19 research outputs found

    The toolbox : Increased efficiency of the planning stage by using an additional function in Revit

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    For more time and cost efficient projects, the construction industry needs to develop modern and integrated working methods. The preparation of construction documents is now in transition from 2D (AutoCAD) to 3D (Revit) modelling with an aim to streamline the workflow. This study aims to streamline the construction designing and planning stages by implementing specific commands that are adapted for Revit. The function of these commands is to provide complete structural components. These components will reduce the time to complete a construction drawing set compared to a traditional 2D method. Qualitative studies were conducted in the form of interviews with construction engineers. The interviews were based on different sub-areas that affect different parts of the planning stages. Based on these interviews, the toolbox was designed, containing the previously mentioned commands. Some conclusions that have been drawn after the study completion are that the construction industry is in need for a change, and that the building sector requires a systematic and united working method to streamline work methodology. In addition to the reduction of time and additional costs, this tool will reduce the frustration that may arise in the search of building components using traditional methods.För ett effektivt arbete behöver byggbranschen utveckla mer moderna- och integrerade arbetsmetoder. Evolutionen inom bygg med avseende på framställningen av konstruktionshandlingar övergår från 2D- till 3D-handlingar och övergången effektiviserar arbetet. Denna studie har i syfte att effektivisera arbetet för konstruktörerna i projekteringsskedet genom att beakta behoven som efterfrågas om Revit och tillgodose dessa. Genom en fallstudie utvärderades för-och nackdelarna med den befintliga arbetsmetoden som bidragit till idén om en tilläggsfunktion i Revit. I de kvalitativa studierna utreddes behovet av en tilläggsfunktion som genomfördes i form av intervjuer med konstruktörer. Behovet tillgodosågs med hjälp av tilläggsfunktionen Verktygslådan som tillhandahåller olika knappar som representerar olika byggkomponenter. Det var den kvalitativa studien som bidrog till utvecklingen av idén där konstruktörers åsikter och råd tog i akt. Effekten av Verktygslådan blev en reducering av projekteringstiden som samtidigt minskade störningar i arbetet. Slutsatser som har dragits efter avslutad studie är att byggbranschen indikerar ett behov av förändring, där sektorn kräver ett mer systematiskt och enhetligt arbetssätt för att effektivisera arbetsmetodiken. Genom att tillhandahålla konstruktionshandlingar på ett effektivare sätt reduceras tidsåtgången och merkostnaderna samtidigt som sektorn erhåller högre kvalité och tillförlitlighet i de olika skedena

    Conditioning analysis of nonlocal integral operators in fractional Sobolev spaces

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    We study the conditioning of nonlocal integral operators with singular and integrable kernels in fractional Sobolev spaces. These operators are used, for instance, in peridynamics formulation and nonlocal diffusion. In one dimension (1D), we present sharp quantification of the extremal eigenvalues in all three parameters: size of nonlocality, mesh size, and regularity of the fractional Sobolev space. We accomplish sharpness both rigorously and numerically. For the minimal eigenvalue, we obtain sharpness analytically by using a nonlocal characterization of Sobolev spaces. We verify this estimate by exploiting the Toeplitz property of the stiffness matrix. However, the analytical approach fails to give sharp quantification of the maximal eigenvalue. Hence, in 1D, we take an algebraic approach by directly working with the stiffness matrix entries, which have complicated expressions due to all three parameters. We systematically characterize the nonzero entries and dramatically simplify their expressions by using convenient algebra. We establish the zero row sum property of the stiffness matrix and negativity of the off-diagonal entries. Eventually, we arrive at sharpness through the use of the Gerschgorin circle theorem

    Environmental Stress Created by Chemical Pollution in the Marmara Sea (Turkey)

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    The ecological consequences of chemical pollution experienced as evidence of significant environmental stress in the Marmara sea which is a semi-enclosed internal basin with a stratified structure. The stratification is due to the Mediterranean sea originated lower layer current and Black sea originated upper layer current that hinders the water circulation. Rapid urbanization on the coastal zone of the Marmara sea has attracted population since the 1970's. This has been one of the main reasons for the pollution that has affected primarily the estuaries and bays of the Marmara sea and has ultimately spread along the shoreline and continental shelf that constitutes 50 %. of its total area. The Marmara sea coastal zone is at risk of severe industrial and domestic pollution where hot-spots comprise Izmit. Gemlik, Bandirma bays and Greater Istanbul Metropolitan area. Chemical Pollution accumulated in the bays. in particular. has created significant ecological damage resulting in the decrease or extinction of marine species. In this paper, the oceanographic features of the receiving media, the sources of industrial and domestic pollution based off field data and monitoring are presented. Previous studies and the present one carried out so far reveal that a good understanding of the oceanographic and ecological processes is essential for the Marmara sea as a whole. In the light of the findings. the means and tools for an integrated wastewater management plan in the Marmara region are discussed

    Diaphragmatic movements in ankylosing spondylitis patients and their association with clinical factors: an ultrasonographic study

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    We compared diaphragmatic motion between ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients and controls, as assessed by the ultrasonographic method. We included 33 consecutive AS patients (19 males, 14 females) followed up at our center and 14 apparently healthy controls (8 males, 6 females) into our study. AS patients fulfilled the modified New York classification criteria for AS. Patients' demographic and clinical data, functional parameters, and radiographic findings were recorded down. By evaluating the motion of right and left diaphragm during deep expirium and inspirium, the mean diaphragmatic motion was determined by ultrasonography. Diaphragmatic motion in AS patients was less than in controls, but the difference was not significant (68.9 +/- A 17 mm vs. 77.8 +/- A 22.4 mm, P = 0.14). Diaphragmatic motion in AS patients who were active according to BASDAI score (> 4) was not different from inactive patients (70.4 +/- A 20.5 vs. 67.5 +/- A 13.5, P > 0.05). The mean diaphragmatic motion had a positive correlation with occiput-to-wall distance (r = 0.35, P = 0.048); and negative correlations with cervical rotation (r = -0.45, P = 0.01) and modified Schober test (r = -0.34, P = 0.05) in AS patients. We did not detect any association of mean diaphragmatic motion with thoracic expansion on deep expiration. Diaphragmatic motion in AS does not differ significantly from the control group. Factors like disease activation, chest expansion, and the severity of radiographic findings do not affect diaphragmatic motion. There is no compensatory increase in diaphragmatic motion in AS

    A case of brown tumor mimicking fibrous dysplasia in a patient with chronic renal failure

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    Renal osteodystrophy is one of the major causes of morbidity in patients receiving long-term dialysis treatment for renal failure and after transplantation. Its clinical implications include high-turnover bone disease, low-turnover bone disease, osteomalacia. osteosclerosis, and osteoporosis. A 13-year-old boy who had been on dialysis treatment for renal failure was admitted with a pathologic supracondylar femur fracture after a minor trauma. Radiological studies showed cystic lesions in the femoral supracondyle, left acetabular roof, and right proximal and distal tibia. Based on radiologic appearances of the lesions and on histopathologic findings of the lesion excised from the right distal tibia, brown tumor and fibrous dysplasia were considered in the differential diagnosis. Initially, serum parathyroid hormone level was slightly increased and calcium level was normal. but during follow-up, serum parathyroid hormone level increased significantly, enabling the diagnosis of brown tumor

    Zoledronic acid: Treatment option for Gorham-Stout disease

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    Gorham-Stout disease is arare bone resorption disease, the etiology and prognosis of which is uncertain but it is thought to be benign. It can involve one or more bones and can cause pain, swelling, deformity and fractures in affected bones. Diagnosis is made with acombination of clinical, radiological and histopathological examinations once other causes of osteolysis have been excluded. Due to its rarity, there is no standard therapeutic approach. ZusammenfassungDas Gorham-Stout-Syndrom ist eine seltene Erkrankung, bei der es zu einem Knochenabbau kommt. Atiologie und Prognose sind ungewiss, aber es gilt als benigne. Es kann ein oder mehrere Knochen betreffen, dabei kann es zu Schmerzen, Schwellungen, Deformitaten und Frakturen in den betroffenen Knochen kommen. Die Diagnose wird anhand einer Kombination aus klinischen, radiologischen und histopathologischen Untersuchungen gestellt, sofern andere Ursachen fur die Osteolyse ausgeschlossen wurden. Aufgrund seiner Seltenheit gibt es keine Standardtherapie fur diese Erkrankung