55 research outputs found

    Cryptic Triploids and Leaky Premating Isolation in an Odontophrynus Hybrid Zone

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    The diploid Odontophrynus cordobae and its autopolyploid counterpart O. americanus (4n) co-occur in a small-sized contact zone in Central Argentina, together with numerous specimens of a cryptic triploid taxon. Additionally, we monitor another five localities inhabited by taxa of this species complex within a radius of 76 km north and south of the contact zone to look for possible co-occurrence of taxa. In this study, we analyze the reproductive interactions in this breeding assemblage covering three levels of ploidy. We focus on the advertisement call structure as a powerful mechanism of premating isolation and on the mating preferences of males and females in the natural habitat. Advertisement calls of triploids were indistinguishable from those of tetraploids, and both differed significantly in pulse rate from diploids. Analyses of 21 amplexi demonstrated that heterospecific matings dominated breeding: one between a diploid female and tetraploid male, and ten between triploids and tetraploids. At three localities with syntopic diploids and tetraploids, premating isolation was almost perfect, preventing the formation of triploids. Therefore, we question the putative origin of triploids from hybridization and discuss alternatives. This unique system, including three bisexual taxa of distinct ploidy, which interact reproductively, remains to be investigated in more detail to fully understand the mechanism stabilizing its persistence.Fil: Martino, Adolfo Ludovico. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.exactas Fisicoquimicas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente.; Argentina. Universitat Koblenz; AlemaniaFil: Grenat, Pablo Raúl. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Cs.exactas Fisicoquimicas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - Cordoba. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra, Biodiversidad y Ambiente.; ArgentinaFil: Sinsch, Ulrich. Universitat Koblenz; Alemani

    Interrupció del creixement en la hibernació del gripau corredor (Epidelea calamita) en zones semiàrides

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    Les particularitats de les poblacions amfíbiques que viuen en zones semiàrides sotmeses a un alt estrès ambiental es posen de manifest mitjançant estudis d'esqueletocronologia. L'estudi pretén avaluar la correlació histològica entre les marques de creixement (lines of arrested growth [LAG]) que es visualitzen en les falanges dels dits i l'edat d'individus de gripau corredor (Epidelea calamita). Existeix una correspondència entre el nombre de LAG i el nombre d'hibernacions, de manera que, en un principi, s'entén cada una de les línies com un any de vida de l'individu. En els resultats trobats mitjançant l'anàlisi dels talls de les falanges, s'aprecien un conjunt de línies múltiples que es consideren com una hibernació interrompuda per petits creixements durant els períodes més càlids de l'hivern i en certa part també per les ocasionals precipitacions. Els resultats obtinguts suggereixen l'existència d'un patró de creixement, en les poblacions d'amfibis en zones semiàrides, diferent de qualsevol altre trobat en amfibis de zones temperades.The biology of amphibian populations in semiarid zones that suffer environmental stress can be revealed through skeletochronological studies. These studies aim to determine the age of natterjack toads from the lines of arrested growth (LAG) that can be observed in the phalanges. There is a correspondence between the number of LAGs and the number of hibernation so that in principle one LAG means one year of life. In the analysis of the phalanges we found a group of multiples lines, which we considered to be the result of a hibernation interrupted by short phases of growth during warmer periods in winter and also to some extent by the occasional precipitation. The results obtained suggest a pattern of growth in amphibian populations in semi-arid zones that is different from any found in amphibian in temperate zones.Las particularidades de las poblaciones de anfibios que viven en zonas semiáridas sometidas a un elevado estrés ambiental se ponen de manifiesto mediante estudios esqueletocronológicos. El estudio pretende evaluar la correlación histológica entre las marcas de crecimiento (lines of arrested growth [LAG]) visibles en las falanges de los dedos y la edad de individuos del sapo corredor (Epidelea calamita). Existe una correspondencia entre el número de LAG y el número de hibernaciones, de manera que, en principio, cada una de las líneas de crecimiento se traduce en un año de vida del individuo. En los resultados encontrados mediante el análisis de los cortes de las falanges, se puede apreciar un conjunto de líneas múltiples que se consideran como una hibernación interrumpida por pequeños crecimientos durante los períodos más cálidos del invierno y ocasionalmente por las precipitaciones. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren la existencia de un patrón de crecimiento, en las poblaciones de anfibios de zonas semiáridas, diferente a cualquier otro encontrado hasta el momento en anfibios de zonas temperadas

    Integrative taxonomic reassessment of Odontophrynus populations in Argentina and phylogenetic relationships within Odontophrynidae (Anura)

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    Amphibians are the most vulnerable vertebrates to biodiversity loss mediated by habitat destruction, climate change and diseases. Informed conservation management requires improving the taxonomy of anurans to assess reliably the species’ geographic range. The genus Odontophrynus that is geographically refined to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay includes currently 12 nominal species with many populations of uncertain taxonomic assignment and subsequently unclear geographic ranges. In this study, we applied integrative taxonomic methods combining molecular (mitochondrial 16S gene), allozyme, morphological and bioacoustic data to delimit species of the genus Odontophrynus sampled from throughout Argentina where most species occur. The combined evidence demonstrates one case of cryptic diversity and another of overestimation of species richness. The populations referred to as O. americanus comprise at least three species. In contrast, O. achalensis and O. barrioi represent junior synonyms of the phenotypically plastic species O. occidentalis. We conclude that each of the four species occurring in Argentina inhabits medium to large areas. The Red List classification is currently “Least Concern”. We also propose a phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus and associated genera Macrogenioglottus and Proceratophrys (Odontophrynidae)

    New bioacoustic records of Rana bedriagae Camerano, 1882 (Anura: Ranidae) from Turkey

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    Amphibians of Rwanda: Diversity, Community Features, and Conservation Status

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    The diversity and distribution of the amphibians in Rwanda was critically reviewed to provide a reliable species inventory for informed conservation management. The checklist of the amphibian species of Rwanda is based on results of our own fieldwork, historical records compiled from the literature, and examination of voucher specimens in museum collections. A total of 62 species are recorded, and 22 further species listed in field guides and open-access data bases are discussed, identified as erroneous records, and consequently not included in the country list. We provide diagnostic characters of external morphology and the advertisement call for each validated species, and a short synopsis of geographic distribution, altitudinal range, occurrence in the provinces of Rwanda, and habitat preference. We provide keys to all genera, and all taxonomically described species based on morphological characters and additional keys based on features of the advertisement calls. We discuss features of amphibian communities including local community structure and delimitation of altitudinal metacommunities. Based on the IUCN red list assessment and our field surveys, we propose for the first time a national red list of amphibians in Rwanda

    Diversity of Ptychadena in Rwanda and taxonomic status of P. chrysogaster Laurent, 1954 (Amphibia, Anura, Ptychadenidae)

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    We assess the diversity of Ptychadena species in Rwanda based on re-examination of voucher specimens in museum collections and our own data from recent assessment of the species composition of amphibian communities in Rwanda. We recognize five species which we allocate to the following available names: P. anchietae, P. chrysogaster, P. nilotica, P. porosissima, and P. uzungwensis. We did not find evidence for the presence of P. grandisonae and P. oxyrhynchus which have been listed for the country. The five species can be distinguished by quantitative morphometrics (discriminant analysis, success rate: 100 %) and a number of qualitative characters of external morphology. We provide an identification key to the Rwandan species and describe the morphology of each species in detail. The taxonomic status and the phylogenetic position of Ptychadena chrysogaster are further assessed based on the partial sequence of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA. The species differs genetically from available homologous sequences from congeners by an uncorrected p distance of at least 4.2 % and appears to be most closely related to specimens assigned to P. porosissima, P. mahnerti, “P. aff. uzungwensis” and “P. aff. bibroni”

    Breed fast, die young: demography of a poorly known fossorial frog from the xeric Neotropics

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    We successfully used skeletochronology to provide the first detailed demographic data regarding Ceratophrys stolzmanni, a cryptic, fossorial amphibian inhabiting the xeric Neotropics. We observed a female-biased sexual size dimorphism, but no differences in age parameters between the two sexes. Growth rate is accelerated during the first year of life, both before and after metamorphosis, followed by a rapid sexual maturation and a short lifespan. Both males and females reached sexual maturity before they were one year old, the mean age was two years, and longevity was low for both sexes, with only 2% of the tested individuals, all females, reaching the age of four years. We discuss the implications of the observed aging and growth patterns for the long-term survival and conservation of the species, comparing our results to other tropical species

    Tropical anurans mature early and die young: Evidence from eight Afromontane <i>Hyperolius</i> species and a meta-analysis

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    <div><p>Age- and size-related life-history traits of anuran amphibians are thought to vary systematically with latitude and altitude. Because the available data base is strongly biased towards temperate-zone species, we provide new estimates on eight afrotropical Reed Frog species. A meta-analysis of the demographic traits in 44 tropical anuran species aims to test for the predicted clinal variation and to contrast results with variation detected in temperate-zone species. The small-sized reed frogs reach sexual maturity during the first or second year of life, but longevity does not exceed three to four years. Latitudinal effects on demographic life-history traits are not detectable in tropical anurans, and altitudinal effects are limited to a slight size reduction at higher elevations. Common features of anuran life-history in the tropics are early sexual maturation at small size and low longevity resulting in low lifetime fecundity. This pattern contrasts with that found in temperate-zone anurans which mature later at larger size and grow considerably older yielding greater lifetime fecundity than in the tropics. Latitudinal and altitudinal contraction of the yearly activity period shape the evolution of life-history traits in the temperate region, while trait variation in the tropics seems to be driven by distinct, not yet identified selective forces.</p></div

    Rapid assessment of montane anuran communities in the Albertine Rift: Hyperolius castaneus Ahl, 1931 as an umbrella species for conservation

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    The species richness of seven montane anuran communities of the Albertine Rift was assessed with visual and acoustic transects. A total of 28 anuran species were detected. The highland anuran communities at (2000–2800 m) were dominated by up to nine Albertine Rift endemic species considered threatened by IUCN Red List criteria, whereas the community at lower elevation included mainly wide-ranging, least-concern species. Cluster analyses of the presence/absence data on the overall array of species indicated that Ahl’s reed frog (Hyperolius castaneus) is a suitable umbrella species for the highland Albertine Rift endemics. Hyperolius castaneus was always among the first species collected at each site, either by visual detection or by acoustic detection based on the characteristic advertisement and aggression calls which were emitted during the day and at night. The ease of its detection in the field makes this species an ideal candidate for rapid assessments of priority sites for conservation measures.Key words: rapid assessment, umbrella species, advertisement call, aggression call