14 research outputs found

    Economic Value of Forest Hydrological Benefit of Musi Watershed: Case of Perapau Sub Watershed

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    Forest area in upper Perapau sub watershed that provide a hydrological benefit for community living surrounding are now partially converted to plantations, dry land farms and paddy fields, whereas the forests are part of protected forest and wildlife reserve. The land cover change occurs due to lack of understanding about economic value of hydrological benefits of forests in the Perapau sub watershed. This study aims to determine the economic value of hydrological benefits of forests in Perapau sub watershed. Procurement cost method used to estimate the economic value of the hydrological benefits of the Perapau sub watershed.  The economic value of hydrological benefits for household and agricultural purposes is 1.712 trillion rupiah and 11.056 billion rupiah. Based on the economic value of hydrological benefit, sustainability of forest in the upstream of Perapau sub watershed must be supported for sustainability of hydrological services of watershed


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    Indonesia is one of the three largest tropical forest countries. Indonesia's forest area is about 120.35 million hectares or about 60% of Indonesia’s land area. Indonesia’s forest is not only important for the people of Indonesia both in terms of its ecologic and economic role, but also important for the global environment, particularly in relation to climate change. Forests could become carbon storage in large quantities, but also can be a source of carbon emissions.Indonesia's forests currently facing problems of deforestation and degradation, which contributed approximately 20% of global CO2 emissions, so that the Indonesian government put a high attention on the issue of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). REDD schemes is expected to assist Indonesia in reducing deforestation and forest degradation for forest sustainability and provide economic income from carbon trading.This paper aims to identify the impact of carbon trading under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Indonesia (REDDI) scheme on income ofinstitutions that consist of households, companies and government using the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) approach. Accounting multiplier is used to calculate the impact of REDDI scheme on institutions income in the year 2005.The results indicate that the impact of REDDI on institution income for the minimum scenario is U.S.0.68billionwhereasforthemaximumscenarioisU.S. 0.68 billion whereas for the maximum scenario is U.S. . 28.86 billionREDDI give the greatest impact on households’ income (59.66%) than followed companies (28.17%) and government (12.17%).Keywords: carbon trading, deforestation, degradation, fores


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    Framework for Socio-economic Accounting System or the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) states that the distribution of income received by each production factor specifiedin terms of economic sector concerned and called the factorial income distribution. Value added generated from the sum of total wages and salary plus capital income. Total of value added showed gross domestic product (GDP). Impact of Indonesia's forestry sector performance can be measured by knowing its contribution to economic income growth.This paper discusses the impact of output growth in the forestry sector to factor income growth using Socio-economic Accounting System or the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) approach. The impact of forestry sector production growth can be used to measure economic growth. Accounting multiplier is used to calculate the impact of output growth in the forestry sector to factor income growth in the year 2000 until the year 2005. Forestry sector for 5 years (2000-2005) gave a positive contribution to income growth. There are 16 economic sectors contributes positively to the factor income. Decrease in income growth occurred only on one factor of production, which are; Laborship,Leadership, Administration, Military, Professionals Recipients of Wages & Salaries in the Village. Forestry sector as a whole increases income growth of 104.64 percent during theyears 2000-2005.Keywords: accounting multiplier, production factor, SAM, value adde


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    ABSTRAKHutan Rawa Gambut Merang Kepayang (HRGMK) memiliki fungsi hidrologis yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya.  HRGMK menjaga ketersediaan air bagi masyarakat  baik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga maupun sarana transportasi.  Peran HRGMK sebagai sumber air yang penitng belum disadari oleh masyarakat, sehingga dukungan untuk pelestarian ekosistem HRGMK masih rendah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menaksir nilai ekonomi air dari HRGMK, baik sebagai sumber air rumah tangga maupun sarana transportasi. Dengan diketahuinya nilai ekonomi air, diharapkan masyarakat dapat mendukung kelestarian ekosistem HRGMK.  Nilai ekonomi air didekati dengan penaksiran kesediaan membayar (Willingness to Pay/WTP) masyarakat di dua desa yang berbatasan langsung dengan HRGMK.  Responden merupakan masyarakat dari kedua desa yang sumber airnya berasal dari HRGMK,  Nilai kesediaan membayar responden diperoleh dari wawancara dengan menggunakan pertanyaan terbuka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total nilai ekonomi air kawasan HRGMK yang berasal dari nilai air untuk  rumah tangga dan air untuk transportasi adalah Rp. 888.834.365.275,25 per tahun atau Rp. 6.431.507,71 per hektar per tahun.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam kaitannya dengan ketersediaan air bagi masyarakat di sekitarnya, HRGMK memberikan manfaat yang penting dan dapat dinilai secara moneter.  Sehingga kelestarian ekosistem HRGMK harus didukung untuk menjaga kualitas lingkungan dan kelestarian perekonomian. ABSTRACTMerang Kepayang Peat Swamp Forest (MKPSF) has a hydrological function that benefit for the surrounding community. MKPSF maintain availability of water for the community to meet the needs of water for households and transportation. The role of MKPSF as important water source  has  not been recognized by community, so that the  support for the preservation of MKPSF ecosystems still low.  This research aims to estimate the economic value of water from MKPSF both households and transportation.  By knowing the economic value of water, the community is expected to support the preservation of MKPSF ecosystems. Economic value of water was aproached by estimating the willingness to pay (WTP) of community in two villages directly adjacent to MKPSF. Respondents are the people of the two villages which are the source of water comes from MKPSF. Respondents' willingness to pay values obtained from interviews using open-ended questions. The results showed that the total economic value of water MKPSF  region derived from the value of water for household and water for transportation was Rp. 888,834,365,275.25 per year or Rp. 6,431,507.71 per hectare per year. This suggests that in relation to the availability of water for surrounding communities, MKPSF  provide significant benefits that can be monetary  assessed. So that  the sustainability of MKPSF ecosystem should be supported to maintain environmental quality and economic sustainability


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    Framework for Socio-economic Accounting System or the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) states that the distribution of income received by each production factor specified in terms of economic sector concerned and called the factorial income distribution. Value added generated from the sum of total wages and salary plus capital income. Total of value added showed gross domestic product (GDP). Impact of Indonesia\u27s forestry sector performance can he measured by knowing its contribution to economic income growth. This paper discusses the impact of output growth in the forestry sector to factor income growth using Socio-economic Accounting System or the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) approach. The impact of forestry sector production growth can be used to measure economic growth. Accounting multiplier is used to calculate the impact of output growth in the forestry sector to factor income growth in the year 2000 until the year 2005. Forestry sector for 5 years (2000-2005) gave a positive contribution to income growth. There are 16 economic sectors contributes positively to the factor income. Decrease in income growth occurred only on one factor of production, which are: Laborship, Leadership, Administration, Military, Professionals Recipients of Wages & Salaries in the Village. Forestry sector as a whole increases income growth of 104.64 percent during the years 2000-2005. Keywords: accounting multiplier, production factor, SAM. value adde

    Peat Swamp Forest Degradation: Impacts, Affected Communities and Losses

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    Degradation of peat swamp forest have locally, regionally and regionally impact. This paper presents the impact of peat swamp forest degradation with a focus on the study of communities around peat swamp forest. In-depth interviews were used as a method to identify communities affected by peat swamp forest degradation. Cost of illness, the change of productivity is used as an approach to predict community losses as a result of peat swamp forest degradation. The results of the study show that peat swamp forest degradation has an impact on forest, provincial and regional communities. Peat swamp forest degradation causes a decrease in environmental quality, productivity and various health impacts on communities around the forest. Various economic sectors such as transportation, transportation, trade, tourism, health and education have a negative impact from forest and land fires as a result of peat swamp forest degradation

    Peat Swamp Forest Degradation: Impacts, Affected Communities and Losses

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    Degradation of peat swamp forest have locally, regionally and regionally impact. This paper presents the impact of peat swamp forest degradation with a focus on the study of communities around peat swamp forest. In-depth interviews were used as a method to identify communities affected by peat swamp forest degradation. Cost of illness, the change of productivity is used as an approach to predict community losses as a result of peat swamp forest degradation. The results of the study show that peat swamp forest degradation has an impact on forest, provincial and regional communities. Peat swamp forest degradation causes a decrease in environmental quality, productivity and various health impacts on communities around the forest. Various economic sectors such as transportation, transportation, trade, tourism, health and education have a negative impact from forest and land fires as a result of peat swamp forest degradation

    Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap produksi tanaman pangan di indonesia: DAMPAK PERUBAHAN IKLIM TERHADAP PRODUKSI TANAMAN PANGAN DI INDONESIA

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    Climate change posed serious challenge for Indonesia to fullfil demand. One of the climate change phenomena that affects the agricultural sector, especially food crops, is the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which consists of El Nino and La Nina. ENSO causes rainfall variability that adversely affects the production of food crops such as rice, corn and soybeans This research aims (1) to identify provinces affected by ENSO in Indonesia and (2) to analyze the impact of ENSO and other determinants on food crop production (rice, corn, soybeans) in the affected provinces. The study used secondary panel data 2010-2017 period from 16 provinces affected by ENSO. Pearson correlation and static panel regression are used to answer research objectives. Rainfall was used as a proxy for the ENSO phenomenon The results showed that most provinces in Indonesia were affected by ENSO, as indicated by negative and significant correlation between the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) and rainfall. Static panel regression showed that ENSO had a significant impact on rice and soybean production as indicated by rainfall indicators. El Nino that resulted ina significant decrease in rainfall has a greater impact on rice and soybean production, while La Nina that resulted in a significant increase in rainfall had a greater impact on soybean production. In general, El Nino has a greater impact on food crop production than La Nina   Keywords: El Nino, Food Crops, La Nina, Rainfall, Static PanelPerubahan iklim menjadi salah satu tantangan serius yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan. Salah satu fenomena perubahan iklim yang berpengaruh terhadap sektor pertanian khususnya tanaman pangan adalah El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) yang terdiri dari El Nino dan La Nina. ENSO menyebabkan variabilitas curah hujan sehingga berdampak buruk bagi produksi tanaman pangan seperti padi, jagung dan kedelai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengidentifikasi provinsi terdampak ENSO di Indonesia dan (2) menganalisis dampak ENSO dan determinan lainnya terhadap produksi tanaman pangan (padi, jagung, kedelai) di provinsi yang terdampak. Penelitian ini menggunakan panel data sekunder tahun 2010-2017 dari 16 provinsi terdampak ENSO. Korelasi Pearson dan regresi panel statis digunakan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian. Fenomena ENSO diproksi melalui curah hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar provinsi di Indonesia terdampak ENSO, yang terlihat dari korelasi negatif dan signifikan antara Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) dan curah hujan. Regresi panel statis menunjukkan ENSO berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi padi dan kedelai melalui indikator curah hujan. El Nino yang disertai penurunan curah hujan signifikan berdampak lebih besar terhadap produksi padi dan kedelai, sedangkan La Nina yang disertai peningkatan curah hujan signifikan memiliki dampak lebih besar terhadap produksi kedelai.  Secara umum, El Nino memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar terhadap produksi tanaman pangan

    Forest Management Units’ Performance in Forest Fire Management Implementation in Central Kalimantan and South Sumatra

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    Wildfires in Indonesia are an annual phenomenon which peak in dry El Nino years, with up to 2.6 million ha of forest and land burnt in the drought year of 2015. This is an annual disaster for the country and surrounding region, with severe impacts on the environment, as well as human health, economic and social factors. Forest Management Units (FMUs, known locally as Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, KPH) are the implementation agencies on the ground that play a strategic role in both the prevention and suppression of forest fires. FMUs are mandated to establish a local fire brigade, to provide adequate personnel and equipment, and to carry out fire prevention as well as suppression programs. This research aimed to analyze the performance of forest fire-related policy implementation. The study was based on five FMUs in fire-prone regions of Central Kalimantan and South Sumatra, Indonesia. The performance of the FMUs is measured by achievement of the policy objectives and effectiveness of policy implementation. Our analysis shows the policies, standards and objectives to manage fire are clear for FMUs, but there are challenges in their implementation, such that fire control activities have not been fully implemented. Most FMUs have limited capacity and resources, as well as complicated budget mechanisms and low community participation. Strengthening FMU capacity will significantly improve their performance in forest fire control, particularly in the initial stages. This can be done at three scales: personnel, organization and system

    Forest Management Units’ Performance in Forest Fire Management Implementation in Central Kalimantan and South Sumatra

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    Wildfires in Indonesia are an annual phenomenon which peak in dry El Nino years, with up to 2.6 million ha of forest and land burnt in the drought year of 2015. This is an annual disaster for the country and surrounding region, with severe impacts on the environment, as well as human health, economic and social factors. Forest Management Units (FMUs, known locally as Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan, KPH) are the implementation agencies on the ground that play a strategic role in both the prevention and suppression of forest fires. FMUs are mandated to establish a local fire brigade, to provide adequate personnel and equipment, and to carry out fire prevention as well as suppression programs. This research aimed to analyze the performance of forest fire-related policy implementation. The study was based on five FMUs in fire-prone regions of Central Kalimantan and South Sumatra, Indonesia. The performance of the FMUs is measured by achievement of the policy objectives and effectiveness of policy implementation. Our analysis shows the policies, standards and objectives to manage fire are clear for FMUs, but there are challenges in their implementation, such that fire control activities have not been fully implemented. Most FMUs have limited capacity and resources, as well as complicated budget mechanisms and low community participation. Strengthening FMU capacity will significantly improve their performance in forest fire control, particularly in the initial stages. This can be done at three scales: personnel, organization and system