112 research outputs found

    How Sensitive Are Bank Managers to Shareholder Value?

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We test for the existence of market discipline by shareholders of banks with a wide range of ownership structures. Discipline by shareholders manifests itself through monitoring banks’ level of risk as well as through influencing banks’ management actions. We find that shareholders utilize the relation between stock returns and different types of risk measures to monitor risky banks. Shareholders partially influence bank management by responding to decreasing stock returns with a demand to improve loan quality. Moreover, the influence on management in small banks is more pronounced compared to large banks

    Interference of tonic muscle activity on the EEG: a single motor unit study

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    The electrical activity of muscles can interfere with the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal considering the anatomical locations of facial or masticatory muscles surrounding the skull. In this study, we evaluated the possible interference of the resting activity of the temporalis muscle on the EEG under conventional EEG recording conditions. In 9 healthy adults EEG activity from 19 scalp locations and single motor unit (SMU) activity from anterior temporalis muscle were recorded in three relaxed conditions; eyes open, eyes closed, jaw dropped. The EEG signal was spike triggered averaged (STA) using the action potentials of SMUs as triggers to evaluate their reflections at various EEG recording sites. Resting temporalis SMU activity generated prominent reflections with different amplitudes, reaching maxima in the proximity of the recorded SMU. Interference was also notable at the scalp sites that are relatively far from the recorded SMU and even at the contralateral locations. Considering the great number of SMUs in the head and neck muscles, prominent contamination from the activity of only a single MU should indicate the susceptibility of EEG to muscle activity artifacts even under the rest conditions. This study emphasizes the need for efficient artifact evaluation methods which can handle muscle interference

    Healthy diet in primary care: views of general practitioners and nurses from Europe

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    Background: Most of the national colleges of general practitioners (GPs) do not have their own dietary/nutritional tools, and GPs and nurses do not have the time, knowledge, or skills to advise their patients about desirable dietary practices. Objective: To assess the usefulness of a simple and practical guide on healthy diet to be used by European GPs and nurses. Design: A postal survey was mailed to 171 GPs and nurses from 12 European countries to obtain information about the usefulness of a guide on healthy diet developed by EUROPREV. Results: The perception of health professionals is that the main source of information on healthy diet for the population was the media. In all, 95% of GPs and nurses reported that the guide was useful; 93, 95, and 82% reported that the concepts were concise, easy to understand, and realistic, respectively. Also, 77% reported that the type of counselling recommended was feasible and could be applied, 94% reported that the implementation measures proposed could be effective and 88% reported that the Traditional Mediterranean Diet Pyramid is useful, but some concerns about the content were mentioned. Conclusions: GPs and nurses from Europe think that a practical guide on healthy diet developed by EUROPREV could be used to advise patients in primary care, although the Traditional Mediterranean Diet Pyramid should be modified

    AIDS knowledge and attitudes in a Turkish population: an epidemiological study

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to investigate and present some pertinent comments concerning Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) knowledge, attitudes and misconceptions among the general population in a city of west Turkey. This study was deemed important and relevant due to the increasing importance of AIDS in Turkey and the other countries. METHODS: Using a multistage area sampling method, a random sample of individuals aged 11–83 years, living in 65 different quarters in the city of Eskisehir, Turkey during September, October and November 2004 were interviewed. RESULTS: In all, 1048 respondents completed the survey. In most items, respondents displayed a fairly good to excellent degree of knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Individuals with higher degrees of education indicated more correct responses in all items relating to knowledge of HIV/AIDS. In general, the respondents' attitudes towards AIDS and people with AIDS were found to be tolerant and positive, with one answer choice showing that the majority of the respondents agreed with the statement that those with HIV/AIDS must be supported, treated and helped (90.7%). Moreover, the proportions of the respondents' misconceptions were found to be significantly low for all the items. However, nearly one fourth of the respondents agreed with the misconceptions 'AIDS is a punishment by God' and 'One is not infected with HIV/AIDS if engaged in sport and well nourished'. CONCLUSION: In general HIV/AIDS related knowledge was high and people showed positive attitudes. However, people continue to hold misconceptions about AIDS and these need to be addressed by health education programs targeting those at higher risk

    Disruption of Lateral Efferent Pathways: Functional Changes in Auditory Evoked Responses

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    The functional consequences of selectively lesioning the lateral olivocochlear efferent system in guinea pigs were studied. The lateral superior olive (LSO) contains the cell bodies of lateral olivocochlear neurons. Melittin, a cytotoxic chemical, was injected into the brain stem using stereotaxic coordinates and near-field evoked potentials to target the LSO. Brain stem histology revealed discrete damage to the LSO following the injections. Functional consequences of this damage were reflected in depressed amplitude of the compound action potential of the eighth nerve (CAP) following the lesion. Threshold sensitivity and N1 latencies were relatively unchanged. Onset adaptation of the cubic distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) was evident, suggesting a reasonably intact medial efferent system. The present results provide the first report of functional changes induced by isolated manipulation of the lateral efferent pathway. They also confirm the suggestion that changes in single-unit auditory nerve activity after cutting the olivocochlear bundle are probably a consequence of disrupting the more lateral of the two olivocochlear efferent pathways.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41379/1/10162_2002_Article_3018.pd

    Моделі поведінки індустріальних споживачів: емпіричне дослідження

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    Невизначеність зовнішнього та внутрішнього середовища підприємств значною мірою впливає на ефективність їхньої діяльності. Невід’ємною складовою стратегічного розвитку в умовах невизначеності є використання гнучкості виробництва. Для досягнення виробничої гнучкості бізнес-організації шукають постачальників, які задовольняють основні критерії: широкий обсяг, модифікація, асортимент та гнучкість у розширенні необхідних ресурсів. Вибір постачальника є стратегічним питанням для ефективної діяльності сучасного бізнесу, оскільки вартість закупівлі сировини та деталей впливає на цінову політику підприємства, а отже і на споживчий попит. Метою даного дослідження є обґрунтування взаємозв’язку між типами гнучкості виробництва, вибором постачальників, підвищенням продуктивності, довгостроковими відносинами та довірою до підприємства. Вихідну базу сформовано на основі даних опитування респондентів 148 автомобільних компаній, що працюють у Туреччині. Об’єктом дослідження обрано автомобільну промисловість з огляду на високий рівень невизначеності її функціонування, що обумовлено наявністю великої кількості контрагентів з різних секторів економіки. Для досягнення поставленої мети використано інструментарій структурного моделювання. Емпіричні результати засвідчили про наявність позитивного статистично значущого зв’язку між типами гнучкості виробництва та вибором постачальника. Крім того, виявлено позитивні зв’язки між вибором постачальників, продуктивністю, довгостроковими відносинами та рівнем довіри до підприємства. Авторами встановлено непрямий взаємозв'язок між вибором постачальника та довірою до підприємства. Отримані результати дослідження можуть слугувати базисом для прийняття обґрунтованих рішень менеджментом підприємства при виборі постачальників залежно від рівня та типів їх гнучкості, продуктивності, довгострокових відносин і довіри до них.Today's businesses experience many uncertainties in their internal operations and environments. Manufacturing flexibility is an excellent response to these uncertainties. Volume, modification, mix, and expansion flexibilities are the manufacturing flexibilities that businesses look for when they select their suppliers. In parallel, these flexibilities are often used as a supplier selection criterion in the literature. The supplier selection decision is a strategic issue for today's businesses as a typical company is highly dependent on its suppliers to procure raw materials and parts. Sound supplier selection decision leads to competitive advantage because it is related to a positive relationship between buyer and supplier and reciprocal improvement of performance and trust between both parties. However, a literature review for this study showed a need for more empirical work on the relationship among types of flexibilities, supplier selection, performance improvement, long-term relationships, and trust. In order to fill the gap in this area, data was collected from 148 automotive companies operating in Turkey. For the data collection, the automotive industry was chosen as it is subjected to more uncertainties due to its connections to many other industries. The data were then analyzed using the structural equation model. The results showed a significant positive relationship between types of manufacturing flexibility and supplier selection. Also, positive relationships were found among supplier selection, performance, long-term relationships, and trust. Mediation and indirect effect analysis were also conducted. Long-term relationships and performance fully mediated the relationship between supplier selection and trust. An indirect relationship between supplier selection and trust was also found. The study results are expected to contribute to Sheth's buyer-behavior model by introducing manufacturing flexibility, long-term relationship, performance, and trust to the model. Also, the study's findings assist executives in making more informed decisions concerning supplier selection, depending on the level and types of flexibility they demand from their suppliers, performance, long-term relationships, and trust

    Microstructural changes in hazelnuts during roasting

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    The microstructure of raw and roasted hazelnuts was investigated with light microscopy (LM). Tissue sections were fixed chemically using a mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde and buffer. Polyester was used as a resin. Thin sections were prepared by using a grinding method. Thermal changes in the microstructure developed gradually with increasing air temperature, air velocity and roasting time. Roasting led to some degree of cell wall separation and intercellular spaces, partial disruption of cytoplasmic network, swollen and aggregated protein bodies. These changes were observed in the microstructure of extremely liked quality of hazelnuts (roasted at 165 degreesC, 1 m/s. 25 min.). Due to the increase in the volume of intercellular spaces, crispness and crunchiness of roasted hazelnuts were increased

    Determination of optimum hazelnut roasting conditions

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    The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the roasting conditions used for hazelnuts, such as the air temperature, air velocity and roasting time (independent variables), could be optimized by using Response Surface Methodology. Effects of independent variables on sensory and physical characteristics were determined. A consumer test was used to determine the acceptable samples. Very dark and very light roasted samples, corresponding to 165 degreesC, 3 m/s, 25 min and 125 degreesC, 1 m/s, 15 min process conditions, respectively, were unacceptable. Superimposed contour plots were used to determine the values of independent variables and these showed the process conditions where all product characteristics were acceptable to consumers. At low velocity (0.3 m/s), acceptable products were produced at about 165-179 degreesC for 20-25 min. When air velocity increased, air temperature shifted to lower temperatures. Samples roasted at 145 degreesC, 2 m/s, 28 min, 165 degreesC, 1 m/s, 25 min and 145 degreesC, 3.7 m/s, 20 min produced the most acceptable products. The sample roasted at 165 degreesC, 1 m/s, 25 min required the least air velocity and was the most economical in terms of energy consumed among the samples rated most acceptable by consumers

    Kinetic analysis of aspergillus oryzae cultivations on starch

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    Cultivation of Aspergillus oryzae on starch is described as a combination of two rate processes: Starch hydrolysis and the cellular activities of the fungi including growth, enzyme production and maintenance. Kinetic models are presented to describe growth, enzyme production, starch hydrolysis and uptake of the hydrolysis products. Numerical values of the model parameters indicated that the rate controlling step of A. oryzae growth on starch was not starch hydrolysis, but the substrate uptake process. Glucose was one of the starch hydrolysis products. About 35% of the substrate consumed for biomass synthesis was glucose. Its accumulation in the medium did not cause repression of the starch hydrolysing enzymes. Steady state starch hydrolysis rates increased with initial starch concentration in the medium. Starch hydrolysing enzymes of A. oryzae have extensive industrial uses. This study may help in a more detailed understanding of the kinetic aspects of the production of these enzymes