35 research outputs found

    The Design of Multifunctional Emergency Light System

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    Kondisi listrik di Aceh sangat sering terjadi pemadaman secara tidak teratur. Hal ini mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap dunia industri dan rumah tangga. Kondisi mengakibatkan masyarakat perlu mencari penerangan alternatif seperti lampu emergensi dan sistem penyimpanan energi yang baik. Lampu emergensi yang dijual di pasar umumnya mempunyai jenis lampu yang khusus untuk lampu emergensi dan tidak dapat digunakan untuk keperluan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang lampu perangkat lampu emergensi otomatis yang sekaligus dapat digunakan sebagai penyimpan energi sehingga dapat digunakan untuk fungsi-fungsi yang lain. Untuk keperluan tersebut penulis menggunakan rangkaian untuk mengisi ulang baterai, rangkaian detektor cahaya sebagai pembeda terang dan gelap yang dihubungkan dengan relay dan inverter untuk mengubahkan arus DC ke AC. Perangkat lampu emergensi telah berhasil dirancang dan diujicoba untuk kasus gelap (malam hari) dan terang (siang hari). Perangkat lampu emergensi ini dapat juga digunakan sebagai power supply dengan menghubungkan piranti elektronik ke saklar yang disediakan pada box lampu emergensi. The electrical power in the Aceh is often blacked-out irregularly because of several unknown reasons. The lack of the electrical power causes problems to industry and household. Therefore people should look for alternative ways for house lightning and electrical power saving. The objective of this project is to design automatic emergency light that could also be used as the source of the electrical power for other needs. For this purposes we designed the battery recharge, light sensor, and inverter electronic circuits integrated into the emergency light system. We have designed the multifunctional emergency light system which works well. In dark condition representing the electrical power blacked-out, the emergency light is on. Ones could also use this emergency light system as a power supply since the emergency light box also provides electrical plugs


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    Abstract. Climate change is a global phenomenon that currently and seriously impacts the environment. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases have caused changes in extreme climate events. We have studied index rainfall extream trend at two meteorological stations of Sultan Iskandar Muda in Banda Aceh and Cut Nyak Dien in Meulaboh from 1982-2013. Daily rainfall data were processed using software of RClimDex to obtain the extreme rainfall index. Such indexes are extreme climate index set by the expert team for Climate Change Detection Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) including of maximum 1-day and 5-days precipitation amount (RX1day and RX5day), total annual precipitation (PRCPTOT), consecutive dry days (CDD), consecutive wet days (CWD), very wet days (R95p), extremely wet days (R99p) and heavy precipitation days (R20mm). Based on our study, we found that the PRCPTOT tend to decrease, whereas occurances of RX1day and RX5day increase. The Banda Aceh station which has a monsoonal pattern is charaterized by increasing in R95p and R99p as well as but decreasing in R20mm. The CWD and CDD tend to accumulate at once. The Meulaboh station that has the type of equatorial rain show decreasing trend in R95p and R99p, but increasing trend in R20mm. The CWD and CDD occur within some days. The projection Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 from 2014-2050 showed an increasing pattern frequency of rain in Banda Aceh and a decreasing pattern in Meulaboh. Keywords: Trend, Extream Climate Index, ProjectionREFERENCE Lutgens. F.K. and Tarbuck. E.J. 2004. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey.Ratag, M.A., Halimurrahman, Juaeni, I., Siswanto, B., dan N., Adikusumah. 2002. Perubahan Iklim : Basis Alamiah dan Dampaknya. Bandung, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional.IPCC, 2013. Climate Change. World Meteororogical Organization. Switzerland.Nuraini, Ida Sartika. 2014. Analisis dan Proyeksi Trend Temperatur dan Curah Hujan untuk Mendeteksi Perubahan Iklim (Studi Kasus Provinsi Kalimantan Barat). STMKG, Tangerang Selatan.Sulistya, W., Swarinoto, T.S., Zakir, A.,Riyanto, H., dan B., Ridwan.1998. The Impact of El Nino 1997/98 over Indonesia Region. Jakarta: Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika, No 4, Desember.Zhang, X., and Feng Yang, 2004. RClimDex User Manual. Climate Research Branch, Environment Canada, Downsview, Ontario, Canada.Aldrian, E., 2007 Perubahan iklim global dan dampak terhadap iklim benua mantim di laut dan di daratan Prosiding Jumal Club Tahun 2007.Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika. ISBN:978-979-1241-11-

    Analysis of Focal Mechanisms Using Waveform Inversion; Case Study of Pidie Jaya Earthquake December 7, 2016

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    Salah satu gempa bumi yang berdampak pada kerusakan rumah penduduk telah terjadi di Sumatra tepatnya adalah daerah Pidie Jaya pada tanggal 7 Desember 2016, sebesar Mw 6.5. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisa pada mekanisme fokal gempa bumi menggunakan inversi wavefom dari seismogram digital tiga komponen. Mekanisme fokal gempa bumi dimodelkan dari proses inversi tensor momen menggunakan program ISOLA. Hasil inversi tensor momen menunjukan bahwa gempa bumi Pidie Jaya merupakan gempa bumi dengan mekanisme sesar geser dengan bidang nodal 1; strike 254°, dip 80°, slip 48° dan bidang nodal 2; strike 153°, dip 42°, slip 165°.One of destructive earthquake that occurred in Sumatra region is Pidie Jaya earthquake, on the 7th of December, 2016 with Mw 6,5. The aim of this study is to analyze the focal mechanism using waveform inversion three component digital seismogram. Earthquake focal mechanism is determined by moment tensor inversion method using ISOLA program. Moment tensor inversion results show that the solution of the focal mechanism of the Pidie Jaya earthquake is a strike-slip fault with nodal plane 1; strike 254°, dip 80°, slip 48° and nodal plane 2; strike 153°, dip 42°, slip 165°.Keywords: waveform inversion, earthquake, focal mechanism, strike-slip, Pidie Jay

    Investigation of Shallow Paleochannel in Banda Aceh Based on Electrical Resistivity Tomography

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    Pembentukan daratan pesisir sangat dipengaruhi oleh proses sedimentasi dari material hasil rombakan. Proses sedimentasi pada masa lampau dapat dikaji dengan mempelajari sungai purba sebagai media transportasi material. Survey geofisika metode electrical resistivty tomography dilakukan untuk investigasi sungai purba di Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh. Untuk memetakan sedimen dan geometri sungai purba, pengukuran electrical resistivity dilakukan di sepanjang dua lintasan dengan panjang 240 meter dan spasi elektroda 2 meter. Proses inversi model resistivitas 2D telah dilakukan pada masing – masing lintasan data yang terukur. Hasil electrical resistivity tomography mampu membedakan batas – batas antara setiap lapisan sedimen yang terendapkan di lokasi paleochannel. Sedimen paleochannel secara jelas diidentifikasi dari distribusi nilai resistivitas yang lebih tinggi (15.2–31.6 Ω.m). Berdasarkan interpretasi dari metode electrical resistivity tomography area persawahan merupakan lokasi sungai purba pada masa lampau. The formation of coastal area is influenced by sedimentation process. The sedimentation process along the coastal line in the past one can be explained by studying existence of paleochannels located around the area. Deposition of the sediment along the coast is carried by river activities in the past. We have investigated paleochannel structure in Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh using electrical resistivity tomography survey. The measurements were performed along two profiles with 240 meters and 2 meters spacing between electrodes crossing the paddy. The method measured apparent resistivity data along the profiles. The 2D resistivity models were inverted from the apparent resistivity data using Res2Div program. The inverted models clearly show indication of paleochannel structure based on distribution of resistivity values within the subsurface. The paleochannel area was characterize by high resistivity i.e. 15.2–31.6 Ω.m

    Persyaratan Pernikahan menurut Mazhab Hanafi

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    Artikel ini fokus pada pembahasan 3 hal, yaitu; bagaimana persyaratan pernikahan tanpa wali menurut mazhab Hanafi, bagaimana dalil dan metode istinbath hukum mazhab Hanafi membolehkan wanita menikah tanpa ada wali, dan bagaimana relevansinya terhadap pernikahan tanpa wali menurut konteks kekinian di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian kepustakaan (Library Reserach), yang merupakan metode pengumpulan data seperti kitab-kitab mazhab Hanafi dan buku-buku yang relevan dengan masalah yang dibahas. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analisis, yaitu memaparkan, mengkaji dan menganalisis pendapat Mazhab Hanafi dalam persyaratan pernikahan tanpa wali. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa menurut Mazhab Hanafi pernikahan seorang gadis ataupun janda dapat terlaksana dan dianggap sah tanpa wali. Namun, Mazhab Hanafi mensyaratkan pernikahan tanpa wali apabila memenuhi persyaratan yaitu bagi wanita yang sudah baligh/dewasa dan berakal, mahar yang patut,sekufu dan merdeka, Dalil yang digunakan mazhab Hanafi untuk pernikahan tanpa wali adalah. QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 221, 232, 230. Dan hadist dari pengriwayatan At-Tirmidzi.†Janda lebih berhak atas dirinya dari pada walinyaâ€. Di Indonesia dalam kompilasi hukum islam pasal 19 disebutkan wali nikah dalam perkawinan merupakan rukun yang harus dipenuhi bagi calon mempelai wanita yang bertindak untuk menikahkannya. Dan harus melapor ke kantor KUA karena harus dicatat dalam catatan sipil

    Analysis of Focal Mechanisms Using Waveform Inversion; Case Study of Pidie Jaya Earthquake December 7, 2016

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    Salah satu gempa bumi yang berdampak pada kerusakan rumah penduduk telah terjadi di Sumatra tepatnya adalah daerah Pidie Jaya pada tanggal 7 Desember 2016, sebesar Mw 6.5. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisa pada mekanisme fokal gempa bumi menggunakan inversi wavefom dari seismogram digital tiga komponen. Mekanisme fokal gempa bumi dimodelkan dari proses inversi tensor momen menggunakan program ISOLA. Hasil inversi tensor momen menunjukan bahwa gempa bumi Pidie Jaya merupakan gempa bumi dengan mekanisme sesar geser dengan bidang nodal 1; strike 254°, dip 80°, slip 48° dan bidang nodal 2; strike 153°, dip 42°, slip 165°. One of destructive earthquake that occurred in Sumatra region is Pidie Jaya earthquake, on the 7th of December, 2016 with Mw 6,5. The aim of this study is to analyze the focal mechanism using waveform inversion three component digital seismogram. Earthquake focal mechanism is determined by moment tensor inversion method using ISOLA program. Moment tensor inversion results show that the solution of the focal mechanism of the Pidie Jaya earthquake is a strike-slip fault with nodal plane 1; strike 254°, dip 80°, slip 48° and nodal plane 2; strike 153°, dip 42°, slip 165°. Keywords: waveform inversion, earthquake, focal mechanism, strike-slip, Pidie Jay

    A Microtremor Survey to Identify Seismic Vulnerability Around Banda Aceh Using HVSR Analysis

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    Abstract: Banda Aceh can be categorized as an earthquake-prone city because of the existence of two active segments namely Seulimeum and Aceh. Both segments are considered to provide great potential damage in the future. In this article, we conduct a microtremor survey in the Peukan Bada, sub-part of Banda Aceh city, to learn the vulnerability level and support disaster mitigation plan. A total of 20 sites were measured with a seismometer to record the seismic waveform. The waveform was recorded in 45 minutes with a sampling rate of 100 sps and has analyzed using the horizontal-vertical spectrum ratio (HVSR). The results obtained are the dominant parameters, such as the period with a range of 0 – 0.5s, frequency with a range of 0 – 6 Hz, seismicity vulnerability index with a range of 0.1 – 0.5. The result was relevant to the geological conditions of Peukan Bada that dominated by alluvial rocks and mud sediments. The level of vulnerability (Kg > 1.0) obtained is quite high and proportional to the soil type that can amplify the seismic waveform. The results obtained are expected to be a supporting study of disaster mitigation and understand the geological conditions of Banda Aceh in terms of seismic vulnerability.Abstrak: Banda Aceh dapat dikategorikan sebagai kota rawan gempa karena adanya dua segmen aktif yaitu Seulimeum dan Aceh. Kedua segmen tersebut bisa memberikan potensi kerusakan yang besar di masa mendatang. Pada tulisan ini, kami melakukan survei mikrotremor di Kecamatan Peukan Bada, salah satu sub-wilayah kota Banda Aceh, untuk mempelajari tingkat kerentanan dan mendukung rencana mitigasi bencana. Sebanyak 20 lokasi diukur dengan seismometer untuk merekam bentuk gelombang seismik. Gelombang direkam selama 45 menit dengan jumlah sampel 100 sps dan dianalisis menggunakan horizontal-vertical spectrum ratio (HVSR). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah parameter yang dominan yaitu periode dengan rentang 0 – 0,5s, frekuensi dengan range 0 - 6 Hz, indeks kerentanan kegempaan dengan rentang 0,1 – 0,5. Hasil tersebut relevan dengan kondisi geologi Peukan Bada yang didominasi oleh batuan aluvial dan endapan lumpur. Tingkat kerentanan (Kg > 1,0) yang diperoleh cukup tinggi dan sebanding dengan jenis tanah yang dapat memperbesar gelombang seismik. Hasil yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat menjadi pendukung kajian mitigasi bencana dan memahami kondisi geologi Banda Aceh dari segi kerentanan seismik

    Pervasive Crustal Volcanic Mush in the Highly Stretched Sunda Plate Margin of Northern Sumatra

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    Arc volcanism, crustal deformation, and their interplay are poorly understood in northwestern Sumatra. Traditional receiver function H-κ stacking studies constrain the variations in crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio in volcanic zones but rarely estimate the melt fractions. Here, we propose a H-Φ stacking method, a variant of the H-κ stacking method, and apply it to the dense nodal array data from Aceh, northern Sumatra, to estimate crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio, and melt fraction. Most results show considerably high Vp/Vs ratios (∼1.98) and melt fractions (up to 19%), indicating pervasive crustal magmatic mush. The northwestern edge of the Aceh crust is much thinner (∼22 km) than extended crust globally, reflecting a highly stretched crust due to tectonic processes governing the opening of the Andaman Sea. This thin crust and high melt fractions explain the Bouguer gravity anomaly, and partly explain the northward migration of Quaternary volcanics.Ministry of Education (MOE)Published versionThis research is jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42288201) and the Ministry of Education, Singapore, under its MOE Academic Research Fund Tier 3 (Award MOE-MOET32021-0002)

    Spatial Temporal Condition of Recent Seismicity In The Northern Part of Sumatra

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    Abstract: The condition of stress and recent seismicity in the seismic-prone area can be statistically analyzed with the Gutenberg-Richter relation (Log N = a-bM). We apply this relation to the hypocenter distribution for the period 1970-2020 with M ≥ 4 and depth ≤ 100 km in the northern part of Sumatra. Spatially, The results obtained a-values and b-values that figure a lateral heterogeneity and stress accumulation at the interface zone in the subduction system and the northern segmentation of the Seulimeum fault. In time, both zones illustrate a slow time-to-failure cycle and the seismic gap with high-stress accumulation in the specific clusters with high parameter values. The results of the spatial-temporal analysis illustrate that a low statistical parameter value usually precedes each major earthquake event.Abstrak: Kondisi stress dan seismisitas terkini di daerah rawan gempa dapat dianalisis secara statistik dengan hubungan Gutenberg-Richter (Log N = a-bM). Kami memakai hubungan ini pada distribusi hiposenter pada periode 1970 - 2020 dengan M ≥ 4 dan kedalaman ≤ 100 km di bagian utara Sumatera. Secara spasial, hasil yang diperoleh yaitu nilai-a dan nilai-b yang menggambarkan heterogenitas lateral dan akumulasi stress pada zona pertemuan di sistem subduksi dan segmentasi utara dari sesar Seulimeum. Secara waktu, kedua wilayah menggambarkan siklus time-to-failure yang lambat dan zona seismic-gap dengan akumulasi stress yang tinggi pada kluster tertentu dengan nilai parameter yang tinggi. Hasil analisis spasial temporal menggambarkan bahwa setiap kejadian gempa besar biasanya didahului dengan nilai parameter statistik yang rendah

    Faulting Mechanism of Tarutung Earthquake 2022 Mw 5.8 Using Moment Tensor Inversion

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    On October 1, 2022, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 shook the Tarutung area which was generated by an active fault at a shallow depth of 10 km. In this study, relocating the hypocenter and determining the mechanism of the earthquake was carried out to understand the active tectonic structure. The distribution of hypocenter relocation figures a pull-apart pattern at shallow depths. The earthquake mechanism shows a dextral pattern in the Southwest – Southeast direction with a strike of 138º – 158º. The aftershocks are more dominantly distributed in the pull-apart system in the southeastern part and show the greater part of the transfer of seismic static stress to the southeastern side of the Toru fault. The pull-apart tectonic system scheme in the Tarutung basin with secondary faults as extensional faults is proposed to be a fault source model that forms a negative-flower structure geological pattern. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the Tarutung tectonic system and applied as a mitigation study