191 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of gunshot injuries in Kano, Nigeria

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    Background: The incidence of civilian gunshot injuries has been reported to be on the increase globally. This study was undertaken to determine the epidemiology of gunshot injuries in Kano, Northern Nigeria. Patients and Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with gunshot injuries seen at five major government hospitals in Kano metropolis over a four year period (1999-2002). Results: There were 224 cases, with males out-numbering females by a ratio of 27:1. Eighty -one point three percent of patients were aged between 20 and 44 years. The most commonly injured body regions were the lower limbs (31.6%), chest (15.6%), upper limbs (9.4%) and head (9.0%). A fatal outcome was recorded in 12.5% of cases. Most injuries occurred among traders, students, farmers and security agents, and armed robbery attacks and civil conflicts were the aetiological factors in majority of cases. Conclusion: Gunshot injuries are a major cause of morbidity among adult men in Kano. Addressing the root causes of violence such as poverty, unemployment, and substance abuse will reduce the incidence of gunshot injuries in our society. Keywords: gun-shot injuries, firearms, epidemiology Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research Vol. 7(3&4) 2005: 296-29

    Assessment of Knowledge, Physical Activity and Calcium Intake among Female University Students

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    Insufficient calcium intake and being physically inactive lead to osteoporosis. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge about osteoporosis, physical activity levels and their correlation with calcium intake. 276 female undergraduate students participated in this study. A set of questionnaires was distributed. Majority students had low knowledge (76.1%), moderate physical activity level (47.1%) and did not meet the recommended calcium intake (79.0%). There was a moderate to strong positive correlation but not significant between knowledge (r= 0.051, p=0.121) and physical activity (r = 0.081, p=0.181) to dietary calcium intake. In conclusion, students had poor knowledge about osteoporosis. Keywords: calcium; dietary; female; osteoporosis eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER & cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v8i24.463

    Umpcare counselling system using ionic angular

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    Counselling Unit is an organization that can provide support to the problematic student. They will guide these students to identify their problem and find a way to solve them. They have provided several types of service for the student such as deliver counselling session and career advice. P1 and P2 student is required to get consultation from the counsello

    Phytochemical and antibacterial properties of garlic extracts

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    The antibacterial potency of aqueous and methanol extracts of garlic was determined invitro against three bacterial isolates (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) by agar well  diffusion method. Preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of tannin, flavonoid, carbohydrate, protein, saponin, alkaloid and glycoside in the plants while anthraquinone was absent. Both the aqueous and methanol extract of garlic were observed to be more potent against E. coli with maximum zone of growth inhibition of 21.5mm at 200mg/ml and 24.0mm at 200mg/ml respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the aqueous and methanol extracts of garlic against E. coli was 100mg/ml and 50mg/ml respectively, and for S. aureus it was 200mg/ml and 100mg/ml respectively. Similarly, The MIC against Pseudomonas aeruginosa for the aqueous and methanol extracts was 200mg/ml and 200mg/ml respectively. Higher minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 300mg/ml was observed against P. aeruginosa with aqueous extract and 250mg/ml with the methanol extract. The MBC for both the aqueous and methanol extract was 200mg/ml respectively against E. coli while MBC of 300mg/ml was observed against S. aureus for the aqueous extract and 200mg/ml for the methanol extract. These findings therefore justify the traditional medicinal use of garlic.Keywords; Phytochemical, Antibacterial, Efficacy, Garlic, Isolates

    Unexplained massive subdural haematoma in a newborn delivered by elective caesarian section: a case report

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    Symptomatic subdural haematoma (SDH) in term infants typically occur following traumatic vaginal delivery. Emergency Caesarean Section (EmC/S) carried out after failed attempts at vaginal delivery may also be complicated by symptomatic SDH but spontaneous symptomatic SDH complicating Elective Caesarean Section (ElC/S) is a rarity. We describe a case of massive SDH in a term baby delivered by Elective C/S in the absence of risk factors for intracranial haemorrhage. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the significance of acute subdural haematoma in the diagnostic work up of neonates presenting with acute neurologic symptoms in the absence of traumatic delivery.Key words: Symptomatic subdural haematoma, Caesarean section, severe birth injuries, neonatal seizur

    Exploring professional work-ready graduate attributes from the employer perspective

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore what we mean by professional work-ready graduate attributes from the employer perspective. Design/ Methodology/ Approach - The research design was essentially qualitative. Following, Yin’s (2003) suggestion, the researcher gathered data through three primary sources, namely, document, conducted semi-structured interviews and recorded observations, at three large multinational companies. The researcher analyzed and interpreted the data collected in form of field notes, interview scripts, audio recording and information from documents. Yorke and Knight, (2004), emergent work of skills research initiative known as USEM account of employability was integrated as conceptual frameworks. Findings - Three themes emerged, the findings highlighted three broad areas considered to constitute, what employers described as graduate attributes, this includes soft skills/personal attributes; subject specific skills and disciplinary content knowledge and understanding. Research/Limitation/Implication - Collective voice of employers on acceptable meaning of what graduate attribute stands for, will lead to establishing a common higher education programme or curricula that is work-based and skill oriented, which in turn help students to develop broad range of skills, work attitudes and values to face future challenges of the world competitive market. Original value - This paper seek to fill the ‘skill gap’ occurring between the demand and the level of educational preparation of graduates, by providing acceptable meaning of work-ready graduate attributes

    Emerging technologies with disruptive effects: a review

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    Since the last decade, several technologies have been abruptly influencing our lives. Among the notable major changes in the human society is the way humans interact with each other, which now involves the social media heavily where this is previously unknown to the masses. This type of technology is called Disruptive Innovation, a type of technology which has the potential to alter how human lives, market trends as well as other aspects including transportation and communications. Studies show that in the next few years, there are plenty of technology with the disruptive features. The new technologies, part of the domino effect of previous emerging technologies, include autonomous vehicle, the blockchain as well as Internet-of-Things. Despite the rapid advent, little discussion has been done to discuss and summarizes the emerging technologies in a single work in Malaysia. This brief survey is written as an effort to initiate the discussion, particularly in Malaysia about the disruptive innovation. It gives an introductory idea to the general audience, as well as academician and practitioners about the examples of the innovation, as well as brief discussion about the future studies which need to be commended in relation to the current development. This work is hoped to speed up the implementation of the emerging technologies in Malaysia as well helping and guiding policymakers, practitioners as well as academicians in understanding the phenomenon

    Business, Industry and Higher Education Collaboration: A Panacea in Developing Professional Work-Ready Graduates

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore how institutions of higher learning, industries and businesses work together to accomplish mutual goals, intended to help shape and inform up-to-date curriculum and course design. The aim was to improve mutual understanding and exchange of ideas between the Education and business sectors that can lead to produce professional work-ready graduates. The research method was essentially qualitative case-study design method (Yin, 2003), was used. The researcher collected documents, conducted semi-structured interviews and recorded observations at the selected multinational companies and recognized institutions of higher learning. The emergent themes from the data, in form of field notes, interview scripts, audio recordings and information from documents, representing the views of both Educationists and Industrialists were analyzed. The four emergent themes as characterized by the participants views on collaborative efforts between business and Education were identified as; cooperative study programme, technical support and programme delivery, representation in the institution governing council and collaboration through shared facilities. The study represent a means of contributing quality in teaching and learning graduate employability skills, that is vital in the survival and challenge to industry to succeed in an increasingly competitive world market. This paper attempts to provide new ways of thinking as well as formal flexible commitments from business and Education in forming partnership, that enable both sectors share the needs, problems, issues, strengths and weakness of in training professional work-ready graduates. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6p51