84 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer using Soft Computing Paradigms

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    The process of diagnosing of prostate cancer using traditional methods is cumbersome because of the similarity of symptoms that are present in other diseases. Soft Computing (SC) paradigms which mimic human imprecise data manipulation and learning capabilities have been reviewed and harnessed for diagnosis and classification of prostate cancer. SC technique based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) facilitated symptoms analysis, diagnosis and prostate cancer classification. Age of Patient (AP), Pains in Urination (PU), Frequent Urination (FU), Blood in Semen (BS) and Pains in Pelvic (PP) served as input attributes while Prostate Risk (PR) served as output. Matrix laboratory provided the programming tools for system implementation. The practical function of the system was assessed using prostate cancer data collected from the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital. A 95% harmony observed between the computed and the expected output in the ANFIS model, showed the superiority of the ANFIS model over the fuzzy model. The system is poised to assist medical professionals in the domain of diagnosis and classification of prostate cancer for the promotion of management and treatment decisions

    Hazard Analyses Critical Control Points of foods Prepared By Families in Zaria Nigeria

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    Food salety cvllluotion \~as copductcd u'ing Hazard Anal}si~o Critical Control Potnt appl'O(k;h to an\estigate h:1zards :LSSOCIUtc:(J with rrucrobial contaminatlon and cnucal cuntrol (CCPS) an the pr.:paruuon und hru1dhn~ of foods in fhe f~•mJitcs m Zana. 1\•gerul Samples of \\oiler, •mabs of fnod contact surta~.:e.~ .md ammcl droppin£o; found 1n or near IO<'<i prcpar:1Uon \\c:re collected :mu tested microb•olog~cally. The fmmol·elh~r o:onccruralion tc~hniquc was used p.nasltcs. Enteroto\m production by B are11.1 and £:.cedi ~trams wu..r; penormc:d on Nc'' Zeal.tnd robb1ts w,ing the 1leal loop techmquc. All the foods ( J'uwo. aknmu, \c:gct::ahlc soup, c:ba) at temperatures of 65''C - toefC .:.1p:thli: 11f dcstrCI)lO£ \icgc:t .. 'I\C ·orms ot food hc1me oatthol!t!lllll f-l.j\\C:\'Cr. 2-41og1o cells of IJ.ccreu.\, "2 "og1neell, of S.lllllt~l.l und :!J,,g10 t:c:lls 01 cohform~ j,ohued per grmnlml some of the ct'll~cd tooth, The: water J..unplc.!.\ fur dnnkmg. cooktng unJ dJ,he,. \\ere conramirlllte41 \\ith cohfomh bc:hm 2log11.,ci!:Uml Out of 28 8.~..-u.·u.' and 14 F..cofi tested for cntCJO(O)IHl producuon. l(,(.'i7 I%) B.caew> and JC' I .4%) t.:cob were to1ugenic. Thoogf k\tl of count~ .ue wtth1n acceptable:' hmll tor food and water, the p•e~cnce tli ent{'rotoxigenu~ su-a oi B.cnrm and l:.xr!/i .md the hazurd~ ~uch " inadequate cleaning of food utcO!)Jis, high level i cont11.minauon as~ociutcd \~llh ru\\ ftx.lds. food ingredic:nh, food cuntact J.urf31.:es und food n•u•n•c. ull tor ~.on~·c:m. liACC:P " .tdnx:Jtcd to en,.ure good personal hy~ienc .md c:n"1ronmenwl <,ani rn onk:r 10 obtrur\ l>afc: prepared food~

    Prioritizing public health responses in Nigerian drug control policy

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    Nigeria’s drug control policy, a throwback to colonial dangerous drugs control legislations, is remarkable for its reliance on severe sanctions to curb drug offences. The establishment of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in 1990 took drug control in Nigeria to a crescendo. The agency amalgamates the functions of supply control and demand reduction in a highly-centralized bureaucracy. Although it has been successful in the seizure of drugs and arrest and punishment of offenders, its impact on drug use and related problems is negligible. the success is tainted by rampant corruption and the cost of law enforcement. The development of a comprehensive drug policy which prioritizes demand reduction through public health measures such as prevention and treatment is hampered by the bureaucracy of drug law enforcement, whose direction cannot be changed without altering the structure of the organization. The devolution of functions through the creation of a new agency on drug demand reduction is a step in the right direction.Keywords: drugs, policy, public health, law enforcement, Nigeri


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    ABSTRACT The study tried to estimate the profit efficiency and the relevant indices determining efficiency levels for egg-laying industry in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria utilizing Cobb-Douglas production function based on stochastic profit frontier. Sixty poultry farms were randomly selected across the six agricultural zones of the state. Primary data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire. Empirical results revealed the mean economic efficiency of 65.00% implying the need for increased resource use efficiency The results further showed that variable inputs such as price of feeds, price of drugs and medication were statistically significant (p&lt;0.05) thus indicating that profit decreased with increase in input prices while fixed inputs such as capital inputs and farm size were statistically significant and had the right sign a-priori indicating that profit increased with increase in the level of its utilization. The maximum economic efficiency level attained by an individual farmer was 88.00% indicating that there was room for improvement. The study therefore suggests that policy that would enhance extension services, encourage membership in cooperative farming and enhanced good and adequate utilization of improved livestock inputs should be put in place

    Commercial tricycle riders’ perceptions of psychoactive drug use and the risk of road traffic accidents in Uyo, Nigeria

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    This article reports qualitative interview study on commercial tricycle riders’ perceptions of psychoactive drug use and the risk of road traffic accidents in Nigeria. A purposive sampling method was used to recruit ninety-four (n=94) commercial tricycle riders in Uyo, Nigeria. Data were collected through in-depth, individual interviews. Inductive and thematic analyses were undertaken on the interview transcripts. The tricycle riders reported frequently consuming significant quantities of licit and illicit drugs, including alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and heroin. They attributed drug use to occupational hazards such as stress, fatigue and exhaustion. They recognized the effects of psychoactive drug use on tricycle riding, including impairment of vision, coordination and navigational abilities, and how these increase the risk of traffic accidents. Education, routine screening for drug use, curbing bribery and corruption among road safety officials, and curtailing availability of psychoactive drugs were recommended as measures for preventing drug use and road traffic accidents. Findings indicate significant overlap between lay and expert views on the risk factors for traffic accidents and counter-measures, highlighting the need to integrate lay perspectives into policy and action on road safety to improve outcomes.Keywords: Commercial tricycle riders, psychoactive drugs, road traffic accident

    Online) An Open Access

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    ABSTRACT Histopathology of the kidney is one of the parameters used in assessing its microstructural integrity. In this study, the effect of the oral chronic exposure of 500mg/kg of Abelmoschus esculentus and 20mg/kg of Piper guineense on the kidney of wistar rats was assessed. Forty adult wistar rats, comprising of 20 females and 20 males (123-207g), divided into one control and three test groups of five rats each, were used in this study. The rats in the control group were administered with distilled water, while rats in group 2 and 3 were administered with 500mg/kg of Abelmoschus esculentus and 20mg/kg of Piper guineense respectively. Group 4 Animals received a combination of the two extracts. The results showed that exposure to Abelmoschus esculentus and Piper guineense caused tubular necrosis, atrophy, cellular degeneration, vascular congestion, interstitial odema, epithelial lining degeneration and glomerular inflammation in the experimental groups. Statistical value in the weight of the body and kidney showed significant value (p&lt;0.05) compared to control. The observations made from the tissue microscopic analysis, indicated an alteration in the filtration function of the kidneys in rats exposed to Abelmoschus esculentus and piper guineense. Hence, the results obtained suggested that Abelmoschus esculentus and Piper guineense posses the potentials of inducing nephrotoxicity in rats

    Cholecystectomy: Indications at University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria

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    Background/objective: The relative rarity of gallbladder disease has been documented in various parts of Africa. Recently the incidence has been reported as rising in some African countries. We undertook this study to evaluate the indications for cholecystectomy in our center and compare with others. Methods: This is a retrospective study of 18 open cholecystectomies in 10years. Results: The ages ranged from 13 and 65 years (mean 39.2years). There were 15 females and 3 males (F: M=ratio 5:1). Calculous cholecystitis 9(50%) in patients, acalculous cholecystitis 8(44.4%) and a patient with carcinoma of the gallbladder were offered cholecystectomy. The commonest stone was mixed multiple stones. Conclusion: The numbers of cholecystectomies attest to the rarity of gallbladder disease in this environment. This may be due to the high fiber and low cholesterol diet predominant in this costal population in southern Nigeria.Introduction/Objectif: La raret\ue9 relative de la maladie de la v\ue9sicule biliaire a \ue9t\ue9 document\ue9 dans la plupart des pays africains. Jusqu'\ue0 r\ue9cemment la fr\ue9quence a \ue9t\ue9 rapport\ue9e comme en hausse dans quelques pays africains. Nous avons entrepris cette \ue9tude afin d\u2019\ue9valuer les indications de la chol\ue9cystectomie dans notre centre et les compar\ue9 avec d\u2019autres. M\ue9thodes: Il s\u2019agit d\u2019une \ue9tude r\ue9trospective de 18 chol\ue9cystectomies ouvertes au cours d\u2019une dur\ue9e de dix ans. R\ue9sultats: Les \ue2ges varient entre 13 et 65 ans (moyenne 37,2 ans.) Il y a eu 15 du sexe f\ue9minin et 3 du sexe masculin (F: M = proportion de 5:1). Chol\ue9cystites calculs de 9 soit 50% chez les patients chol\ue9cystite acalculies de 8 soit 44,4% et un patient atteint d\u2019un cancer de la v\ue9sicule biliaire a \ue9t\ue9 donn\ue9 la chol\ue9cystectomie. Un mixte de multiples pierres \ue9tait la pierre la plus fr\ue9quente. Conclusion: Le nombre des chol\ue9cystectomies confirme la raret\ue9 de la maladie v\ue9siculaire dans cet environnement. Cela peut \ueatre du \ue0 la haute teneur en fibres et faible taux de cholest\ue9rol alimentaire pr\ue9dominant dans cette population costale dans le sud du Nig\ue9ria

    Dog Ecology and Management in Niger State, Nigeria: A Basic Tool for Rabies Control

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    Aims: To examine the dog ecology and management as it relates to the control of rabies in Niger State, Nigeria. Study Design: Questionnaire based survey. Place and Duration of Study: Structured questionnaires on dog ecology and management were administered in Niger State of Nigeria between January and March 2012. Methodology: Structured questionnaires on dog ecology and management comprising of 4 sections, were administered to 300 adult participants between the ages of 18-70 years using systematic randomization; 237 questionnaires were returned. Descriptive statistics using the SAS statistical package were employed to analyze the data. Results: Results indicated that there was a population ratio of 1:5.4 dogs to humans and 1:1.9 female to male dog ratio with an estimated 732,476 dog population in Niger State. Most of the dogs (58.6%) in the state were kept for security reasons and that majority of the dogs strayed at night (52.4%) and evenings (23.8%) into homes across the state. About 52% of dogs were not confined and responsibility for dogs in terms of welfare, mostly (61.5%) lied on everybody in the family and 61% of dogs were fed on family left overs. About 30.4% of dogs were never vaccinated and 31% of the respondents (or their family members) have been inflicted with a dog bite, but only 28.1% of cases received post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). For those humans that were bitten, about 13.8% resulted in death. Conclusion: Due to free roaming and irregular vaccination of dogs in the state; there is bound to be increased dog bite cases/rabies spread. This study concludes that dogs were not catered for as expected in the state and that employment of dog ecological studies before any rabies control programmes, will explore necessary data for planning the programme in Niger State of Nigeria. Improvement and employment of dog ecological studies across states for rabies control programmes in Nigeria and W/Africa is hereby recommended
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