10 research outputs found

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Circle of Security Virginia - Familiemodellen (COS-VF, 2. utg.)

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    Source at https://ungsinn.no/post_tiltak_arkiv/circle-of-security-virginia-familiemodellen-cos-vf-2-utg/.BAKGRUNN - Circle of security (COS), eller Trygghetssirkelen på norsk, er en gruppe intervensjoner utviklet for å fremme god tilknytning mellom foreldre og barn. Intervensjonene retter seg primært mot foreldrenes evne til å forstå barnets grunnleggende behov for trygghet, tilhørighet og autonomi slik at barnets trygghetsfølelse og selvforståelse øker. Denne artikkelen beskriver Circle of Security (COS) Virginia – Familiemodellen (COS-VF), som er en terapeutisk intervensjon rettet mot enkelt-familier. Tiltaket kan brukes når barn har utviklet, eller er i risiko for å utvikle, tilknytningsproblematikk. Tiltaket driftes av Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse Øst og Sør (RBUP Øst og Sør). METODE - Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger på et systematisk litteratursøk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. Det er også søkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens, samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. Litteratursøk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgått for å identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. RESULTATER - Resultatene består av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende studier og implementeringskvalitet. COS-VF vurderes som et tilfredsstillende beskrevet tiltak med en god teoretisk forankring. Det finnes derimot ingen nordiske studier eller internasjonale kunnskapsoppsummeringer der effektene av tiltaket er undersøkt. Dette innebærer at det er usikkert hvilken virkning tiltaket faktisk har med tanke på å kunne forbedre samspillsmønstre og fremme trygg tilknytning. Tiltaket har en god implementeringsstrategi som sannsynliggjør at tiltaket tilbys slik det er tenkt i tjenestene. KONKLUSJON - COS-VF klassifiseres på evidensnivå 2 – Teoretisk begrunnede tiltak

    Early intervention program reduces stress in parents of preterms during childhood, a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: It is well documented that heightened levels of parenting stress have a negative influence on children’s socio-emotional and behavioral development. Parenting stress may therefore be regarded as an outcome variable in its own right. This study investigated whether a sensitizing intervention influences stress reported by parents of prematurely born children until the children were age nine. Methods: Preterm infants (N =146, birth weight <2,000 g) were randomized to intervention (N =72) with the Mother-Infant Transaction Program (MITP) or a preterm control group (N =74) that received standard hospital care. A term reference group comprised 75 healthy, full-term neonates. Parents reported on the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) when the children were 6 months, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 years old and on the PSI-Short Form (PSI-SF) at age 9. Main outcomes were the mother’s and father’s reports of total, child and parent-related stress. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses were performed using linear mixed models (LMM), taking dependency in the data caused by twin pairs and repeated measures into account. Response rates were high across all follow-ups, and still reached 85% from mothers and 72% from fathers at 9 years. Results: Mothers in the intervention group reported better longitudinal development of child-related stress than mothers of preterm controls, as they perceived their children as being more adaptable and less moody throughout childhood until the age of seven. Less stress in the intervention group was revealed by cross-sectional analysis of maternal reports at all ages, while fathers reported similar differences at ages three and five. Parents in the intervention group reported stronger agreement on several stress scores on several occasions. Fathers with high interventional participation (mean 54%) reported significantly less stress at age nine than those who participated less. Both parents in the intervention group reported levels of stress similar to those experienced by the term reference group at all follow-ups, while differences between the preterm control and term reference groups increased. Conclusions: This early intervention reduces stress among parents of prematurely born children to a level reported by parents of term-born children and enhances agreement between parents

    Early intervention influences positively quality of life as reported by prematurely born children at age nine and their parents; a randomized clinical trial

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    License: Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).Background: The Tromsø Intervention Study on Preterms evaluates an early, sensitizing intervention given to parents of prematurely born children (birth-weight < 2000 g). The current study investigated the potential influence of the intervention on children’s self-reported and parental proxy-reported quality of life (QoL) at children’s age of nine. Methods: Participants were randomized to either intervention (PI, n = 72) or preterm control (PC, n = 74) in the neonatal care unit, while healthy term-born infants were recruited to a term reference group (TR, n = 75). The intervention was a modified version of the Mother-Infant Transaction Program, and comprised eight one-hour sessions during the last week before discharge and four home visits at 1, 2, 4 and 12 weeks post-discharge. The two control groups received care in accordance with written guidelines drawn up at the hospital. Participants and parents reported QoL independently on the Kinder Lebensqualität Fragebogen (KINDL) questionnaire. Differences between groups were analyzed by SPSS; Linear Mixed Models and parent–child agreement were analyzed and compared by intra-class correlations within each group. Results: On average, children in all groups reported high levels of well-being. The PI children reported better physical well-being than the PC children (p = 0.002). In all other aspects of QoL both the PI and the PC children reported at similar levels as the term reference group. PI parents reported better emotional wellbeing (p = 0.05) and a higher level of contentment in school (p = 0.003) compared with PC parents. Parent–child agreement was significantly weaker in the PI group than in the PC group on dimensions such as emotional well-being and relationships with friends (p < 0.05). PI parents reported QoL similar to parents of terms on all aspects except the subscale self-esteem, while PC parents generally reported moderately lower QoL than TR parents. Conclusions: This early intervention appears to have generated long-lasting positive effects, improving perceived physical well-being among prematurely born children and parent’s perception of these children’s QoL in middle childhood

    Early Intervention in Families with Preterm Infants: A Review of Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial Following Children Up to 9 Years of Age

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    The Troms&oslash; Intervention Study on Preterms (TISP) randomized 146 preterm born children (&lt;2000 g) either to the Mother-Infant Transaction Program-Modified (MITP-M, n = 72) or to a preterm control group (n = 74). In addition, 75 full-term babies were followed up until 9 years of age. TISP was conducted at the University Hospital Northern Norway (UNN) and only infants who did not have congenital anomalies and families where the mothers&rsquo; native language was Norwegian were included. The study investigates the effect of MITP-M on cognitive and social development including behavioral problems, quality of life and stress in the family. The results have so far been published in various journals. The aim of this article is to give a comprehensive overall presentation of the main findings and discuss implications for clinical practice and further research. Parents in the intervention group were superior in &ldquo;reading&rdquo; their infants&rsquo; temperament, and at 3, 5 and 7 years of age the intervention group scored significantly higher on well-known tests of cognitive outcome. At 9 years of age, the intervention group had fewer attentional problems, better school achievements and a better quality of life. From the first year onwards, mothers and fathers in the intervention group reported lower levels of stress than parents of in the preterm control group

    Kunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket: Circle of Security Virginia – Gruppemodellen (COS-VG) (2. utg.)

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    BAKGRUNN - Circle of Security (COS), eller Trygghetssirkelen på norsk, er en gruppe intervensjoner utviklet for å fremme god tilknytning mellom foreldre og barn. Intervensjonene retter seg primært mot foreldrenes evne til å forstå barnets grunnleggende behov for trygghet, tilhørighet og autonomi slik at barnets trygghetsfølelse og selvforståelse øker. Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen beskriver Circle of Security Virginia – Gruppemodellen (COS-VG), som er en forebyggende gruppeintervensjon rettet mot foreldre. Tiltaket kan tilbys familier med barn i mild til moderat risiko for å utvikle tilknytningsproblematikk. Tiltaket har inntil nylig blitt driftet av Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse Øst og Sør (RBUP Øst og Sør). På grunn av manglende forskningsbelegg og fravær av forskningsmidler tilbyr RBUP Øst og Sør ikke lenger opplæring i COS-VG. METODE -Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger på et systematisk litteratursøk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS, CINAHL og SweMed. Det er også søkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. Litteratursøk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgått for å identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. RESULTATER - Resultatene består av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende studier og implementeringskvalitet. COS-VG vurderes som godt beskrevet tiltak med en god teoretisk forankring. Det finnes derimot ingen nordiske studier eller internasjonale kunnskapsoppsummeringer som har undersøkt effekten av tiltaket. Det er dermed usikker hvilken virkning tiltaket faktisk har med tanke på å kunne fremme trygg tilknytning. KONKLUSJON - COS-VG klassifiseres på evidensnivå 2 – Teoretisk begrunnet tiltak. Innlednin

    Адаптивная физическая культура для детей с расстройством аутистического спектра как средство развития крупной моторики: магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 49.04.01 - Физическая культура

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    BAKGRUNN - Circle of Security (COS), eller Trygghetssirkelen på norsk, er en gruppe intervensjoner utviklet for å fremme god tilknytning mellom foreldre og barn. Intervensjonene retter seg primært mot foreldrenes evne til å forstå barnets grunnleggende behov for trygghet, tilhørighet og autonomi slik at barnets trygghetsfølelse og selvforståelse øker. Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen beskriver Circle of Security Virginia – Gruppemodellen (COS-VG), som er en forebyggende gruppeintervensjon rettet mot foreldre. Tiltaket kan tilbys familier med barn i mild til moderat risiko for å utvikle tilknytningsproblematikk. Tiltaket har inntil nylig blitt driftet av Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse Øst og Sør (RBUP Øst og Sør). På grunn av manglende forskningsbelegg og fravær av forskningsmidler tilbyr RBUP Øst og Sør ikke lenger opplæring i COS-VG. METODE -Denne kunnskapsoppsummeringen bygger på et systematisk litteratursøk i databasene Embase, Medline og Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS, CINAHL og SweMed. Det er også søkt i internasjonale kunnskapsdatabaser om evidens samt innhentet informasjon om tiltaket fra tiltakseier. Litteratursøk og annen innhentet informasjon ble gjennomgått for å identifisere nordiske effektstudier, internasjonale oppsummeringsstudier og eventuelt andre norske studier om tiltaket. RESULTATER - Resultatene består av en vurdering av tiltakets beskrivelse, foreliggende studier og implementeringskvalitet. COS-VG vurderes som godt beskrevet tiltak med en god teoretisk forankring. Det finnes derimot ingen nordiske studier eller internasjonale kunnskapsoppsummeringer som har undersøkt effekten av tiltaket. Det er dermed usikker hvilken virkning tiltaket faktisk har med tanke på å kunne fremme trygg tilknytning. KONKLUSJON - COS-VG klassifiseres på evidensnivå 2 – Teoretisk begrunnet tiltak. Innlednin

    The Associations Between Math Achievement and Perceived Relationships in School Among High Intelligent Versus Average Adolescents

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    Research regarding highly intelligent adolescents in Scandinavia is scarce. We know little about highly intelligent adolescents’ experiences with the school-system and how they experience their social relationships and relationships with their teachers. We used survey and test data from approximately 16,000 respondents from the Norwegian Armed Forces to investigate reported math grades and their potential associations with gender, teacher relations, and social relations with peers. Furthermore, we explored whether intelligence moderated these associations. Intelligence and teacher relations were positively associated with math grades, social relations were negatively associated with math grades, and the association was more negative for students with higher intelligence scores. The association with gender was moderated by intelligence. Among the students with higher intelligence scores, girls reported higher math scores than boys. Intelligence did not moderate the association between teacher relations and math scores, indicating that the teacher relationship is the same across all levels of intelligence. © 2018 Taylor & Franci

    The Associations Between Math Achievement and Perceived Relationships in School Among High Intelligent Versus Average Adolescents

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    Research regarding highly intelligent adolescents in Scandinavia is scarce. We know little about highly intelligent adolescents’ experiences with the school-system and how they experience their social relationships and relationships with their teachers. We used survey and test data from approximately 16,000 respondents from the Norwegian Armed Forces to investigate reported math grades and their potential associations with gender, teacher relations, and social relations with peers. Furthermore, we explored whether intelligence moderated these associations. Intelligence and teacher relations were positively associated with math grades, social relations were negatively associated with math grades, and the association was more negative for students with higher intelligence scores. The association with gender was moderated by intelligence. Among the students with higher intelligence scores, girls reported higher math scores than boys. Intelligence did not moderate the association between teacher relations and math scores, indicating that the teacher relationship is the same across all levels of intelligence