence. Our studies infer that loss of AHR results in increased proliferation and self-renewal of long term HSCs, in part, by influencing the microenvironment in the niche regulating the balance between quiescence and proliferation in HSCs

    Aged AhR-KO mice have altered composition of peripheral blood.

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    <p>Blood was drawn from the retro-orbital plexus of 18-month-old WT and AhR-KO mice and analyzed for cell counts (A-F). Data are shown as mean +/- S.D. n = 9 mice per group. * values significantly different from WT control (p<0.05)</p

    Selected genes related to Hematological System Development and Function found to be altered in LT-HSCs of aged AhR-KO mice.

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    <p>This list was generated using Ingenuity software to determine genes related to hematopoietic system function that were altered due to lack of AhR.</p