1,124 research outputs found

    The Research Field “Modeling Business Information Systems” - Current Challenges and Elements of a Future Research Agenda

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    The research field “Modeling business information systems” has a long tradi- tion in the scientific discipline of Busi- ness and Information Systems Engi- neering (BISE). The present paper high- lights research shaping the research field, discusses challenges impairing the development of the research field in the coming years, and outlines ele- ments of a future research agenda

    Measuring activities in tobacco control across the EU. The MAToC

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    BACKGROUND: Objectives of this study are (a) to develop a comprehensive and economic tool to estimate tobacco control (TC) activities in single EU member states, (b) to compare TC activities between member states of the EU. This article provides the questionnaire and gives a benchmark of EU member states according to their perceived TC activities. Methods: An international workshop was specifically initiated to develop the questionnaire "Measuring Activities in Tobacco Control (MATOC)". TC experts from 8 European countries participated and chose 40 items to cover 11 general topics of TC. At the World Conference of Tobacco or Health in Helsinki 2003 participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire. N = 142 participants from EU-member states returned questionnaires. RESULTS: Subjects from the tobacco field in Finland gave the highest TC values to their country, followed by Sweden, Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands. The least active countries in TC were Greece and Germany, behind Austria, Spain, Belgium and Portugal. Italy, France and Denmark constituted the middle field. CONCLUSION: The MATOC provides a profile of TC across European countries and delivers results that are plausible and fit into the existing findings. The data presented here fulfils the purpose to illustrate what is possible with the MATOC and underlines the value of such an approach in delivering information for policy makers and TC advocates how TC is perceived in each country. Yet, further validity testing is necessary, the number of experts per country differs and is partly rather small. Further research with the MATOC should encounter these limitations. The procedure though could serve as model of practice for alcohol and legal drug policy as well

    Detection and Molecular Characterization of Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp. Circulating in Wild Small Mammals from Portugal

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    Simple Summary Wild small mammals can be a veterinary and public health concern, because they can act as reservoir hosts for numerous pathogens and potentially transmit them to humans, domestic animals and other wildlife species. This study represents the first investigation of the diarrhea-causing parasites Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in wild rodents and shrews from Portugal. Cryptosporidium spp. was rarely and Giardia was frequently detected in the feces of the analyzed species, with the southwestern water voles (Arvicola sapidus) and Lusitanian pine voles (Microtus lusitanicus) showing the highest infection rates of Giardia spp. Genetic characterization based on common genomic marker sequences revealed the rodent-adapted Giardia microti and potentially zoonotic Cryptosporidium muris as the only circulating species. These findings suggest the limited role of wild rodents and shrews as natural sources of human infections in Portugal regarding the investigated parasites. Moreover, the host ranges of Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp. were extended and the obtained genetic sequences of Giardia microti are useful for future comparative studies. From the One-Heath perspective, this study helps to understand the epidemiology of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in wildlife. Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. are important diarrhea-causing protozoan parasites worldwide that exhibit broad host ranges. Wild small mammals can harbor host-adapted and potentially zoonotic species of both parasites. The aim of this study was to investigate Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. in wild rodents and shrews in Portugal, focusing on the protist's occurrence and genetic diversity. Molecular screening by PCR at the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene locus of 290 fecal samples from wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), southwestern water voles (Arvicola sapidus), Cabrera's voles (Microtus cabrerae), Lusitanian pine voles (Microtus lusitanicus), Algerian mice (Mus spretus) and greater white-toothed shrews (Crocidura russula) in Northeast Portugal revealed the low occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. (1%) and high occurrence of Giardia spp. (32.8%). The analysis revealed that species was the only significant factor associated with the increasing probability of Giardia spp. infection, with the highest prevalence reported in southwestern water voles and Lusitanian pine voles. Cryptosporidium and Giardia species determination at the SSU rRNA gene locus revealed C. muris and G. microti as the only circulating species, respectively. Subtyping of the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) and beta-giardin (bg) genes provided evidence of the high genetic diversity within the G. microti clade. This study suggests that rodent-adapted G. microti occurs to a large extent in cricetid hosts and supports the limited role of wild rodents and shrews as natural sources of human infections in Northeast Portugal regarding the investigated parasites. Moreover, this is the first record of G. microti in southwestern water voles, Lusitanian pine voles, Algerian mice, wood mice and Cabrera's voles and C. muris in Cabrera's voles. Finally, this study improves the database of sequences relevant for the sequence typing of G. microti strains and provides new insights about the epidemiology of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium spp. in wild rodents and shrews, two parasite genera of high importance for public and animal health

    Testing in the incremental design and development of complex products

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    Testing is an important aspect of design and development which consumes significant time and resource in many companies. However, it has received less research attention than many other activities in product development, and especially, very few publications report empirical studies of engineering testing. Such studies are needed to establish the importance of testing and inform the development of pragmatic support methods. This paper combines insights from literature study with findings from three empirical studies of testing. The case studies concern incrementally developed complex products in the automotive domain. A description of testing practice as observed in these studies is provided, confirming that testing activities are used for multiple purposes depending on the context, and are intertwined with design from start to finish of the development process, not done after it as many models depict. Descriptive process models are developed to indicate some of the key insights, and opportunities for further research are suggested

    Resolution of Ultramicroscopy and Field of View Analysis

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    In a recent publication we described a microscopical technique called Ultramicroscopy, combined with a histological procedure that makes biological samples transparent. With this combination we can gather three-dimensional image data of large biological samples. Here we present the theoretical analysis of the z-resolution. By analyzing the cross-section of the illuminating sheet of light we derive resolution values according to the Rayleigh-criterion. Next we investigate the resolution adjacent to the focal point of the illumination beam, analyze throughout what extend the illumination beam is of acceptable sharpness and investigate the resolution improvements caused by the objective lens. Finally we conclude with a useful rule for the sampling rates. These findings are of practical importance for researchers working with Ultramicroscopy to decide on adequate sampling rates. They are also necessary to modify deconvolution techniques to gain further image improvements

    Inhibition of Toxic Shock by Human Monoclonal Antibodies against Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B

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    BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus is implicated in many opportunistic bacterial infections around the world. Rising antibiotic resistance and few alternative methods of treatment are just two looming problems associated with clinical management of S. aureus. Among numerous virulence factors produced by S. aureus, staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) B is a secreted protein that binds T-cell receptor and major histocompatibility complex class II, potentially causing toxic shock mediated by pathological activation of T cells. Recombinant monoclonal antibodies that target SEB and block receptor interactions can be of therapeutic value. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The inhibitory and biophysical properties of ten human monoclonal antibodies, isolated from a recombinant library by panning against SEB vaccine (STEBVax), were examined as bivalent Fabs and native full-length IgG (Mab). The best performing Fabs had binding affinities equal to polyclonal IgG, low nanomolar IC(50)s against SEB in cell culture assays, and protected mice from SEB-induced toxic shock. The orthologous staphylococcal proteins, SEC1 and SEC2, as well as streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin C were recognized by several Fabs. Four Fabs against SEB, with the lowest IC(50)s, were converted into native full-length Mabs. Although SEB-binding kinetics were identical between each Fab and respective Mab, a 250-fold greater inhibition of SEB-induced T-cell activation was observed with two Mabs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Results suggest that these human monoclonal antibodies possess high affinity, target specificity, and toxin neutralization qualities essential for any therapeutic agent

    Effects of rotation and thermohaline mixing in red giant stars

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    Thermohaline mixing has been recently identified as the probable dominating process that governs the photospheric composition of low-mass bright giant stars. Here we present the predictions of stellar models computed with the code STAREVOL including this mechanism together with rotational mixing. We compare our theoretical predictions with recent observations.Comment: Proc. of the workshop "Red Giants as Probes of the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way" (Roma, 15-17 Nov 2010), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, ISBN 978-3-642-18417-8 (eds. A. Miglio, J. Montalban, A. Noels). Part of RedGiantsMilkyWay/2011/ proceedings available at http://arxiv.org/html/1108.4406v

    Calculating confidence intervals for impact numbers

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    BACKGROUND: Standard effect measures such as risk difference and attributable risk are frequently used in epidemiological studies and public health research to describe the effect of exposures. Recently, so-called impact numbers have been proposed, which express the population impact of exposures in form of specific person or case numbers. To describe estimation uncertainty, it is necessary to calculate confidence intervals for these new effect measures. In this paper, we present methods to calculate confidence intervals for the new impact numbers in the situation of cohort studies. METHODS: Beside the exposure impact number (EIN), which is equivalent to the well-known number needed to treat (NNT), two other impact numbers are considered: the case impact number (CIN) and the exposed cases impact number (ECIN), which describe the number of cases (CIN) and the number of exposed cases (ECIN) with an outcome among whom one case is attributable to the exposure. The CIN and ECIN represent reciprocals of the population attributable risk (PAR) and the attributable fraction among the exposed (AF(e)), respectively. Thus, confidence intervals for these impact numbers can be calculated by inverting and exchanging the confidence limits of the PAR and AF(e). EXAMPLES: We considered a British and a Japanese cohort study that investigated the association between smoking and death from coronary heart disease (CHD) and between smoking and stroke, respectively. We used the reported death and disease rates and calculated impact numbers with corresponding 95% confidence intervals. In the British study, the CIN was 6.46, i.e. on average, of any 6 to 7 persons who died of CHD, one case was attributable to smoking with corresponding 95% confidence interval of [3.84, 20.36]. For the exposed cases, the results of ECIN = 2.64 with 95% confidence interval [1.76, 5.29] were obtained. In the Japanese study, the CIN was 6.67, i.e. on average, of the 6 to 7 persons who had a stroke, one case was attributable to smoking with corresponding 95% confidence interval of [3.80, 27.27]. For the exposed cases, the results of ECIN = 4.89 with 95% confidence interval of [2.86, 16.67] were obtained. CONCLUSION: The consideration of impact numbers in epidemiological analyses provides additional information and helps the interpretation of study results, e.g. in public health research. In practical applications, it is necessary to describe estimation uncertainty. We have shown that the calculation of confidence intervals for the new impact numbers is possible by means of known methods for attributable risk measures. Therefore, estimated impact numbers should always be complemented by appropriate confidence intervals

    Prolapse or incontinence: what affects sexual function the most?

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    Introduction and hypothesis Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) adversely affect sexual function in women. Comparative studies of the two subgroups are few and results are conflicting. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of POP and SUI on the sexual function of women undergoing surgery for these conditions. Methods The study population comprised women with POP or SUI in a tertiary referral hospital in the UK. Women who underwent SUI surgery had no symptoms of POP and had urodynamically proven stress incontinence. Patients with POP had ≥ stage 2 prolapse, without bothersome urinary symptoms. Pre-operative data on sexual function were collected and compared using an electronic pelvic floor assessment questionnaire (ePAQ). The incidence of sexual dysfunction and comparison of symptoms in both groups were calculated using the Mann–Whitney U test. Results Three hundred and forty-three women undergoing surgery for either SUI or POP were included. Patients were age-matched, with 184 undergoing SUI surgery (age range 33–77 years) and 159 POP surgery (age range 27–78 years; p = 0.869). The overall impact of POP and SUI was not significantly different in the two subgroups (p = 0.703). However, both patients (73 % vs 36 %; p = 0.00) and partners (50 % vs 24 %; p = 0.00) avoid intercourse significantly more frequently in cases with POP compared with SUI. This did not have a significant impact on quality of life. Conclusions The impact of bothersome SUI or POP on sexual function was found to be similar, but patient and partner avoidance in women with POP was greater than those with SUI