23 research outputs found

    Single Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Induces Persistent Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier, Neuroinflammation and Cognitive Decline in Hypertensive Rats

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) induces blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption, which contributes to secondary injury of brain tissue and development of chronic cognitive decline. However, single mild (m)TBI, the most frequent form of brain trauma disrupts the BBB only transiently. We hypothesized, that co-morbid conditions exacerbate persistent BBB disruption after mTBI leading to long term cognitive dysfunction. Since hypertension is the most important cerebrovascular risk factor in populations prone to mild brain trauma, we induced mTBI in normotensive Wistar and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and we assessed BBB permeability, extravasation of blood-borne substances, neuroinflammation and cognitive function two weeks after trauma. We found that mTBI induced a significant BBB disruption two weeks after trauma in SHRs but not in normotensive Wistar rats, which was associated with a significant accumulation of fibrin and increased neuronal expression of inflammatory cytokines TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 in the cortex and hippocampus. SHRs showed impaired learning and memory two weeks after mild TBI, whereas cognitive function of normotensive Wistar rats remained intact. Future studies should establish the mechanisms through which hypertension and mild TBI interact to promote persistent BBB disruption, neuroinflammation and cognitive decline to provide neuroprotection and improve cognitive function in patients with mTBI

    Nők, karrierek, karrier-hátrányok

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    Dolgozatomban a magyarországi női munkavállalók elhelyezkedési, karriertervezési lehetőségeit szeretném megvizsgálni. Az alábbi kérdésekre keresem a válaszokat: Mik a nők munkaerő-piaci helyzetét érintő legfontosabb problémakörök? Vannak-e karrierlehetőségei ma egy nőnek Magyarországon? Az Unió néhány országában sikerült a nők és férfiak foglalkoztatottsági és társadalmi megbecsülése közti különbséget minimálisra lecsökkenteni. Mind uniós, mind országos szinten rendeleteken, törvényeken keresztül próbálják elérni a két nem közti egyenlőség biztosítását, de még nem kielégítő az eredmény. A szakdolgozat a magyarországi nők karriertervezési lehetőségeiről szól, de megvizsgálja az Európai Uniót is, hogy megnézzük, milyen lehetőségei vannak a nőknek itthon és Európában. A dolgozat nagy része írott források felhasználásával készült. A szakdolgozatomban szóbeli forrásokat is felhasználok, oly módon, hogy kérdőívet készítek olyan nőkkel, akik jelenleg kizárólag gyermekneveléssel foglalkoznak. Jelenlegi terepgyakorlatomat egy debreceni egyesületnél töltöm, ahol hátrányos helyzetben lévő nőkkel foglalkoznak. Itt több álláskereső klub is működik. A csoporttagokkal is töltöttem ki kérdőívet, bár Ők nem tartoznak a kismamák csoportjába, ezért a két csoportot külön vettem. Hazánkban is mintegy az emberek felét érinti az általam felvetett probléma, ezért kell ezzel a témával minél többet foglalkozni.BscSzociális munk

    A simplified in vitro model for investigation of the antimicrobial efficacy of various antiseptic agents to prevent peri-implantitis

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    The biofilm formation by oral bacteria on the implant surface is one of the most remarkable factors of peri-implant infections, which may eventually lead to bone resorption and loss of the dental implant. Therefore, the elimination of biofilm is an essential step for the successful therapy of implant-related infections. In this work we created a basic in vitro model to evaluate the antibacterial effect of three widely used antiseptics.Commercially pure (CP4) titanium sample discs with sand blasted, acid etched, and polished surface were used. The discs were incubated with mono-cultures of Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus salivarius. The adhered bacterial biofilms were treated with different antiseptics: chlorhexidine-digluconate (CHX), povidone-iodine (PI), and chlorine dioxide (CD) for 5 min and the control discs with ultrapure water. The antibacterial effect of the antiseptics was tested by colorimetric assay.According to the results, the PI and the CD were statistically the most effective in the elimination of the two test bacteria on both titanium surfaces after 5 min treatment time. The CD showed significant effect only against S. salivarius.Based on our results we conclude that PI and CD may be promising antibacterial agents to disinfecting the peri-implant site in the dental practice

    Photocatalytic enhancement of antibacterial effects of photoreactive nanohybrid films in an in vitro Streptococcus mitis model

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    Bacterial adhesion and colonization on implanted devices are major etiological factors of peri-implantitis in dentistry. Enhancing the antibacterial properties of implant surfaces is a promising way to reduce the occurrence of inflammations. In this in vitro study, the antibacterial potential of two nanocomposite surfaces were investigated, as possible new materials for implantology.The structural and photocatalytic properties of the TiO2 and Ag-TiO2 (with 0.001 wt% plasmonic Ag content) photocatalyst containing polymer based composite layers were also studied and compared to the unmodified standard sandblasted and acid etched Ti discs (control). The presence of visible light induced reactive oxygen species was also verified and quantified by luminol based chemiluminescence (CL) probe method. The discs with adhered Streptococcus mitis were illuminated for 5, 10 and 15 min. The antibacterial effect was determined by the metabolic activities of the adhered and proliferated bacterial cells and protein assay at each time point.The Ag-TiO2 containing surfaces with obvious photocatalytic activity eliminated the highest amount of the metabolically active bacteria, compared to the control discs in the dark, after 15 min illumination.The plasmonic Ag-enhanced and illuminated surface exhibits significantly better antibacterial activity under harmless visible light irradiation, than the control Ti or TiO2 containing copolymer. The studied surface modifications could be promising for further, more complex investigations associated with dental research on infection prevention in connection with oral implantation