34 research outputs found
Possibility to adopt LRTAP against Transboundary Haze Pollution: What Should ASEAN Look For?
Transboundary pollution is part of air pollution originating from other countries has an impact on areas that are under the jurisdiction of other countries, The seasonal haze affected the health quality of ASEAN, it is evident that every time a forest fire occurs, the population with respiratory problems increases, including psychological stress. The objective of this paper is to investigate the problems and challenges that ATHP faces. It elaborates on the factors that contributed to LRTAP's relative success. It also analyzes and describes the measures taken in relation to the ATHP and compares its efficacy to LRTAP. The study used empirical-normative research method sourcing from literatures and journals.  The study shows that ASEAN formed the Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution (ATHP) which has the aim of being a body that works to reduce and suppress air pollution in the ASEAN region, framed within the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). In comparison to LRTAP, the aforementioned can be offered as a means of recommendation for the success of the AATHP. It is measurable that the importance placed on contribution, cooperation, scrutiny, democracy, and transparency in the agreement was a contributing factor in LRTAP's success
âVirtualâ v.s. âRealityââ On Taxing E-Sports Virtual Goods Transaction in Indonesia
In technological advances, the emergence of various online games that have generated billion dollars has attracted the attention of the government currently. The most of its revenue comes from the sale of virtual item (item in-game) which have almost zero marginal cost of production. In 2019, Indonesia contributed 624 million dollars, equivalent to 8.7 trillion rupiah for mobile gaming.According to Mirza Adityaswara, Senior Deputy Governor of the Bank of Indonesia (BI), this phenomenon will bring the money out of Indonesia, then it makes Indonesiaâs balance of trade (BOT) deficit.Indonesiaâs BOT has been facing shortfalls in recent years. In 2019, the BOT decreased by 61.7%, the deficit reached -US$1,933,90 million. This paper argue that Indonesia should take the case aquo as new tax base in order to resolve her deficit. An online game has its own currency which obtained through purchases using real money. This lead to trading real money for virtual objects, âlandâ and âcharactersâ in-game. Uniquely, item in-game transaction is not only done by the developers to players but also players to players. Therefore, the phenomenon brings with it familiar legal issue such as sales tax. This paper intends to introduce the situation the current situation of case a quo in Indonesia and asserting the urgency and challenges of case aquo taxation in Indonesia
Strategi Kepala Madrasah sebagai Pemimpin dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan
: The research aim is to know objectively about strategy of headmaster as leader in case of improving education quality at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ushuluddin Singkawang, that learned from quality of input, process, and output. The reasearh utilizes qualitative approach through case study, data resource, data collective technics are indept interview, nonparticipant observation, and document study. Data analized technic is interactive model of Miles and Huberman. Reasearch resulted is concluted that: (1) Strategy of headmaster as leader in case of improving input quality of education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ushuluddin Singkawang through: using take a part and care madrasah personals and organization or department of education by good comunication and coordination; (2) Strategy of headmaster as leader in case of improving process quality of education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ushuluddin Singkawang through canged self management and interpreunership and apply participative and delegative leadership; (3) Strategy of headmaster as leader in case of improving output quality of education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ushuluddin Singkawang through academic achievement and nonacademic achievement
Penerapan Pidana Mati Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi: Pertimbangan dan Hambatan
Dikenal sebagai kejahatan luar biasa, korupsi juga harus ditangani dengan tindakan luar biasa termasuk hukuman. Undang-undang Pemberantasan Korupsi Indonesia menyebutkan dengan jelas tentang hukuman mati, sayangnya sanksi pidana yang dijatuhkan biasanya hanya tentang pidana penjara dan/atau denda. Tulisan ini bermaksud memperkenalkan pertimbangan hukum penerapan pidana mati/hukuman mati dan menegaskan tantangan penerapan pidana mati. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Data dikumpulkan dari buku, jurnal, peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam mengoptimalkan pidana mati terhadap pelaku tindak pidana korupsi, harus dipenuhi syarat-syarat tertentu sebagaimana diatur dalam undang-undang. Sayangnya, tantangan untuk menjatuhkan hukuman mati karena ada klausul yang ambigu dalam undang-undang. Menyikapi hal tersebut, pemerintah sebaiknya merevisi undang-undang yang ada untuk memberikan kepastian hukum kepada masyarakat.
Kata Kunci: Korupsi, Hukuman Mati, Hambatan
Known as the extraordinary crime, corruption should also be handled by the extraordinary action including punishment. Indonesia Corruption Eradication Act mentioned clearly on the death penalty, unfortunately, the criminal sanctions usually imposed only about imprisonment and/or fines. This paper intends to introduce the legal considerations for the application of capital punishment/death penalty and asserting the challenges in the application of death penalty. This research is a normative legal research. Data collected from books, journals, relevant laws and regulations. The results of the study indicate that in optimizing the death penalty against perpetrators of corruption, certain conditions must be met as stated in the law. Unfortunately, the challenges to imposed the death penalty is because there is an ambiguous clause in the law. To response that, the government should either revise the current law in order to give the legal certainty to the society.
 Keywords: Corruption, Death Penalty, Challenges
Bemmelen, M. van. Hukum Pidana I: Hukum Pidana Material, Bagian Umum Edisi Indonesia. 1987. Bandung: Binacipta
Harahap, Muda Hindun. Urgensi Pidana Mati Terhadap Pelaku Korupsi. 2010. (Tesis Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara)
Hidayat, Syamsul. Pidana Mati di Indonesia. 2010. Yogyakarta, Genta Press
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK). Kisah Korupsi Kita Anatomi Kasus-Kasus Besar Dalam Kajian Interdisipliner. 2017. Jakarta: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK)
Luthfie, Muh. Pelaksanaan Pidana Mati Di Muka Umum Dalam Hukum Islam Dan Relevansinya Dengan Efek Jera Di Indonesia. 2018. Yogyakarta; Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Ramadhani, Suci Kurnia. Dasar Pertimbangan Hakim Dalam Menjatuhkan Sanksi Pidana Penjara Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pencurian Dengan Kekerasan. 2013. Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya
Siahaan, Monang. KPK dan Polri Bersatulah Memberantas Korupsi. 2015. Jakarta: PT. ElexMedia Komputindo
Sirin, Khaeron. Penerapan Hukuman Mati Bagi Pelaku Kejahatan Korupsi Di Indonesia: Analisis Pendekatan Teori MaqĂ shid Al-SyarĂŹâah. Tanpa Tahun. Institut Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Al- Qurâan (PTIQ) Jakarta
Situmeang, Enos Alexander. Pertimbangan Penuntut Umum Dalam Melakukan Penuntutan Dilihat Dari Peran Korban Dalam Terjadinya Tindak Pidana. 2014. (Skripsi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Bengkulu)
Anjari, Warih. Penjatuhan Pidana Mati Di Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia. 2015. E- Journal WIDYA Yustisia, Vol. 1 Nomor 2
Budi, Prasetyo. Problem Yuridis Penerapan Pidana mati Terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 31 Tahun 1999 Jo Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2001. 2016. Jurnal Hukum Prioris, Vol. 5 Nomor 4
Hairi, Prianter Jaya. Kebijakan Kriminalisasi Terhadap Tindakan Hakim Dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang Tentang Mahkamah Agung. 2014. Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum Negara Hukum: Membangun Hukum Untuk Keadilan dan Kesejahteraan, Vol. 5 Nomor 1
Mastalia, Ari. Kedudukan Pidana Mati Sebagai Sanksi Dalam Pidana Korupsi. 2017. Jurnal Hukum, Vol. 15 Nomor 1
Pribadi, Arif. Eksistensi Pidana Mati Dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi Terkait Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Di Indonesia. 2015. Jurnal Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Malang
Sumarwoto. Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Tindak Pidana Korupsi. 2014 Jurnal Hukum Universitas Surakarta, Vol. 8 Nomor 1
Toule, Elsa R.M. Eksistensi Ancaman Pidana Mati Dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi. 2013. Jurnal Hukum Prioris, Vol. 3 Nomor 3
Wiranata, Ariyatama Putra. Terobosan Hukum (Rule Breaking) dalam Menciptakan Putusan yang Berkeadilan (Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1616 K/Pid.Sus/2013). 2015. Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum
Yanto, Oksidelfa. Efektifitas Putusan Pemidanaan Maksimal Bagi Pelaku Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam Rangka Pemberantasan Kemiskinan. 2017 Syiah Kuala Law Jurnal. Vol. I Nomor 2
Yuhermansyah, Edy dan Fariza, Zaziratul. Pidana Mati Dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Kajian Teori Zawajir dan Jawabir). 2017 Jurnal Hukum, Vol. VI Nomor
Analisis Keandalan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi Di Gardu Induk Bringin Penyulang Brg-2 Pt. Pln (Persero) Ul Salatiga Dengan Metode Section Technique
Electrical energy has been become a very important requirement for people in this day, therefore continuity in the distribution of electrical energy is absolutely necessary. A power distribution network system can be said to be reliable if the interruption and outages that occurred within one year lower than the figures specified reliability index. One of the ways used to calculate the reliability index of the electricity distribution network is the method section technique. Reliability index which will be calculated is SAIFI, SAIDI, and CAIDI. In this research, calculation of reliability index in the distribution network BRG-2 feeder. BRG-2 feeder is one the feeders in Bringin substations who are in the working area of PT. PLN (Persero). After calculation, the reliability index of the BRG-2 feeder be obtained that SAIFI 8.65454469 failure/year, SAIDI 26.11252417 hour/year and CAIDI CAIDI 3.01720369 hour/year. To determine the index has been calculated included the category of reliable or not, than need to be compared with standard issued by PT. PLN (Persero) in SPLN 68-2 : 1986 that the SAIFI was 3.2 failure/year and SAIDI 21 hour/year. It can be seen that BRG-2 feeder distribution networknot reliable because the value of SAIFI and SAIDI exceed the standards set
The Efforts to Implement Diversion to Realize Restorative Justice for Children in Conflict with the Law in the Juvenile Criminal Justice System
One form of legal protection for children is to realize the fulfillment of the rights and obligations of the child itself. Especially for children in conflict with the law, their problem solving process requires special attention. This study aims to analyze the application of diversion in restorative justice for children who are in conflict with the law in the juvenile criminal justice system. The type of research conducted is descriptive research with the type of normative legal research related to the application of diversion in restorative justice in the criminal justice system. The results showed that the application of diversion in restorative justice in the system of applying diversion to children in conflict with the law in the juvenile justice system, is the implementation of a system in restorative justice to provide justice and legal protection to children in conflict with the law without ignoring the child's criminal responsibility. Diversion is not a peaceful effort between children in conflict with the law and the victim or his family, but a form of punishment for children in conflict with the law in an informal way. The recommendation in this study is that law enforcement officers in carrying out their duties of investigating, prosecuting, examining and determining case decisions at court trials should prioritize the application of diversion as an alternative to the application of imprisonment. Massive socialization of diversion is needed to the community
Lingkungan pengendapan adalah karakteristik dari suatu tatanan atau sistem geomorfik dengan proses fisik, kimia, dan biologi berlangsung akan menghasilkan suatu jenis endapan sedimen tertentu. Lingkungan pengendapan secara umur dibagi menjadi 3 macam yaitu lingkungan pengendapan darat, transisi dan laut.Fasies merupakan suatu tubuh batuan yang memiliki kombinasi karakteristik dilihat dari litologi, struktur sedimen dan biologi yang memperlihatkan aspek fasies yang berbeda dari tubuh batuan yang ada di bawah, atas dan di sekitarnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis fasies dengan cara pengamatan struktur sedimen pada litogi yang ada, tekstur sedimen dengan melakukan sayatan tipis pada sampel batuan dan melakukan pengamatan kehadiran fosil jejek pada litologi.Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan pada daerah penelitian didapatkan 4 asosiasi fasies dan 2 ichnofasies, dari data tersebut didapatkan 2 lingkungan pengendapan yaitu dataran pasang surut (Tidal Flat) merupakan lingkungan pengendapan yang dipengaruhi oleh arus pasang-surut (tidal) dan pantai (Shoreface-0ffshore) yang merupakan lingkungan pengendapan yang dipengaruhi oleh gelombang
Tinjauan Yuridis Pelaksanaan Review Hasil Pemilihan Penyedia dalam Pengadaan Barang atau Jasa oleh Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen
The role of the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) is very important to ensure procurement objectives are achieved by reviewing the results of the selection of government procurement of goods and services so that the entire procurement process is carried out transparently, fairly and in accordance with applicable regulations. This research aims to analyze whether the process of reviewing election results in procurement process No. 15117081 carried out by PPK Southeast Sulawesi has complied with the principles of transparency, accountability and fairness in selecting tender winners based on LKPP Regulation No. 12 of 2021. The research method used is a legal research method with a statutory approach and case study. The results of the research show that the implementation of the review by the PPK in the aquo case is not in accordance with the provisions of LKPP regulation No.12 of 2021. The review should be carried out by the PKK only based on the Minutes of Election Results (BAHP) documents received, not providing field evidence or clarification to participants or other parties. The implication of these findings is that there is a potential violation of the principles of government procurement of goods and services which must be carried out transparently, fairly and in accordance with regulations
Same-Sex Marriage as a Human Rights Freedom in Indonesia: The Perspective of Pancasila and the Marriage Law
Human rights are basic rights that are inherent in humans, so the state is obliged to protect, respect and defend them. Same-sex marriage is a human right. The purpose of this paper is to find out how the legal perspective in Indonesia regarding the legality of same-sex marriage on the basis of freedom of human rights. This research method is normative based with an analytical approach. The results of this study conclude that same-sex marriage on the basis of freedom of human rights does not have a philosophical legal standing because it is contrary to the values contained in Pancasila as the ground norm in Indonesia. On the other hand, Sociologically, same-sex marriage is not in accordance with the culture and culture of the Indonesian nation where its citizens are citizens who uphold the values of the Almighty God. Substantially, same-sex marriage legislation is also not contained in Law No.1 of 1974 concerning marriage which has been changed to Law No. 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage