3 research outputs found
What Indicates Improved Resilience to Climate Change? A Learning and Evaluative Process Developed From a Child-Centered, Community-Based Project in the Philippines
- Author
- Arnold
- Back
- Bours
- Bours
- Brooks
- Child Protection Working Group (CPWG)
- Department for International Development (DFID)
- DeVellis
- Eikeland
- Falchikov
- Fisher
- Hawrylyshyn
- House
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Lamhauge
- Landsdown
- Lloyd
- Massey
- Measham
- Mitchell
- Patton
- Perera
- Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)
- Risdell
- Sheffield
- Shier
- Sitzmann
- Stewart
- Tanner
- Tanner
- Treichel
- UNICEF Office of Research
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS)
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rehabilitating mangrove ecosystem services: A case study on the relative benefits of abandoned pond reversion from Panay Island, Philippines
- Author
- Adger
- Alongi
- Alongi
- Arkema
- Arnaud-Haond
- Atkinson
- Bao
- Barbier
- Barbier
- Bayraktarov
- Bivand
- Blankespoor
- Bosire
- Bournazel
- Brown
- Cadaweng
- Cardinale
- Chave
- Choo
- Clare Duncan
- Costanza
- Dahdouh-Guebas
- Dale
- Donato
- Duarte
- Duke
- Ellison
- Ewel
- Fatoyinbo
- Field
- Fu
- Giri
- Goessens
- Google Earth
- Hamilton
- Hashim
- Heather J. Koldewey
- Hossain
- Iftekhar
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- Jayakody
- Julian R. Thompson
- Jurgenne H. Primavera
- Kairo
- Kairo
- Kauffman
- Koch
- Komiyama
- Korhonen
- Lang'at
- Lee
- Lester
- Lewis
- Locatelli
- Lovelock
- Marois
- Matsui
- Mazda
- McIvor
- Nam
- Nathalie Pettorelli
- Peduzzi
- Polidoro
- Primavera
- Primavera
- Primavera
- Primavera
- Primavera
- QGIS Development Team
- R Development Core Team
- Ren
- Richards
- Rodriguez
- Rona Joy A. Loma
- Rönnbäck
- Salmo
- Samson
- Samson
- Schumacher
- Simard
- Soria
- Spalding
- Stevenson
- Thompson
- Tomlinson
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- United Nations University (UNU) – Institute for Environment and Security
- Valiela
- Walton
- Weeks
- Wylie
- Zanne
- Zink
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A. A. Scaife
- A. Achermann
- A. Ali
- A. Berkner
- A. Berkner
- A. C. u. Drury
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Coudrain
- A. E. u. Farrell
- A. Effendi
- A. Goldstein
- A. H. u. Cordesman
- A. I. Johnston
- A. Jones
- A. K. Gupta
- A. Kaplinsky
- A. Levermann
- A. Martin
- A. Mehler
- A. Menzel
- A. Miyan
- A. N. u. Dikich
- A. Najam
- A. Postiglione
- A. Postiglione
- A. Rechkemmer
- A. Rest
- A. Schmittner
- A. Schmitz
- A. Steiner
- A. T. Wolf
- A. T. Wolf
- A. T. Wolf
- A. u. Carius
- A. u. Carius
- A. u. Houdret
- A. u. Klaphake
- A. u. Klaphake
- A. u. Raknerud
- A. u. Ulph
- A. V. Waichman
- ACIA — Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
- ACT — Action by Churches Together International
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- AFP — Agence France Press
- AKUF — Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung
- AMCEN — African Ministerial Conference on the Environment und UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- Amnesty International
- B. Alpermann
- B. Chambers
- B. Dimaranan
- B. F. Walter
- B. Fassbender
- B. G. Mark
- B. Gill
- B. Hare
- B. J. Peterson
- B. K. Paul
- B. Korf
- B. Lacina
- B. Pilardeaux
- B. Russett
- B. Sidikov
- B. Stiftung
- B. u. Russett
- BIS — Bank for International Settlements
- BMBF — Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- BMU — Bundesministerium für Umwelt Naturschutz und Reaktorisicherheit
- BMZ — Bundesministerium für wirtschafltiche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BMZ — Bundesministerium für wirtschafltiche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BMZ — Bundesministerium für wirtschafltiche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BMZg — Bundesministerium für Verteidigung
- Brazil
- C. A. Kupchan
- C. A. Kupchan
- C. Alden
- C. Cramer
- C. D. Hoyos
- C. D. Hoyos
- C. D. Thomas
- C. Daase
- C. Daase
- C. Daase
- C. Daase
- C. E. Economy
- C. Ebert
- C. F. Hutchinson
- C. H. Churchill
- C. Hauswedell
- C. HĂ©ly
- C. Jakobeit
- C. Klenke
- C. Körner
- C. M. Metz
- C. O. Stockle
- C. Opp
- C. Phuong
- C. Potter
- C. Potter
- C. Richerzhagen
- C. Schär
- C. u. Gollier
- C. u. Kemfert
- C. u. Parmesan
- C. W. u. Sadoff
- C. Wagner
- CAIT WRI — Climate Analysis Indicator Tool — World Resources Institute
- CGAP Working Group on Microinsurance
- CIA — Central Intelligence Agency
- CNA Corporation
- COMCAD — Center on Migration Citizenship and Development
- CPT — Comissão Pastoral da Terra
- CRED — WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
- CSIS — Center for Strategic and International Studies und IIE —Institute for International Economics
- D. Bender
- D. C. Morton
- D. C. Nepstad
- D. Choudhury
- D. Deudney
- D. Deudney
- D. F. Sprinz
- D. Held
- D. Kaufmann
- D. Keane
- D. L. Galloway
- D. Lambach
- D. M. Tull
- D. M. Tull
- D. Mahar
- D. Messner
- D. Messner
- D. Phillips
- D. S. Massey
- D. S. u. Geller
- D. Schröter
- D. Smith
- D. Tränhard
- D. Tänzler
- D. u. Reinhardt
- DBR — Deutsche Bank Research
- Development Initiatives
- E. Altvater
- E. Aspinall
- E. Auf der Heide
- E. Cody
- E. Cody
- E. El-Hinnawi
- E. Gartzke
- E. Giese
- E. Giese
- E. Herrfahrdt
- E. Jahn
- E. Jahn
- E. Landsteiner
- E. N. u. Muller
- E. Rignot
- E. S. Gritti
- E. S. Lee
- E. S. u. Medeiros
- E. Salati
- E. Sternfeld
- E. u. Adler
- E. u. Giese
- E. u. Giese
- E. Xoplaki
- ECLAC—Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean
- Economist
- EEA — European Environmental Agency
- Energy and Environmental Analysis
- EPA — United States Environmental Protection Agency
- EU Commission
- EU — Europäische Union
- EU-Kommission
- EU-Kommission
- F. B. J. Barends
- F. Biermann
- F. Biermann
- F. Biermann
- F. D. Santos
- F. Fukuyama
- F. Hillmann
- F. House
- F. Kalter
- F. Kienast
- F. Mouillot
- F. Nuscheler
- F. Policy
- F. S. Berenskoetter
- F. Steward
- F. Tao
- F. u. Biermann
- F. u. Biermann
- F. u. Flintan
- F. u. Hagopian
- F. u. Molle
- F. u. Wesner
- F. Umbach
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- G. Bächler
- G. Fischer
- G. Fischer
- G. Hansen
- G. Heilig
- G. Hugo
- G. Kibreab
- G. Lefèbvre
- G. RiofrĂo
- G. S. u. Epstein
- G. Sachs
- G. u. Bächler
- G. u. Bächler
- G. u. Bächler
- G. u. Sommer
- G. u. Yepes
- G.-R. Walther
- GCIM — Global Commisson on International Migration
- GEF — Global Environment Facility
- Government of China
- GroĂźe Koalition
- GTZ — Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
- GWP — Global Water Partnership
- H. G. Brauch
- H. G. Brauch
- H. H. Lamb
- H. Hegre
- H. Hummel
- H. J. Schellnhuber
- H. J. Spanger
- H. J. Wenzel
- H. J. Zwally
- H. Kreutzmann
- H. Liniger
- H. MĂĽnkler
- H. MĂĽnkler
- H. Schubart
- H. u. Buhaug
- H. u. Karim
- H. u. Liedtke
- H. Urdal
- HIIK — Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung
- HIIK — Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung
- I. Douglas
- I. Salehyan
- I. Scholz
- I. Shiklomanov
- I. Soysa de
- I. Soysa de
- I. Soysa de
- I. u. Elbadawi
- I. u. Gogolin
- I. u. Scholz
- I. V. u. Daalder
- IAE — International Energy Agency
- IBGE — Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatĂstica
- IDA — International Development Association
- IEA — International Energy Agency
- IEA — International Energy Agency
- IEA — International Energy Agency
- IFRC — International Federation of Red Cross
- IMF — International Monetary Fund
- IMF — International Monetary Fund
- IMISCOE — International Migration Integration and Social Cohesion
- INPE — Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
- International Crisis Group
- IOM — International Organization for Migration
- IOM — International Organization for Migration
- IOM — International Organization for Migration
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- ISS — Institute for Security Studies
- IWMI — International Water Management Institute
- J. A. Vasquez
- J. Alcamo
- J. Barnett
- J. Bigagaza
- J. Bucknall
- J. Crips
- J. D. u. Cure
- J. Dalhuisen
- J. Diamond
- J. E. Hansen
- J. Faust
- J. Goldstone
- J. Grävingholt
- J. Hamilton
- J. Herbst
- J. Hippler
- J. J. Mearsheimer
- J. K. Gasana
- J. K. Ridley
- J. Kaiser
- J. Kramer
- J. Kurlantzick
- J. M. Gregory
- J. McGregor
- J. Nussbaumer
- J. Pathania
- J. Pauwelyn
- J. Rydgren
- J. S. Nye
- J. Schradi
- J. Tuchman Mathews
- J. u. Faust
- J. u. Faust
- J. u. Fearon
- J. u. Heitzman
- J. u. Humphrey
- J. u. Humphrey
- J. u. Humphrey
- J. u. Milliken
- J. u. Montalvo
- J. u. Peñuelas
- K. A. Shein
- K. Conca
- K. Dervis
- K. E. Boulding
- K. Emanuel
- K. F. MacCallion
- K. Golda-Pongratz
- K. Ipsen
- K. J. Bade
- K. J. u. Arrow
- K. Jacobsen
- K. O’Neill
- K. Roberts
- K. Roehder
- K. Schlichte
- K. Stroh
- K. u. Booth
- K. u. Dingwerth
- K. u. Hubacek
- K. u. Hubacek
- K. u. Lieberthal
- K. Willmann
- K. Zickfeld
- KfW — Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
- L. A. Swatuk
- L. A. Swatuk
- L. A. u. Winters
- L. Brock
- L. Brock
- L. Brock
- L. Brock
- L. Brown
- L. C. u. Peterson
- L. Elliott
- L. Miles
- L. R. Hutyra
- L. R. Oldeman
- L. R. Oldeman
- L. u. Horlemann
- Le Monde diplomatique
- M. A. Levy
- M. B. Rankin
- M. Berdal
- M. Brzoska
- M. Brzoska
- M. C. Raja
- M. Cassel-Gintz
- M. Creveld van
- M. D. u. Ward
- M. Fröhlich
- M. Grossmann
- M. Hecht
- M. Held
- M. Jachtenfuchs
- M. L. Parry
- M. L. Ross
- M. L. Ross
- M. L. Ross
- M. Lal
- M. Leighton
- M. LĂĽders
- M. Marugg
- M. Meinshausen
- M. O’Leary
- M. P. Amineh
- M. P. Houscht
- M. Q. Zaman
- M. Reynal-Querol
- M. Reynal-Querol
- M. RĂĽck
- M. RĂĽck
- M. Suliman
- M. T. Fravel
- M. u. Ahmad
- M. u. Conisbee
- M. u. Klare
- M. u. Kulessa
- M. u. Ottaway
- M. u. Raffinot
- M. Wiggerthale
- M. Wodinski
- M. ZĂĽrn
- M. ZĂĽrn
- M. ZĂĽrn
- MA — Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- MA — Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- MPI — Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie
- N. GeiĂźler
- N. Meyers
- N. Meyers
- N. P. Gleditsch
- N. P. Gleditsch
- N. Sambanis
- N. Stern
- N. u. Phienwej
- N. W. Arnell
- N. W. Arnell
- N. Walle van de
- N. Walle van de
- N. Zeng
- O. Kimminich
- O. R. Young
- O. R. Young
- O. Waever
- OCHA — Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- ODI — Overseas Development Institute
- OECD DAC — Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development — Development Assistance Committee
- OECD — Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation
- OECD — Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation
- OECD — Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation
- OECD-FAO — Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- OECD-FAO — Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- OHCHR — Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Oxfam
- P. Billon Le
- P. Billon Le
- P. Collier
- P. Friedlingstein
- P. Gleick
- P. Gleick
- P. Gleick
- P. Hilpold
- P. J. Katzenstein
- P. J. Webster
- P. J. Webster
- P. Kennedy
- P. Lummel
- P. M. Cox
- P. M. Cox
- P. M. Haas
- P. M. Haas
- P. u. Collier
- P. u. Fajnzylber
- P. u. Imbusch
- P. u. Kennedy
- P. u. Regan
- P. u. Schwartz
- P. Verwimp
- Peoples Daily Online
- Peru Cambio Climatico
- R. A. Rohde
- R. A. u. Matthew
- R. Asshoff
- R. Black
- R. D. Kaplan
- R. D. Lipschutz
- R. E. Richter
- R. Haass
- R. Hofmeier
- R. I. Rotberg
- R. J. Nicholls
- R. J. Norby
- R. J. T. Klein
- R. Jackson
- R. Janse
- R. Jenkins
- R. Kagan
- R. Kagan
- R. Kaplinsky
- R. L. Hu
- R. L. u. Bamberger
- R. Langhammer
- R. Lohrmann
- R. M. Adams
- R. Matthew
- R. O. u. Keohane
- R. O. u. Keohane
- R. O. u. Keohane
- R. P. Neilson
- R. Parkers
- R. R. Nemani
- R. Reuveny
- R. Tetzlaff
- R. u. Black
- R. u. Daughters
- R. u. Leemans
- R. u. LĂ©tolle
- R. u. Matthew
- R. u. NordĂĄs
- R. u. Zhang
- Rabobank
- Reuters Foundation
- Reuters Foundation
- S. A. Hansen
- S. A. u. Cowling
- S. Bauer
- S. Bremer
- S. C. Coplin
- S. Castles
- S. Dalby
- S. Dalby
- S. Faris
- S. Gates
- S. Hensell
- S. I. Seneviratne
- S. Jasanoff
- S. Jasanoff
- S. Jones
- S. Kröhnert
- S. L. Kaplan
- S. Lindemann
- S. Lonergan
- S. Mainwaring
- S. Neubert
- S. P. Huntington
- S. P. Huntington
- S. P. Long
- S. Rahmstorf
- S. Rahmstorf
- S. S. Ali
- S. Schmeidl
- S. u. Bauer
- S. u. Chaudhuri
- S. u. Grimm
- S. u. Hitz
- S. u. Klingebiel
- S. u. Klingebiel
- S. u. Neubert
- S. Weinlich
- SATP — South Asia Terrorism Portal
- Senat der Bundesforschungsanstalten im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Verbraucherschutz Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
- SEPA — State Environmental Protection Administration
- SIPRI — Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Study Group on Europes Security Capabilities
- SĂĽdasien Info
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Barker
- T. Chatel
- T. D. Mitchell
- T. Debiel
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. Faist
- T. G. Falleti
- T. Hagmann
- T. L. Root
- T. P. Barnett
- T. Prugh
- T. R. Gurr
- T. Risse
- T. Sterzel
- T. Trotha von
- T. u. Addison
- T. u. Heberer
- T. u. Heberer
- T. u. Oki
- T. Winter von
- U. B. Barkmann
- U. Grote
- U. Halbach
- U. Menzel
- U. Schneckener
- U. Scholz
- UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- UN DESA — United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- UN DESA — United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- UN Millennium Project
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UNCCD — United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- UNCTAD — United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNESCO — United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNESCO — United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNFPA — United Nations Population Fund
- UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNISDR — United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- UNISDR — United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- UNPD — United Nations Population Division
- UNPD — United Nations Population Division
- UNSG — United Nations Secretary General
- UNU-EHS — United Nations University Institute For Environment And Human Security
- USDA — U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
- USGS — U.S. Geological Survey
- V. Castel du
- V. E. Fuentes
- V. R. Burkett
- V. Smakhtin
- V. u. Percival
- W. A. V. Clark
- W. Abel
- W. Behringer
- W. Brandt
- W. H. Schlesinger
- W. J. u. Cosgrove
- W. P. u. Avery
- W. Thuiller
- W. u. Bauernfeind
- W. u. Hauge
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WCD — World Commission on Dams
- White House
- White House
- WHO — World Health Organisation und UNICEF — United Nations Childrens Fund
- WI — Wuppertal Institut
- WI — Wuppertal Institut
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Worldwatch Institute
- Worldwatch Institute
- WTO — World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture
- WTO — World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture
- WTO — World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture
- WWF — World Wide Fund
- X. J. Gao
- X. Lan
- Y. Bangert
- Z. Brzezinski
- Z. Karaev
- Z. u. Brzezinski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study