6 research outputs found

    Student diversity and student voice conceptualisations in five European countries: Implications for including all students in schools

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    This article analyses the ways in which notions of student diversity and student voice are defined in five European countries, two terms directly related to notions of inclusion. In so doing, it examines links between the two terms, noting that, often, they are used in international research without acknowledging the ways that they are defined within particular national contexts. Using literature and policy documents from five countries (i.e. Austria, Denmark, England, Portugal and Spain), the article highlights similarities as well as differences in the various contexts. Through the analysis of these texts, the paper concludes that diversity is conceptualised in five ways, although there is occasionally overlap of different conceptualisations in some of the countries. Meanwhile, the term 'student voice' is a term that is not used in some of the countries' policies. Instead, other terms that relate to student voice, such as 'participation', are used. The paper discusses the implications of these varied understandings for the promotion of the inclusion of all students in schools.Erasmus+ Key Action 2, School Education Strategic Partnerships 2017-1-UK01-KA201-036665info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Student diversity and student voice conceptualisations in five European countries: Implications for including all students in schools

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    This article analyses the ways in which notions of student diversity and student voice are defined in five European countries, two terms directly related to notions of inclusion. In so doing, it examines links between the two terms, noting that, often, they are used in international research without acknowledging the ways that they are defined within particular national contexts. Using literature and policy documents from five countries (i.e. Austria, Denmark, England, Portugal and Spain), the article highlights similarities as well as differences in the various contexts. Through the analysis of these texts, the paper concludes that diversity is conceptualised in five ways, although there is occasionally overlap of different conceptualisations in some of the countries. Meanwhile, the term ‘student voice’ is a term that is not used in some of the countries’ policies. Instead, other terms that relate to student voice, such as ‘participation’, are used. The paper discusses the implications of these varied understandings for the promotion of the inclusion of all students in schools

    Undervisningsdifferentiering i dansk og matematik i 5. klasse – med fokus på elever med særlige behov: Vol. 1

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    En af de mest markante udfordringer, som lærere møder i deres respektive klasser, er en øget mangfoldighed i elevgruppen, hvad angår måder at lære på. Det stiller lærerne over for store udfordringer i forhold til at differentiere undervisningen, hvad angår skolens og klasserummets fysiske rammer, sociale organiseringer, fagligt indhold, undervisningsmaterialernes art og sværhedsgrader, arbejdsformer, tempo etc. Lærerne kan således differentiere i forhold til, hvad eleven skal lære, dvs. indholdet, hvordan eleven skal lære, dvs. processen, eller resultatet, dvs. hvad eleven giver udtryk for at have lært.Projektet ’Undervisningsdifferentiering med fokus på elever med særlige behov’ er gennemført i håbet om at kunne inspirere lærere og lærerstuderende til at udvikle skolens praksis i en mere undervisningsdifferentieret retning. Derfor er der lagt vægt på en webbaseret formidling af resultater og erfaringer fra projektet, som skolens aktører og andre interesserede let kan få adgang til via en temahjemmeside på www.Inklusionsudvikling.d

    Komparativ undersøgelse af læreres tilegnelse af specialpædagogiske kompetencer gennem uddannelse (Danmark, Canada/Ontario, Finland, og Sverige): Rapport til Formandskabet for Skolerådet

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    Denne komparative undersøgelse af læreres tilegnelse af specialpædagogiske kompetencer gennem uddannelse i Danmark, Canada/Ontario, Finland og Sverige er gennemført i 2012 på foranledning af Formandskabet for Skolerådet. Studiet er gennemført i perioden marts‐november 2012 af et forskerteam ved Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet (DPU). Dette team har fået hjælp til opgaven af en videnskabelig følgegruppe samt repræsentanter fra de involverede uddannelsesinstitutioner i de fire lande. Undersøgelsen er en totalundersøgelse, dvs. en undersøgelse af samtlige grund- og efteruddannelsessteder i Danmark, Canada/Ontario, Sverige og Finland

    Systematiseret klassekammerathjælp i natur/teknologi: - En materiel-dialogisk tilgang

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    Abstract: Systematiseret klassekammerathjælp (SYKL) er en dialog- og undersøgelsesbaseret undervisningsform. Denne artikel formidler udvalgte resultater fra et treårigt forskningsprojekt hvor SYKL bl.a. er afprøvet i natur/teknologi. Artiklens analyse baserer sig på videoobservationer af elevdialoger og undersøger hvordan eleverne bruger artefakter og gestik som ressourcer i interaktionen. Analysen viser hvordan artefakter og gestik 1) skaber et fælles fokus, 2) understøtter haptisk perception, 3) bruges i medieringen af indhold i tillæg til tale og 4) fungerer som talestok og understøtter turtagning. Artiklen foreslår afslutningsvis at betydningen af det materielle bør ses som et nøgleaspekt ved undervisningsformer som SYKL

    Student diversity and student voice conceptualisations in five European countries: implications for including all students in schools

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    This article analyses the ways in which notions of student diversity and student voice are defined in five European countries, two terms directly related to notions of inclusion. In so doing, it examines links between the two terms, noting that, often, they are used in international research without acknowledging the ways they are defined within particular national contexts. Using literature and policy documents from five countries (i.e. Austria, Denmark, England, Portugal and Spain), the article highlights similarities as well as differences in the various contexts. Through the analysis of these texts, the paper concludes that diversity is conceptualised in five ways, although there is occasionally overlap of different conceptualisations in some of the countries. Meanwhile, the term ‘student voice’ is a term that is not used in some of the countries’ policies. Instead, other terms that relate to student voice, such as ‘participation’, are used. The paper discusses the implications of these varied understandings for the promotion of the inclusion of all students in schools