80 research outputs found

    To what extent does surrounding landscape explain stand-level occurrence of conservation-relevant species in fragmented boreal and hemi-boreal forest?-a systematic review protocol

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    Background: Silviculture and land-use change has reduced the amount of natural forest worldwide and left what remains confined to isolated fragments or stands. To understand processes governing species occurrence in such stands, much attention has been given to stand-level factors such as size, structure, and deadwood amount. However, the surrounding matrix will directly impact species dispersal and persistence, and the link between the surrounding landscape configuration, composition and history, and stand-level species occurrence has received insufficient attention. Thus, to facilitate optimisation of forest management and species conservation, we propose a review addressing 'To what extent does surrounding landscape explain stand-level occurrence of conservation-relevant species in fragmented boreal and hemi-boreal forest?'.Methods: The proposed systematic review will identify and synthesise relevant articles following the CEE guidelines for evidence synthesis and the ROSES standards. A search for peer-reviewed and grey literature will be conducted using four databases, two online search engines, and 36 specialist websites. Identified articles will be screened for eligibility in a two-step process; first on title and abstract, and second on the full text. Screening will be based on predefined eligibility criteria related to a PECO-model; population being boreal and hemi-boreal forest, exposure being fragmentation, comparator being landscapes with alternative composition, configuration, or history, and outcome being occurrence (i.e., presence and/or abundance) of conservation-relevant species. All articles that pass the full-text screening will go through study validity assessment and data extraction, and be part of a narrative review. If enough studies prove comparable, quantitative meta-analyses will also be performed. The objective of the narrative review and the meta-analyses will be to address the primary question as well as six secondary questions, and to identify important knowledge gaps

    Военная служба бояр-шляхты и организация вооруженных формирований в Великом княжестве Литовском в первой половине XVI в.

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    В XVI в. социальное общество Великого княжества Литовского представляло собой сложную систему, основанную на феодальной иерархии. Все важные должности в государственном аппарате занимали люди знатного происхождения. В этот период одним из привилегированных сословий являлись представители военного сословия бояре-шляхта. За отправление ратной службы они получали от господаря участки земли. Нормы отправления земской службы были обусловлены количеством зависимого населения

    Optimization of the heating and cooling system at CSK : Operating strategies for the period April-September

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    Region Värmland har satt upp miljömålet att minska sina koldioxidutsläpp och sin energiförbrukning, samtidigt önskas att spara in så mycket pengar som möjligt. Eftersom värme- och kylsystemet på Centralsjukhuset i Karlstad (CSK) står för en stor del av hela regionens energiförbrukning kan det ge god effekt att driftoptimera systemet. Systemet består av fyra bergvärmepumpar, två kylvärmepumpar, frikyla från marklagren, fjärrvärme samt tre kylmaskiner.   Studien syftar till att undersöka hur region Värmland kan komma närmre sina miljömål, minska sina driftskostnader, samt att förstå vilka begränsningar som deras värme- och kylsystem har. Målet var att ta fram driftstrategier utifrån systemets begränsningar för perioden april-september, samt att redovisa hur mycket köpt energi, koldioxidutsläpp samt pengar som kan sparas om systemet körs enligt dessa strategier.   En modell av systemet har byggts i simuleringsprogrammet Simulink och kalibrerats mot mätdata från den studerade perioden. Eftersom ett av målen i studien varit att ta reda på mer om begränsningarna i marklagren har stor vikt lagts på att modellera borrhålen och frikylevärmeväxlaren.   Studiens resultat visar att den begränsande faktorn för frikylan är marklagren och brinevätskans temperatur, det finns därmed inte mycket mer effekt att hämta genom att öka flödet genom värmeväxlaren. Att köra bergvärmepumparna och frikyla samtidigt ger därför bra förutsättningar att få ut mer frikyla och minska frysrisken i borrhålen. Ett alternativ till att köra bergvärme och frikyla samtidigt är att investera i nya kylvärmepumpar som har ett högre COP än de nuvarande, om det är lönsamt beror dock på hur stor investeringskostnaden är.   Båda dessa alternativ har potential att minska driftens koldioxidutsläpp med ca 35 ton och mängden köpt energi med ca 1 GWh, vilket motsvara ca 1,1 % respektive 1,6 % av hela Region Värmlands utsläpp och köpta energi för hela 2021. Dessa två alternativ kommer även minska driftskostnaderna mest (ca 0,3–0,4 Mkr sparat) så länge elpriset inte stiger till ca 2 kr/kWh, då blir det billigast att bara använda fjärrvärme som värmekälla.   Den driftstrategi som rekommenderas är att under hela perioden låta bergvärmepumparna gå maximalt och därmed även få ut maximalt med frikyla, då denna strategi har stor potential att spara driftskostnader och hjälpa Region Värmland att nå sina miljömål utan att behöva investera i nya komponenter. Hur koldioxidutsläpp och energi värderas i miljömålen bör dock utredas inför nya målsättningar, då det kan ge fördel åt att i stället köra fjärrvärme under sommarmånaderna

    Language Studies and Asperger’s syndrome in Higher Education : Advantages and Disadvantages

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    El siguiente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar la situación de los estudiantes con síndrome de Asperger en dos universidades suecas, concentrándonos en los estudios de lenguas extranjeras, específicamente de español. Por consiguiente, nos enfocamos solamente en las universidades que ofrecen programas de estudios vinculados a la enseñanza de lenguas. Los participantes fueron una coordinadora de apoyo pedagógico estudiantil, tres profesores universitarios de español como lengua extranjera y dos estudiantes con síndrome de Asperger. Las preguntas de la entrevista semiestructurada estuvieron dirigidas a conocer cómo afecta el SA a los estudiantes en el uso práctico de la lengua extranjera, estudios y vida social académica y en ver cómo funcionaba en la práctica el apoyo pedagógico estudiantil que se ofrece a estos estudiantes. Los resultados mostraron que el apoyo podría adaptarse más a este grupo de estudiantes, facilitándoles la interacción con los otros estudiantes con y sin SA con la ayuda de, por ejemplo, horarios más estructurados y metas explícitas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Development and improvement of methods for characterization of HPLC stationary phases

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    High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is a widely used tech-nique both for detecting and purifying substances in academy and in the industry. In order to facilitate the use of, and knowledge in HPLC, character-ization of stationary phases is of utmost importance. Tailor made characteri-zation methods and workflows are steadily increasing the speed and accura-cy in which new separation systems and methods are developed. In the field fundamental separation science and of preparative chromatography there is always the need for faster and more accurate methods of adsorption isotherm determination. Some of that demand are met with the steadily increase of computational power, but the practical aspects on models and methods must also be further developed. These nonlinear characterization methods will not only give models capable of describing the adsorption isotherm but also actual values of local adsorption energies and monolayer saturation capacity of an individual interaction sites etc.The studies presented in this thesis use modern alkali stable stationary phas-es as a model phase, which will give an insight in hybrid materials and their separation mechanism. This thesis will include an update and expansion in using the Elution by Characteristic Points (ECP) method for determination of adsorption isotherms. The precision is even further increased due to the ability to use slope data as well as an increase in usability by assigning a set of guidance rules to be applied when determine adsorption isotherms having inflection points. This thesis will further provide the reader with information about stationary phase characterization and the power of using existing tech-niques; combine them with each other, and also what the expansion of meth-ods can revile in terms of precision and increased usability. A more holistic view of what benefits that comes with combining a non-linear characteriza-tion of a stationary phase with more common linear characterization meth-ods are presented

    Characterization of Molecular Adsorption Using Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

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    Molecular adsorption is a key feature in several disciplines of chemistry, covering as diverse fields as chromatographic separation to biomaterial development. This thesis aims at developing methods and techniques for the characterization of molecular adsorption at the liquid-solid interface. Two different experimental models were used, small molecular interaction characterization using liquid chromatography and complex protein adsorption on polymeric materials possible for biological sampling. Holistic approaches, where both detailed molecular interactions and identifications of trends, could improve the fundamental understanding of adsorption systems, were invariably part of the scientific process. The characterization of small molecular interactions on liquid chromatography stationary phases via adsorption isotherm determination used combined data from physical phase parameters i.e. carbon loading, linear-, and nonlinear-characterization methods. These experiments were conducted on high performance liquid chromatography systems, using both ordinary reversed phase stationary phases, and hybrid phases. The expansion of the improved elusion by characteristic point (ECP) for adsorption isotherm determination, led to that previous impossible isotherm types, having inflexion points, now could be determined by the method. It also reduced errors in isotherm parameters due to the elimination of inaccurate determined retention times where the mobile phase concentration was zero. The characterization of protein adsorption where performed in an unbiased way. Adsorbed proteins on different surfaces were identified using mass spectrometry (MS) and data dependent acquisition or a targeted method. Prior MS, an improved on surface enzymatic digestion (oSED) method was used to enable identification and quantitation of adsorbed protein originating from ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (vCSF). oSED was found to be able to experimentally determine large variations in protein adsorption characteristics between native and coated polycarbonate surfaces in contact with vCSF. The method was also confirmed being mechanistic in favor of enzymatic digestion of the proteins adsorbed on a surface, rather than a prior desorption into solution before digestion. An improvement of the overall understanding of adsorption systems was not only achieved with the oSED method as a promising tool for characterization of protein adsorption on arbitrary surfaces, but also the use of linear and nonlinear approaches in stationary phase characterization that strengthened drawn conclusions

    Water purification in textile industry : Reduction of nonylphenol, brominated flame retardants and sulphate

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    Kläder och textilier produceras och konsumeras i allt högre grad med stor påverkan på miljö, klimat och jordens resurser som följd. En attraktiv lösning på det är återvinning av kläder, vilket företaget re:newcell gör. Detta är en förstudie med syfte att undersöka vilka reningsmetoder re:newcell skulle kunna implementera för att förbättra sin vattenreningsprocess i framtiden. Tre ämnen vars halter i nuläget inte reduceras i reningen valdes ut till studien: nonylfenol, bromerade flamskyddsmedel och sulfat. En litteraturstudie kring dessa ämnen och möjliga reningsmetoder resulterade i att tre lämpliga reningsmetoder valdes ut till studien: ozonering, biologisk rening och jonbyte. En försöksplan utformades med målen att ta reda på (1) hur tidigare rapporterade ozondoser påverkade nonylfenolhalten i re:newcells vatten, (2) hur stor andel TOC (Total Organic Carbon) en MBBR (moving body bioreactor) kunde reducera och (3) ifall PBDE (bromerade flamskyddsmedel) och sulfat var möjliga att bryta ner med i en MBBR, (4) hur stort jonbytarfilter som skulle krävas i re:newcells process för att reducera sulfathalten samt (5) i vilken ordning reningsstegen bör implementeras i framtida reningsprocesser. Ozoneringsförsök utfördes på re:newcells laboratorium i Kristinehamn med totalt fem olika ozondoser. En biologisk MBBR utformades i laboratorium på Karlstad Universitet, där två olika uppehållstider testades för reducering av flamskyddsmedel, sulfat och TOC. Beräkningar på jonbytarfilter utfördes teoretiskt. En ozondos på 0,45 mgO3/mgCOD gav en reducering på ca 31 % och 0,75 mgO3/mgCOD gav 78 % reducering vid en nonylfenolhalt på 1100 mg/L. Resultaten från MBBR visar att bakterier trivs i re:newcells vatten och att de kunde reducera TOC med ca 50 %. Däremot kunde ingen reducering av sulfat uppmätas, vilket tyder på att ingen anaerob zon har uppstått. Halten av PBDE reducerades med ca 90 % med en uppehållstid på 45 h i MBBR, men om det beror på nedbrytning eller adsorption till slammet är inte fastställt. Resultaten från beräkningen på jonbytarfiltret visade att filtret behöver vara 5,7-15 m3 vid regenerering en gång per dygn i re:newcells nuvarande pilotskaliga process. Denna metod anses därmed inte vara en lämplig för sulfatreducering. Den framtida reningsprocessen föreslås starta med MBBR och efterföljande sedimentering, följt av kemfällning, sedimentering/flotation, sandfilter, ozonering och sist aktivkolfilter, men vidare studier rekommenderas rörande vilken ordning reningsstegen bör implementeras för optimal effekt. Vidare studier kring vilken ozondos som krävs och vilken uppehållstid som är optimal i MBBR föreslås också.Clothes and textiles are increasingly produced and consumed causing a major impact on the environment, the climate and the earth's resources. One solution to the problem is to recycle clothes that are no longer used, which is what the company re:newcell does. This is a feasibility study aimed at investigating what purification methods re:newcell could implement to improve their water purification process in the future. Three substances not currently purified sufficiently were selected for the study: nonylphenol, brominated flame retardants and sulfate. A literature review on these substances and possible purification methods for them resulted in that the following methods were selected for the study: ozonation, biological purification and ion exchange. An experimental plan was developed with the aim of finding out (1) how previously reported ozone doses affected the nonylphenol content in re:newcell's water, (2) how much TOC an MBBR (moving body bioreactor) could reduce, (3) and whether the levels of brominated flame retardants and sulphate were possible to reduce in it,  (4) the required size of the ion exchange filter in re:newcells process to reduce sulfateand (5) the order in which the purification steps should be implemented in future purification processes. Ozonation experiments were carried out at re:newcell's laboratory in Kristinehamn with a total of five different ozone doses tested. A biological MBBR was designed in a laboratory at Karlstad University, where two different hydraulic retention times were tested for reducing flame retardants, sulfate and TOC. Calculations on ion exchange filters were performed theoretically. An ozone dose of 0.45 mgO3/mgCOD produced a reduction of about 31% and 0.75 mgO3/mgCOD produced a 78% reduction at a nonylphenol content of 1100 µg / L The results from MBBR showed that bacteria thrived in re:newcell´s water and that they can reduce TOC by about 50 %. However, reduction of sulfate could be measured, suggesting that no anaerobic zone has occured. The content of PBDE was reduced by about 90% with a hydraulic retention time of 45 hours in MBBR, but whether it is due to degradation or adsorbation to the sludge is not determined. The calculation regarding the ion exchange filter show that the filter needs to be 5,7-15 m3 when regenerated once a day in re:newcell's current pilot scale process this method is therefore not considered appropriate  for sulfate reduction for re:newcell. The future purification process is proposed to start with MBBR and subsequent sedimentation, followed by chemical precipitation, sedimentation / flotation, sand filter, ozonation and last activated carbon filter, but further studies are recommended regarding which order the purification steps should be implemented for optimal effect. Further studies on which ozone dose is required and which residence time is optimal in MBBR are also suggested