48 research outputs found


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    A modified version of Jones' length-based cohort analysis is linked to economic data from the Swedish trawl fishery for Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). The current regulation implies a fishing practice where each landed lobster entails three killed due to discard mortality, and different cases of trawl selectivity are compared together with varying natural mortality. The bioeconomic analysis shows that a maximum economic yield equilibrium requires effort reductions of more than 50%, leading to a potential resource rent of almost US $3 million, compared to the open-access situation in 1995. Further increase of the resource rent is possible if a more selective trawl is introduced and enforced. The trawl fishery is compared with a minor in-shore creel fishery, which differs in exploitation pattern, fuel consumption, and impact on the benthic flora and fauna. A qualitative discussion on the two fisheries is carried out and a comparison of the economic performance is presented.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Tenure Rights and Stewardship of Marine Resources: A co-managed Swedish shrimp fishery in a marine reserve

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    Economic theory predicts that open access leads to myopic behaviour of fishermen, while improving property rights leads to more long-term decisions of fishermen. In this study, we report the experiences from a co-managed fishery within the Gullmar fjord, which is a marine reserve by the Swedish West coast. A group of fishermen initiated an informal co-management of the fishery in 2002, which was later formalized. Six fishermen were granted exclusive collective user right to 100 fishing days annually during 2004-06, which they distributed evenly within the group. First, we note a dramatic increase in real revenues, where the price differential in comparison with Swedish off-shore shrimp grew from 15% to 75% during 2000-07. Second, the fishermen within the reserve voluntarily increased the mesh size from the legal minimum requirement of 35 mm to 45 mm in order to leave specimen to grow as long as it is optimal. Finally, a small informal market where fishers bought and sold fishing days within the group emerged, which indicates the potential scope for using individual transferable quotas as a means to reduce overcapacity that exist also in Swedish fisheries

    Trålfisket efter havskräfta i Kattegatt och Skagerrack under det senaste årtiondet

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    I Skagerrak och Kattegatt fångas havskräfta framför allt av svenska och danska fiskare. Respektive lands totalfångster av havskräfta från Skagerrak och Kattegatt redovisas för perioden 1960-87 i diagram 1 och 2. De danska fångsterna är större än de svenska i både Skagerrak och Kattegatt. I Skagerrak kan man notera att både det svenska och danska fångstuttaget ökat markant (fördubblats) under 1980-talet. Fångstuttaget i Kattegatt är mera konstant under perioden, men man kan ana en minskning hos det svenska fisket och en ökning hos det danska. I Kattegatt är det danska fångstuttaget 8-9 gånger större än det svenska