182 research outputs found

    Understanding Extended Projected Profile (EPP) Trajectory Error Using a Medium-Fidelity Aircraft Simulation

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    A critical component of Trajectory-Based Operations is the ability for a consistent and accurate 4-dimensional trajectory to be shared and synchronized between airborne and ground systems as well as amongst various ground automation systems. The Aeronautical Telecommunication NetworkBaseline 2 standard defines the Extended Projected Profile (EPP) trajectory that can be sent via Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract from an aircraft to ground automation. The EPP trajectory message contains a representation of the reference trajectory from an aircrafts Flight Management System (FMS). In this work, a set of scenarios were run in a medium-fidelity aircraft and FMS simulation to perform an initial characterization of EPP trajectory errors under a given set of conditions. The parameters investigated were the route length, route type, wind magnitude error, wind direction error, and with and without a required time-of-arrival constraint

    Concept of Operations for Integrating Commercial Supersonic Transport Aircraft into the National Airspace System

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    Several businesses and government agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are currently working on solving key technological barriers that must be overcome in order to realize the vision of low-boom supersonic flights conducted over land. However, once these challenges are met, the manner in which this class of aircraft is integrated in the National Airspace System may become a potential constraint due to the significant environmental, efficiency, and economic repercussions that their integration may cause. This document was developed to create a path for research and development that exposes the benefits and barriers of seamlessly integrating a class of CSTs into the NAS, while also serving as a Concept of Operations (ConOps) which posits a mid- to far-term solution (2025-2035) concept for best integrating CST into the NAS. Background research regarding historic supersonic operations in the National Airspace System, assumptions about design aspects and equipage of commercial supersonic transport (CST) aircraft, assumptions concerning the operational environment are described in this document. Results of a simulation experiment to investigate the interactions between CST aircraft and modern-day air traffic are disseminated and are used to generate scenarios for CST operations. Finally, technology needs to realize these operational scenarios are discussed

    Design and Development of a Rapid Research, Design, and Development Platform for In-Situ Testing of Tools and Concepts for Trajectory-Based Operations

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    To provide justification for equipping a fleet of aircraft with avionics capable of supporting trajectory-based operations, significant flight testing must be accomplished. However, equipping aircraft with these avionics and enabling technologies to communicate the clearances required for trajectory-based operations is cost-challenging using conventional avionics approaches. This paper describes an approach to minimize the costs and risks of flight testing these technologies in-situ, discusses the test-bed platform developed, and highlights results from a proof-of-concept flight test campaign that demonstrates the feasibility and efficiency of this approach

    A Preliminary Evaluation of Supersonic Transport Category Vehicle Operations in the National Airspace System

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    Several public sector businesses and government agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are currently working on solving key technological barriers that must be overcome in order to realize the vision of low-boom supersonic flights conducted over land. However, once these challenges are met, the manner in which this class of aircraft is integrated in the National Airspace System may become a potential constraint due to the significant environmental, efficiency, and economic repercussions that their integration may cause. Background research was performed on historic supersonic operations in the National Airspace System, including both flight deck procedures and air traffic controller procedures. Using this information, an experiment was created to test some of these historic procedures in a current-day, emerging Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) environment and observe the interactions between commercial supersonic transport aircraft and modern-day air traffic. Data was gathered through batch simulations of supersonic commercial transport category aircraft operating in present-day traffic scenarios as a base-lining study to identify the magnitude of the integration problems and begin the exploration of new air traffic management technologies and architectures which will be needed to seamlessly integrate subsonic and supersonic transport aircraft operations. The data gathered include information about encounters between subsonic and supersonic aircraft that may occur when supersonic commercial transport aircraft are integrated into the National Airspace System, as well as flight time data. This initial investigation is being used to inform the creation and refinement of a preliminary Concept of Operations and for the subsequent development of technologies that will enable overland supersonic flight

    In-Flight Evaluation of the Traffic Aware Planner on the NASA HU-25A Guardian Aircraft

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    NASAs Traffic Aware Planner (TAP) software is a research-prototype decision support tool that provides pilots with time- and fuel-saving route recommendations that optimize their current trajectory. The software runs on a first-of-a-kind system architecture onboard three aircraft in revenue service conducting operational evaluations with a major domestic airline. Therefore, significant NASA-internal testing is required prior to releasing the software to the partner airline. This paper describes a flight test plan that exercises the functionality of the TAP software in a representative operational environment, describes the system architecture developed and implemented for the NASA Langley HU-25A Guardian aircraft to support the test objectives, presents outcomes of the flight test campaign, and discusses use cases that demonstrate the value of flight testing for this activity.Research into flight path optimization of transport aircraft conducted by the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA) has produced an operational concept known as Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests(TASAR) [1, 2]. This near-term concept [3] provides the aircrew with a flight deck decision support tool known asthe Traffic Aware Planner (TAP). The TAP software leverages a growing number of information sources on the flightdeck to make time- and fuel-saving route optimization recommendations to the aircrew while en route. The aircrewcan then use the suggestions provided by the tool to make route change requests with a greater likelihood of acceptanceby air traffic control (ATC). Since TASAR is a concept intended for the current operational environment, it isintentionally designed to have no safety-critical impact or require any changes to current Federal AviationAdministration (FAA) rules and procedures [4, 5].The research prototype TAP system [68], explained further in Section III.C, continually incorporates up-to-dateaircraft state data from onboard avionics, as well as the latest position of surrounding traffic, the most recent windforecast, and the most recent convective weather forecast, in order to calculate candidate trajectory modifications thatimprove upon the current active route. These trajectories account for user-selectable objective functions [3] of reducedfuel burn, reduced flight time, or an airline-derived combination of factors known as trip cost. Previous analyses andsimulations have estimated substantial savings for airlines employing this technique within the U.S. National AirspaceSystem (NAS) [911]. Operational evaluations with Alaska Airlines seek to validate these projected benefits usingmeasured data while simultaneously providing benefits to the airline [12, 13].The TAP software has undergone a number of human-in-the-loop simulations [14] and flight test activities[1517] in order to validate the operational concept, evaluate human factors considerations (e.g., workload, usability,distraction, etc.), and to assess the ability of the software to function in a representative operational environment (e.g.,connected to live avionics data, using in-flight internet connectivity, etc.). However, these simulations and flight testcampaigns did not account for the hardware architecture implemented on the three aircraft for Alaska Airlinesoperational evaluations of the TAP software. Therefore, a need was identified to thoroughly test the functionality ofthe software in a similar hardware architecture to that of the partner airlines aircraft. Information regarding testapparatus and environments used to evaluate TAP prior to testing on the HU-25A can be found in reference [18].A campaign of flight trials on a NASA aircraft, the HU-25A Guardian, was conducted to ensure that the researchprototype TAP system functions well in a configuration similar to the Alaska Airlines aircraft prior to deployment.This airborne, networked environment enables an assessment of the operational factors unique to the flight environment. Additionally, this activity evaluated the effectiveness and benefit of new TAP functionality andoperation in a relevant flight environment while allowing the rapid prototyping of new concepts and features.This paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses the details of the flight test plan, flight profiles, and theduties of personnel involved with conducting flight operations. Section III describes the test platform, avionicsequipage, and system architecture. Section IV presents a discussion of results, and Section V contains concludingremarks

    Simulation and Flight Test Environments for the TASAR Traffic Aware Planner

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    The Traffic Aware Planner (TAP) software is a flight deck decision support tool that enhances the flight crews ability to make flight-optimizing route change requests while airborne. The software provides conflict-free, optimized trajectory suggestions during en route flight to produce time- and fuel-savings compared to the current trajectory. The TAP software requires evaluation in an operational environment with real pilot users to validate projected benefits. To this end, a set of developmental test environments have been developed to mature the software and mitigate technical risk prior to entering operational evaluation. The unique attributes of each test environment were leveraged to provide a range of purpose- and case-dependent TAP software tests. This paper describes the elements of a testing environment, discusses several environments of varying fidelity used to test the TAP software, and provides a review of two case studies highlighting the vital role testing played in the TAP software development process

    Advanced Interval Management (IM) Concepts of Operations

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    This document provides a high-level description of several advanced IM operations that NASA is considering for future research and development. It covers two versions of IM-CSPO and IM with Wake Mitigation. These are preliminary descriptions to support an initial benefits analysi

    Inflatable Aerocapture Decelerators for Mars Orbiters

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    A multi-disciplinary research program was recently completed, sponsored by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, on the subject of aerocapture of spacecraft weighing up to 5 metric tons at Mars. Heavier spacecraft will require deployable drag area beyond the dimensional limits of current and planned launch fairings. This research focuses on the approach of lightweight inflatable decelerators constructed with thin films, using fiber reinforcement and having a temperature limitation of 500 C. Trajectory analysis defines trajectories for a range of low ballistic coefficients for which convective heat flux is compatible with the material set. Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) tools are expanded to include the rarified flow regime. Several non-symmetrical configurations are evaluated for their capability to develop lift as part of the necessary trajectory control strategy. Manufacturing technology is developed for 3-D stretch forming of polyimide films and for tailored fiber reinforcement of thin films. Finally, the mass of the decelerator is estimated and compared to the mass of a traditional rigid aeroshell

    Preliminary Error Characterization and Parametric Error Model for the Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Contract Extended Projected Profile Message

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    A critical component of Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO) is the ability for a consistent and accurate 4-dimensional trajectory (4DT) to be shared and synchronized between airborne and ground systems as well as amongst various ground automation systems. The Aeronautical Telecommunication NetworkBaseline 2 (ATN-B2) standard defines the Extended Projected Profile (EPP) trajectory that can be sent via Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract (ADS-C) from an aircraft to ground automation. The EPP trajectory message contains a representation of the reference trajectory from an aircrafts Flight Management System (FMS). In this work, a set of scenarios were run in a high-fidelity aircraft and FMS simulation to perform an initial characterization of EPP trajectory errors under a given set of conditions. The parameters investigated were the route length, route type, wind magnitude error, wind direction error, and with and without a required time-of-arrival (RTA) constraint. In addition, linear regression was used to identify a set of EPP error models for the cross-track, vertical, and time errors

    Development of an Interval Management Algorithm Using Ground Speed Feedback for Delayed Traffic

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    One of the goals of NextGen is to enable frequent use of Optimized Profile Descents (OPD) for aircraft, even during periods of peak traffic demand. NASA is currently testing three new technologies that enable air traffic controllers to use speed adjustments to space aircraft during arrival and approach operations. This will allow an aircraft to remain close to their OPD. During the integration of these technologies, it was discovered that, due to a lack of accurate trajectory information for the leading aircraft, Interval Management aircraft were exhibiting poor behavior. NASA's Interval Management algorithm was modified to address the impact of inaccurate trajectory information and a series of studies were performed to assess the impact of this modification. These studies show that the modification provided some improvement when the Interval Management system lacked accurate trajectory information for the leading aircraft
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