862 research outputs found

    Two-photon excited LIF determination of H-atom concentrations near a heated filament in a low pressure H2 environment

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    Meier U, Kohse-Höinghaus K, SchÀfer L, Klages C-P. Two-photon excited LIF determination of H-atom concentrations near a heated filament in a low pressure H2 environment. Applied Optics. 1990;29(33):4993-4999.With respect to the investigation of low pressure filament-assisted chemical vapor deposition processes for diamond formation, absolute concentrations of atomic hydrogen were determined by two-photon laserinduced fluorescence in the vicinity of a heated filament in an environment containing H2 or mixtures of H2 and CH4. Radial H concentration profiles were obtained for different pressures and filament temperatures, diameters, and materials. The influence of the addition of various amounts of methane on the H atom concentrations was examined

    Studying the nuclear mass composition of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Fluorescence Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory measures the atmospheric depth, XmaxX_{max}, where the longitudinal profile of the high energy air showers reaches its maximum. This is sensitive to the nuclear mass composition of the cosmic rays. Due to its hybrid design, the Pierre Auger Observatory also provides independent experimental observables obtained from the Surface Detector for the study of the nuclear mass composition. We present XmaxX_{max}-distributions and an update of the average and RMS values in different energy bins and compare them to the predictions for different nuclear masses of the primary particles and hadronic interaction models. We also present the results of the composition-sensitive parameters derived from the ground level component.Comment: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, TAUP 2011, Munich, German

    JProGO: a novel tool for the functional interpretation of prokaryotic microarray data using Gene Ontology information

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    A novel program suite was implemented for the functional interpretation of high-throughput gene expression data based on the identification of Gene Ontology (GO) nodes. The focus of the analysis lies on the interpretation of microarray data from prokaryotes. The three well established statistical methods of the threshold value-based Fisher's exact test, as well as the threshold value-independent Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Student's t-test were employed in order to identify the groups of genes with a significantly altered expression profile. Furthermore, we provide the application of the rank-based unpaired Wilcoxon's test for a GO-based microarray data interpretation. Further features of the program include recognition of the alternative gene names and the correction for multiple testing. Obtained results are visualized interactively both as a table and as a GO subgraph including all significant nodes. Currently, JProGO enables the analysis of microarray data from more than 20 different prokaryotic species, including all important model organisms, and thus constitutes a useful web service for the microbial research community. JProGO is freely accessible via the web at the following address

    First results of the air shower experiment KASCADE

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    The main goals of the KASCADE (KArlsruhe Shower Core and Array DEtector) experiment are the determination of the energy spectrum and elemental composition of the charged cosmic rays in the energy range around the knee at ca. 5 PeV. Due to the large number of measured observables per single shower a variety of different approaches are applied to the data, preferably on an event-by-event basis. First results are presented and the influence of the high-energy interaction models underlying the analyses is discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures included, to appear in the TAUP 99 Proceedings, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), ed. by M. Froissart, J. Dumarchez and D. Vignau

    Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra and Mass Composition at the Knee - Recent Results from KASCADE -

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    Recent results from the KASCADE experiment on measurements of cosmic rays in the energy range of the knee are presented. Emphasis is placed on energy spectra of individual mass groups as obtained from an two-dimensional unfolding applied to the reconstructed electron and truncated muon numbers of each individual EAS. The data show a knee-like structure in the energy spectra of light primaries (p, He, C) and an increasing dominance of heavy ones (A > 20) towards higher energies. This basic result is robust against uncertainties of the applied interaction models QGSJET and SIBYLL which are used in the shower simulations to analyse the data. Slight differences observed between experimental data and EAS simulations provide important clues for further improvements of the interaction models. The data are complemented by new limits on global anisotropies in the arrival directions of CRs and by upper limits on point sources. Astrophysical implications for discriminating models of maximum acceleration energy vs galactic diffusion/drift models of the knee are discussed based on this data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplements, as part of the volume for the CRIS 2004, Cosmic Ray International Seminar: GZK and Surrounding

    KASCADE: Astrophysical results and tests of hadronic interaction models

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    KASCADE is a multi-detector setup to get redundant information on single air shower basis. The information is used to perform multiparameter analyses to solve the threefold problem of the reconstruction of (i)the unknown primary energy, (ii) the primary mass, and (iii) to quantify the characteristics of the hadronic interactions in the air-shower development. In this talk recent results of the KASCADE data analyses are summarized concerning cosmic ray anisotropy studies, determination of flux spectra for different primary mass groups, and approaches to test hadronic interaction models. Neither large scale anisotropies nor point sources were found in the KASCADE data set. The energy spectra of the light element groups result in a knee-like bending and a steepening above the knee. The topology of the individual knee positions shows a dependency on the primary particle. Though no hadronic interaction model is fully able to describe the multi-parameter data of KASCADE consistently, the more recent models or improved versions of older models reproduce the data better than few years ago.Comment: to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), Proc. of the XIII ISVHECRI, Pylos 2004 - with a better quality of the figure

    Spontaneous Degenerative Aortic Valve Disease in New Zealand Obese Mice

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    Background: Degenerative aortic valve (AoV) disease and resulting aortic stenosis are major clinical health problems. Murine models of valve disease are rare, resulting in a translational knowledge gap on underlying mechanisms, functional consequences, and potential therapies. Naive New Zealand obese (NZO) mice were recently found to have a dramatic decline of left ventricular (LV) function at early age. Therefore, we aimed to identify the underlying cause of reduced LV function in NZO mice. Methods and Results: Cardiac function and pulmonary hemodynamics of NZO and age-matched C57BL/6J mice were monitored by serial echocardiographic examinations. AoVs in NZO mice demonstrated extensive thickening, asymmetric aortic leaflet formation, and cartilaginous transformation of the valvular stroma. Doppler echocardiography of the aorta revealed increased peak velocity profiles, holodiastolic flow reversal, and dilatation of the ascending aorta, consistent with aortic stenosis and regurgitation. Compensated LV hypertrophy deteriorated to decompensated LV failure and remodeling, as indicated by increased LV mass, interstitial fibrosis, and inflammatory cell infiltration. Elevated LV pressures in NZO mice were associated with lung congestion and cor pulmonale, evident as right ventricular dilatation, decreased right ventricular function, and increased mean right ventricular systolic pressure, indicative for the development of pulmonary hypertension and ultimately right ventricular failure. Conclusions: NZO mice demonstrate as a novel murine model to spontaneously develop degenerative AoV disease, aortic stenosis, and the associated end organ damages of both ventricles and the lung. Closely mimicking the clinical scenario of degenerative AoV disease, the model may facilitate a better mechanistic understanding and testing of novel treatment strategies in degenerative AoV disease

    Deep water inflow slowed offshore expansion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet at the Eocene-Oligocene transition

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    The stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is threatened by the incursion of warm Circumpolar Deepwater which flows southwards via cross-shelf troughs towards the coast there melting ice shelves. However, the onset of this oceanic forcing on the development and evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet remains poorly understood. Here, we use single- and multichannel seismic reflection profiles to investigate the architecture of a sediment body on the shelf of the Amundsen Sea Embayment. We estimate the formation age of this sediment body to be around the Eocene-Oligocene Transition and find that it possesses the geometry and depositional pattern of a plastered sediment drift. We suggest this indicates a southward inflow of deep water which probably supplied heat and, thus, prevented West Antarctic Ice Sheet advance beyond the coast at this time. We conclude that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has likely experienced a strong oceanic influence on its dynamics since its initial formation

    Primary Proton Spectrum of Cosmic Rays measured with Single Hadrons

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    The flux of cosmic-ray induced single hadrons near sea level has been measured with the large hadron calorimeter of the KASCADE experiment. The measurement corroborates former results obtained with detectors of smaller size if the enlarged veto of the 304 m^2 calorimeter surface is encounted for. The program CORSIKA/QGSJET is used to compute the cosmic-ray flux above the atmosphere. Between E_0=300 GeV and 1 PeV the primary proton spectrum can be described with a power law parametrized as dJ/dE_0=(0.15+-0.03)*E_0^{-2.78+-0.03} m^-2 s^-1 sr^-1 TeV^-1. In the TeV region the proton flux compares well with the results from recent measurements of direct experiments.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by Astrophysical Journa
