10 research outputs found

    Indeks Keanekaragaman Jenis Serangga Pada Tanaman Tembakau (Nicotiana Tabaccum L.) Di Kebun Helvetia PT. Perkebunan Nusantara II

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    Index of Insect Varieties on Tobacco Plant (Nicotiana tabaccum L.) at Kebun Helvetia, PTPNusantara II. Deli tobacco is a strategic commodity in Indonesia. Especially used to cigar wrapper(most quality) that make job vacancy and increase people prosperity. Pests and plant diseases intobacco plant was the most problem each cultivating season. By knowing insect status in tobaccoarea hoped can do preventative on next cultivating season. The objective of this research was tostudy index of insect varieties in the tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabaccum L.) at Kebun Helvetia withwas to know kind of usefull insect, useless insect, parasitoid and predator in that area. Researchconducted at Kebun Helvetia PT Nusantara II, Medan on May – June 2012, using design surveiwith take diagonally which first sample was taken in the middle of sample block. The result ofresearch showed that in Block D was consist of 15 useless insect family, 2 parasitoid family, 7predator family and 6 usefull insect family. Block E area consist of 15 useless insect family, 3parasitoid family, 8 predator family, and 8 usefull insect familiy. Shanon-Weiner (H') highestIndex varieties value of insect highest in Block E area is 2.3486 (medium) that meaning natural andpest insect existence was balance nearly

    Urgensi Toleransi Antar Agama dalam Perspektif Tafsir al-Syaârawi

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    Al-Qur'an is a Muslim holy book which regulates all human life. Not only set the way of life, but the Qur'an is the life of the Muslims themselves. Each verse in the Qur'an contains complete, perfect, and comprehensive messages. Both of the verses are global and even specific. The contents of the Qur'an in regulating human life not only discuss one dimension, but are very multi-dimensional, among them dimensions in theology, bermuamalah, worship, and so on. Muslims and non-Muslims in interacting socially have boundaries that have been arranged in the Qur'an. Tolerant values ​​are explained in Q.S. al-Baqoroh: 256. This article about the concept of tolerance in the Qur'an, that in terms of worship and aqeedah there is no tolerance. Because in terms of aqeedah that is absolute. Therefore, cases that can injure aqeedah should be avoided. The context of tolerance between religions here is free to worship according to the beliefs of each. There is no mutual prohibition in carrying out their worsip. Tolerance will overestimate mutual respect and cooperation between religious communities. Religious tolerance causes believers in God. Different people can live and coexist with each other safely and peacefully so that harmony is created. In understanding verses in the Qur’an well, then the interpretation is the main key to achieving it. At the end of the 20 Mcentury an exegete from Egypt was born. He is Imam Mutawalli al-Sya’rawi with a wll known interpretation of Sya’rawi

    Strategi Pertahanan Negara dalam Mengamankan Wilayah Perbatasan di Indonesia (Studi Kasus Perbatasan Indonesia-RDTL)

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    This article describes the condition of the Indonesia-RDTL (Timor Leste) border area, starting from the history of attempts to secede from the Indonesian state, to the threats faced by Indonesia, especially the border communities in facing the worst possibilities that could occur between the two countries. Threats faced by Indonesia include military threats and non-military threats. In general, Indonesia's military strength is far superior in terms of personnel and defense equipment, while in dealing with non-military threats, the threats faced include refugees to smuggling, both narcotics smuggling and illegal firearms smuggling. The defense strategy to the policies implemented by the government are different in dealing with each threat. Policies in the form of adding security posts to improving the quality of personnel are government policy steps in dealing with military threats, while in dealing with non-military threats, policy steps taken by the government include repatriation to resettlement and improving people's living standards. In conclusion, the defense strategy and policies adopted by the government in securing the Indonesia-East Timor border area are a long-term and sustainable strategy to provide a sense of security for all Indonesian people, especially the people in the border areas


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    ABSTRAKKonservasi mineral akan tercapai manakala semakin banyak cadangan mineral tertambang dan meninggalkan sesedikit mungkin material waste. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut salah satu cara yang dapat ditempuh adalah menentukan jumlah cadangan berdasarkan kadar batas yang optimal (optimum cut-off grade). Dalam penentuan optimum cut-off grade, model matematis yang dapat dipergunakan adalah model/persamaan Lane. Metode Lane akan memaksimalkan nilai Net Present Value (NPV) dengan mempertimbangkan 3 variabel, yaitu; variabel ekonomi (harga komoditas dan biaya), distribusi kadar pada endapan, dan kapasitas maksimum pada tahapan penambangan (mining, milling, and refinery). Model Lane biasa diterapkan dalam tambang terbuka, namun dalam penambangan bawah tanah sulit untuk diterapkan. Dalam peper ini akan dikaji penerapan Model Lane dalam penentuan optimum cut-off grade pada penambangan urat (vein) emas bawah tanah dengan metode cut-and-fill. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan nilai optimum cut-off grade yang dinamis dalam memaksimalkan NPV dan nilainya lebih besar dari break even cut-off grade.Kata Kunci: model Lane, optimum cut-off grade, tambang bawah tanah ABSTRACTMineral conservation will be obtained if more mineral reserves are extracted and leaves less waste as possible. One of the methods to achieve those condition is determining the total minable reserves based on the optimum cut-off grade. Optimum cut-off grade can be estimated using Lane Model. Lane Model will maximize the Net Present Value (NPV) by considering 3 variables, i.e; economic variables (commodity prices and costs), grade distribution of deposit, and maximum capacity of each stage of production (mining, milling, and refinery). Lane models are usually applied in open-pit mines, unfortunately it is difficult to apply for underground mining unless some there are some modifications. This paper will examine the application of the Lane Model in determining the optimum cut-off grade in underground gold mine using cut-and-fill method to extract vein type deposit. Simulation result show dynamic optimum cut-off grade which maximizing NPV and generally greater than the break-even cut-off grade.Key Words: Lane model, optimum cut-off grade, underground mine

    The Impact of Social, Economic and Cultural Factors on Food Consumption Patterns in Oemasi Village, Kupang District

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    The consumption pattern is one of the direct factors of nutritional status. The amount, type, and frequency of daily food consumption could affect intelligence, body resistance to diseases, and work productivity. This study analyzed the influence of socio-economic and cultural factors on food consumption patterns. This study used a cross-sectional design with 139 homemakers selected using the simple random sampling technique. The research was conducted in Oemasi Village, Nekamese Sub-District, Kupang District, from March to April 2020. The statistical test used was a multiple logistic regression test with alpha= 0.05. The research found that mother's education (p-value = 0.025) and family income (p-value = 0.003) affected food consumption patterns (p-value = 0.025, 0.003, consecutively), while mother's occupation, the number of household members, dietary restrictions, staple food preferences, and feeding priority had no effect on food consumption patterns (p-value =0.70, 0.63, 0.34, 1.08, and 0.85, respectively). Health workers should regularly educate local people about the importance of good and healthy food consumption patterns

    Mapping challenges in developing sustainable small and medium industries: integrating lean and green principles

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    Purpose: This study explores the complexity of developing a sustainable small and medium industry (SMI) through a conceptual model that integrates lean and green manufacturing principles. Design/methodology/approach: This model includes a systems diagram that illustrates the structure of the interconnected variable and the interrelationships between goals, inputs, processes, and outputs required to achieve a system’s goals by using both lean and green principles. The diagram uses causal loop diagram logic from systems thinking based on the literature review, multi-actor analysis, observations, and focus group discussions. Findings: Combining the efficiency benefits from lean principles and better environmental effectiveness from green principles would help to achieve sustainability. A conceptual structural map could support the integration processes by illustrating the variables, multi-actors, and multi-indicators required to achieve sustainability. Research limitations/implications: The conceptual model highlights the necessary linkage between lean and green practices that would help SMI researchers and decision-makers to navigate their activities inachieving sustainability. Originality/value: There is currently little discussion at the SMI level from a multi-actor perspective. The systems diagram offers a comprehensive picture that is the basis for further discussion of the complexity of integrating lean and green principlesPeer Reviewe

    Effect of the Administration of Aloe Vera Gel Extract on the Healing TIME of Nipple Wound in Breastfeeding Mothers.

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    The benefits of breast milk are so great, but not many mothers are willing to give exclusive breastfeeding. Problems that often occur in breastfeeding mothers are improper breastfeeding techniques resulting in nipple wound. One of the non-pharmacological efforts to deal with wound nipples is aloe vera. Aloe vera is a plant that has been studied to accelerate wound healing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the administration of aloe vera gel extract on the healing time of nipple wound in breastfeeding mothers. The research design used was quasi-experimental with a post-test only non equivalent control group study design. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling with a sample of 50 postpartum mothers divided into a control group and an experimental group. Analysis of statistical tests used by Chi Square. The results of the study were 23 people in the control group included in the normal category, while in the experimental group 22 people were included in the Fast healing category.. The results of statistical tests obtained a value of p value of 0,000. The conclusion is the effect of aloe vera gel on the healing time of blisters nipples

    Reviewing Dassault-Rafale and its Technology for Indonesian Defense

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    Abstract— The production of defense equipment, especially combat aircraft, is currently the focus of various countries in the world. Dassault Aviation as one of the influential manufacturers in the air defense industry, offers its flagship product Rafale with qualified specifications such as the SPECTRA electronic defense system which is capable of 360° detection and action as well as its AESA Radar specification which is capable of detecting and searching for all aspects, tracking various targets. air in close combat, in all weather conditions. Indonesia's geographical conditions are vast and are in a tropical climate with quite dynamic hydrometeorological conditions. The AESA Radar system on the Rafale is capable of all-round detection, tracking various air targets in close combat, in all weather conditions