50 research outputs found

    Rückwürfe in den Fischereien unter deutscher Flagge: Ergebnisse aus 6 Jahren Datenerhebungsprogramm am Institut für Seefischerei

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    Since 2002 Germany is obliged to collect fishery data to support the European Common Fishery Policy. Sampling of the com-mercial fishery under German flag is one duty within the EU fisheries data collection programme. During the past 6 years, 148 fishing trips were sampled by scientific observers onboard commercial fishing vessels to collect data on catch composi-tions with special emphasis on the proportions of landed and discarded fish. The results show that the proportion of discard is depending on the fishery. Highest discard rates were observed on beam trawl fishing trips. At the level of individual fishing trips, discard rates varied extremely within a fishery segment. Highest variations were found in the beam and bottom otter trawl fishery. In contrast, the discard rates in high-seas fisheries were low

    Die Fischerei im Nordostatlantik im Jahre 2004

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    Since 1990 North-east Atlantic fish species – arctic cod, saithe, haddock, redfish and Greenland halibut – have been investigated by on-board observers on the German commercial trawler FMS Kiel. These investigations are part of the national data collection regulation established by the European Union in recent years. Collected data are basic data for the scientific assessment of these important fish stocks of the European fisheries. The results of the observed cruises are used by the Arctic Fisheries Working Group of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES). Biological investigations were carried out in Norwegian waters and the Barents Sea (ICES Divisions IIa and IIb) on board FMS Kiel in January to March and in August/September 2004. This report presents results of these cruises and an overview about the general fishery situation in 2004

    Aktivitäten des nationalen Fischereidatenerhebungsprogramms im Jahr 2004

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    Based on the EU Regulation 1543/2000 for the improvement of quantity and quality of fishery data the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture has initiated a national data collection programme, executed by three institutions, Federal Research Centre for Fisheries (BFAFi), Federal Agency for Ariculture and Food and the Federal Research Centre Agriculture, co-ordinated by BFAFi. In 2004 samples have been taken from 943 hauls during 29 commercial fishing trips; 357 000 fish have been measured. From 2002 to 2004 the number of length and weight and measurements, and age determinations could increased by 32, 65 and 156 % resp. Pilot inquiries have been carried out to prepare also the collection of economical date of fishing vessels and of fish processing plants from 2006

    Nationales Fischereidatenerhebungsprogramm: Aktivitäten und Ausblick

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    Within the frame of the EU Data Collection Regulation (DCR), Germany is obliged since 2002 to collect basic fisheries data to support the Common Fisheries Policy. Various governmental institutions are involved in the collection of landings and effort data, biological and economic data of the German fisheries. About 200 trips on commercial fishery vessels were sampled from 2002 to 2006. Additional stock data are collected on research surveys. The landings of cod in the recreational fisheries in the North and Baltic Seas were recorded within a pilot study. In order to assess the economic situation of the fishing fleet and processing industry, economic data were collected. The collected data are being stored in a national database and being made available for scientific working groups. At present, the legal regulations within the DCR framework are being reviewed and adapted to the changing requirements of fisheries management