21 research outputs found

    Internasjonalisering av telesektoren : generelle lærdommer og spesielle utfordringer for Telenor

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    Notatet beskriver og analyserer strategiske og organisasjonsmessig utfordringer i forbindelse med internasjonalisering av teleselskap generelt og Telenor spesielt. Siden internasjonalisering av telesektoren er av nyere dato, har vi måttet trekke på perspektiver og erfaringer fra andre næringer enn telenæringen. Av denne litteraturen framgår det at selskapenes internasjonale strategi og struktur avhenger av egenskaper ved selskapets mest kritiske ressurser, hvor disse ressursene er lokalisert, og hvordan disse har utviklet seg i samspill med selskapenes egen utvikling av internasjonal strategi og struktur. I notatet har vi også antydet at utvikling av internasjonale strategier og strukturer innenfor telesektoren går i flere retninger samtidig. Samtidig som vi ser en økende tendens til dannelse av mer internasjonalt diversifiserte teleselskap gjennom fusjoner og oppkjøp, ser vi også en økende tendens til etablering av spesialiserte nettoperatører som bare tilbyr nettkapasitet, og tjenesteleverandører som hovedsakelig leverer tjenester produsert med andre operatørers infrastruktur. Hvilke teknologier og kompetanser som blir mest kritiske for utvikling av varige konkurransefortrinn, og hvilke lokaliseringer, strategier og strukturer som vil bety mest for utvikling av selskapenes konkurransefortrinn, er ennå ikke helt avklart. Avhengig av hvordan teknologi, regulering og markeder utvikler seg, kan flere utviklingslinjer (scenarier) tenkes

    Internasjonalisering av telesektoren : generelle lærdommer og spesielle utfordringer for Telenor

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    Notatet beskriver og analyserer strategiske og organisasjonsmessig utfordringer i forbindelse med internasjonalisering av teleselskap generelt og Telenor spesielt. Siden internasjonalisering av telesektoren er av nyere dato, har vi måttet trekke på perspektiver og erfaringer fra andre næringer enn telenæringen. Av denne litteraturen framgår det at selskapenes internasjonale strategi og struktur avhenger av egenskaper ved selskapets mest kritiske ressurser, hvor disse ressursene er lokalisert, og hvordan disse har utviklet seg i samspill med selskapenes egen utvikling av internasjonal strategi og struktur. I notatet har vi også antydet at utvikling av internasjonale strategier og strukturer innenfor telesektoren går i flere retninger samtidig. Samtidig som vi ser en økende tendens til dannelse av mer internasjonalt diversifiserte teleselskap gjennom fusjoner og oppkjøp, ser vi også en økende tendens til etablering av spesialiserte nettoperatører som bare tilbyr nettkapasitet, og tjenesteleverandører som hovedsakelig leverer tjenester produsert med andre operatørers infrastruktur. Hvilke teknologier og kompetanser som blir mest kritiske for utvikling av varige konkurransefortrinn, og hvilke lokaliseringer, strategier og strukturer som vil bety mest for utvikling av selskapenes konkurransefortrinn, er ennå ikke helt avklart. Avhengig av hvordan teknologi, regulering og markeder utvikler seg, kan flere utviklingslinjer (scenarier) tenkes

    Functional-level transformation in multi-domestic MNCs: transforming local purchasing into globally integrated purchasing integrated purchasing

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    This paper revisits Bartlett and Ghoshal’s transnational theory of the MNC in relation to multi-domestic MNCs. We argue that the aggregate level of analysis adopted by Bartlett and Ghoshal is unhelpful for identifying significant changes in multi-domestic MNCs at the level of discrete functions. We argue that a more disaggregated level of analysis is required. Our analysis of two cases of multi-domestic MNCs that have undertaken the global integration of their locally distributed purchasing functions indicates that while significant change to the purchasing function has occurred, at the aggregate level both MNCs remain multi-domestic. In both cases the decision to integrate local purchasing was regarded as having more obvious benefits than integrating other functions such as marketing. While both of our case multi-domestic MNCs may in future choose to integrate other functions and develop into full-fledged transnational companies we argue that there is no inevitability to this. Indeed global integration may cease with the purchasing function. A second theme in this paper is that we argue that Bartlett and Ghoshal’s transnational theory has a biased view of what constitutes effective governance mechanisms for achieving global integration, local responsiveness and worldwide learning and that it would greatly benefit from a more balanced application of hierarchical and relational governance mechanisms

    Inter-laboratory analysis of cereal beta-glucan extracts of nutritional importance : An evaluation of different methods for determining weight-average molecular weight and molecular weight distribution

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    In an interlaboratory study we compare different methods to determine the weight-average molecular weight (Mw) and molecular weight distribution of six cereal beta-glucan isolates of nutritional importance. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) with multi-angle light scattering (MALS), capillary viscometry, sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation and one asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4)-MALS method all yielded similar Mw values for mostly individual chains of dissolved beta-glucan molecules. SEC with post-column calcofluor detection underestimated the Mw of beta-glucan > 500 x 10(3) g/mol. The beta-glucan molecules analysed by these methods were primarily in a random coil conformation as evidenced from individual MarkHouwink-Kuhn-Sakurada (MHKS) scaling coefficients between 0.5 and 0.6 and Wales-Van Holde ratios between 1.4 and 1.7. In contrast, a second AF4-MALS method yielded much larger Mw values for these same samples indicating the presence and detection of beta-glucan aggregates. Storage of the six beta-glucan solutions in the dark at 4 C for 4 years revealed them to be stable. This suggests an absence of storage-induced irreversible aggregation phenomena or chain-scission. Shear forces in SEC and the viscometer capillary and hydrostatic pressure in analytical ultracentrifugation probably led to the reversable dissociation of beta-glucan aggregates into molecularly dissolved species. Thus, all these methods yield true weight-average molecular weight values not biased by the presence of aggregates as was the case in one of the AF4 based methods employed.Peer reviewe

    The disintegration of network externalities industries : the computer and the telecommunications equipment industries

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    This paper explains from a transaction cost economics approach disintegration of network industries whose externalities depend on seamless interaction between its constituent components. I simple two-period model is developed that explain why the positive effects of integration in the first phase are turned into negative effects in the second period causing disintegrated firms to replace integrated ones. The model is used to explain the disintegration of the computer industry, the network equipment industry and the cellular handset industry with reference to leading firms such at IBM, AT&T, Ericsson and Nokia

    Restructuring diversified telecom operators

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    The paper examines the divestiture trend among diversified major telecom operators using a combined agency and transaction cost economics approach. Our illustrative cases seem to support both the governance failure thesis of agency theory and the efficient governance theses of corporate finance and transaction cost economics. That is, manager-controlled companies tend to grow oversized and overdiversified before being transformed into more efficient scale and scope by actively intervening owners and bondholders. As the previous manager-controlled companies become increasingly owner-controlled, and as the essential assets shared by the various businesses become less specific and more redeployable, and as their intermediate services become more tradable, previous core businesses of integrated companies will gradually be divested and organized either as autonomous firms or as part of more specialized companies

    The turn-around of Uninor

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    On October 29, 2008, Telenor of Norway announced its plans to enter the Indian mobile telecom market. Despite a strong start, revenue did not grow in line with business projections. In a highly congested market, price war caused rapidly shrinking margins. Something radical had to be done and quickly. A new cost-focused management team, headed by Telenor’s Asia chief Sigve Brekke, was appointed. In record time, they managed to turn Uninor into a dedicated ultra-low-cost basic services provider for the mass market, based on optimized network capacity in 13 of India’s 22 telecom circles. This was made possible by the utilization of an innovative “Transformational Partnership” model that combines radical outsourcing of information technology (IT) services with deeply integrated relational contracting for such services. As such Uninor’s new operating model for the Indian market represented a radical break not only with standard Telenor practice, but also with telecom conventions more generally. Gradually, Uninor's results started to improve, with a prospect of turning EBITDA positive by end of 2013 with an expected traffic volume equal to one third of the current break-even volume of the leading incumben

    Virtual network operation : strategy, structure and profitability

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    This report describes and analyzes critical conditions for achieving net benefit from opening the value-chain in telecom by introducing virtual network operators (VNOs). These are facility-less operators that outsource most of basic service production, while focusing on a smaller core business in intelligent network operation, service innovation and distribution. Whereas one essential condition for profitable return is that the VNO is granted significant influence both over service offerings and the price margin between final user price and rental price, this is far from a sufficient one. In addition, several conditions related to transaction attributes, production technology and supplementary resources along with sufficient degree of effective competition and efficient governance, must also be fulfilled

    The rise and fall of global network alliances : success or failure?

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    The purpose of this article is to examine and explain the changing use of different modes of organizing global telecom networks that provide global telecom services to multinational business customers. In this market, service contracting and integrated network firms eventually replaced global network alliances. Whereas efficient adaptation of governance modes to changing conditions may explain a significant part, strategy mistakes and governance failures definitely also play an important explanatory role in our story about the rise and the fall of global network alliances