90 research outputs found

    The Influence of occupational stressors on job performance among bank employees in Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam

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    Job performance is a way that person can show their ability and their skills in the organization. This is also a method or tool to know and to measure one employee's job in the organization and to make sure the employees are doing their job well. This also known as organizational psychology which deals at workplace. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influences of occupational stressors such Role Ambiguity (RA), Role Conflict (RC), Work Overload (WO) and Working Condition (WC) on job performance among bank employees in Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam. The objective of this study is to identify the factors and understand the factors which is becoming more challenging in their daily task. This also to determine the relationship and the effects of the factors and job performance of the employees. This study administered the survey methodology for data collection from 3 banks located in Kuala Lumpur and 4 banks in Shah Alam were chosen as the sample for this study. A simple random sampling procedure was used to select respondents from the respective banks within the zone of Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam. Five hypotheses were proposed in regards to the determinants of Job Performance. A structured questionnaires consisting of 30 questions were adopted from previous scholars for this study in order to measure four variables namely Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict, Work Overload and Working Condition. As of from 500 questionnaires handed out, only 369 were usable after the outlier assessment. The research was analyzed using descriptive as well as inferential statistics in order to measure the relationship of the variables and draw the inferences between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The research result indicated that there are strong relationships with role conflict and work overload. In the regression analysis, the data found that the role conflict and work overload have strong effects where the R square value is 36.8% towards the employee's job performance. In concluding the research, the management suggestions as well as suggestion for future research were discussed

    Risk of burnout syndrome and explore the factors influencing burnout among nurses in selected hospitals at Himachal Pradesh

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    Background: Nurses burnout is a common occurrence marked by a decrease in a nurse's energy, which displays as emotional tiredness, a lack of desire, and emotions of dissatisfaction, as well as a decrease in work efficacy. The aim of study was to assess the risk of burnout syndrome and explore the factors influencing burnout among nurses who are working in emergency ward and critical care units.Methods: The descriptive design was adopted and the sample was selected by non-probability convenient sampling technique. The sample comprises of 200 nurses from emergency and critical care units were selected. The data was gathered by using a 5-point Likert scale and a checklist.Results: The majority of the participants 95 (47.5%) were had high risk of burnout related to physical and psychological exhaustion whereas in self detachment majority of the participants 111 (55.5%) were had high risk of burnout and most of the study participants 101 (50.5%) were had high risk of burnout in self-realization. The risk of burnout syndrome was significant with designation, shift of duty, work overload and attended any workshop, continuing nursing education (CNE), and conference related to burnout syndrome (p<0.05).Conclusions: There was high risk of burnout identified among critical care units and emergency ward nurses. To lessen the severity of burnout, a preventive and therapeutic plan is required like maintain a safe working environment to prevent incidents, provide adequate resources to prevent stress caused by the shortage of staff, rotate nursing staff to work in other wards for professional development and promote open communication to allow team work

    Productivity in Chilli (cv. LCA 334) as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Management in Vertisols

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    A field experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam, Guntur during the kharif season of 2003-04 and 2004-05 in vertisols with an objective to assess effectiveness of organic nutrient package for yield sustainability and to assess inorganic nutrient management package vis-a-vis organic package for yield and quality in chilli cv. LCA 334. Farmers of this region generally use very high doses of inorganic fertilizers with improper nutrient balance which has led to deterioration of productivity and quality of both the produce soil. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design with ten treatments, in combinations of organic and inorganic sources. The organic sources used were: green manure (incorporation of pillipesara), neem cake, Azospirillum, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, VAM and burnt ash, and integrated with 50%, 75% and 100% recommended nitrogen in the form of chemical fertilizer. Results revealed that maximum dry chilli yield ( 5397kg ha-1) was recorded in combined application of green manure, neem cake, Azospirillum, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, burnt ash along with 100% recommended nitrogen

    A study to assess the effectiveness of clinical teaching on the level of knowledge regarding nursing care bundle to prevent ventilator associated pneumonia among ICU nursing officers at AIIMS Bhopal

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    Background: Healthcare is a professional area bound to the ethical foundation of “do no harm.”, But in the current scenario, a rush to promote the curative scenario has led to the total downplay of the preventive aspect of care. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge regarding nursing care bundle for the prevention of VAP among nursing officers before and after clinical teaching and to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical teaching. Methods: This pretest-post-test study was conducted on nursing officers working in the ICU of the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. 100 nursing officers were enrolled in the study via convenience sampling technique. The self-structured tool was validated by 10 experts with a mean CVI value of 0.94. The reliability of the self-structured knowledge questionnaire was determined by the test-retest method and found to be 0.87. The collected data was analysed for frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and association. Results: Findings showed that the mean knowledge score was 18.46±3.543 before intervention. After the intervention of video-assisted clinical teaching, a post-test was conducted, and the mean post-test knowledge scores was 25.07±2.801 at the p value <0.01. Knowledge of subjects about nursing care bundle for prevention of VAP was found to have a significant association with only educational qualification. Conclusions: This study's findings concluded that educational interventions are necessary for the enhancement of knowledge and better compliance of nursing officers with guidelines regarding the bundle of care for the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia

    Fragrance analysis using molecular and biochemical methods in recombinant inbred lines of rice

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    The aroma or fragrance of Basmati rice is associated with the presence and content of the chemical compound, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and the trait is monogenic recessive. Several polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based co-dominant markers based on RG28 locus were developed, which can differentiate between fragrant and non-fragrant rice cultivars. For molecular and biochemical analysis of aroma, a mapping population comprising 208 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a diverse cross between CSR10 and Taraori Basmati through Single seed descent (SSD) method was used. RILs are among the best mapping populations, which provide a novel  material for linkage mapping of genes/QTLs marker for various traits. Biochemical analysis of aroma was performed with the 1.7% KOH solution and molecular analysis of aroma was carried out with microsatellite markers present on chromosome 8 (BAD2, BADEX7-5, SCUSSR1) to determine the extent of association between trait, marker and chromosome 8. Among these markers, BAD2 amplified aroma specific alleles having 256 bp in 72 lines, BADEX7-5 with 95 bp in 74 lines and SCUSSR1 with 129 bp in 79 lines. Mantel test of significance detected by biochemical analysis of RILs (with 1.7% KOH) and molecular marker study revealed high degree (>90%) of association of aroma with the above mentioned markers, respectively. Some of the F10 lines amplified the heterozygous alleles for two sets of specific markers (BAD2 and SCUSSR-1) but did not show the presence of aroma as analyzed by chemical test. Aromatic and non-aromatic lines were almost common in three markers, indicating association of markers with the trait and chromosome 8. The results reveal that these markers could be used for marker assisted selection and RIL population for mapping of aroma QTLs/genes.Key words: Basmati, recombinant inbred lines, fragrance, association

    Variability Studies in Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) with Reference to Yield Attributes

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    Field experiments were conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Lam, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh during the rainy season 2004-2007, with ten chilli genotypes supplied by AICRP on vegetables (from different geographical sources). This was to study genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance as per cent mean for several economic characters to identify promising cultivars suitable for the Krishna-Godavari zone of Andhra Pradesh. Data were collected on eight characters, viz., plant height, plant spread and number of fruits per plant; fruit length, fruit girth, number of seeds per fruit, ripe-chilli yield and dry-chilli yield. Significant differences were observed among genotypes in respect of all the characters studied. Phenotypic Coefficient of Variation (PCV) was slightly higher than Genotypic Coefficient of Variation (GCV) for all the traits, indicating a low environmental influence on expression of these traits. High GCV and PCV were observed for ripe-chilli yield, dry-chilli yield, number of fruits per plant, number of seeds per fruit and fruit length indicating a higher magnitude of variability in these traits and, consequently, a greater scope for improvement through simple selection. Low GCV and PCV were recorded for plant height, plant spread and fruit girth suggesting a limited variability, for these traits. High heritability, coupled with high Genetic Advance as per cent mean, was observed for ripe-chilli yield, dry chilli yield, number of fruits per plant, number of seeds per fruit and fruit length, indicating the influence of additive genes. These characters-with high GCV, PCV, Heritability and Genetic Advance as per cent mean-should be considered as reliable selection criteria for crop improvement for yield and yield attributing characters in chilli

    Temporal expression of thyroid hormone regulating genes (tsh-b, tsh-r, dio2 and dio3) and their correlation with annual reproductive cycle of the Indian freshwater catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch).

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    Photoperiod and temperature are well-established environmental cues for gonadal growth in seasonally reproducing organisms. The photoperiod is known to regulate seasonal reproduction via induction of thyroid hormone regulating genes in the saccus vasculosus (SV) of fishes. However, SV is absent in many seasonally breeding fishes, including Heteropneustes fossilis. H. fossilis is a long-day breeding catfish in which gonadal recrudescence begins six months earlier than spawning. The present study attempted to analyse the expression of thyroid hormone-regulating genes (tsh-b, tsh-r, dio2 and dio3) in the brain, liver and ovary. In the brain, upregulated expression of thyrotropin-beta subunit (tsh-b), deiodinase2 (dio2) and deiodinase3 (dio3) genes is concomitant with the increasing photoperiod and temperature in nature, which may appear to regulate seasonal reproduction. Both deiodinases, dio2 and dio3, were also upregulated in the liver and ovarian tissue during the gonadal growth phase. The upregulation of deiodinases may enhance the metabolism and activity of tissues, thereby facilitating their respective roles. The expression of these genes was also assessed in the brain, liver, ovary, kidney, skin, spleen and gill tissues during the spawning period. The ubiquitous expression of deiodinases may point to enhanced activity in their organ-specific role. The present study speculates that expression of tsh-b, tsh-r, dio2 and dio3 genes during the reproductive phase of H. fossilis might be involved in the regulation of seasonal reproduction

    To evaluate the prevalence of female genital tuberculosis in Hyderabad

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an increasing public health concern worldwide. It is one of the most important causes of infectious morbidity and mortality. Genital TB is one form of extra pulmonary TB and is not uncommon, particularly in communities where pulmonary TB is prevalent. The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of female genital tuberculosis in Hyderabad and its presentational symptoms and methods of diagnosis.Methods: A total of 1102 cases of suspected genital TB who had been registered and treated in the AIMSR and few selected government urban health post and private hospitals and clinics in different zones of Hyderabad, from 2012 January to 2013 March were retrospectively and prospectively studied. From this group, 23 women were diagnosed as having genital TB based on the standard pathological and microbiological criteria of tissue specimens. Results:Out of 23 cases diagnosed as having genital tuberculosis, 3 patients (13.04 %) presented with abdominal or pelvic pain. In 17cases (73.91%) tuberculosis was diagnosed during studies performed to evaluate the cause of their infertility, and the most common diagnostic procedure was endometrial curettage. Remaining 3 cases (13.05 %) have past, present or contact history of tuberculosis. Female genital TB accounted for 2.08 % of all tuberculosis patients in this study.Conclusions: This study indicates the presence of a strong relationship between genital TB and infertility; therefore genital TB would be more frequently diagnosed if this possibility was considered in the evaluation of every infertile patient in areas where tuberculosis is endemic

    Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of urine culture isolates in a tertiary care hospital of Jharkhand, India

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    Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the common infections encountered by the clinicians. Though a good number of antimicrobial agents are available, still UTIs have become difficult to treat due to development of resistance by the uropathogens. So, regional data regarding the common uropathogens and their sensitivity pattern is required to guide the clinicians to start empirical therapy while managing UTIs. The purpose of the study was to identify different species of microorganisms, along with their antimicrobial susceptibility pattern, causing urinary tract infection in outpatient and indoor patients at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand.Methods: Observational study was conducted using urine culture and sensitivity reports collected retrospectively from records maintained in the department of Microbiology over a period from July 2016 to Feb 2017 in tertiary care hospital.Results: UTI was more common in females (57.74%) than in males (42.26%). Among the uropathogens isolated Escherichia coli (37.41%) was found to be the predominant organism followed by Klebsiella species (32.79%), Pseudomonas species (25.86%), and gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus accounted (3.92%) of total cases. The most common isolates were E. coli showed high sensitivity to amikacin (79.24%), followed by levofloxacin (77.21%) and gentamycin (62.26%). It was found to be resistant to norfloxacin (86%), nalidixic acid (86.76%) and cefotaxime (69.88%).Conclusions: Though various microorganisms are responsible for UTI. Escherichia coli species is the most common organism. Antimicrobial resistance has already emerged against many antibiotics, making empirical treatment of these infections challenging

    Storage studies of chilli (Capsicum annuum L) cultivars on germination and vigour index

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    The experiment was conducted at the Chillies Improvement Project, Regional AgriculturalResearch Station, Lam, Guntur and in the Priyanka Cold Store, Chilakaluripet Road, Gunturduring the year 2001-2002.  The fresh ripe chilli cultivars viz: LCA 334, LCA 357, LCA 206,LCA 235, Paprika type, Guntur Grand and Wonder Hot  were collected and Sun dried bothmoisture lend of  10-11 per cent. Then the dried chilli was packed in gunny bags in two sets.One set was kept in cold store and the other set at ambient condition. Samples were drawnat monthly intervals and subjected to seed germination and seedling vigour index.  Theseeds of cultivars LCA 235, LCA 206, LCA 334 and LCA 357 recorded higher germinationpercentage and vigour index at different intervals of storage. The chilli stored in cold storeproved superior to ambient storage even for good quality seed. &nbsp