42 research outputs found

    Impacts of Dramatic Theory and Criticism on the Development of Drama and Theatre: A Periscopic Survey

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    The paper discusses, periscopically, the paradigmatic impacts of critical theory and criticism on the development of drama and theatre through the ages; from the classical periods; through the medieval, the Renaissance, the Romantic, Neoclassical to the modern period of realism and naturalism. It alludes to how each of these periods as well as the postmodernist period attempts to show its own temper as being radically different from their predecessors, and how; though the reader would note, unequivocally, that the apple hardly falls far from its tree progenitor. This is how the relationship between the anti-realistic modes and their realistic cousins can be perceived and interpreted. It briefly discusses the recurrent controversies between the Western dramatic weltanschauung vis-à-vis the African cosmology in terms of the theoretical impacts of the former on the latter, concluding that the need for African theory and criticism to come of age cannot be overemphasized.LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(1), 167-183, 201

    Heavy metal levels in soil samples from highly industrialized Lagos environment

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    The effect of heavy metals on the environment is of serious concern and threatens life in all forms. Environmental contamination is correlated with the degree of industrialization and intensities of chemical usage. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent, human and industrial activities have affected the quality of soil due to contamination of soil with heavy metals and the consequent effects on the health status of the inhabitants. Twenty five sites representing 25 soil samples were collected from various manufacturing companies which include: Mattress manufacturing companies, artificial hair manufacturing companies, farm lands, soft drinks bottling companies, electrical/ electronics companies and pharmaceutical companies. Soil samples from these sites were air-dried and digested with nitric acid. Digested samples were analyzed using Atomic Absorptive Spectophotometry (AAS) with a lamp current set at 5-8 mA, reslope limits of 75-125%. The levels of cadmium, arsenic, lead, chromium, iron and copper in mg/kg ranged from 0.56-4.2, ND, 2.10-12.50, 0.24-2.20, 1111-2216 and 2.20- 5.58 in all of the samples, respectively. These results show that the soil samples from dump yards, mattress manufacturing companies and soft drinks bottling companies had the highest concentration of heavy metals in them. Cadmium and iron levels exceeded that of the European Regulatory Standards (ERS).Key words: Heavy metals, environment, contamination, industrialization

    Dual Perspective to Child’s Wholeness

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    child s wholeness is argued to be essential to the child becoming a productive citizen However when measured by the spiritual academic moral and emotional wholeness appear to have maintained a steady decline Therefore the paper investigated the role of parental presence and parenting practices on child s wholeness The cross-sectional survey research design was adopted through a validated structured questionnaire A purposive random sampling technique was applied to select 87 married people at Babcock University Ogun State Nigeria The data gathered were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics Multiple regression results revealed that parental presence and parenting practices had a positive significant effect on child s wholeness Adj R2 0 396 F 2 84 27 549 p 0 05 and the artificial neural network analysis showed parenting practices as the best predicto

    Head phenotypes based on cephalic index among Ukwuani people, in south-south Nigeria

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    Background: Head shape based on cephalic index has been used by anthropologists as a measure of classifying humans. Cephalic index is derived from head length and head width.Objective: To find out the dominant head phenotypes based on cephalic index inrelation to age.Design: A cross-sectional study.Setting: The Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, between February and September, 2011.Subjects: Six hundred and five people (grouped into 6-12 years, 13-19 years and 20 years and above) were recruited to participate the study.Results: The mean cephalic index at 6-12 years is 74.37 ± 3.09 (male=73.95 ± 2.93; female = 74.78 ± 3.20). At 13-19 years, the mean cephalic index is 74.71 ± 3.52 (male = 74.04 ± 3.35; females = 75.28 ± 3.57).The mean cephalic index at 20 years and above is 76.19 ± 3.26 (male=75.90 ± 3.32; females = 76.52 ± 3.23). The dominant head phenotype at 6-12 years is dolicocephalic including males and females. At 13-19 years head type is dolicocephalic; males and females are dolicocephalic and mesocephalic head type respectively. At 20 years and above, mesocephalic head type is dominant; males and females are dolicocephalic and mesocephalic head type respectively. Poor positive linear correlation exists between cephalic index and age. There is no significant difference between cephalic indices at 6-12 years and 13-19 years. There exist statistically significant differences between cephalic index at 20 years and above, and at 6-12 years and 13-19 years.Conclusion: This is relevant in anthropology and forensic science

    Entrepreneurial Skill Acquisition as a Facilitator of Self-Employability among Nigerian Youths

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    Objective of this research is to present argument in favor of the concept of entrepreneurial skill acquisition as a panacea for unemployment among youths in Nigeria. Based on a conceptual analysis, the study examines strategic industries in which youths should focus efforts in, in developing innovative skills that can stimulate self-employment, create jobs and enhance economic growth and development. The outcome from this research will guide efforts of youths and government towards strategic areas that can promote entrepreneurial practices in Nigeria. The implication of the research to Nigerian youth showed that there are presently strategic industrial sector in Nigeria that contribute to the GDP asides the Oil Sector. The researcher recommended among other things that   facilitators of entrepreneurial skill training and workshop program, must ensure that skill being taught to the youth match the requirements of the strategic industries in Nigeria

    Flexible work design and employee commitment : when socio-demographic characteristics are introduced?

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    Purpose: In this study, we contribute to the existing literature by examining the relationship between military spending changes and economic growth in China over the period 1995 to 2018 using Granger causality test. We would also explore short and long run relationship between GDP growth and military expenditure of China. Approach/Methodology/Design: Data used in this study are yearly data covering the period of 1995 to 2018 and the variables are Gross Domestic product (GDP) and Military Expenditure (ME). Data were collected from World Bank. GDP is at 2010 constant US prices and ME is expressed as a percentage of economic growth. All variables are transformed into the natural logarithmics to obtain growth effects. Findings: Using causality test, the causal relationship between the variables revealed that the alternative hypothesis should be accepted which is lagged GDP variable (proxy of economic growth) does not cause ME in our first VAR Granger causslity Wald test model. However, we discover and verified that there is one-way causality from economic growth to military spending, but no causality from military spending to economic growth is observed in this study. China’s positive economic growth can finance its military expenditure. Practical Implications: The study will contribute positively to the understanding of influence of GDP on military expenditure for emerging and developed ecconomies. Originality/value: This study innovates by using Cointegration, E-granger and Granger causality test to find out economic growth causing military expenditure in developing economies like China.peer-reviewe

    G-protein αq gene expression plays a role in alcohol tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Ethanol is a psychoactive substance causing both short- and long-term behavioural changes in humans and animal models. We have used the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the effect of ethanol exposure on the expression of the Gαq protein subunit. Repetitive exposure to ethanol causes a reduction in sensitivity (tolerance) to ethanol, which we have measured as the time for 50% of a set of flies to become sedated after exposure to ethanol (ST50). We demonstrate that the same treatment that induces an increase in ST50 over consecutive days (tolerance) also causes a decrease in Gαq protein subunit expression at both the messenger RNA and protein level. To identify whether there may be a causal relationship between these two outcomes, we have developed strains of flies in which Gαq messenger RNA expression is suppressed in a time- and tissue-specific manner. In these flies, the sensitivity to ethanol and the development of tolerance are altered. This work further supports the value of Drosophila as a model to dissect the molecular mechanisms of the behavioural response to alcohol and identifies G proteins as potentially important regulatory targets for alcohol use disorders

    Board Expertise and Sustainability Reporting in Listed Banks in Nigeria

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    Despite the growing evidence on the determinants of sustainability reporting, there exist limited and inconclusive studies on the impact of board expertise on sustainability reporting. This study investigates the influence of environmentally sensitive, certified or educated board members on the disclosure of sustainability report. Based on the static panel data regression estimators for 10 Nigerian Deposit Money Banks over the period of 2014- 2016, the study revealed that highly educated directors have an altogether constructive influence on the sustainability report disclosure while controlling for corporate administration and firm-level qualities. In addition, we find that the executive and non-executive directors have low experience in environmental issues resulting in an insignificant effect on the disclosure of sustainability reporting. This paper suggests that firms should allow more directors with environmental background, who have a lower motivation to boost transient returns since they are likely to influence environmental performance


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    We explore the effect capital structure has on the levels of cash flow of listed banks in Emerging Economies in Africa. Stakeholders’ theory was adopted in explaining the need for empirically verifying the relationship between capital structure and the operating, financing and investing level of cash flow respectively. Data was collated from financial statements and a multiple regression analysis was conducted, using STATA software. A significant relationship was discovered between both capital structure and the levels of cash flow. The study recommends that capital structure should continue to be employed in Emerging Economies as a corporate strategy. This is because it increases cash flow

    Social Media Cost and the Levels of Cash Flow Among Listed Banks in Emerging Economies in Africa

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    We examine the effect of social media advertising on the operating, financing and investing level of cash flow based on listed banks in emerging economies in Africa. We employ control variables such as board size and financial leverage to control other factors not captured in our model. Results obtained reveal that social media costs aid all levels of cash flow in Ghana and South-Africa. Social media costs in Botswana have a significant impact with operating and financing cash flow and an insignificant effect with investing cash flow. The results obtained from Kenya revealed a significant relationship between the independent variable and the financing and investing cash flow while an insignificant relationship was statistically obtained when social media cost was regressed against the operating level of cash flow. The Tanzanian results reveal a significant impact with the financing and investing level of cash flow but an insignificant value was obtained from the operating level of cash flow. The Nigerian results yielded an insignificant value, from the operating and financing level of cash flow, while investing cash flow generated a significant relationship