53 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Melalui Penggunaan Media Gambar Buah-buahan Pada Anak Kelas B TK Aisyiyah VI Kalijambe Tahun Ajaran 2011 / 2012

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    Penggunaan media gambar dilaksanakan dengan menampilkan gambar buah-buahan selanjutnya anak membaca dengan menggunakan gambar di depan kelas secara bergiliran dengan bimbingan guru secara sendiri maupun kelompok dan dilanjutkan membaca kata tanpa gambar serta kalimat sederhana. Adapun tujuannya untuk menemukan bahwa penggunaan media gambar yang dilaksanakan dengan tepat dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca awal pada anak TK Aisyiyah VI Kalijambe Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Subyek Penelitian adalah anak Kelompok B TK Asyiyah VI Kalijambe Tahun ajaran 2011/2012 berjumlah 19 anak yang terdiri dari 12 anak laki-lak dan 7 anak perempuan. Untuk mendapatkan data yang valid dan reliabilitas anak TK kelompok B, penilaian dilaksanakan dengan penilaian selama dua siklus dan tiap siklus terdiri atas 2 kali pertemuan. Selain itu untuk mendukung hasil penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yang berupa wawancara, dokumentasi, tes dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan membaca awal anak dengan menggunakan media gambar buah-buahan. Peningkatan kemampuan ini meliputi : Mengucapkan huruf 85,52%, membaca beberapa kata berdasarkan huruf 78,94%, Membaca kata berdasarkan gambar 81,57%, membaca kata tanpa gambar 72,23% dan membaca kalimat sederhana 69,97%

    Problematika Pembelajaran PAI pada Peserta Didik alumni SMP di SMA Pesantren Modern Datok Sulaiman bagian Putra Palopo

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    Hasil penelitian menenunjukan bahwa: pertama, gambaran pelaksanaan pendidikan di PMDSP bagian Putra terlaksana setiap harinya kecuali hari minggu. Upaya ini di lakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas peserta didik di pesantren. kedua,problematika yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik alumni SMP di SMA PMD Sebagian Putra Palopo di antaranya diasramakan, malas shalat berjamaah,makan bersama,belum lancarmembaca al-Qur,an, tidak lancar menulis Arab, namun setelah dilakukan pembinaansegala problem telah teratasi dengan baik. Ketiga, peranan guru dalam mengatasi problematika peserta didik di pesantren adalah memberikan pembinaan dan pelatihan dengan memanfaatkan sarana dan prasarana kampus di pesantren.Bentuk pelatihan adalah dengan metode kursus, penghafalan dan tadarrusan. Implikasi dalam peningkatkan kualitas Pendidikan Agama Islam di Pesantren Modern Datok Sulaiman bagian Putra Palopo sangat penting sebagai upaya positif dalam melakukan pembaharuan yang inovatif terhadap lembaga maupun dalam menerapkan metode pengajaranya. PMDSP untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikannya maka yang perlu diperhatikan; pertama, melakukan pembaharuan manajemen kelembagaan; kedua, melakukan inovosi pendidikan pesantren yang diminatimasyarakat; ketiga, meningkatkan metode pembinaan kepada peserta didik agar segala problematikanya dapat teratasi.Pembaharuan pendidikan pesantren sebagai lembaga keagamaan menjadi harapan dan peluang dalam mengeksiskan pendidikan pesantren sebagai pendidikan alternatif yang masih diminati oleh masyarakat


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    This study aims to produce Student Worksheets (LKPD) Development Of Work Sheets Of Participants In The Material Of Geometry Forms Based On Saintifices In Group B Children In Kindergarten which are valid and practical. Development is carried out using the Rowntree model, namely planning, development, evaluation. Evaluations carried out using Tessmer formative evaluation methods include self evaluation, expert review, one to one evaluation and small group evaluation. Data analysis from expert review obtained an average percentage of 94.5% with very valid categories which included the validity of content, constructs and media. This means that the LKPD is already in content, which is in accordance with the material for children in group B, including connecting one object with other objects in the same shape. Then the construct includes a scientific approach and assessment in accordance with the characteristics of child development. While the media can be seen from the completeness of the elements in the LKPD, images, writing and appearance. In the one to one evaluation and small group evaluation and product stages the average percentage was 96.2% with a very practical category. This means that LKPD is easy to implement, easy to check and the costs used are not too high. In order to achieve a valid and practical LKPD perfection, there is still a recognized lack of 5.5%. In material matters, namely the lack of use of the trapezoidal shape and parallelogram, the material is dominated by square, rectangular and circular shapes. The lack of media is that there are some words that are not familiar to children in group B, for example the scientific word. Whereas practically there is still a deficiency of 3.8%, namely the high cost of design. For this reason, further research is recommended to develop parallelogram and trapezoidal material and simple designs


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan keuangan, pengalaman keuangan, tingkat pendapatan, dan tingkat pendidikan terhadap perilaku keuangan keluarga. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Data primer yang diperoleh dari responden dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepala keluarga di Subang dengan sampel sebanyak 120 responden. Adapun metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Uji Normalitas Uji Heterokedastisitas dan Uji Multikolonieritas. Uji t, Uji F dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil uji hipotesis secara parsial menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan keuangan, tingkat pendaptan, dan tingkat pendidikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku keuanga keluarga, sedangkan pengalaman keuangan berpengaruh postif signifikan teradap perilaku keuangan keluarga. Hasil uji hipotesis secara simultan menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan keuangan, pengalaman keuangan, tingkat pendapatan, dan tingkat pendidikan secara simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap perilaku keuangan keluarga. Berdasarkan uji T dan uji F maka hipotesis penelitian dapat diterima pada tingkat signifikansi 5%


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    Tujuan penelitan adalah mengkaji kualitas fisik pakan lengkap bentuk pelet yang diperkaya Lactobacillus salivarius. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola searah 3 perlakuan 5 ulangan. perlakuan R0 = pakan lengkap + 0 % Lactobacillus salivarius, R1 = pakan lengkap + 2 % Lactobacillus salivarius dan R2 = pakan lengkap + 4 % Lactobacillus salivarius. Parameter yang diamati adalah kualitas fisik (Kadar Air / KA, kekerasan dan durabilitas) pakan lengkap itik bentuk pelet yang diperkaya Lactobacillus salivarius. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pakan lengkap itik bentuk pelet yang diperkaya probiotik BAL mempunyai kualitas fisik: rata-rata KA= 12 %, kekerasan = 65 kg/cm 2 dan durabilitas = 73 – 74%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah pakan lengkap itik bentuk pelet yang diperkaya probiotik BAL mempunyai kualitas fisik ( KA, kekerasan dan durabilitas) yang sama dengan pakan itik bentuk pelet tanpa penambahan Lactobacillus salivarius. Kata Kunci : Lactobacillus salivarius, teknologi pakan pelet, itik, kualitas fisi


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    The business growth leads to the increasingly strict competition. As the society welfare increases, the society’s need for the services consumption rising from their need for improving their comfort and satisfaction also increases, it triggers many companies to open the opportunity in service industry particularly tourusm sector. The importance of service as a business in improving the visitor’s satisfaction will result in the visitor’s loyalty to the company, thereby resulting in the loyalty and is the main key to retain the customers. With the satisfactory service, the visitors will be interested in revisiting the Sondokoro Agrotourism and in establishing the community of it. The research was conducted to find out how the effect of service on the satisfaction in the attempt of buildinng the visitors community of Sondokoro Agrotourism. The research method employed was a descriptive research using survey design. The deskriptive study technique is the one focusing on the response to the question of who, when, where and how. The survey research is the one interacting with the respondents to obtain data, fact, opinion and attitude. The population of research was the visitors who ever come to Sondoloro Agrotourism with 100 respondents as the sample. The data collection was done with questionnaire, observationn study, and interview with respondents or the visitors about the service in Sondokoro Agrotourism as well as the available documentation. The research was taken place from February 16 to March 16, 2009. The results of questionnaire filled in by the respondent about the service according to the visitors satisfaction include: tangible, 59% of visitor states their satisfaction with the adequate infrastucture, place cleanliness, beauty and comfort, the personnel apperance, and location; responsiveness, 57% of visitor states their satisfaction with the personne’s responsiveness and availability in helping the visitor’s need and desire, as well as in dealing with their complaints; reliability, 52% of visitor states their satisfaction with the personnel’s precision, quickness and accuracy in givingth service and their radiness in solving th problem; Assurance, 67% of visitor states their satisfaction with the personnel in serving the visitors, their knowledge and skill of providing information; Empathy, 59% of visitor states their satisfaction with the personnel interest in the visitors, and their good communication in receiving and responding the visitors. Community as a social group of various environmental organisms generally has the same interest. Building a viable community of Sondokoro Agrotourism need a hard work to realize and the most important thing is the service to the visitors in order to create the visitors’s satisfaction, so that th visitor will hav a desire to build a community as their love manifestation to th Sondokoro Agrotourism. In addition, the management of Sondokoro Agrotourism should preserve the historical inheritance in Karanganyar area and surrounding

    The Effect of Schoology Usage to the Students' Cognitive Performance

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    Technology has been growing explosively and give positive impact to the educational system. Universities are starting to apply such the online platform or blended learning to enhance their teaching quality. Yet, the teaching media used in STKIP Muhammadiyah Enrekang is still in conventional model. Thus in order to update the teaching media in this institutuion, this present study investigated the use of schoology as online platform in enhancing the students’ cognitive performance. The participants is the fourth semester students of English education program in academic year 2019/2020. The content is limited to the translation subject. The method is quantitative research design. The data was collected through essay test of translation and anlayzed using SPSS 25. The result shows that the tcounted is higher than ttable (6,926 > 1,833). Thus, it confirms that the use of schoology can enhance the students’ cognitive performance especially on the translation task


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between leadership and organizational culture and the performance of village officials at the same time, and to build a model of the relationship between leadership and organizational culture and the performance of Pesanggrahan village officials in Batu District, Batu City. The questionnaires were distributed to 30 employees of the Pesanggrahan Village office in Batu City as respondents. The research design is quantitative associative, with an explanation method that explains the relationship between leadership and organizational culture variables and employee performance. A survey of all respondents, namely village office employees, was used as the sampling technique. Multiple regression techniques are used to test hypotheses, and the model is determined using the correlation coefficient (r) and the coefficient of determination (R2). Statistical tests show that the value of t-count > t table for leadership is 5,533 > 2,042, demonstrating a direct relationship between leadership and employee performance. There is a correlation between organizational culture and the performance of village officials where the value of t count (3.830) > t table (2.042). While the F test (2.406 < 3.320) as a test interpretation between leadership and organizational culture with village officials' performance also demonstrates the results of an indirect relationship between the two independent variables and the dependent variable. 03< 0.05 and t-count = 5.533> 2.042. So we can conclude that H1 is accepted, implying that X1 and Y have a relationship. The t value is 3.830 > 2.042 and the second hypothesis testing calculation for the relationship between X2 and Y is 0.04< 0.05. So we can conclude that H2 is accepted, implying that X2 and Y have a relationship. Keywords: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance
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