259 research outputs found

    Body composition with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry : from basics to new tools

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    Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in nowadays considered one of the most versatile imaging techniques for the evaluation of metabolic bone disorders such as osteoporosis, sarcopenia and obesity. The advantages of DXA over other imaging techniques are the very low radiation dose, its accuracy and simplicity of use. In addition, fat mass (FM) and lean mass (LM) values by DXA shows very good accuracy compared to that of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In this review we will explain the technical working principles of body composition with DXA, together with the possible limitations and pitfalls that should be avoided in daily routine to produce high-quality DXA examinations. We will also cover the current clinical practical application of whole body DXA values, with particular emphasis on the use of LM indices in the diagnostic workup of reduced muscle mass, sarcopenia and osteosarcopenic obesity according to the most recent guidelines. The possible use of adipose indices will be considered, such as the fat mass index (FMI) or the android/gynoid ratio, as well as lipodystrophy indices and the evaluation of visceral adipose tissue (VAT). Whenever available, we will provide possible cut-off diagnostic values for each of these LM and FM indices, according to current literature and guidelines

    Hypoxia shapes autophagy in LPS-activated dendritic cells

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    During their lifespan, dendritic cells (DCs) are exposed to different pO2 levels that affect their differentiation and functions. Autophagy is one of the adaptive responses to hypoxia with important implications for cell survival. While the autophagic machinery in DCs was shown to impact signaling of TLRs, its regulation by the MD-2/TLR4 ligand LPS is still unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether LPS can induce autophagy in DCs exposed to either aerobic or hypoxic conditions. Using human monocyte-derived DCs and the combination of immunofluorescence confocal analysis, measure of mitochondrial membrane potential, Western blotting, and RT-qPCR, we showed that the ability of LPS to modulate autophagy was strictly dependent upon pO2 levels. Indeed, LPS inhibited autophagy in aerobic conditions whereas the autophagic process was induced in a hypoxic environment. Under hypoxia, LPS treatment caused a significant increase of functional lysosomes, LC3B and Atg protein upregulation, and reduction of SQSTM1/p62 protein levels. This selective regulation was accompanied by activation of signalling pathways and expression of cytokines typically associated with DC survival. Bafilomycin A1 and chloroquine, which are recognized as autophagic inhibitors, confirmed the induction of autophagy by LPS under hypoxia and its impact on DC survival. In conclusion, our results show that autophagy represents one of the mechanisms by which the activation of the MD-2/TLR4 ligand LPS promotes DC survival under hypoxic conditions

    Bone strain index as a predictor of further vertebral fracture in osteoporotic women: An artificial intelligence-based analysis

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    Background Osteoporosis is an asymptomatic disease of high prevalence and incidence, leading to bone fractures burdened by high mortality and disability, mainly when several subsequent fractures occur. A fragility fracture predictive model, Artificial Intelligence-based, to identify dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) variables able to characterise those patients who are prone to further fractures called Bone Strain Index, was evaluated in this study. Methods In a prospective, longitudinal, multicentric study 172 female outpatients with at least one vertebral fracture at the first observation were enrolled. They performed a spine X-ray to calculate spine deformity index (SDI) and a lumbar and femoral DXA scan to assess bone mineral density (BMD) and bone strain index (BSI) at baseline and after a follow-up period of 3 years in average. At the end of the follow-up, 93 women developed a further vertebral fracture. The further vertebral fracture was considered as one unit increase of SDI. We assessed the predictive capacity of supervised Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to distinguish women who developed a further fracture from those without it, and to detect those variables providing the maximal amount of relevant information to discriminate the two groups. ANNs choose appropriate input data automatically (TWIST-system, Training With Input Selection and Testing). Moreover, we built a semantic connectivity map usingthe Auto Contractive Map to provide further insights about the convoluted connections between the osteoporotic variables under consideration and the two scenarios (further fracture vs no further fracture). Results TWIST system selected 5 out of 13 available variables: age, menopause age, BMI, FTot BMC, FTot BSI. With training testing procedure, ANNs reached predictive accuracy of 79.36%, with a sensitivity of 75% and a specificity of 83.72%. The semantic connectivity map highlighted the role of BSI in predicting the risk of a further fracture. Conclusions Artificial Intelligence is a useful method to analyse a complex system like that regarding osteoporosis, able to identify patients prone to a further fragility fracture. BSI appears to be a useful DXA index in identifying those patients who are at risk of further vertebral fractures. Copyright

    Artificial neural network analysis of bone quality DXA parameters response to teriparatide in fractured osteoporotic patients

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    Teriparatide is a bone-forming therapy for osteoporosis that increases bone quantity and texture, with uncertain action on bone geometry. No data are available regarding its influence on bone strain. To investigate teriparatide action on parameters of bone quantity and quality and on Bone Strain Index (BSI), also derived from DXA lumbar scan, based on the mathematical model finite element method. Forty osteoporotic patients with fractures were studied before and after two years of daily subcutaneous 20 mcg of teriparatide with dual X-ray photon absorptiometry to assess bone mineral density (BMD), hip structural analysis (HSA), trabecular bone score (TBS), BSI. Spine deformity index (SDI) was calculated from spine X-ray. Shapiro-Wilks, Wilcoxon and Student's t test were used for classical statistical analysis. Auto Contractive Map was used for Artificial Neural Network Analysis (ANNs). In the entire population, the ameliorations after therapy regarded BSI (-13.9%), TBS (5.08%), BMD (8.36%). HSA parameters of femoral shaft showed a worsening. Dividing patients into responders (BMD increase >10%) and non-responders, the first presented TBS and BSI ameliorations (11.87% and -25.46%, respectively). Non-responders presented an amelioration of BSI only, but less than in the other subgroup (-6.57%). ANNs maps reflect the mentioned bone quality improvements. Teriparatide appears to ameliorate not only BMD and TBS, but also BSI, suggesting an increase of bone strength that may explain the known reduction in fracture risk, not simply justified by BMD increase. BSI appears to be a sensitive index of TPD effect. ANNs appears to be a valid tool to investigate complex clinical systems

    Investigation of VOCs associated with different characteristics of breast cancer cells

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    The efficacy of breath volatile organic compounds (VOCs) analysis for the screening of patients bearing breast cancer lesions has been demonstrated by using gas chromatography and artificial olfactory systems. On the other hand, in-vitro studies suggest that VOCs detection could also give important indications regarding molecular and tumorigenic characteristics of tumor cells. Aim of this study was to analyze VOCs in the headspace of breast cancer cell lines in order to ascertain the potentiality of VOCs signatures in giving information about these cells and set-up a new sensor system able to detect breast tumor-associated VOCs. We identified by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis a VOCs signature that discriminates breast cancer cells for: i) transformed condition; ii) cell doubling time (CDT); iii) Estrogen and Progesterone Receptors (ER, PgR) expression, and HER2 overexpression. Moreover, the signals obtained from a temperature modulated metal oxide semiconductor gas sensor can be classified in order to recognize VOCs signatures associated with breast cancer cells, CDT and ER expression. Our results demonstrate that VOCs analysis could give clinically relevant information about proliferative and molecular features of breast cancer cells and pose the basis for the optimization of a low-cost diagnostic device to be used for tumors characterization

    Immune-modulating effects of bevacizumab in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer patients

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    The mPEBev is an anticancer regimen which combines a chemotherapy doublet, based on cisplatin and oral etoposide (mPE), with bevacizumab (mPEBev), a mAb targeting the vasculo-endothelial growth factor (VEGF). In previous studies, this regimen showed powerful anti-angiogenetic effects and significant antitumor activity in metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (mNSCLC) patients. We also recorded the best benefit in patients exhibiting low-systemic inflammatory profile at baseline. On these bases, we hypothesized that mPEBev antitumor activity could be partially related to bevacizumab-associated immunological effects. For this reason, we performed an immunological monitoring in 59 out of 120 stage IIIb-IV NSCLC patients enrolled in the BEVA2007 phase II trial, who received fractioned cisplatin (30 mg/sqm days 1-3q21) and oral etoposide (50 mg, days 1-15q21) (mPE doublet) ±bevacizumab. In this group of patients, 12 received the mPE doublet alone and 47 the doublet in combination with bevacizumab (5 mg/kg on the day 3q21; mPEBev regimen). Blood cell counts, serum analysis, multiplex cytokine assay and immunocytofluorimetric analysis, performed on baseline and post-treatment on blood samples from these patients, revealed that bevacizumab addition to the doublet decreased levels of pro-angiogenic (VEGF, Angiostatin-1 and Follistatin) and inflammatory cytokines (interferon (IFN)γ, IL4 and IL17), improved in vivo and in vitro cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) response and promoted dendritic cell activation. These results suggest that the mPEBev regimen improve the micro-environmental conditions for an efficient antigen-specific CTL response, making it a feasible candidate regimen to be assessed in combination with immune-checkpoint inhibitors in NSCLC patients

    Phase Ib study of poly-epitope peptide vaccination to thymidylate synthase (TSPP) and GOLFIG chemo-immunotherapy for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    ABSTRACT: Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a tumor-associated enzyme critical for DNA replication and main 5′-fluorouracil (5′-FU) target. TSPP/VAC1 is a multi-arm trial phase-Ib trial program aimed to investigate the toxicity and biomodulatory activity of a poly-epitope-peptide vaccine to TS (TSPP) in cancer patients (pts). Here, we present the results of the TSPP/VAC1/arm C trial aimed to evaluate TSPP in combination with chemo-immunotherapy in pretreated metastatic colo-rectal cancer (mCRC) pts. Twenty-nine pts, 14 males and 15 females, received poly-chemotherapy with gemcitabine [GEM; 1,000 mg/sqm, day-1], oxaliplatin [OX; 80 mg/sqm, day-2], levofolinate [100 mg/sqm, days 1–2], bolus/infusional 5′-FU [400 mg/800 mg/sqm, days 1–2], sargramostim [50 ÎĽg, days 3–7/q30], and interleukin-2 [sc. 0.5 MIU twice a day, days 8–14/18–30] [GOLFIG-regimen]. Seventeen pts received sc. TSPP injections at escalating dosage [3 pts, 100 Âµg (DL-1); 3 pts, 200 Âµg (DL-2) and 11pts, 300 Âµg (DL-3)] one week after each chemotherapy cycle (concomitant module), while 10 out 12 pts received TSPP (300 Âµg) after 12 GOLFIG courses [dose level (DL)-0] (sequential module). TSPP MTD was not achieved. Adverse events consisted in swelling/erythema at injection sites (17 cases), G1–2 haematological (16 cases) and gastro-enteric events (12), fever, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and poly-arthralgia and rise in auto-antibodies [ANA, ENA, c-ANCA, p-ANCA in the DL1–3 pts]. Both treatment-modules showed immunomodulating and antitumor activity (disease-control-rate, DL1–3 and DL0 were 70.6% and 83.3%, respectively) with a better survival recorded in the second group [median OS DL1–3 vs. DL0 = 8 vs. 16 mo, p = 0.049]. The promising long-term survival produced by the sequential treatment module deserves further phase II evaluation

    Bone strain index reproducibility and soft tissue thickness influence : a dual x-ray photon absorptiometry phantom study

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    Background: Bone strain index (BSI) is a tool measuring bone strain, derived from dual x-ray photon absorptiometry. It is able to characterise an aspect of bone quality that, joined to the quantity and quality parameters of bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS), permits an accurate definition of fracture risk. As no data are available about BSI precision, our aim was to assess its in vitro reproducibility. Methods: A Hologic spine phantom was used to perform BSI scans with three different scan modes: fast array (FA), array (A), and high definition (HD). Different soft tissue thicknesses (1, 3, 6 cm) of fresh pork rind layers as a surrogate of abdominal fat were interposed. For each scan mode, the phantom was consecutively scanned 25 times without repositioning. Results: In all scan modes (FA, A, HD) and at every fat thickness, BSI reproducibility was lower than that of BMD. The highest reproducibility was found using HD-mode with 1 cm of pork rind and the lowest one using HD-mode with 6 cm of pork rind. Increasing fat thickness, BSI reproducibility tended to decrease. BSI least significant change appeared to be about three times that of BMD in all modalities and fat thicknesses. Without pork rind superimposition and with 1-cm fat layer, BSI reproducibility was highest with HD-mode; with 3 or 6 cm fat thickness, it was higher with A-mode. Conclusions: BSI reproducibility was worse than that of BMD, but it is less sensitive to fat thickness increase, similarly to TBS

    The role of carboxy-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen, dual x-ray absorptiometry bone strain and Romberg test in a new osteoporotic fracture risk evaluation : a proposal from an observational study

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    The consolidated way of diagnosing and treating osteoporosis in order to prevent fragility fractures has recently been questioned by some papers, which complained of overdiagnosis and consequent overtreatment of this pathology with underestimating other causes of the fragility fractures, like falls. A new clinical approach is proposed for identifying the subgroup of patients prone to fragility fractures. This retrospective observational study was conducted from January to June 2015 at the Nuclear Medicine-Bone Metabolic Unit of the of the Fondazione IRCCS Ca\u2019 Granda, Milan, Italy. An Italian population of 125 consecutive postmenopausal women was investigated for bone quantity and bone quality. Patients with neurological diseases regarding balance and vestibular dysfunction, sarcopenia, past or current history of diseases and use of drugs known to affect bone metabolism were excluded. Dual X-ray absorptiometry was used to assess bone quantity (bone mineral density) and bone quality (trabecular bone score and bone strain). Biochemical markers of bone turnover (type I collagen carboxy-terminal telopeptide, alkaline phosphatase, vitamin D) have been measured. Morphometric fractures have been searched by spine radiography. Balance was evaluated by the Romberg test. The data were evaluated with the neural network analysis using the Auto Contractive Map algorithm. The resulting semantic map shows the Minimal Spanning Tree and the Maximally Regular Graph of the interrelations between bone status parameters, balance conditions and fractures of the studied population. A low fracture risk seems to be related to a low car-boxy-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type I collagen level, whereas a positive Romberg test, together with compromised bone trabecular microarchitecture DXA parameters, appears to be strictly connected with fragility fractures. A simple assessment of the risk of fragility fracture is proposed in order to identify those frail patients at risk for osteoporotic fractures, who may have the best benefit from a pharmacological and physiotherapeutic approach

    Impact of erythrocyte species on assays for influenza serology

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    The influenza viruses have the ability to agglutinate erythrocytes by binding to sialic acid receptors on the host cell. Human influenza viruses preferentially bind to sialic acid linked to galactose by α 2.6 linkage, while avian influenza viruses preferentially bind to sialic acid linked to Gal by α 2.3 linkage. There is a close correlation between the ability of influenza A viruses to agglutinate erythrocytes from different animal species and their receptor specificity. The haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition assays are influenced by the species of erythrocytes. To provide an overview of the expression of sialic acid receptors on different erythrocytes, avian (turkey, chicken, pigeon) and mammalian (sheep, horse, human) species have been analysed by flow cytometry. Chicken, turkey and human erythrocytes display both types of linkages. Horse and sheep erythrocytes show almost exclusively α 2.3 Gal linkages, while pigeon erythrocytes express almost exclusively α 2.6 Gal linkages. The erythrocytes from the same avian and mammalian species have been evaluated by haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition assays with seasonal and avian strains. Chicken and turkey erythrocytes seem to be the most appropriate for both assays with seasonal influenza strains, in addition to pigeon erythrocytes, particularly for the B strains. In the case of the avian strain, chicken erythrocytes are suitable for haemagglutination assay and horse erythrocytes for haemagglutination inhibition assay. The choice of erythrocytes has a significant impact on the titres measured by both assays
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