11 research outputs found

    Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with platelet-rich plasma on diabetic wounds: an experimental rat model

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    Introduction: Hyperbaric oxygen and platelet-rich plasma are used in the treatment of diabetic wounds. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and autologous platelet concentrates in healing diabetic wounds. Material and methods: Thirty-six female Wistar albino rats were used in this study. Diabetes mellitus was induced chemically with an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. The rats were divided into a control group, a hyperbaric oxygen group, a platelet-rich plasma group, and a combined therapy group. Platelet-rich plasma was applied just after the creation of the wound; hyperbaric oxygen treatment was carried out daily over 7 days. Wound healing was evaluated according to four parameters: ulcerations, epidermal thickness, density of dermal collagen fibers, and proliferation of dermal blood vessels. Results: The number of active ulcers in the combined therapy group was fewer than in the control group (p = 0.039), and the wound area was greatest in controls (p < 0.001). The epidermal thickness in platelet-rich plasma and combined therapy groups was non-significantly greater than in the control group (p = 0.097 and p = 0.074, respectively). The amount of fibrous collagen in these two groups was greater than in the control group (p = 0.002). Conclusions: Combined hyperbaric oxygen and platelet-rich plasma therapy was found to be successful in diabetic wound healing. The combination therapy had no additive effect in terms of angiogenesis and the development of new collagen fibers

    Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver

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    Mezenkimal hamartom, karaciğerin nadir görülen benign lezyonlarından biridir. Sıklıkla yaşamın ilk iki yılında, büyük abdominal kitle olarak ortaya çıkar. Daha çok sağ lobda görülen bu lezyonlar, gelişimsel bir anomali ya da reaktif bir değişiklik olarak kabul edilir. Karın sağ tarafında kitle yakınması ile getirilen, 14 aylık kız çocuk sağ adrenal glandda kitle ön tanısı ile operasyona alındı ve operasyon sırasında karaciğer sağ lobda 16 cm. çaplarında lezyon görüldü. Lezyondan alınan biyopsi materyalinin histopatolojik incelemesinde, miksomatöz stroma içinde yer alan duktus yapıları ve hepatosit adalarından oluşan iyi sınırlı tümöral gelişim izlendi. İmmunohistokimyasal boyamalarda, bu duktus yapılarının keratin ve vimentin ile pozitif boyandığı saptandı. Lezyon mezenkimal hamartom olarak değerlendirildi. Olgu nadir görülmesi nedeniyle sunuldu.Mesenchymal hamartoma is a rare benign lesion of liver. The most common presentation is big abdominal mass in the first 2 years of life. Mostly these lesions are seen in the right lob. Hamartoma is thought to be a developmental abnormality or reactive change. Fourteen months old female child was referred to our hospital and she underwent surgical treatment for the diagnosis of right adrenal gland mass. At surgery, the mass was 16 cm. in diameter in the right lobe of liver. Histhopathological examinations of the tissue revealed a lesion with a well defined borders. The tumor was consist of some islands of hepatocytes and ductal structures which were embedded in myxomatous stroma. Immunohistochemical stains showed positively for cytokeratin and vimentin in the ductal structures. In the light of these features the diagnosis was mesenchymal hamartoma. Because of its rarity, the case was presente


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    Aktinomikoz, çoğunlukla boyunda, bazen de akciğer ve abdomende lokalize olan nadir görülen, kronik süpüratif bir enfeksiyon hastalığıdır. Enfeksiyona sıklık|a Actinomyces israelii sebep olmaktadır. Tanı organizmanın dokudaki karakteristik histolojik görüntüsü veya anaerobik kültürle konmaktadır. Aktinomikoz enfeksiyonu makroskopik olarak, gri beyaz sarı renkte apse odakları ve yumuşak nekrotik odaklar içeren yoğun fibrozise neden olur. Mikroskopik incelemede ise polimorf nüveli lökositlerle çevriIi koyu eosinofilik granüler amorf cisimler, aktinomikozu akla getirir. Olgularımız, abdominal kitle ve akut batın nedeniyle acil olarak opere edilen iki kadın hastaydı. Her iki olgu klinik özellikleriyle malign tümör olarak değerlendirilmiş olmasına karşın histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda aktinomikoz enfeksiyonuyla uyumlu kronik süpüratif inflamasyon tanısı aldı. Nadir oluşu ve malign tümör olarak hatalı tanı alma ihtimali nedeniyle iki abdominal aktinomikoz vakası literatür eşliğinde sunuldu.</p

    Blaşko çizgisini takip eden lineer sklerodermalı bir vaka

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    Linear scleroderma is a rare variant of localized scleroderma typically seen in children and localized in the extremities. A 21-year-old female patient had a well-defined, hyper-pigmented, sclerotic plaque on right half of the frontal trunk, starting from the breast and arcing up to the right arm, then continuing linearly with anti-nuclear antibody positivity in her laboratory results. Histopathology was compatible with scleroderma. She was diagnosed linear scleroderma. There is an ongoing argument on whether localized scleroderma follows Blaschko's lines or not. By presenting this case, we aimed to contribute to literature claiming that localized scleroderma may follow Blaschko's lines. © 2012 Düzce Medical Journal

    Memenin Karsinosarkomu-İmmünhistokimyasal ve Ultrastrüktürel inceleme (Olgu Sunumu}

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    Memenin karsinosarkomları malign epitelyal ve mezenşimal elemanlardan yapIlı nadir bir tümördür. 50 yaşındaki bayan hastadan alınan sol mastektomimateryalinde üst dış kadrana yerleşen, 10 cm çapta, keskin sınırlı, kesit yüzü kabarık, çevreye göre sertçe kıvamda, kirli beyaz renkte, ortası kanamalı nodülerkitle görüldü Histokimyasal, immünohistokimyasal boyama metodlarıyla ve elektron mikroskopla incelendi. Histolojik kesitlerde tümörün karsinomatöz adalar ve bol sarkomatöz alanlar olmak üzere iki komponentten meydana gelmiş olduğu görüldü. Retiküler demetlerin epitelyal alanlarda tümöral hücreleri gruplar halinde, diğer alanlarda tek tek sardığı saptandı. Pan-keratin pozitifliği, epitelyal tümör hücrelerinde mevcutken sarkomatöz hücrelerde yoktu. Tümörün her iki komponentine aithücrelerin hiçbirisinde vimentin, desmin ve aktin saptanmadı. Ancak, sarkomatöz alanlarında daha fazla olmak üzere tümöral hücrelerde alfa-1 antitripsin pozitifliği mevcuttu. Elektron mikroskopla incelendiğinde tümör hücrelerinin bazılarının epitelyal, bazılarının ise mezenşimal nitelikte olduğu dikkati çekmekteydi. Bu özelliklerle olgu karsinosarkom olarak yorumlandı ve nadir görülmesi nedeniyle literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışıldı.</p

    Solid Organ Metastazlı Abdominal Malign Mezotelyoma Olgusu (Dokukimyasal, immun dokukimyasal ve elektron mikroskopik özellikleri)

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    Giriş: Malign mezotelyoma; pleural veya peritoneal kaviteyi tutan, sıklıkla yetişkinde görülen, nadir olarak uzak organ ," lenf nodu metastazını yapan bir neoplazmdır. Bizim olgumuzu solid organ metastazı yapması nedeniyle yayınladık.Olgu sunumu: Yaklaşık 5 aydır karında şişlik, karın ve kasık ağrısı şikayetleri bulunan 45 yaşındaki bayan hastanın u|trasonografik ve tomografik tetkikleri sonucu karaciğerde 26x48 mm. çapında solid nodül ve peritonda multipl tümör odakları tespit edilmiştir. Peritonitis karsinomatoza ön tanısı ile operasyona alınmıştır. Operasyon sonucunda bilateral overler, omentum ve peritoneal tümör odakları eksize edilmiştir. lşık mikroskopik incelemesinde; irili ufaklı adalar oluşturmuş, fokal alanlarda alveoler yapılar yapan tümöral oIuşum izlenmiştir. lmmun dokukimyasa| incelemede tümör hücreleri keratin, EMA ve vimentin ile olumlu (+), CEA, S-100, aktin ve desmin ile olumsuz (-) olarak boyanmıştır. Dokukimyasal incelemelerde PAS ve PAS+AB ile boyanma olmamıştır. Elektron mikroskopik incelemede; birbiri i|e sıkı iIişkideki hücreler arasında çok sayıda desmozomlar, hücre sitoplazmasında gelişmiş organellerin yanısıra demetler halinde ya da belirgin bir organizasyon göstermeyen tonofilamentler kimi hücrelerde de mikrovilli formasyonu gözlenmiştir.Sonuç: Olgu; malign mesotelyomanın karaciğer ve overlere invazyonunun oldukça nadir gözlenmesi nedeniyle, literatürtür eşliğinde immun dokukimyasal ve ultrastrüktürel özellikleri gözden geçiriIerek değerlendirilmiştir.</p

    Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with platelet-rich plasma on diabetic wounds: an experimental rat model

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    INTRODUCTION: Hyperbaric oxygen and platelet-rich plasma are used in the treatment of diabetic wounds. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and autologous platelet concentrates in healing diabetic wounds. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty-six female Wistar albino rats were used in this study. Diabetes mellitus was induced chemically with an intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. The rats were divided into a control group, a hyperbaric oxygen group, a platelet-rich plasma group, and a combined therapy group. Platelet-rich plasma was applied just after the creation of the wound; hyperbaric oxygen treatment was carried out daily over 7 days. Wound healing was evaluated according to four parameters: ulcerations, epidermal thickness, density of dermal collagen fibers, and proliferation of dermal blood vessels. RESULTS: The number of active ulcers in the combined therapy group was fewer than in the control group (p = 0.039), and the wound area was greatest in controls (p < 0.001). The epidermal thickness in platelet-rich plasma and combined therapy groups was non-significantly greater than in the control group (p = 0.097 and p = 0.074, respectively). The amount of fibrous collagen in these two groups was greater than in the control group (p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Combined hyperbaric oxygen and platelet-rich plasma therapy was found to be successful in diabetic wound healing. The combination therapy had no additive effect in terms of angiogenesis and the development of new collagen fibers

    Enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) expression in synovial sarcomas as a promising indicator of prognosis

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    Synovial sarcoma (SS) is a type of soft-tissue sarcoma, often linked to poor survival. Although overexpression of enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) has been associated with poor prognosis in different tumors, a few studies investigated this link in SS. Here, we analyzed the relationship between EZH2 expression and prognostic factors in SS. We included 29 patients with SS. Immunostaining of EZH2 was performed with (D2C9) XPTM Rabbit mAb antibody, and the results were classified as low EZH2 expression (negative or weak expression) and high EZH2 expression category (moderate or strong expression). Analysis of survival in relation to prognostic factors was performed with Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazard regression analysis. Our sample included 19/29 female and 10/29 male patients, with age range 16-63 years. The tumor diameter ranged from 2 to 15 cm. Necrosis was observed in 15/29 cases. Sixteen cases had >10 mitoses per 50 high-power fields (HPFs). Out of 29 cases, 14 showed low and 15 had high EZH2 expression. Statistically significant results were obtained for the association between the presence of metastasis and necrosis (p = 0.042), high EZH2 expression and distant metastasis (p = 0.018), high EZH2 expression and necrosis (p = 0.016), and high EZH2 expression and the tumor size >5 cm versus tumor size ≤5 cm (p = 0.014). Patients with all of the following: the tumor size ≤5 cm, low EZH2 expression, and without necrosis and distant metastasis had significantly longer survival time. Our results are consistent with previous studies, suggesting that EZH2 overexpression is an indicator of poor prognosis in SS